How To Attract A Rich Man

Hm, I would say if the relationship devolves over a pre-nup (either party) that the relationship wasn't very strong.

True, some UE marriages are not strong which is why the men sometimes have starter wives, 2nd wives, 3rd wives & 4th wives.
True, some UE marriages are not strong which is why the men sometimes have starter wives, 2nd wives, 3rd wives & 4th wives.

No different that the average strength of marriages in other income brackets. In fact, lower SES is positively correlated with divorce. Now whether that's a matter of correlation or causation is a matter of debate, nonetheless the fact stands on it's own.
Yikes. Well at least I won't have to buy or rent clubs. My ex always golfs. I wonder if he has a membership. If so I surely will ask to use it.

You can typically get a bucket of balls for the driving range for $10-$15. You don't want to actually start playing on the course until you got some skills anyway. Plus, the driving range is where the big, strong, rich men can help you improve you swing.
You can typically get a bucket of balls for the driving range for $10-$15. You don't want to actually start playing on the course until you got some skills anyway. Plus, the driving range is where the big, strong, rich men can help you improve you swing.
Definitely go to the driving range. :yep: Don't be all giggly and stupid - you don't have to be serious but act like you're there to do something, not just meet men.

Plus, to pay 9-18 holes usually costs $30+ and you don't want to be out there sprayin' balls all over the place...that could work against you. :lol:
Doesnt mean married men dont have friends wealthy. Anywho just putting out info for any DMv ladies to know what type of men may be there.
Prenups are fine and practical but don't let him use that psychology on you making you feel like a golddigger. And for goodness sakes, don't be like that dumb Elin Woods and fail to put a cheating clause in there. She got lucky and was able to renegotiate. Everybody isnt that fortunate.
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nathansgirl1908 said:
Prenups are fine and practical but don't let him use that psychology on you making you feel like a golddigger. And for goodness sakes, don't be like that dumb Elin Woods and fail to put a cheating clause in there. She got lucky and was able to renegotiate. Everybody isnt that fortunate.

Right. I would be totally fine with a prenup because what you're not gonna do is cheat without ringing me up some extra compensation. And if you have an issue with that as my fiancé, I have questions, concerns, and comments.

I think it's better to negotiate a prenup to your best favor than to fight it, because that gives you a better argument for leverage anyway. His thing is gonna be: I don't plan on us getting divorced, I'm just being responsible. So in wanting to add your own clauses that permit you certain luxuries and rights in the event that he cheats or abandons the marriage, your response to any objection from him is: I don't expect you do any of that but I'm being responsible. What are you afraid of, darling fiancé? :look: :bat: :) :look: :)

Eta: not "argument" argument. Assertion. Response. You know :look:
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So, I just checked my flight info for my Chicago trip. I get in at like noon and my sis arrives at 10pm.

So Chicago Ladies where should I go for lunch that will have businessmen/wealthy people?

And where should I do happy hr?!

This is gonna force me to test myself and practice.
Random quotes from a book that's been mentioned already...:sekret:

Honor and Integrity with Yourself

Your biggest ally for success is secrecy. It is best not to let your friends relatives know what your intentions are, or they may try to interfere.

Simply find a new job in another city or in another part of town. Then locate an apartment, and move.

Announce that you have already moved and taken another job afterward. In order to reach your goals, you must take charge of your own life and not live it to please anybody else.

Be Undaunted by Your Critics

Don't be concerned if people criticize you if they figure out that ou are seeking a mate among the Rich.

After all, you are seeking a mate for reasons that the mate has some control over. Many of your crictics seek a mate for physical appearance-something a person has no genetic control over.

Remember, criteria exist for them too. They criticize your values only because your values do not agree with theirs. Just let it be water off a duck's back.

A friend of mine said, "I've seen men snarl the word 'gold digger' at a woman. Then I've seen those same men go into the nearest bar, looking for the biggest-breasted bleach blond and ignore the sincere little lady with spectacles and a flat chest, and they call gold diggers shallow?"

13. Initiate Talk

Confident people aren't afraid of being misinterpreted by simple greetings or casual friendliness.

People lacking confidence are afraid they will seem as if they are desperate and that they will be interpreted as coming on to someone if they speak or behave in a friendly way.

As long as you are in a safe situation, speak and interact with people.

I like to believe that inside every person is a millionaire waiting to be inspired. Maybe you're the one who can trigger the goal, by treating everyone as if they are a millionaire.

Live your own life your own way, with your own morals and do not apologize to anyone.

At the same time, be a charmer of happy interaction for people you meet. When you talk to someone, you are recognizing that person. You consider the person worthwhile, and that's a nice, daily gift.
So, I just checked my flight info for my Chicago trip. I get in at like noon and my sis arrives at 10pm.

So Chicago Ladies where should I go for lunch that will have businessmen/wealthy people?

And where should I do happy hr?!

This is gonna force me to test myself and practice.
What part of town are you in?

If you're downtown or near the loop and its before 7 pm:
The bar at GT Oyster
The bar at Chicago Q
The bar at the Sofitel hotel (old town) - its a lot of European men (Spanish, French, Italian, Swiss etc).
Watershed (in Pops for Champagne)
What part of town are you in?

If you're downtown or near the loop and its before 7 pm:
The bar at GT Oyster
The bar at Chicago Q
The bar at the Sofitel hotel (old town) - its a lot of European men (Spanish, French, Italian, Swiss etc).
Watershed (in Pops for Champagne)

My hotel is in the loop. :)

Are these also good places to do lunch Syrah ?
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What part of town are you in?

If you're downtown or near the loop and its before 7 pm:
The bar at GT Oyster
The bar at Chicago Q
The bar at the Sofitel hotel (old town) - its a lot of European men (Spanish, French, Italian, Swiss etc).
Watershed (in Pops for Champagne)

I have a friend who wants to relocate to Houston. Where are the good places for her to go to meet European men. She likes Germans. lol Are they locals?
Ok, so tonight I went to a new steakhouse in my hood. I just bought a drink at the relatively empty bar. While I stood there the guy next to me stopped speaking to the lady on his left and began speaking to the lady on his right...Me. He started the Honeywell company. I wore a pretty dress, modest & beautiful 2" heels and my hair was down (mid back-flat ironed natural). He was old though.

A couple of guys were overhearing our conversation. We were talking As soon as he got up to go to the bathroom, they swarmed around me and started talking. I gave one of them my number.

My point: Always be friendly and approachable to all men that respectfully speak to you. The man you really want could be watching and taking notes. He may base his decision of approaching you on how you treated the other guys before him.
Another thing I noticed about the wealthy men at the steakhouse is that they had questionable personalities. One guy was a straight up jerk to some women who asked for the seat next to him. Other men had this calculating they seemed to be holding back, shy, scared.

My point is ladies you have to filter. Make sure your rich man has deep pockets but also an amazing personality and excellent character.
Another thing I noticed about the wealthy men at the steakhouse is that they had questionable personalities. One guy was a straight up jerk to some women who asked for the seat next to him. Other men had this calculating they seemed to be holding back, shy, scared.

My point is ladies you have to filter. Make sure your rich man has deep pockets but also an amazing personality and excellent character.

I agree which is why I cringe whenever I see this thread title. I have always been able to date men who where financially well off. However, I learned the hard way that the character was not always there. Be careful what you wish for.
Ok, so tonight I went to a new steakhouse in my hood. I just bought a drink at the relatively empty bar. While I stood there the guy next to me stopped speaking to the lady on his left and began speaking to the lady on his right...Me. He started the Honeywell company. I wore a pretty dress, modest & beautiful 2" heels and my hair was down (mid back-flat ironed natural). He was old though.

A couple of guys were overhearing our conversation. We were talking As soon as he got up to go to the bathroom, they swarmed around me and started talking. I gave one of them my number.

My point: Always be friendly and approachable to all men that respectfully speak to you. The man you really want could be watching and taking notes. He may base his decision of approaching you on how you treated the other guys before him.

Well go 'head on then. Honeywell is one of our biggest clients...haha

This is so key.

Wish we had a private little progress thread just to share interactions and stories, would be cool.
So I just googled Honeywell's history to confirm and now I'm sure the guy I met tonight played a key role in jump starting the success of the Honeywell company many years ago. But the company was founded in 1906...not by him.

Another tip: Make sure the guy is clear & honest before you consider him as an option. I would have still loved to add him to my network (partner @ a top consulting firm for majority of his career) but the other guys @ the bar chatted me up & Mr. Honeywell Co went home.
I would think that assessing personality/morals/ethics/character/values etc, would be prudent for screening any man, poor, average, or rich. This thread is about attracting, which is only the first step in mating with any type of man, regardless of socioeconomic status. After the attraction phase, women will then screen and filter based on their own personal beliefs, tastes, and needs.

I think the women here are smart enough to know that we are discussing stage one, so I'm not understanding the utility in rehashing the personality and character stuff, which, as I said, is a given and certainly not something exclusive to screening "rich" men. Do people really not know to check a man's character/moral fiber before entering a relationship with him? Like, real live adult women are not aware of this? :look:

I feel like we can move on. :yawn:
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I didn't think at all that the women in this thread would settle for a guy without looking at other factors just because he's rich. It's just helping us find how to get the ball rolling. Just as with dating period, you get to know people. Plenty of the posters above mentioned the different wealthy guys they dated but there were also reasons it didn't work out for some. They didn't stay with them just because they were rich. Men can be jerks no matter what status they have.

I also want to find a tall man. So if I start a thread asking where to meet tall guys then it doesn't mean that I don't care what kind of character he has. No matter how I dress or look I always feel like I'm being myself and I care how I'm represented. I can't just come out of the house with sweats, a holy t-shirt and a scarf and say accept me as I am and expect to find prince charming. It happens sometimes but hey, you know what I mean.

I really hope this thread doesn't get derailed because I enjoyed the advice given to me.

Had to read, then re-read,then re-read but then.... I got it and I agree!
I believe in finding a man who can/will/wants to/is driven to/does make $$$$$$$$$.

I also understand that after a certain point or age, ain't nobody got time for getting with a man with "potential" and starting the sometimes painfully slow, frustrating task of building your wealth together- I get that.


Once you've found the right man and he's got the wealth and puts a ring on it- would you sign a prenup if he asked? I'm thinking of this hypothetically and even I'm torn on this.

In my 20's=yup! Now, that I am embracing my worth= Most Assuredly NOT!
I am such a rookie!!!

So I met a guy while pretending I was registering for a membership at one of the golf clubs here. Now this guy said he has 2 businesses (which mind u he didn't elaborate on), he said he had property in Miami & Palm Beach (but then he said he lives in a condo). Guys, the general conversation was good but I was trying hard not to be soooo interested because I couldn't for the life of me tell if this guy had money or not. I didnt want to 'like' another average guy (my current weakness). I wanted to just come straight out & ask him, 'DO YOU OR DO YOU NOT MAKE 6 FIGURES?!" BOL!!! I know that's bad but I want to change the type of guys I date just once! Anyhoo, we are going on an official date this evening. Any pointers for me ladies?

I want to outright admit that I'm not in the mood to do my hair & was leaning on wearing a boring bun. smh. Sigh... I have so much to learn. LOL