how often do you

It's been like a 25 year old as of late -- 2x a day every day. Today was an unexpected rest day. Looking forward to tomorrow though! Yasss!!
You've been using Skype, huh? Google hangouts has better quality video. The phone is nice, it feels so 90's. :lol:

ETA: Sending a random video is cool also.

:lol: Yes and I wondered about Google Hangouts. I think we'll try that because the last couple times Skype was going in and out and killed the sexy. :look: The phone does feel old school though and we do that often.

We're also dealing with the time difference - he's in LA and I'm in NY. 3 hours difference doesn't sound like a lot but man oh man when he calls at 1:30am and I'm dying for sleep while he's just settling in at 10:30pm, I have to remember that I haven't had sex in a month and just get on with it. It helps that his voice is sexy.
Married 8 years. Color maybe a couple times per month. My drive is a lot higher than his. If I had my way it'd be 3-4 times per week. Oh well.
You've been using Skype, huh? Google hangouts has better quality video. The phone is nice, it feels so 90's. :lol: ETA: Sending a random video is cool also.

I can not stand Skype. I don't know how it's so popular when the quality is so poor.
^^ Who you telling? The last time it was just a hot mess going in and out. I just disconnected in the middle of it all and called him.
Im a busy girl. With my exH it was 2 - 3x a week for 20yrs

The man after like once a day

My last bf...well...we could hardly get out of bed. :look::giggle:

Being celibate between relationships is very difficult for me
It depends on the guy and our sexual chemistry. I have a low sex drive so I really have to have sexual chemistry with the man. My first and I used to do it every day, several times a day. My ex fiancé and I probably did maybe 2-3 times a month because we weren't sexually compatible (we saw each other daily). My ex and I did it every day, several times a day. We were like teenagers that couldn't get enough of each other. I like short sessions 30mins, so I can take a nap, eat and do it again later. Also, I hate to sweat, my ex used to sweat a lot so our sessions were shorter.

I also like to color outside/in public. I enjoy the rush of almost getting caught and/or knowing that people may see me. Also, because it's fun to do it in new/different places to create different memories. I look forward to the day I am apart of the 'Mile-High Club'
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married no kids...everyday...mixture of quickies or marathons..but we've always been like that...

im sure when kids come into play it will die down some but we rock and roll like that...

the other day i wasnt feeling so well and we did actually made me feel better..lmaooo :look:
I see my boyfriend on weekends mostly and we have sex everytime we see each other. We're sexually compatible, we like long and intense sessions.
I only see him on weekends, Friday night he'll come thru the door, pick me up and carry me straight to the bed :lol: so usually two or 3 times Friday and Saturday and once Sunday if we have time. Lately it's lowered to once a day, my libido has dropped since I started experiencing sporadic pain that still has gone undiagnosed. :( hopefully it'll get figured out someday and then mi a go back pon di horse :look:
I have a really high sex drive so multiple times a day, I want it to last long and I want it as often as possible :-) .....maybe thats why my ex's always want to get back with me :look:

Eta: and I work 60+ hours a week
3-4x a week usually. Died down when DD came into the picture. I'm fine with that.

It seems like my sex drive plummeted when dd arrived. I complained to my gyn about the birth control causing my libido to take a nose dive but she said it may just be from the stress of being a new mother. I had never taken into consideration that maybe mentally I'm just not interested... That being said, we've been married for 4 years and it went from 3-4x a week to about 1-2x week.

Where are y'all having sex outside? Dh and I did it before we were married like 10 years ago but when we think back on it neither of us can believe we did that lol. We colored in some pretty crazy places. Someone should start a thread on craziest places u colored... Maybe dh and I need to revisit that....
It seems like my sex drive plummeted when dd arrived. I complained to my gyn about the birth control causing my libido to take a nose dive but she said it may just be from the stress of being a new mother. I had never taken into consideration that maybe mentally I'm just not interested... That being said, we've been married for 4 years and it went from 3-4x a week to about 1-2x week.

Where are y'all having sex outside? Dh and I did it before we were married like 10 years ago but when we think back on it neither of us can believe we did that lol. We colored in some pretty crazy places. Someone should start a thread on craziest places u colored... Maybe dh and I need to revisit that....

Yes I feel you on that. I also asked my gyno about it at my last annual, even suggesting that I may have mild depression or something, and she joked about how all moms are tired and uninterested in sex. :ohwell: So, needless to say, she wasn't very helpful and was actually quite dismissive. I have never revisited the topic with any other doctor. Working out has helped a lot. Now that I'm in better shape sex has become more fun and less of a chore. :yep:
Yes I feel you on that. I also asked my gyno about it at my last annual, even suggesting that I may have mild depression or something, and she joked about how all moms are tired and uninterested in sex. :ohwell: So, needless to say, she wasn't very helpful and was actually quite dismissive. I have never revisited the topic with any other doctor. Working out has helped a lot. Now that I'm in better shape sex has become more fun and less of a chore. :yep:

I feel exactly the same. My doctor was also dismissive about it. Sex was better when I was working out so I need to get back into that.
about once a week. it seems like we never want it at the same time. i like it before bed, he likes it in the morning. he doesn't like that i never aggressively initiate but when i do try to give subtle signals he ignores them.

if we ever have kids we'd probably never bone. but i mean, you have to actually do it in order to have kids.:perplexed
About 3 times per week. It's pretty rare to have multiple sessions in one day. I'm also not a fan of ultra long sessions and much prefer to go 'head and knock it out :look:
How often should I color without a husband, boyfriend, lover, backdoor nicca? :look:

And I have a high sex drive. :ohwell:
about once a week. it seems like we never want it at the same time. i like it before bed, he likes it in the morning. he doesn't like that i never aggressively initiate but when i do try to give subtle signals he ignores them.

if we ever have kids we'd probably never bone. but i mean, you have to actually do it in order to have kids.:perplexed

Same for me...once a week is a "good" week. :ohwell:
Y'all saying you like to color in public...where...what are good spots? Asking for a friend.

3-4x per week, mostly on the weekends to answer the question.
3-4 times a week. A couple of times during the week and at least once on the weekend.

We usually save longer sessions for the weekend when we can stay up later.
Married 3 years with a 7 month old...usually anywhere from 2-5 times a week, but the sessions are quick to medium in length. With the baby we gotta get it in where we can fit it in. :lol: