How often do you get hit on?

And by what types of guys? Where does it usually take place? How does a typical scenario play out?

I ask all these questions because I rarely get hit on by decent guys:nono: Granted I don't go "out" much, but I do attend University and would think that guys there would hit on me once in a while. When I do get hit on, it's by a thug. 99% of the time a thug will "holla" at me. I mean, what could I be doing wrong?:ohwell: I like being single, but I feel like being single is more bearable when you actually do get some male attention, otherwise I end up feeling like a lonely, single ogre.
I mostly get hit on by stereotypical black men or white men who hate white women. It's kind of depressing. How often I get hit on really depends; when I was single I was hit on very often, now that I'm taken I only get hit on by a few persistent guys who won't lay off it.

This is a shot in the dark, but are you normally confident in yourself? I noticed that men tended to hit on me a lot more when I was comfortable with myself, than when I was feeling fat/etc and not all that self-confident.
I mostly get hit on by stereotypical black men or white men who hate white women. It's kind of depressing. How often I get hit on really depends; when I was single I was hit on very often, now that I'm taken I only get hit on by a few persistent guys who won't lay off it.

This is a shot in the dark, but are you normally confident in yourself? I noticed that men tended to hit on me a lot more when I was comfortable with myself, than when I was feeling fat/etc and not all that self-confident.

I feel like I have a good amount of confidence...but perhaps I could use more. I agree that confidence makes one seem more approachable<sp?>. Thanks for your input.
Got hit on a whole lot more in College..But that was college...A walking meat market.

Now, not as much cause i dont go anywhere. I go to work and come home, that's it.

When I go out and run errands, I'm not even paying attention to someone who might be trying to stare at me or catch my eye..Plus I have an SO which is probably why I don't pay attention much.

Usually its at gas stations, people looking over at the stop lights, my part time job is working w/ the public and i get a little action there every now and again, and thats about it. I don't go anywhere else...:ohwell:
I used to think that getting hit on meant that I was all that. Now it means one of two things...a.) That I'm looking pretty good that day....or b.) I happened to come across one of those guys that hits on anything and everything with two legs but he ain't worth giving the time of day (this is most often the case).

With that being said, I usually get hit on every day b/c there seems to be a WHOLE lot of men out there with an abundance of unecessary self confidence. :rolleyes:

I will say that back when I was thinner and in my prime, I got hit on more often by quality guys...still some of the lames, but more guys that seemed to have their ish together. It's kinda depressing now some of the guys that hit on me...:sad:
I get hit on a lot by different types of guys. Sometimes it's at work. Sometimes it's while I'm driving, and sometimes it's while I'm just out and about.
I used to think that getting hit on meant that I was all that. Now it means one of two things...a.) That I'm looking pretty good that day....or b.) I happened to come across one of those guys that hits on anything and everything with two legs but he ain't worth giving the time of day (this is most often the case).

:lachen: ITA....i work in manhattan so i pass guys ALLL the time...and ironically enuff...i can still only attract the old perverts, truck drivers, parolees, construction men, young thug wannabes, etc... but never a man in business suit!
:lachen: ITA....i work in manhattan so i pass guys ALLL the time...and ironically enuff...i can still only attract the old perverts, truck drivers, parolees, construction men, young thug wannabes, etc... but never a man in business suit!
yes!i get hit on ALL the time but it is always by these kind of guys@! Y can't some one worth a damn hit on me!? The problem with these guy is that they don't give a fcuk and they don't have a mirror! :wallbash:
I rarely , if ever get hit on. I always have guys staring at me, and then I look away very quickly :lol: Needless to say I'm a nerd LOL
I ask all these questions because I rarely get hit on by decent guys:nono: Granted I don't go "out" much, but I do attend University and would think that guys there would hit on me once in a while. When I do get hit on, it's by a thug. 99% of the time a thug will "holla" at me.'s either the thugs or old guys (around 35+. granted, that's not really old but i'm 19 & would rather not go there...). the hot ones will only check me out but never really approach me. i can only recall one person who has hit on me whilst out that i was actually attracted to and he wasn't a sleazebag.

i'm planning to join more clubs at university this semester to meet people with similar interests.
Depends on what I'm wearing, what I'm driving, who I'm with. I get compliments more often then I get hit on. Men stare, but never approach me. I am very unapproachable on purpose at times.
Anytime I've been seriously appraoched I've always invited it by my body language. Serious meaning an intro conversation not a cat call.
Men are funny. They will say ish like I like your hair or you're beautiful are you a model. They don't really want ish.
Im pregnant and atleast 3x a day :eek:. I couldnt believe the last man in mall:nono: he was asking me could we could out after I have my baby. When I declined he said well how about now atleast I cant get you pregnant:ohwell:
All the time but it depends on where I am. Usually when I'm out and about at a club I don't get hit on. Maybe once or twice if that. But when I'm out and about on my lunch break, working, or just doing my every day tasks I get hit on all the time. I usually attract older men. Mostly business minded men. I get slipped business cards a lot.
I get hit on a lot by Africans :ohwell: when I'm not with my roommate. If I'm with her, they hit on her because she has long silky hair, light skin and is bootylicious. I know that for a fact... It's cool with me though that means I'm not bothered.
And by what types of guys? Where does it usually take place? How does a typical scenario play out?

I ask all these questions because I rarely get hit on by decent guys:nono: Granted I don't go "out" much, but I do attend University and would think that guys there would hit on me once in a while. When I do get hit on, it's by a thug. 99% of the time a thug will "holla" at me. I mean, what could I be doing wrong?:ohwell: I like being single, but I feel like being single is more bearable when you actually do get some male attention, otherwise I end up feeling like a lonely, single ogre.

Same here! Decent people don't "holla" at a girl on the street.

I travel quite a bit for work and for a while I was working and travelling with a really small team (just 3 of us) and it got to the point where my (female) manager would be asking me daily "ah, who hit on you today" because it would so often happen in their presence. We were a close team so laughed about it but it really got on my nerves.

There was this time (travelling for work again) where this guy WITH HIS MOUTH WIRED SHUT tried to hit on me... I could barely hear what he was saying, he had to repeat everything like 3 times.