How often do you say "no" to him?


New Member
Okay Imma keep it clean...but I was wondering how often do you turn down your Dh's/SO's advances for sex?

When you do turn him down what do you say? do you give him an excuse as to why you dont want to do it at that particular time or do you just say "no" and keep it moving? (well obviously besides the period days for those who dont like to get down like that) How does he usually react?

Has he ever turned you down? :look: :lol:
He has NEVER turned me down. If he tries to "get things started" with me while I'm asleep, that's an automatic "NO" in my book.:lol: If I turn him down, I try to give a reason, but my reason is usually "because I don't feel like it" (which makes absolutely no sense to a man:lol:).
Nevah Nevah Nevah.... We are committed to keeping our sex life on point. :D Like the word says that does not belong to me and visa versa. We never tell the other person no, no matter what. No matter how tired or what not. But I can say this, if he see that I am tired or had rough day he respects me enough not to ask and I do him the same way. When I know he is tired I don't bother him as well. When we were younger a man of GOD talked concerning our respondsibility towards one another and we hold that to heart and one another. So to answer the question we don't say no but if the other person is tired or whatever we don't bother to ask out of respect for one another.
preciousjewel76 said:
He has NEVER turned me down. If he tries to "get things started" with me while I'm asleep, that's an automatic "NO" in my book.:lol: If I turn him down, I try to give a reason, but my reason is usually "because I don't feel like it" (which makes absolutely no sense to a man:lol:).

:lol: I feel you. today I turned him down and he understood. If i dont feel like it I just dont. sorry. I only get an attitude when he keeps asking or trying to "get me in the mood".

I was talking to my best friend on the phone and she said that her SO was mad because she turned him down the last two times :confused: and he basically made her feel bad about it. I could see if she was saying no just to be spiteful but if she really didnt feel like it why get upset? it's not like they haven't done it in 2 monts. If was a guy I would rather get a no than to have her do it just to do it. gay.
oobrittany said:
Why the f!%# would I say no??????

The answer is always YES!
:rofl: well if ya'll sex drives matches then more power to you. 90% of the time Im down..but the other 10% naw homey :nono:. Plus Im not one of those girls who will lay there just so he can get his fix...I know women like that :look: If he had it his way it would be about 3-4x times a day....that mixed with condoms is beggin for pain! :lol:
The first six years of my marriage I never said no unless he woke me up. Now I say no all the time, I'm always tired. He does get a good bit of action even with me saying no alot. Reasons are I don't feel like it or I'm tired.

Heis always excited to see me want him, so he never turns me down.
Never!!! I've never turned my husband down ever. Don't plan to either. My hubby has the tendency to wake up at times like 3:51 am and 4:26 am too. Wake me up, shooooo :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

Now, on the other hand, I've been turned down more times than I can even count in this almost 5 years of marriage. I'm just easily excitable I guess. :look: Sometimes it just feels like he is just there to knock the chill out of my sheets :lol: He is so lazy. I'm always waiting on him. :mad: Maybe it's because of the age difference or something because he slowin' down... :ohwell:
I don't know what the frequency is, but I know I have turned him down more times than he. I usually turn him down when he wants to get down right before company is supposed to arrive or as we are about to leave the house. I am not into quickies because only person is going to 'reap the benefits' and I refuse to be a receptacle for his *ahem*. :look:

(I hope I kept it clean)
I say no for various reasons but usually when I'm tired or not feeling well. Sometimes if I'm not in the mood, I'll still do it since I usually end up getting into it. He says no when he's tired and has to wake up early for work (he doesn't say no for this reason all the time) and sometimes if he's sick or his asthma is acting up. I've been trying not to say no too often but it's still a work in progress.
For those women who never say no, isn't it painful when you're just not feeling it? Do you feel like you are really apart of that experience or are you off thinking about other things? How does your attitude in those moments when you're not feeling it effect his ego, if at all? Just curious, I wonder how that works when you're married...(taking notes for future reference)
He's never turned me down.. and I never turned him down. PISSED:mad: as I am at him right now don't know if we'll even be around each other again to turn each other down....
lipyt said:
For those women who never say no, isn't it painful when you're just not feeling it? Do you feel like you are really apart of that experience or are you off thinking about other things? How does your attitude in those moments when you're not feeling it effect his ego, if at all? Just curious, I wonder how that works when you're married...(taking notes for future reference)

My guy is pretty damn good at getting me in the mood... not painful becuase my situation is moisturized :look:

If I'm realllly not feeling like doing it, I'm good to tell him to make it quick :lol: hey... if it's the truth if it's the truth
When I really don't want to, I don't. I don't really have to say no; he usually gets the picture. When this happens, I know he's disappointed, but he told me a long time ago that he doesn't ever want me to make love to him if I'm not feeling it because that's no fun for either of us. I like that because I never feel obligated.

He never turns me down.
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Ayeshia said:
Okay Imma keep it clean...but I was wondering how often do you turn down your Dh's/SO's advances for sex?

When you do turn him down what do you say? do you give him an excuse as to why you dont want to do it at that particular time or do you just say "no" and keep it moving? (well obviously besides the period days for those who dont like to get down like that) How does he usually react?

Has he ever turned you down? :look: :lol:

Ok I CAN'T turn him down even when I'm mad (yeah I'm easy). The plus, he talks a good game about what good control he's got (unlike me) blah blah then he spots the "g" and it's all over:grin:
I turn him down every once in awhile. Sometimes I'm exhausted, in a hurry to go somewhere, annoyed with him, or I just want to take my bath in peace.

DH has turned me down exactly once. That was the day after his vasectomy.:lol:
I never usually tell him no.:look: He doesn't live in the same city as me, so when he drives all the way down here for the weekend I feel bad depriving the poor man of sex.

If I don't feel like doing it for whatever reason. I try to tell him before he gets here. I'll say "You know I am on my period (or whatever reason) right?" And he'll say, okay, and that's that.

Oh and he has NEVER refused.:lol:
lipyt said:
For those women who never say no, isn't it painful when you're just not feeling it? Do you feel like you are really apart of that experience or are you off thinking about other things? How does your attitude in those moments when you're not feeling it effect his ego, if at all? Just curious, I wonder how that works when you're married...(taking notes for future reference)

I wouldn't say painful (atleast for me, I am speaking for myself, no one else) but sometimes I don't be feeling it. And you know what, I don't even think he cares.:look: :lol: As long as he is getting it.:lachen:

I mean, it's not like I do it with a ":perplexed *smack teeth* look on my face. I only see him about 4 times a month, so even if I don't want to do it I deal. I still break him off like a pro.:grin: I never just sit there.

It's not that I have a problem telling him no. It's just that we are in a (sorta) long distance relationship.
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camellia said:
I turn him down every once in awhile. Sometimes I'm exhausted, in a hurry to go somewhere, annoyed with him, or I just want to take my bath in peace.

DH has turned me down exactly once. That was the day after his vasectomy.
:lachen: :lol:
camellia said:
I turn him down every once in awhile. Sometimes I'm exhausted, in a hurry to go somewhere, annoyed with him, or I just want to take my bath in peace.

DH has turned me down exactly once. That was the day after his vasectomy.:lol:

Now why did you have to seduce him after his operation :grin:
lauren450 said:
When I really don't want to, I don't. I don't really have to say no; he usually gets the picture. When this happens, I know he's disappointed, but he told me a long time ago that he doesn't ever want me to make love to him if I'm not feeling it because that's no fun for either of us. I like that because I never feel obligated.

He never turns me down.

This describes my situation.
I turned my ex-fi down alot for the last 1.5-2 years of our relationship which led to its demise.
I just wasnt that attracted to him anymore physically but wasnt ready to part ways with him.
He hated being turned down and it effected his self- esteem. I will never do something like that again.
Now, unless Im on my period, its yes all the time. The current SO gets me excited just thinking about his sexy a$$!
I work 7 days a week and then have the kids all day for summer. I work nights from around 3 am to around 630-7. That would be all good if the kids were ever gone, but they are always with us. So with cleaning, cooking, kids, working out etc. I'm TIRED!!! Therefore, I say no quite a bit, especially with the middle of the night thing since I get up for work in the wee hours.

Side note: I may be more inclined if I had some visual stimulations right before.
Sometimes I just have to say no because I have things to do.

My SO and I don't live together and often when I am ready to go home. most times because I have things to do, he will try to start something. Sometimes I just go for it, but other times, especially when school is going on, I just CAN'T and I must prioritize other things.

Other than that, I never say no to him unless I don't feel good or something. I don't think he has even told me no! :lol:
lipyt said:
For those women who never say no, isn't it painful when you're just not feeling it? Do you feel like you are really apart of that experience or are you off thinking about other things? How does your attitude in those moments when you're not feeling it effect his ego, if at all? Just curious, I wonder how that works when you're married...(taking notes for future reference)

K-Y gel works wonders. :D If DH can't do something to get me moisturized properly then and bets are off.
lipyt said:
For those women who never say no, isn't it painful when you're just not feeling it? Do you feel like you are really apart of that experience or are you off thinking about other things? How does your attitude in those moments when you're not feeling it effect his ego, if at all? Just curious, I wonder how that works when you're married...(taking notes for future reference)

I don't really have to be "feeling it" in order to get down because all I think about is how "it" is going to feel regardless, you know. Most times he does a pretty good job is getting me worked up and if he doesn't, like dlewis said, there is alway something to help. :)
LocksOfLuV said:
I never usually tell him no.:look: He doesn't live in the same city as me, so when he drives all the way down here for the weekend I feel bad depriving the poor man of sex.

If I don't feel like doing it for whatever reason. I try to tell him before he gets here. I'll say "You know I am on my period (or whatever reason) right?" And he'll say, okay, and that's that.

Oh and he has NEVER refused.:lol:

same here...well he's not another city but I work full time and he is trying to open up his business so right now its hard top catch up during the week. Friday night I had crashedat his place, I was tired when I came to his I told him we could do something in the morning before I left. Well my period came when I got up to use the bathroom the next morning :lol: I felt so bad :ohwell: I had no cramps or anything this month so I didnt no idea my cycle was about to be on. If I knew I would not have told him that I would help him out in the morning :lol:
You ladies are some bullets and I am scared of all Well in my case since my SO and I don't like to give slip/slod jobs at ANYTHING that we do, in some cases we have said no to one another...(we know we are humans)!!!! There is no point in having sex if you are tired just for the heck of it! I rather quality vs quantity and we seldom have mediocre sex...besides at the end its the catching each other off guard that is mind blowing!
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