How many weeks post are you right this minute?

How many weeks post are you right this minute? 28

How much longer are you stretching? I'm transitioning...for the first time in 12 years

What length do you think you'll be at when you touch up? N/A
How many weeks post are you right this minute? I am 4 weeks and 5 days

How much longer are you stretching? 12 more weeks, 16 total.

What length do you think you'll be at when you touch up? I am hoping APL.....
How many weeks post are you right this minute? 3 WKS, 4 ON THE 8TH

How much longer are you stretching? 13 more weeks, 16 total.

What length do you think you'll be at when you touch up? APL, I HOPE
How many weeks post are you right this minute? Exactly 20 weeks tomorrow

How much longer are you stretching? 6 - 7 more weeks

What length do you think you'll be at when you touch up? I would love to be APL, but collarbone is more realistic
How many weeks post are you right this minute?
1-1/2 weeks

How much longer are you stretching?
I touchup at 13 weeks

What length do you think you'll be at when you touch up?
My next touchup is scheduled for Feb. 21st, when I should be at (or really close to)...Waistlength!!!!! :grin:

Congrats on making it back to APL so quickly.
How many weeks post are you right this minute? 15 weeks 2 days

How much longer are you stretching? at most a week

What length do you think you'll be at when you touch up? not APL. I may get a haircut
How many weeks post are you right this minute?
1-1/2 weeks

How much longer are you stretching?
I touchup at 13 weeks

What length do you think you'll be at when you touch up?
My next touchup is scheduled for Feb. 21st, when I should be at (or really close to)...Waistlength!!!!! :grin:

Congrats on making it back to APL so quickly.

Waistlength?!?!?!?!? Woooo boy! I can't wait to see those pics :)
How many weeks post are you right this minute? 9 weeks today

How much longer are you stretching? 25 weeks I hope lol, but at least 17

What length do you think you'll be at when you touch up? I don't even know, I wish it could be SDL(I think I wrote it right, I'm kinda new lol)
I am 10 weeks post...I dont know how long I'm stretching...I may stretch till Jan. 20 (the start of the new semester), which will make me 17 weeks, but i dunno yet...

ETA: Hopefully I will be a full even BSL by then =)
I think I'm 10wks or something like that:grin: I'm trying not to count because I'll start getting antsy and wanna relax:rolleyes:
I'm at 25 weeks tomorrow. I'm really trying to stretch for as long as I can since it's winter and all. The breakage is minimal now since I began using MT and d/cing 1x a week.
As of Saturday I'm 11 weeks post. Trying to go to 16. I want to relax at the latest mid- January? Mostly I'm trying to see how far I can go until I suffer breakage and have to relax.
I hope AFTER my much needed bi-yearly trim I'll be at full shoulder length (growing out a angled and layered bob)- after the relaxer of course. Then I'll stretch for 12 weeks/until I can't stand it anymore.
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10 weeks! Going for 12....two more to go!
My bf even guessed that i needed like 2 more weeks until i should relax :D
I think I am at 28 weeks. I plan to relax by the end of the year. I think I will be just above shoulder length. I had a major setback earlier this year.
I'm 7 weeks now and I'm really tempted to get a touch-up on Friday for my birthday. I have a LOT of new growth!
How many weeks post are you right this minute?

i think i am 7 or 8 weeks post.
How much longer are you stretching?

i plan to stretch until the first of Jan.

What length do you think you'll be at when you touch up?

I hope to be FULL BSL or below BSL