How many weeks post are you right now?

I am at 8 weeks. Two more weeks before relaxing, I think. I am trying to make it to 12 weeks, but I seem to get breakage right at the demarcation line at 11 weeks. Seems easier to just relax the week before.

I am so in awe of you ladies who can go so long between relaxers. I've tried the strategies to help stretch in the support thread, and still start to break at week 11. Maybe one day...
I'm only 2 weeks and 2 days post relaxer. It feels like I'm 10 weeks post but I think it's because my hairdresser underprocessed my hair :sad: To make myself feel better I keep telling myself that the newgrowth I see and feel are from BT and vitamins but I know I haven't been using them long enough.
I am 3 weeks post, but it feels more like 6 weeks. Something definitely happened this time. :look: It is either the B-complex vitamins and Kelp I am taking or the scalp massage brush. (or a combo of all)
I am 5 weeks and 5 days post. I stretched to almost 12 weeks last year and it was hard. Then, I scaled back to 8 weeks, which is still hard. Because I am traveling for work, I am going to get a touch up at 7 weeks and 2 days post. Otherwise, I would get a touch up at the 6 week mark.

I wish I could stretch for 12-16 weeks, but I can't.
WOW! The whole year? Girl, you are good:yep:

Lol thanks! As MedMunky said, I'm a "marathon stretcher". I figured out how to do without breakage, so I might as well push it to the limit! I'm only doing this to get some fullness and length. After I reach my goal, I might just relax two or three times a year.

I'm also contemplating transitioning....:look:
I believe 6 weeks and a few days post.
I have a nice amount of new growth. More than likely from the indian powders. No plans yet on when i will relax again.
I'm exactly 12 weeks post. In the summer I could only go 13, but I'm planning on 16 this time since it seems to be a bit easier to manage in the winter without all the humidity and reversion.
I'm 7 and a half weeks post and I'm heading for at least 16 weeks this time. If I can make it to 20 weeks then like we say in the Bahamas, by hook or by crook, that's where I'm headin' :shhh:, don't tell anyone, I am really wantin' to stretch for 26 weeks.
Right now, I'm six weeks post.
My hair feels like I could go until summer before my touch up.

Same here...

I'll decide at the 13-14 week mark if I can push it through June or not...I don't want to have any set backs...
I'm 14 weeks post and I'll be relaxing tomorrow. I could go a little bit longer but I want to have freshly relaxed hair when I go to the hospital to have this babe.
I'm 6.5 weeks post. I was going to relax at 9 but I've decided to try to make it until 12. At this point, my NG is so soft, it feels like I can make it. We'll see what happens.
14 weeks, 2.5 days and counting. Relaxing tomorrow, because I can't stand my shedding ends another second, and I don't want to clip until my hair is completely straight. :nono:

WOOOO-HOOOO!!! :drunk:
Lol thanks! As MedMunky said, I'm a "marathon stretcher". I figured out how to do without breakage, so I might as well push it to the limit! I'm only doing this to get some fullness and length. After I reach my goal, I might just relax two or three times a year.

I'm also contemplating transitioning....:look:

What are you doing to keep ypur hair from breaking during such a long stretch?
My last relaxer was December 16, so that was about 7 weeks ago. I don't want to relax again until spring break, which is the week of March 8.
9 weeks...looking to go 16 maybe 17. My hair has actually been acting good, especially since I am rollersetting and pin curling.