How NOT to Attract a Man


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I have a friend who has experienced a 10-year dating drought. For the most part, she seems to be ok with it, but as is to be expected, she does periodically experience some frustration. I’ve offered her some very practical suggestions based on my past experience and she assures me that she does SOME of these things OUTSIDE the office. (Yeah, I know… what happens when a guy might check you out AT the office and you’re looking busted?)

Anyway, I asked my most trusted source (hubby) and here were his top three responses of how NOT to attract a man. I was surprised by number 1 on the list.

1. Closed Body Language
Body language speaks volumes. Even though your mind may be saying, “I’m interested,” your body language may be saying “don’t come within 10 feet of me.” A smile can go a long way in catching a man’s eye and if you’re an arm-crosser (a very closed, unapproachable posture), it might be helpful to find something different to do with them.

2. Bad Appearance
Like it or not, men are very visual creatures – that’s the reality. My friend came to work yesterday with a shapeless, velour button-down top, a pair of shapeless pants and a pair of cream, low-heeled shoes -- in December! (no, they weren’t the least bit cute!) In addition to that, she just got a busted weave (by her own admission). Her appearance screamed, I’ve given up – I don’t care. Guess what? That’s the message that a man will pick up. I’m not suggesting that we have to spend hours trying to look like we’re heading out onto the red carpet, but we should at least make an effort to look as though we didn’t pick our outfits in the dark. Being on LHFC, I am contantly amazed at the creativity of African American women. There are WAY too many options out there for us to ever leave the house looking crazy about the head (hats, half wigs, full wigs, scarves, headbands.) We are masters at the hair cover-up game!

3. Becoming Boxed In
Sometimes it's necessary to branch out from the usual haunts and explore some new locations to meet people. The chances of meeting someone new are minimized if you’re stuck in a cycle of the places you frequent. My friend’s example: work, home, church, family’s house.

It would be nice if there was a 1-2-3 solution to attracting, getting and keeping a man, but unfortunately there is no formula. However, I do feel confident that the items listed above are some of the top ways NOT to attract a man. What do you ladies think?
Anyway, I asked my most trusted source (hubby) and here were his top three responses of how NOT to attract a man. I was surprised by number 1 on the list.

1. Closed Body Language
Body language speaks volumes. Even though your mind may be saying, “I’m interested,” your body language may be saying “don’t come within 10 feet of me.” A smile can go a long way in catching a man’s eye and if you’re an arm-crosser (a very closed, unapproachable posture), it might be helpful to find something different to do with them.

2. Bad Appearance
Like it or not, men are very visual creatures – that’s the reality. My friend came to work yesterday with a shapeless, velour button-down top, a pair of shapeless pants and a pair of cream, low-heeled shoes -- in December! (no, they weren’t the least bit cute!) In addition to that, she just got a busted weave (by her own admission). Her appearance screamed, I’ve given up – I don’t care. Guess what? That’s the message that a man will pick up. I’m not suggesting that we have to spend hours trying to look like we’re heading out onto the red carpet, but we should at least make an effort to look as though we didn’t pick our outfits in the dark. Being on LHFC, I am contantly amazed at the creativity of African American women. There are WAY too many options out there for us to ever leave the house looking crazy about the head (hats, half wigs, full wigs, scarves, headbands.) We are masters at the hair cover-up game!

3. Becoming Boxed In
Sometimes it's necessary to branch out from the usual haunts and explore some new locations to meet people. The chances of meeting someone new are minimized if you’re stuck in a cycle of the places you frequent. My friend’s example: work, home, church, family’s house.

It would be nice if there was a 1-2-3 solution to attracting, getting and keeping a man, but unfortunately there is no formula. However, I do feel confident that the items listed above are some of the top ways NOT to attract a man. What do you ladies think?

I have to say I think the first one is the most overlooked by women.

I am by no means a model chick, but guys always approach me and later say they did because I'm generally smiling and seemed very approachable and friendly. It's not a 'catch a man' scheme for me, I think that's just the way I am-- in fact maybe I'd be better off seeming less approachable :spinning:

I also think it's not so much that many women seem unfriendly, but that they seemed "closed off" I hear that from male friends that some women's body language makes it look like they'd have attitude if you tried to talk to them, so the guys keep on walking.

2 & 3 are also good points, and I need to work more on #3. And this past week was bad for me for #2, also :blush:
Neenzmj- Thank you to your hubby for sharing- I guess it's true what they say if you want to know what a man thinks, just ask one.
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Body language is important. I think a lot of women let the troubles of last night or drama of whatever is going on show all in their demeanor and on their faces. . .all day. I'm always smiling bc there are hilarious moments all around, literally ALL the time. Just paying attention and observing the ridiculousness around you can help you relax a little lol.

I love #2. . .I'm a heterosexual female and even I am turned off by a women who doesn't look put together. Not saying you have to be dressed like a diva all the time, but even when I'm bummy - like when I'm going to class or a store run - I always make sure I'm bummy CUTE, if that makes sense. I might be in sweatpants and a t-shirt, but my hair may be in a messy bun with a scarf around it. Can't forget the lipgloss!!! Just a lipgloss and a scarf can take you from :( to :grin:
This part made me :giggle:
... Being on LHFC, I am contantly amazed at the creativity of African American women. There are WAY too many options out there for us to ever leave the house looking crazy about the head (hats, half wigs, full wigs, scarves, headbands.)...
... :look: :giggle:

Jokes aside...
1. Closed Body Language
Body language speaks volumes. Even though your mind may be saying, “I’m interested,” your body language may be saying “don’t come within 10 feet of me.” A smile can go a long way in catching a man’s eye and if you’re an arm-crosser (a very closed, unapproachable posture), it might be helpful to find something different to do with them.
This is SO true. :yep: To add to this: Even if your mind is saying it's interested, if your heart of hearts is saying "I'm not interested", your true feelings will come across in your body language no matter how hard you try to hide it.
Body language is important. I think a lot of women let the troubles of last night or drama of whatever is going on show all in their demeanor and on their faces. . .all day. I'm always smiling bc there are hilarious moments all around, literally ALL the time. Just paying attention and observing the ridiculousness around you can help you relax a little lol.

I love #2. . .I'm a heterosexual female and even I am turned off by a women who doesn't look put together. Not saying you have to be dressed like a diva all the time, but even when I'm bummy - like when I'm going to class or a store run - I always make sure I'm bummy CUTE, if that makes sense. I might be in sweatpants and a t-shirt, but my hair may be in a messy bun with a scarf around it. Can't forget the lipgloss!!! Just a lipgloss and a scarf can take you from :( to :grin:

:lachen: Right! I totally agree. When I see women (especially us) looking torn up and depressed (I ride the subway to work every morning and see some stuff :look: ) I just want to tell some women: "Come on, try a little bit!" You don't have to look like some glamour queen or some kind of diva, but just a little bit of makeup, nice hair do, and some cute accessories can make you go from a 5 to an 8 in an instant!

I really have to step up my game too, because in the winter time I tend to "slack off" more. My pedicures and manicures for the summer wear off, it's cold outside so I'm more "bundled up" in clothes that don't show my "shape", my hair is dry and suffering due to the cold weather, I don't work out as much, and for some reason the daylight savings time darkness just tends to put me in a more down mood overall in the winter. :ohwell: So, I REALLY have to work HARD to look "cute" when it's cold outside. In the summer it's easy, in the winter...ummm not so much.

Oh, and don't forget that sometimes a woman's smile is her BEST accessory! You can be make-up free, dressed in bummy clothes, and looking so-so physically, but if you're smiling, most guys take notice. I'm telling you! I've gotten hit on even when I wasn't dressed to the hilt or wearing makeup! I think it was my cool, care-free, happy attitude and smile that had the guys intrigued. ;)

I've heard guys say that a smile is the sexiest thing a woman can put on. LOL* I'm not so sure how true that is, but it makes sense! I think MOST people (pretty OR ugly!) look a lot better when they're smiling than when they're not. I have yet to see someone who looks BETTER when they're frowning.
Being on LHFC, I am contantly amazed at the creativity of African American women. There are WAY too many options out there for us to ever leave the house looking crazy about the head (hats, half wigs, full wigs, scarves, headbands.) We are masters at the hair cover-up game!

This made me :lachen: too

And I also agree w/ the body language :up:

I am, however, trippin on the 10 years? :ohwell: Are we talking 10 years of not even a prospect?
Very nice advice.

Having a Negative Attitude just b/c you have not dated in 10 years!

10 years is to long for me! Heck 6 months is too long!
Yes, unless she didn't share it with me (which is always a possibility), there has not been one date since I've known her. I believe she was talking to a guy online for awhile, but even that went by the wayside. :ohwell:
neenzmj said:
2. Bad Appearance
Like it or not, men are very visual creatures – that’s the reality. My friend came to work yesterday with a shapeless, velour button-down top, a pair of shapeless pants and a pair of cream, low-heeled shoes -- in December! (no, they weren’t the least bit cute!) In addition to that, she just got a busted weave (by her own admission). Her appearance screamed, I’ve given up – I don’t care. Guess what? That’s the message that a man will pick up. I’m not suggesting that we have to spend hours trying to look like we’re heading out onto the red carpet, but we should at least make an effort to look as though we didn’t pick our outfits in the dark. Being on LHFC, I am contantly amazed at the creativity of African American women. There are WAY too many options out there for us to ever leave the house looking crazy about the head (hats, half wigs, full wigs, scarves, headbands.) We are masters at the hair cover-up game!

So, a woman should make an effort, you say? :look:
So, a woman should make an effort, you say? :look:

ohhh... It is so funny to me how post cross over..

I will say that I get a lot of attention smiling.Several compliments. Most of the time it may not be someone that is looking for a date and a lot of times it from other women..

I enjoy smiling.. I know it is cliché however It makes me feel better when I am having a bad day and when I see others that look like they are having a bad day. I smile, then they smile even if they do not want to . So for just that moment.. Whatever it is faded away for just a moment.. So, I enjoy the compliments for my hair, eyes, etc but the one I enjoy the most and is special to me is my Smile. When you smile, your whole face lights up..

I have had this smiling habit since I was a kid. One time a friend of mine bought me a button that said " I smile because I have no idea what is going on" I mean at the time a smile was default.. Bad day, smile, not paying attention, smile. annoyed smile it will get better..

So, yeah body language goes a long way..
Just like women like confident, (not egotistical), men. So men like confident classy women who believe in their value and in them selves,this along with those tips make an attractive woman.
ohhh... It is so funny to me how post cross over..

I will say that I get a lot of attention smiling.Several compliments. Most of the time it may not be someone that is looking for a date and a lot of times it from other women..

I enjoy smiling.. I know it is cliché however It makes me feel better when I am having a bad day and when I see others that look like they are having a bad day. I smile, then they smile even if they do not want to . So for just that moment.. Whatever it is faded away for just a moment.. So, I enjoy the compliments for my hair, eyes, etc but the one I enjoy the most and is special to me is my Smile. When you smile, your whole face lights up..

I have had this smiling habit since I was a kid. One time a friend of mine bought me a button that said " I smile because I have no idea what is going on" I mean at the time a smile was default.. Bad day, smile, not paying attention, smile. annoyed smile it will get better..

So, yeah body language goes a long way..

That's so true. A smile and open body language is the most important things IMO. And not be afraid to look men in the eyes.
This depends on what culture you live in, but in Western culture it's a great way to flirt... Hey I flirted with a few guys yesterday. Very innocently so though... :look:
Tell her to start going to the gym and hitting the sports bars. You can't pick up leaves if you don't have no trees.