How many weeks post relaxer are you?

I'll be 29 on February 12th, only intended on stretching for 6 Months, but the weather is so bad here, I may as well wait till it breaks, maybe like, April, May, I don't know, but when I relax I'm hoping for a nice surprise! :drunk:
Just came off a 22 week stretch which was b/c I was pregnant and didn't feel like doing my hair so I always kept it in a bun.. :grin:
Right now I am 5 weeks post and going 16 weeks... :yep:
Valentine's day is going to be 8 weeks. I'm wearing a sew-in right now. I plan on continuing this PS for a long time.
Up until this evening I was 10 weeks post. That is the longest I have ever stretched. I was starting to shed so I relaxed today. Working towards 12 weeks.
Sorry I don't know how many weeks, but I'm about 5 months post. I still don't know whether I'm transitioning or on a long stretch. My hair's just annoying me at the mo and I feel like it needs to be left alone for a while. We'll see?
im 16 weeks post! longest ive ever gone without a relaxer in my life as far as i can remember.. and it feel darn good..

but im transitioning so idk if that counts