How many weeks post are you right now?

About 7 weeks post I think.....gotta check the calendar I log these things..people think I am crazy, but I don't just relax when I feel like it. It gotta be at least 14 weeks post before I even think about pulling out the Mizani.

I was talking with a co worker today about this........she relax every 4 WEEKS! Can you believe this?????? I am trying to convince her to stop doing this because it is not good for her hair.........She's been looking at my hair as an example. She believes if she waits to relax it will fall out, or her husband will leave her ( po' chile) she went 8 weeks this time so slowly but surely I am getting her to see the light.
About 7 weeks post I think.....gotta check the calendar I log these things..people think I am crazy, but I don't just relax when I feel like it. It gotta be at least 14 weeks post before I even think about pulling out the Mizani.

Hey cous! :wave:

I thought about considering a stretch until June...then I was like nawwww...that would just be my luck to mess up now trying to stretch longer..:ohwell:

I will be 7 weeks as of I'm with you for the at least the 14 week mark before breaking out the creamy my case...the..devil relaxer...

so I'll be doing a touch up at the end of March :yep:.
I am currently at 5 weeks... I was planning to stretch for 13 weeks and do the four times a year relaxer thing. But, my cousin's wedding is some time in March. if I don't relax for that I am going to have to have to kill my mother, clean up the mess, and hide the body. Rather that go through all that trouble, I will just go ahead and relax early. As it stands now, it will be between 8 and 12 weeks when I relax (I really need to call her and get her wedding date).
This is my first stretch that has made it this far. 12 weeks! I'm a 4b (with a few 4a thrown in there) so I'm really proud I made it this far. I'll be relaxing this weekend. It was pretty tough, but I learned a lot about my hair during that time. Salerm 21 has saved me several times. :rolleyes:
I'm not due to relax until March 15th, but I don't know if I can go that long. I have ALOT of nw, especially on the top. I started using Gro-Aut the end of January, I'm thinking that's what's caused the ng!!
I thought about considering a stretch until June...then I was like nawwww

Cuz this didn't sound like a bad idea.....think we could bust out that bra strap 08 thread with a stretch like this???????? Who am I kidding!!!!! Them two different textures would kill my progress June 1st I'd be trimming.
I'm currently 6 weeks into a 26 week stretch. Just put in some braids and hope to wear them until the end of April. This stretch will not defeat me *i hope*!
Cuz this didn't sound like a bad idea.....think we could bust out that bra strap 08 thread with a stretch like this???????? Who am I kidding!!!!! Them two different textures would kill my progress June 1st I'd be trimming.

:lol: :lol:


I was like...I think I could do it....then...the thought of fighting the textures sunk in to dash those stretching hopes and dreams:ohwell:...
I was 9 weeks post relaxer when I tried to texlax my hair and left a lot more texture than I would have liked. I didn't do a corrective relaxer and since then I am now 6 weeks post hoping to make it until April.
Like 14 weeks...? Don't get me to lyin' I'm in the the beginning of my "non-intentional-26-week-i'm-too-lazy-and-broke-college-student-stretch" Without fail, every year, I just stretch for no apparent reason, Oh wait, two reasons: I'm lazy and perms are not in the budget, food there's that...:lick:
I will be exactly 12 weeks post on Valentine's Day (and Mom and Dad's anniversary...awww! :dinner:) I'm getting my relaxer on Friday, the 15th.

This is my first 12 week stretch, and I have alot of new growth. I would have gotten my relaxer a few days before but my beautician was booked. I know she was like, dang, where ya been? :lachen:

Thank God for cornrows and twist outs! :drunk:
9 weeks post...trying to go 16 weeks....Next relax should be around Apr. 5th...this will be my first time stretching longer than 3 months.....pray for me yall!!
What are you doing to keep your hair from breaking during such a long stretch?

Just doing Ayurveda and airdrying.

I will be getting kinky twist 3 times this year, for three months at a time. I know I can do it on my own without twists, but I LOVE kinky twists and the convenience :grin:
Ok... the wedding is on March 15th. This would put me at 9 weeks post when I relax. Since I will probably relax on the 8th (a week before), I will probably stretch my next three relaxers 14 weeks to stay on my four times a year schedule.
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will be 20 weeks on the 12th
i think i'm transitioning

i will probably get kinky twists for the first time ever in March so I will leave my hair alone
I haven't relaxed my hair since the beginning of December. I'm pushing 8 weeks and I want a relaxer so badly :wallbash:
Right now I'm making due with a rollerset and root blow out which isn't bad, but it's not a relaxer.
okay so tomorrow marks 7 weeks. I am going for 10. I've got 1.5-2 inches of new growth! ( measured this morning:yep:)

I'm facilitating growth with MN and coconut oil on my scalp every other night. I am managing it by frequent co-washing. I'm sure I can last 3 more least I hope I can:look: