How To Attract A Rich Man

Some playboys seem to be able to "play" like the marrying type. Any tips to see through this? Or is it basically just the pretty obvious stuff?

can pretty much sniff them out now, and I think that the way you carry yourself filters out these types too (because after a while your "aura" speaks for you before you do that you are the marrying type, the don't play around type, the type for keeps) but there are other things that you can do:

1) His actions. See if he's all talk. Make sure what he says is consistent with his actions. Anytime he says one thing and does another should be a red flag.

2) Does he respect your opinion or try to make you feel guilty if you don't do what he wants? This can apply to others of course, but playboys are master manipulators. They want you to say yes yes yes so they can hit it and quit it so they'll start to groom you to see what they can get out of you.

3) If he is already talking about sex even playfully he's not the one for you on date one two or three period.

4) B.s talk. If he sounds like he has a list of "icebreakers" so to speak for women (and he's not "real") when he approaches you, it's more than likely he uses them all the time. YOu don't want the guy who is out to just get numbers every weekend.

5) Hey sexy. I do not respond to a guy who starts with this, or comments on my body. NO. You can say I'm pretty or beautiful, that's a comment about my overall image, but sexy means you're thinking of something else, Talking about my body parts means that you're trying to groom me to start thinking intimately from the beginning.:nono:

6) His friends. Are most married or single? (If they are getting married or married, he's more than likely on that path too. That doesn't mean it's the boot for a guy who has single friends but it is something to note. And if his friends are single, is he always going "out" on the prowl with them saying he just wants to be with his "boys" or is he giving them the boot to spend time with you?)

and yes I agree with the sex thing

7)Sex: Do not be so eager. You don't have to be like me, but being a woman who is selective, means something. It means that you are not just interested in anyone and that means that you are now in the driver's seat. It's not about sex as much as it is saying that you have standards and you pick and choose carefully and if he isn't the right guy, he won't get anywhere near your bedroom much less another date.

I am abstinent until marriage. I don't recommend this for everyone it's my own personal thing...but I do believe in leaving out sex at least until you are at least in a serious relationship (or okay at least monogamous). I prefer at least serious (and tell my friends to say that if they ask me about matchmaking stuff).

That will weed out guys who want to hit and run. Oh and never ever tell them that you have a time limit (like three months). Some will rotate you (date other women and you) until they hit that mark (seen it happen to friends) and then bounce after getting what they were after initially. A player will play that smart by pretending to wait. So to filter that, never have a time limit.

Much better to not say anything about it and just go on dates, until it comes up and then tell him that you want to be in a serious relationship when you have sex, and that you will determine when the time is right, and with who after that because to you it's about connecting on an emotional level first. So you don't have a time limit, but it's definitely not something that comes at the beginning of a relationship for you. Or if you're abstinent you can say that too at that time, or whatever.

Whatever you say, never apologize for it. Mean it, back it, say it nonchalantly and move on. If he asks more, just tell him you are not into running from guy to guy, you want a serious connection and think it's a great way for you to get to know each other in the mean time without adding sex in the mix. And though that can be great too, you are not one to run from buy to guy.:look:

This will filter out the serious ones. The playboys may stay for a second but they will realize you mean it, and move on.

This is not to hold a guy by the you know what. This should be a natural extension of your standards. You don't just date any guy, and you don't just have sex with any and every person. Doesn't mean you are up tight, just means that you value and want to choose the right guy before going this route (whatever that means to you and time line is up to you).

Is he introducing you to family, to friends, to everyone important in his life, or are you hidden?

Does he text you more than he calls you?:nono: Does he make plans at the last minute...NEXT.

Is he setting dates on date nights or during the week? Is he setting "coffee dates or real dates? How much thought is he putting into these dates.

Is he trying to meet your family and friends?

Does he start to assume the important occasions belong to you, and reserve date night for you? Does he call often, does he go out of his way to show you that he cares?

How much access do you have to his life? Is he a closed or open book?

This is not to be confused with promise guy. Promise guy to me is the guy who says on the first date "when we get married":lachen: you just met. That's playa category.

There are probably a million more but that's off the top of my head.
What in the world?

I knew that would sound funny :lol: I say that cause straight white teeth look gorgeous against dark skin (it def makes me look more attractive). But, by contrast, if your teeth are jacked up, it'll be more noticeable on dark skin. Now this is from my own experience and from those of my friends, you may notice different yourself.

:lachen: she said don't quote Rule breaking is not UE bosswitch are you dark skinned?

yep :yep:. That's me in my profile pic. where'd you get them pants in your siggie PretteePlease ?
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One last note from me :)

Be confident and know that you are worthy of any guy that approaches you. Guys are drawn to confident women. Tell yourself that you are the prize and not the other way around, guys can pick up on insecurities a mile away. And remember, don't feel bad if you go out and don't meet anyone, guys are always looking and you never know when you will run into a good one twice. Successful guys like a woman who knows how to conduct herself in public :)
@bosswitch !!! I was trying to page you into this thread but didn't know how to mention. Please share more tips, I know you were the one who boldly started the first thread :grin:

I can't really think of anything else to add that hasn't already been mentioned (plus I really hate typing :lachen: if you have any specific questions, feel free to ask here or PM). Dating and attracting rich guys is pretty much the same as attracting any man; you just have to put yourself in the right space to meet them and limit your dating pool. Even though I live in a place with a lot of well off guys, I made the mistake of hanging out in the wrong places with the wrong people. So I started hanging out with people who were "about that life" and in more upscale areas. It's crazy what a change of setting can do; I had probably met more eligible men in a month of using the gym and jacuzzi in my building than I had in the previous year.

Also, I'm going to second getting invovled in extreme sports, running and golf. All the young, rich guys I know are into at least one of those sports. Me and SO started hanging out together because we lifted weights together.

It doesn't hurt to be pretty successful careerwise. It's mostly for yourself of course, but a lot of the wealthy guys I meet really dig that whole "power couple" thing. It'll also qualm most fears about you being a gold digger.

If you're simply looking for a guy who make over $100k, don't sleep on tradesmen, esp oil rig workers and miners. Those guys make about that much and are away from any female contact for up to 1 month at a time. They're usually starving for female attention (not just sex) when they get back. If you play your cards right you can have them spending lots of time and money on you when they're in town. Of course, not good for anything serious...

ETA: a good movie to watch is "gentlemen prefer blondes." Marilyn Monroe in that movie is a good example of being vapid and ego-stroking. I aim to be a moderate version of her.

I know many of y'all are looking at this like "hell yeah, I'm about that life, let me get on this real quick" but you fall off only after 1 month. My challenge to you is to keep on this and I guarantee that you won't regret it. We have to put up with a lot of BS in the dating world, so we might as well make it worth our while, no?
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DMV ladies: what are some high class gyms, golf courses, etc that I can visit to test this out. Like if I were hm in LA I'd join Equinox (in fact I told my sister to join so we could meet men lol).
This thread seems to be more about faking it to get at his money rather than seeking out a life mate that will be a very capable provider for your family. It is part of the marriage deal to provide/nurture but how many giving out advice on how to snag will divulge their plans to the guy? Or hope he doesn't catch on yet? Do you actually love the dood?
This thread seems to be more about faking it to get at his money rather than seeking out a life mate that will be a very capable provider for your family. It is part of the marriage deal to provide/nurture but how many giving out advice on how to snag will divulge their plans to the guy? Or hope he doesn't catch on yet? Do you actually love the dood? freaking duh. I don't think anyone wants to marry a rich loser. But if I can marry a poor, good man , I can marry a wealthy, good man.

I don't think you've actually read the thread. :look:
This thread seems to be more about faking it to get at his money rather than seeking out a life mate that will be a very capable provider for your family. It is part of the marriage deal to provide/nurture but how many giving out advice on how to snag will divulge their plans to the guy? Or hope he doesn't catch on yet? Do you actually love the dood?

I agree.

It looks like it's turning into a scheming to get a man instead of honestly looking for a husband and father to one's children.

I see a lot of financial security talk but none about a man's character.

I'm just saying.
i'm single and ready to mingle.
there are frogs and princes in every tax bracket.
so....i'd rather kiss frogs with yachts :lol:
This thread seems to be more about faking it to get at his money rather than seeking out a life mate that will be a very capable provider for your family. It is part of the marriage deal to provide/nurture but how many giving out advice on how to snag will divulge their plans to the guy? Or hope he doesn't catch on yet? Do you actually love the dood?

I think this thread is clearly about intentionally doing things that will give you a higher chance of marrying well. I see what you mean about 'faking it' but to me it's about being your best self and a lot of the dating advice advocates this anyway. As far as telling the guy you're intentionally dating really successful guys, it's not necessary because you're not doing anything nefarious or deceitful, just being discriminating with who you plan to end up with. I think what you're think may be golddigging? Which is a whole different set of rules. The men know from jump what you want and surprisingly don't mind at all if you know what you're doing. That's above my skill level though.

For me personally I've always been kinda bourgeoisie so this is right up my alley and I'm not faking about anything. It's funny because I don't even care for flash or designer labels but it's an aura people pick up I guess.

Yes, I definitely must be in love! I thought others posting felt the same too. :)
Tennis matches are my thing. Sit there and comment the whole time. :lol:

OT: Did you know that almost every year, there are more tennis scholarships available than there are kids to receive them? Not just for college either. Many private high schools give athletic scholarships for tennis.

:yep::yep:Soccer, basketball, name it. They will give your child a full ride if they play sports.
and here they come......

Actually, pretty far back in the thread, I was very supportive because a woman needs a good provider - not a struggling one. I never schemed to get any man...was just myself. Seriously, character (you all and those men) of any concern? That's all the question was about.
I don't mean to be rude to you ladies but it seems if a woman is really trying to find a man that is wealthy, and the pickings are slim...she may eventually become so desperate for a wealthy man that she will settle with whatever character of wealthy man is out there which can lead to more harm than good.
The thread is titled, "How to Attract a Rich Man," not "How to Attract a Man of Character," or "How to Attract a Man With a Great Personality."
I think this thread is clearly about intentionally doing things that will give you a higher chance of marrying well. I see what you mean about 'faking it' but to me it's about being your best self and a lot of the dating advice advocates this anyway. As far as telling the guy you're intentionally dating really successful guys, it's not necessary because you're not doing anything nefarious or deceitful, just being discriminating with who you plan to end up with. I think what you're think may be golddigging? Which is a whole different set of rules. The men know from jump what you want and surprisingly don't mind at all if you know what you're doing. That's above my skill level though.

For me personally I've always been kinda bourgeoisie so this is right up my alley and I'm not faking about anything. It's funny because I don't even care for flash or designer labels but it's an aura people pick up I guess.

Yes, I definitely must be in love! I thought others posting felt the same too. :)

I'm additionally questioning the advice to do specific things you ordinarily don't do, such as donning certain types of makeup, procedures, clothing, taking up a sport you have no interest in or whatever it would be. Basically, putting on aires ...when you could take up something new to boost your own self first...get that straight first and you're broadening your horizons naturally.

If a woman is more interested in attracting a man rather than developing herself first and increasing her knowledge in any aspect of life, imho, that's problematic.

RocStar I said, I was very supportive in my earlier posts....meeting someone of your same desired values. This, I assumed, was a continuation of the locked thread on choosing well. There's a fine line between looking for an accomplished man to partner with in marriage (every culture on earth does this) and just trying to fake yourself so it he latches onto you and you get into his bank account. Carry on...don't mind me.
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I agree.

It looks like it's turning into a scheming to get a man instead of honestly looking for a husband and father to one's children.

I see a lot of financial security talk but none about a man's character.

I'm just saying.

For me, financial security is just a prerequisite to date. :look: During the dating phase is where I evaluate his character. I have dated broke and that ish ain't no fun. :lachen:
Actually, pretty far back in the thread, I was very supportive because a woman needs a good provider - not a struggling one. I never schemed to get any man...was just myself. Seriously, character (you all and those men) of any concern? That's all the question was about.

I was tagged to this thread. I answered the question(s). The question is "How to Attract a Rich Man." Nowhere do I state my own relationship interests and I do not feel its my place to judge others reasons for entering into a relationship or marriage of any kind. No shade or judgment from me. Do you boo. Every woman deserves to opportunity to get what she wants, marry the man of her dreams, etcetera etcetera. Any way that I can help, I am sure to be of assistance.

Some women find charater of the utmost importance, and I do to. It's on the bottom of the totem pole for other women. Wheverevr character lies, character has nothing to do with one's socioeconmic status. There are crap rich men and crap poor men. So as far as this subject matter goes, assuming there is lack of investment in a man's character is simply a projection.
I don't mean to be rude to you ladies but it seems if a woman is really trying to find a man that is educated, and the pickings are slim...she may eventually become so desperate for an educated man that she will settle with whatever character of educated man is out there which can lead to more harm than good.

I don't mean to be rude to you ladies but it seems if a woman is really trying to find a man that is handsome, and the pickings are slim...she may eventually become so desperate for a handsome man that she will settle with whatever character of handsome man is out there which can lead to more harm than good.

I don't mean to be rude to you ladies but it seems if a woman is really trying to find a man that is black, and the pickings are slim...she may eventually become so desperate for a black man that she will settle with whatever character of black man is out there which can lead to more harm than good.

I don't mean to be rude to you ladies but it seems if a woman is really trying to find a man that is healthy, and the pickings are slim...she may eventually become so desperate for a healthy man that she will settle with whatever character of healthy man is out there which can lead to more harm than good.

I replaced the word "wealthy" with the other characteristics that women want so you see how your warning applies to every other characteristic.

Conclusion: "wealthy" is a criterion like any other but it's funny that all warnings and sanctimoniousness only shows up for "wealth."

SO, those of you who want to talk about how wealth shouldn't be a criterion, how about you leave us alone and exit this thread. :rolleyes:
I was tagged to this thread. I answered the question(s). The question is "How to Attract a Rich Man." Nowhere do I state my own relationship interests and I do not feel its my place to judge others reasons for entering into a relationship or marriage of any kind. No shade or judgment from me. Do you boo. Every woman deserves to opportunity to get what she wants, marry the man of her dreams, etcetera etcetera. Any way that I can help, I am sure to be of assistance.

Some women find charater of the utmost importance, and I do to. It's on the bottom of the totem pole for other women. Wheverevr character lies, character has nothing to do with one's socioeconmic status. There are crap rich men and crap poor men. So as far as this subject matter goes, assuming there is lack of investment in a man's character is simply a projection.

I know you BarbieSocialite....I know you are not above judging folks! :lachen:Don't know if you saw my list on what to look for...I ain't naive :lol: I'm also in those UE threads gurl!

When someone asks, there sure is a lot of anger lolz. I mean, if folks are hustling, hey, don't apologize nor become defensive. In essence, working on getting his money but not working on self-improvement aside from the dating issue (which would automatically attract others naturally)...that's what first caught my eye. Are women looking for the long-haul or something temporary? What do they think would happen if a man were a fly on this wall (serious guys who want a wifie)? It's a question, shrugs. And I'll say it again....thought this was the continuation of the locked one one on how to choose better men...wealth was mentioned but somebody got it clanked.
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Actually, pretty far back in the thread, I was very supportive because a woman needs a good provider - not a struggling one. I never schemed to get any man...was just myself. Seriously, character (you all and those men) of any concern? That's all the question was about.
Define scheming. :rolleyes:

If by putting myself in places that would allow me to attract a man that would be supportive of me quitting my high paying job to start a business while he held it down for the two of us, or dressing in a way that was probably more suitable for my age bracket and what I'm trying to do, or being more consistent with my physical fitness and maintaing my shape, or by learning about topics that would allow me to converse with men and women that would make it possible for me to start a business is scheming.

Then yes. I am a schemer. :)

And you have to meet a man before you can investigate his character. Might as well investigate the character of a man who has the ability to contribute to some of your other goals.
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Listen, my thread, my rules. Don't bring no drama up in here! If you got issues with it, start your own thread. This one will remain OPEN.