How many weeks post are you right this minute?

I will be 5 weeks post on Friday, and will be doing a full head install on saturday, which i will keep in for 8 weeks...Not sure what length I will be then, my hair is waaay too layered,lol
Tomorrow would be 13 weeks. I was planning on relaxing today since I colored it recently and Im trying to help it through the damage. I've never stretched past 14 weeks but I've noticed my NG is more manageable that before.
12! Planning on relaxing at the beginning of January at a little over 13 weeks post. I would go longer, but my new growth is still very dry and unmanageable. I'm hoping that improved health over the next few months will lead to softer hair.
i am currently 8 weeks post . but previous to that i did a six month stretch .:hammer: i dont plan on EVER doing that again . i was surprised i had any hair left after i relaxed. lol it shed so badly but i have to admit hat probalby becuase i didnt DC as often as i should have. But after that i managed to make APL so that was great . :cup:
I'm 42 weeks right now. I hate wash days because my hair gets so tangled. I may texlax for my one year anniversary. I'm not sure what I want to do.
I will be 18 weeks post as of tomorrow, I haven't ever stretched this long, but the time got away from me while I had my twists in my hair. I didn't get them in until about the time I would normally get a touch-up.

I am strongly considering not relaxing again until I take the twists out again. I took them out Christmas Eve, Mega-tekked, DC'd, and Sabinoed. It feels like I have a relaxer...Sabino is the BOMB!!!

I should say, however, that the tangles were off the charts. I don't get know how to get good slip when removing twists. That may present a major challenge for me the next time I wash in a day or so...

I think I should be between SL and APL in the back and chin length in the front. My problem at the moment is keeping my hainds out of my feels so good after being in twists for a couple of months.

Sabino is the BOOOOMMMMMBB!!

Merry Christmas, everyone!