How long get a "Nice Length Surprise" at your next touchup?

For me....3 months....but if I really want to be surprise, 5 or more months.....but then I can't do my hair......I can't do my hair at 3 months!!!! But even at 2 months, I notice a difference.....
Anything after 15. which is one of the reasons i kept up stretching to 17. I think i wanna go longer now
I am just wondering ...if I stretch for 3 months or 12-14 weeks (which I am doing) and I stop doing my own hair during the stretch but go to the salon every two weeks and get a blow out that makes my hair so straight it looks as if I really don't need a relaxer (b/c the stylist is fierce w. a FHI), but I know if water hits it, I can't even get NEAR the root how do I really see if the stretch worked or is the stretch even working?

She wants me to convert to natural which I did try for 8 months, didn't care for stylist so didn't do well with transitioning...I want to relax 3-4 times a year and I am on track but even with the reg.reggie of applying OCT/MT (since september) I don't really see the "BIG SUPRISE" or is it b/c I am always having it blown out that I don't notice it the way I would if I went from nappy to straight sudedenly? Is this the likely cuprit, I don't see the growth but when I wear my hair up (which I do when it is not freshly done w. Coconut oil and NTM Condish) the little pieces I pull out (tendrils) do look longer...I get a relaxer on Saturday but not letting them gove me a trim.

Any of your thoughts would be appreciated...I feel a little perplexed as to why I don't see the growth and I am really taking care of it!
How many weeks of stretching does it take for you to get a nice length surprise when you touch up? For me personally it would have to be at least 16 weeks for a very noticeable difference. When I used to touch up at 10 or 12 weeks it wasn't as visible. How about you?

I'm about the same as you. It takes at least a good 16 weeks to see a very noticeable difference. Currently I'm about 20 weeks post. Hopefully I will have some time in the next week or so to touch up because I really need it and can't wait to see my surprise! :)
i like to stretch to around 40 weeks.
i can get six-eight inches of growth depending on how good i'm being.
very nice surprise :grin:
When I did my last stretch I went from Glazing BSL in the back to full BSL in the back, and APL in the front when I stretched about 15 weeks; for my next touch-up stretch I'm going about 20 weeks
I stretched for 10 weeks and had a little improvement, but nothing to brag about. I'm currently 13 weeks post and stretching to 26 weeks. I need about 3 inches for APL! Hoping to be there after this stretch!
I don't know but I would love to find out. I have never really taken note of my hair's length until after I joined LHCF last year.............. I'm actually going for a 12-14 week stretch this time around so I will see if I'm pleasantly surprised then.
I hope I get a BIG surprise because my new growth has drawn up my hair so much that it looks like I actually cut it.

When I got a blowout in March, I was shocked so I hope I get shocked again.
I'm texlaxed, so I really don't see much of a difference until I look back at old photos. I guess i would be happy if when I take my weave out in two weeks, I'll see a nice surprise for my birthday (June 11). At that time, I will have gone 14 weeks and 6 weeks no heat on my whole head (I didn't include the straightening I got done for my wedding since I couldn't really appraise the full situation).
Gee I hope I'm bsl/apl (sides) and chin length (front) (stupid bangs!)
Anything from 14 weeks will give me a decent enough surprise, going into 20+ weeks will give me a nice length surprise plus thickness!
At least 16 weeks gives me a nice length surprise. I also think it's due to the fact that my ng is so dense at that point that it pulls my relaxed hair upwards. My almost APL hair looks barely shoulder length :lachen:and thin :look: during my stretches.
i only stretch 12 weeks or 6 months.

6 months is when i get the surprise.

at 12 weeks i am just surprised that as much as i shed, that i am not bald. :rolleyes:

(i air dry and wear my hair up all the time. when i relax it's usually the first time i have seen my hair straight in months)
i only stretch 12 weeks or 6 months.

6 months is when i get the surprise.

at 12 weeks i am just surprised that as much as i shed, that i am not bald. :rolleyes:

(i air dry and wear my hair up all the time. when i relax it's usually the first time i have seen my hair straight in months)

Boy if this doesn't sound like me. With all my breakage and shedding during stretching, I'm surprised my hair has thickness to it still.
My growth, in my old progress thread was a four month stretch. I won't be using any direct heat on my hair until after the summer is over. And from there, i'm not sure if I will get a weave, braids, or a touch-up.

Seriously leaning towards the weave though!

ETA: I want to be APL by the end of the year, and full shoulder length in the front too.
I notice a significant difference in length and overall fullness after a successful 3 month stretch.