hit author urges women to settle for "Mr Good Enough" after 30

I think it's a mental thing. So long as you feel like you're "settling," you'll never really be happy with the decision. But if someone genuinely changes their framework so that certain things become less important and others more important, then it's not going to feel like settling, more like figuring out what's really imporitant to you in the long run, not just what will feel great today.

i definitely agree its what one terms settling...some people just open up to different possibilities of love and release limiting ideas of "perfect" to find somebody just right for them where they find themselves unexpectedly happy with what they happen to get, they may think they settled, but they really didn't...and their sense of happiness and enjoyment of the situation they are in and who they are with is a key indicator they did not "settle" even if it doesn't fit their idea of what "perfect" should/would be

some (alot of) people definitely settle in the sense that this isn't it but I will do it anyways for a variety of different reasons and also settle for being unhappy and discontent in life...its their choice their experience...if thats what they choose thats what they choose...people just gotta be okay with what is if they are choosing it even if its boring, mundane, or whatever else that more than a few people tend to think is "normal" in relationships
Author's right IMO. She speaks in extremes because that seem to be the only way to get through to people in this day and age but the underlaying concept is correct. EG I have a single girlfriend who is looking down the barrel at 40, her fertility is declining and she has this guy who is perfect in ever way except that he is somewhat overweight. She kind of likes him (that is why he keeps holding on) but she keeps saying it is not going to work because of his weight. For crying out loud you can put him on a diet!

Another single girlfriend has a no kids rule on her list. She met this awesome guy, she is heads over heels with until she finds out he has a child - not multiple baby mama's but an ex-wife with whom he has a decent relationship in order to meet the needs of his child. She crossed him out ASAP.
I have another who actually ended a wonderful relationship because in her words "she is missing a little thug" she has a problem with him because he is NOT a thug! UGGGGG!
They are all single and bemoaning the lack of eligible guys.
who decided 30 years is the day the earth stood still? I'm willing to bet I'll look the same act the same etc 11:59pm on the eve of my 30th as I will when I turn 30.

this is all a crock.

besides, it doesn't take "cultural differences" into consideration. a lot of 'us' were told to focus on schooling and not get side-tracked. therefore, mr. right may just be getting out of grad school himself.

I create my destiny. not some british baby momma half way around the world who knows NOTHING of me.