How many times have you clicked with someone?

It's happened to me once. Immediately there was just something between us. Initially, I wasn't that attracted to him physically, but his personality. I remember having a convo with him on the phone shortly after we'd met. After I hung up, my best friend was like, "Who was that?" :eek: because of how natural and free-flowing the convo was. She was like, ya'll talk like ya'll have known each other forever.

We went out on the world's longest first date shortly thereafter. It was Memorial Day weekend and we were together for 24+ hours. :eek: We spent the greater part of that school year (this was in college) attached at the hip. We had lunch/dinner several times per week, went to the movies, went out for drinks, talked on the phone constantly which slowly progressed to us spending every night together.

The undoing of our relationship came when his commitment issues surfaced. He decided he wasn't ready for a relationship (even though everything we were doing was as if we were in a relationship :rolleyes:). He said that he spent more time with me than any of his previous girlfriends, but he couldn't decide if I was just a friend or something more. :rolleyes: At this point, we stopped having sex, but still did all of the rest of the "relationship-type" stuff together (strictly nonsexual though).

I got fed up and started talking to other people. He got pissed, but claimed we were "just friends" and it was cool. We were never the same after that. :nono: And now he's married. We don't talk much anymore though some of those old feelings are still there -- and I believe this is exactly why he doesn't talk to me much anymore. And he still holds the title for best sex I've had in my life. So it's probably for the best. Unless his marriage doesn't work out. :look:

I have one of these... 2 summers ago it happened, but it didn't even last a whole year, just 3 intense months...
I, to this day can't even call us boyfriend and girlfriend because of the same commitment issues...

it's so wierd, that we'd talk about things and say we were brother and sister because of the way we cliqued, and then we'd laugh all grossed out, cuz that would be like incest...
Yeahh.. see? even he knew how deep we cliqued....

at one point, he was on the phone with me, telling me that I was the only other person (except his mother) who had the 'key' to his feelings, as in, not only did I have the power to make him extremely happy, but if I used my 'powers' for evil, I also had a way into his head to make him mad...

(he's very secure and confident about himself, and no one has the power to 'make' him do anything, so when I heard that .... I was pretty impressed with myself lol)

ahhh well. the whole commitment issues came up, and i'd like to say we drifted apart.. but we didn't.. he drifted away from me, and left me hanging high and dry... told me at the end of the summer 'It is what it is'...

I cried.

took me a good 6 months after that to get over him... while seeing him off and on, then I had to cut him out of my life.
I have one of these... 2 summers ago it happened, but it didn't even last a whole year, just 3 intense months...
I, to this day can't even call us boyfriend and girlfriend because of the same commitment issues...

it's so wierd, that we'd talk about things and say we were brother and sister because of the way we cliqued, and then we'd laugh all grossed out, cuz that would be like incest...
Yeahh.. see? even he knew how deep we cliqued....

at one point, he was on the phone with me, telling me that I was the only other person (except his mother) who had the 'key' to his feelings, as in, not only did I have the power to make him extremely happy, but if I used my 'powers' for evil, I also had a way into his head to make him mad...

(he's very secure and confident about himself, and no one has the power to 'make' him do anything, so when I heard that .... I was pretty impressed with myself lol)

ahhh well. the whole commitment issues came up, and i'd like to say we drifted apart.. but we didn't.. he drifted away from me, and left me hanging high and dry... told me at the end of the summer 'It is what it is'...

I cried.

took me a good 6 months after that to get over him... while seeing him off and on, then I had to cut him out of my life.

Chile, me too. I remember confessing to my best friend that we had had sex and she was like - I thought you two were like brother and sister (this way back in the beginning when i wasn't sure if i was attracted to him like that, but something definitely changed that night :look:). I was like, girl, no, it just kinda happened, at first we were cuddled up in his bed then next thing i know *cough cough* let's the games commence! And resume bright and early the next morning. And everyday for a week after that. :look:

It took me a loooooong time to get over him. It was even more confusing because after "it was never the same" and I started dating other people - there was more than one occassion where we "did the deed" again, but he still wasn't sure what he wanted. :rolleyes:

Girl, I cried like a baby when I found out he was married. This fool didn't tell me about the engagement or anything (I just figured he was dating somebody since I hadn't heard from him in awhile), sent me the wedding pics and all, after the fact. :rolleyes:
I know I'm late to this thread but I have experienced this twice in my life already. I clicked almost instantly with my best friend, she is like a sister to me. It didn't take long for us to become close though we are completely different in every way imaginable. We have been friends for about five years and there isn't a day that goes by that one of us doesn't give another a call or gets in touch with the other.

Then onto the man I love. Our meeting was unusual. We met online on an entrepreneur website. I was the youngest in this business and he happened to be the only other young entrepreneur, near my age on the site. I decided to contact him by e-mail. We instantly clicked from there, we have an uncanny amount in common with each other. The odds of us meeting the way we did and to have as much in common with each other as we have is incredible. We both were homeschooled, are in the photography career, enjoy working with children and are very family oriented. These were a few of the things we talked about most at first. It wasn't long until we were just about pouring our hearts out to each other which is something neither of us have done with another soul. At this time we were just about 1,000 miles away from each other..he relocated last month and now it's more like 4,000 miles but that hasn't stopped us from becoming even closer at this point. We talk every night on the phone for hours on end. This is also unusual for us being that we are both extremely shy and especially not good conversationalist on the phone. Neither of us would have every known that about each other unless we told one another, for the last month we've been talking for at least two hours to four hours a night and he calls me in the morning, I call him at work (when there isn't anything else to do) and finally we are going to visit each other. It's incredible, I didn't seek him out to find myself in love but that is what it just came to be. I know the feeling is mutual and that in itself is beyond amazing to me. I just am waiting to see what life holds for us from here.
Wow, how things change. :perplexed

The man I clicked with when I was yonger was infatuation/puppy love... we are still strictly platonic friends.

The second man I clicked with was love... but it didn't work out. Had nothing to do with not having that 'spark' but the day-to-day reality of the relationship didn't work.

Now I am at the beginning of something and it is definitely what you describe here... only time will tell :cloud9:
When I was 14 I 'clicked' with someone. He was a platonic friend and has been for years. But I had to cut him off and love from afar because he tries to sabatoge my relationships.

I 'clicked' with my current SO. It's been a great ride so far :):):)

So that makes 2 people in my lifetime.
Awww...this is gonna make me sad!! :sad: Here goes my story (kinda long)...

Two years ago I was a camp counselor during this weeklong summer camp. A few months before the start of the camp, all the counselors got together to meet and discuss the upcoming season, and I remember meeting of the other camp counselors. I instantly thought he was super cute, we exchanged a couple smiles, but I wasn't really paying him any attention cause he was so young, ha ha. Well, fast forward a couple months later to the start of camp...and Rob and I just clicked. I am not one of those lovely dovey, romantic type of women AT ALL b/c I think it's corny, hah a...but there was SOMETHING about Rob that just did it for me. He is the only guy in my life that I have ever just instantly clicked with. The first day of camp we were super fliratious and always around each other, always messing with each other, being silly. I remember he was part of a panel discussion and was sitting up on stage looking at me the whole time, making cute little faces...and I know this is gonna sound super corny and immature but it was like they say in the love was like we were the only 2 people in the room. :drunk: It was to the point where other counselors noticed and pointed it out, I was embarassed on the one hand but didn't really care. I got butterflies thinking about him, looking at him, when he was near, when he wasn't. It was intense from the start and it happened so quick! I remember one night we were just being silly like kids jumping on the bed in my room...and then we laid down on the bed in total silence just looking at each other. Not saying anything...just staring but it was so powerful and intense and I knew right then that we had clicked in a way I had NEVER experienced before.

Well I am the one who is always unlucky in love, so of course it didn't last. My ex was also a camp counselor in the program :look: and saw the connection that we had and turned into a total hater. Then it was like one day Rob was a different person, he started to act really funny toward me, distant. Rob later told me that my ex came to him ( pansy) and told him about our history and that he was still stuck on me and was having a hard time seeing us interacting the way that we were. Rob told him that he would keep his distance from me. Wish he did. :sad: I was really hurt about it and we didn't talk for months. I confronted my ex about it, he admitted it and that was another ordeal. We finally did talk once school started, had a fling but Rob had a lot going on and things didn't work out. They got very awkward and we fell off. It was the worst feeling ever, worse than when my first boyfriend and I broke up. I used to have dreams about it consistently for MONTHS...and I couldn't understand why it was bothering me so...until I realized it was b/c of that instant connection that we had. We just clicked in a way I couldn't even begin to explain. I saw him a few months later and it was still awkward (he thought I was mad at him, I was hurt that we had fell off) and the convo was tense. At that point I let it go and moved on. I've seen him around a few times but we barely even speak now...:ohwell:

So many thoughts have run through my mind in the past 2 years about this situation. Although it was VERY brief it was so intense to me that I just can't let it go. I am honestly STILL stuck on this guy, when I talk about him or think about him my whole demeanor changes (visiblly according to my friends, lol. Damn that corny glow, lol lol). I used to question myself and say maybe it was just me...all one sided...but I know deep down that it wasn't. I sometimes use to think that maybe things weren't over for us, and that one day we might get a real chance at a relationship. Who knows? I never did tell him in words how I felt about him...maybe that would have made a difference? But I also think at that time it would have never worked, with all the things that we both had going on in our lives. I knew if we had been together it would have been something that I probably could not have handled then...

Anyway, I kinda think my situation with him was to teach me, the love-cynic, a lesson. I think it was a blessing and a curse b/c on the one hand I now know THIS is how I want to feel about THE ONE. I want to feel that intensity, that connection, that instant attraction. On the other hand, I have not felt that with anyone else...and as a result I can't really get close to anyone b/c they don't measure up. :wallbash: I have compared my feelings for Rob to each guy that I've met in the last 2 years. I will say it was kinda a scary feeling to instantly click with someone like that, but it's also a great feeling...and I know the next guy I feel that way about is gonna have me forever cause I'm not letting it go again.

:cry::cry3:why are you doing this to me?! this made me so sad *blows nose* you kno what you should do? you should contact him. tell him exactly how you feel!! i mean what can it hurt right? and im sure if you guys instantly clicked then you can click again. you had a CONNECTION. what if he was ur enchanted love?! pls dont let this go cincysweetie!! :cry3:you just CANT!!

p.s. i am well aware that i'm being overly dramatic but idc! you should def give it another shot. idk if someone else already said this b/c i didnt get past this post but either way, pls consider what i said :sad:
two, but one is pretty much my best female friend so there is not romantic involvement. she's like my platonic "soul-mate". i've only clicked with one person of the opposite sex and was attracted to them. we met only once at a party.
I have "clicked" with people... but I never called it "clicking". I would just say dude was my "type" or he wasn't. Thing is a I don't really have a type.

Anyways all the "clicks" that I followed through ended... horribly. I talked to a male friend about it and he told me this "click" is just gut-level attraction and basically, and I shouldn't base too much on it.

My dating life hasn't been the same since. :rolleyes:

ETA: I've clicked with friends too. I call them "kindred spirits" lol... did anyone else read the Anne of the Green Gables series? :look:
It's happened to me once. Immediately there was just something between us. Initially, I wasn't that attracted to him physically, but his personality. I remember having a convo with him on the phone shortly after we'd met. After I hung up, my best friend was like, "Who was that?" :eek: because of how natural and free-flowing the convo was. She was like, ya'll talk like ya'll have known each other forever.

We went out on the world's longest first date shortly thereafter. It was Memorial Day weekend and we were together for 24+ hours. :eek: We spent the greater part of that school year (this was in college) attached at the hip. We had lunch/dinner several times per week, went to the movies, went out for drinks, talked on the phone constantly which slowly progressed to us spending every night together.

The undoing of our relationship came when his commitment issues surfaced. He decided he wasn't ready for a relationship (even though everything we were doing was as if we were in a relationship :rolleyes:). He said that he spent more time with me than any of his previous girlfriends, but he couldn't decide if I was just a friend or something more. :rolleyes: At this point, we stopped having sex, but still did all of the rest of the "relationship-type" stuff together (strictly nonsexual though).

I got fed up and started talking to other people. He got pissed, but claimed we were "just friends" and it was cool. We were never the same after that. :nono: And now he's married. We don't talk much anymore though some of those old feelings are still there -- and I believe this is exactly why he doesn't talk to me much anymore. And he still holds the title for best sex I've had in my life. So it's probably for the best. Unless his marriage doesn't work out. :look:

He needs to be punched in his left nut for that one! I would be annoyed with the wife - getting the best sex ever.:rolleyes: And how is he married when he couldn't decide on friends/relationship with you? Men annoy me. :ohwell:
Awww...this is gonna make me sad!! :sad: Here goes my story (kinda long)...

Two years ago I was a camp counselor during this weeklong summer camp. A few months before the start of the camp, all the counselors got together to meet and discuss the upcoming season, and I remember meeting of the other camp counselors. I instantly thought he was super cute, we exchanged a couple smiles, but I wasn't really paying him any attention cause he was so young, ha ha. Well, fast forward a couple months later to the start of camp...and Rob and I just clicked. I am not one of those lovely dovey, romantic type of women AT ALL b/c I think it's corny, hah a...but there was SOMETHING about Rob that just did it for me. He is the only guy in my life that I have ever just instantly clicked with. The first day of camp we were super fliratious and always around each other, always messing with each other, being silly. I remember he was part of a panel discussion and was sitting up on stage looking at me the whole time, making cute little faces...and I know this is gonna sound super corny and immature but it was like they say in the love was like we were the only 2 people in the room. :drunk: It was to the point where other counselors noticed and pointed it out, I was embarassed on the one hand but didn't really care. I got butterflies thinking about him, looking at him, when he was near, when he wasn't. It was intense from the start and it happened so quick! I remember one night we were just being silly like kids jumping on the bed in my room...and then we laid down on the bed in total silence just looking at each other. Not saying anything...just staring but it was so powerful and intense and I knew right then that we had clicked in a way I had NEVER experienced before.

Well I am the one who is always unlucky in love, so of course it didn't last. My ex was also a camp counselor in the program :look: and saw the connection that we had and turned into a total hater. Then it was like one day Rob was a different person, he started to act really funny toward me, distant. Rob later told me that my ex came to him ( pansy) and told him about our history and that he was still stuck on me and was having a hard time seeing us interacting the way that we were. Rob told him that he would keep his distance from me. Wish he did. :sad: I was really hurt about it and we didn't talk for months. I confronted my ex about it, he admitted it and that was another ordeal. We finally did talk once school started, had a fling but Rob had a lot going on and things didn't work out. They got very awkward and we fell off. It was the worst feeling ever, worse than when my first boyfriend and I broke up. I used to have dreams about it consistently for MONTHS...and I couldn't understand why it was bothering me so...until I realized it was b/c of that instant connection that we had. We just clicked in a way I couldn't even begin to explain. I saw him a few months later and it was still awkward (he thought I was mad at him, I was hurt that we had fell off) and the convo was tense. At that point I let it go and moved on. I've seen him around a few times but we barely even speak now...:ohwell:

So many thoughts have run through my mind in the past 2 years about this situation. Although it was VERY brief it was so intense to me that I just can't let it go. I am honestly STILL stuck on this guy, when I talk about him or think about him my whole demeanor changes (visiblly according to my friends, lol. Damn that corny glow, lol lol). I used to question myself and say maybe it was just me...all one sided...but I know deep down that it wasn't. I sometimes use to think that maybe things weren't over for us, and that one day we might get a real chance at a relationship. Who knows? I never did tell him in words how I felt about him...maybe that would have made a difference? But I also think at that time it would have never worked, with all the things that we both had going on in our lives. I knew if we had been together it would have been something that I probably could not have handled then...

Anyway, I kinda think my situation with him was to teach me, the love-cynic, a lesson. I think it was a blessing and a curse b/c on the one hand I now know THIS is how I want to feel about THE ONE. I want to feel that intensity, that connection, that instant attraction. On the other hand, I have not felt that with anyone else...and as a result I can't really get close to anyone b/c they don't measure up. :wallbash: I have compared my feelings for Rob to each guy that I've met in the last 2 years. I will say it was kinda a scary feeling to instantly click with someone like that, but it's also a great feeling...and I know the next guy I feel that way about is gonna have me forever cause I'm not letting it go again.

Where is Rob! Find Rob now! I shouldn't have read this because now I want you with Rob. :sad:
What an interesting topic... I have clicked like that with two people in my life!

I instantly clicked with my current SO. We actually spoke on the phone for a month before we ever got together and met in person. We have VERY similar interests and personalities and would spend HOURS on the phone with eachother even before we met. When we finally did meet, we went to play pool. We shared a stick and everytime we passed it to eachother we would just stare and smile at eachother... I have never felt such a mental and physical connection with someone so quickly in my life. He talks about the "L" word and OUR future together often (and we've only been dating a few months). I have definite commitment issues and my friends keep telling me NOT to blow it with him and I agree. I adore him and I really hope that we continue to click and that things go further. Maybe some of the other stories I have read about people losing these connections will teach me about myself and keep me from having the same unfortunate ending.

The only other time I've clicked like that is with my best friend. We just clicked and became best friends right from the start. We have been through everything together and know everything about eachother... she is like my sister. I have known her for 20 years now and I can't imagine not knowing her for the next 100 years.
What an interesting topic... I have clicked like that with two people in my life!

I instantly clicked with my current SO. We actually spoke on the phone for a month before we ever got together and met in person. We have VERY similar interests and personalities and would spend HOURS on the phone with eachother even before we met. When we finally did meet, we went to play pool. We shared a stick and everytime we passed it to eachother we would just stare and smile at eachother... I have never felt such a mental and physical connection with someone so quickly in my life. He talks about the "L" word and OUR future together often (and we've only been dating a few months). I have definite commitment issues and my friends keep telling me NOT to blow it with him and I agree. I adore him and I really hope that we continue to click and that things go further. Maybe some of the other stories I have read about people losing these connections will teach me about myself and keep me from having the same unfortunate ending.

The only other time I've clicked like that is with my best friend. We just clicked and became best friends right from the start. We have been through everything together and know everything about eachother... she is like my sister. I have known her for 20 years now and I can't imagine not knowing her for the next 100 years.

Thats so awesome! It sounds alot like how my relationships have been with my friends. Its great to hear when they work out for the best
He needs to be punched in his left nut for that one! I would be annoyed with the wife - getting the best sex ever.:rolleyes: And how is he married when he couldn't decide on friends/relationship with you? Men annoy me. :ohwell:

I had forgotten about this thread. :lachen:

Yeah, it was crazy. I also put together a timeline of events... He had to have been dating his to-be-wife (and conveniently forgot to tell me) at least one of the times when we did the deed after "it was never the same anymore" because I started dating other people. Imagine my shock when next time I turn around this Negro is married. :rolleyes:
Last edited:
I had forgotten about this thread. :lachen:

Yeah, it was crazy. I also put together a timeline of events... He had to have been dating his to-be-wife (and conveniently forgot to tell me) at least one of the times when we did the deed after "it was never the same anymore" because I started dating other people. Imagine my shock when next time I turn around this Negro is married. :rolleyes:

I had forgotten about this thread. :lachen:

Yeah, it was crazy. I also put together a timeline of events... He had to have been dating his to-be-wife (and conveniently forgot to tell me) at least one of the times when we did the deed after "it was never the same anymore" because I started dating other people. Imagine my shock when next time I turn around this Negro is married. :rolleyes:
what a jacka$$! :nono:
Once to with the woman who did my resume years ago even though I only saw her twice. The first time I just felt comfortable around her and was able to talk to her like I've never talked to a stranger before. I'm not normally talkative with strangers.

Romantically no I haven't instantly clicked with anyone.
I have one of these... 2 summers ago it happened, but it didn't even last a whole year, just 3 intense months...
I, to this day can't even call us boyfriend and girlfriend because of the same commitment issues...

it's so wierd, that we'd talk about things and say we were brother and sister because of the way we cliqued, and then we'd laugh all grossed out, cuz that would be like incest...
Yeahh.. see? even he knew how deep we cliqued....

at one point, he was on the phone with me, telling me that I was the only other person (except his mother) who had the 'key' to his feelings, as in, not only did I have the power to make him extremely happy, but if I used my 'powers' for evil, I also had a way into his head to make him mad...

(he's very secure and confident about himself, and no one has the power to 'make' him do anything, so when I heard that .... I was pretty impressed with myself lol)

ahhh well. the whole commitment issues came up, and i'd like to say we drifted apart.. but we didn't.. he drifted away from me, and left me hanging high and dry... told me at the end of the summer 'It is what it is'...

I cried.

took me a good 6 months after that to get over him... while seeing him off and on, then I had to cut him out of my life.
This is my story to a TEE! Except it happened in the fall, almost two years ago. We met during the first week at our new school and the chemistry was crazy from jump. We were together almost everyday for almost four months, we were so different, but I loved our conversations.

He told me how deep his feelings were, and would write stuff for me, it was so intense it was almost scary.

And then it just ended, I really don't know what happened. I finally had to just cut him off too for my own peace of mind, so I could get over him.

The thing is, after that experience I'm having a hard time being with anyone else because of the way I felt when I was with him, that intensity, it was just crazy. It's like, now that I've has a taste of that feeling I can't settle for less.
I feel like its happened to me once.....I clicked with a guy like that on a friendship level.... we would talk constantly and shared so much...we are so much alike. He lived in another state so it was mainly phone, email, etc. I thought maybe there could be romantic potential but when we spent time together face to was no chemistry, no spark :nono: I was confused and kinda sad....but I have learned to live with it....things werent really the same after that. We are still friends...but I dont think our friendship will ever be as intense or that there is any romantic potential there. Im okay with that though... I appreciate the friendship for what it was for the season that it existed.

Now, Im waiting for my true romantic "click" :yep::grin:
twice: my best friend and my ex

anyone that's ever met me knows that I am an extremely odd person, so clicking with anyone is assumed to be impossible in my case.

the intensive connection with the ex absolutely ruined my expectations for future dating mates. Even with all of my ex's imperfections and selfishness, the bar has been set so high, particularly on elements of emotional support, sexual compatibility, intellectual stimulation & even belief in my life potential, that its difficult for me to meet someone that is meets half of those requirements naturally without a whole lot of time & patience on my behalf. During that incubator period, no matter how sincerity & love the new person shows, its so difficult for me to shake that nauseating feeling that I am settling.

It's quite frustrating actually :wallbash:
With this one particular guy, this has gone on for 10 years, you guys...10 YEARS. :nono:

We met when I was working at a radio station, and he was a guitarist doing a live gig there...we looked at each other and POW, it was like a sonic boom. We both froze, he stopped playing on the air, I let out a huge gasp, and that was it, we were both gone.

Of course, he was engaged, I had a very serious nothing could ever happen between us. But after that when we saw each other at parties or out on the town or at work, we'd talk nonstop, laugh and it was like there was no one else on earth but the two of us.

We ran into each other last week and the feeling hasn't changed for me. And apparently not for him either...the coworker I was with said, "wow, he was looking at you like he was lost...that man is in love with you." And my coworker had no idea about our history.

If we were both free, I wouldn't hesitate to pursue a relationship. Connections like this come around only once or twice in a lifetime.
With this one particular guy, this has gone on for 10 years, you guys...10 YEARS. :nono:

We met when I was working at a radio station, and he was a guitarist doing a live gig there...we looked at each other and POW, it was like a sonic boom. We both froze, he stopped playing on the air, I let out a huge gasp, and that was it, we were both gone.

Of course, he was engaged, I had a very serious nothing could ever happen between us. But after that when we saw each other at parties or out on the town or at work, we'd talk nonstop, laugh and it was like there was no one else on earth but the two of us.

We ran into each other last week and the feeling hasn't changed for me. And apparently not for him either...the coworker I was with said, "wow, he was looking at you like he was lost...that man is in love with you." And my coworker had no idea about our history.

If we were both free, I wouldn't hesitate to pursue a relationship. Connections like this come around only once or twice in a lifetime.

what are you waiting for? Yall need to pursue this further. I'd laugh at your 10 years if i wasn't going through the same cycle for 7 years myself. I need help.
It's happened to me 2X. The first time with my first boyfriend. I sabotaged that relationship. That was 16 years ago and I still kick myself for being a jacka$$.

The second time it occurred was last year. The odds of us ever crossing paths was 1 million to 1. I was standing in for someone else at an event that I dreaded going to.

Anyway, the first time I saw him, there was something so familiar about I had met him before. I could have sworn that I heard his voice before. He kept coming up to me and staring. He just openly gazed at me in my face. In turn, I had to use everything in me to keep from hugging the guy...a complete stranger. (Now, I am a 100% funny bunny. I don't even like hugging many family members.)

I saw him again recently. I went out of my way to see him again. I wanted to see if the attraction was still there. I really wanted to believe that my mind was playing tricks on me. It wasn't. It is so scary. Again, it felt like we didn't have to say anything to each other, we both just 'know' each other. I do believe in kindred spirits. I feel like we have shared some of the same life experiences or something. When we walked beside each other, there was this unexplainable calm. Neither of us had to say a word. There was 'something' there.

He bought me a small 'token'. It was related to something that I have loved since I was a baby. I showed it to my mom and she freaked. (I didn't tell her about the attraction until after he gave me the token.)

After I met him, I have thought of him every day before I get out of my bed and every night before I go to sleep. If I am with a guy, I am thinking of him.

I don't want to see him again for fear. I am so afraid of how I feel. I really don't know what to do with these feelings.

I'm going to leave it alone though after reading what Sunshine B said though. I would hate to have it turn out for the worse. I would rather just live with the memories.
Twice and both times I was on top of the world and then not.
The first time I was 13 and he was 17.(Does that count?) He was the sweetest thing ever. Well we go into a fight and broke up and the next girl he started dating he ended up marrying and I heard they are still together to this day. Good for her, bad for me.

The second time it was last year around this time. He was nice, cute, had just the right amount of bossiness that I like, hard working, but he was older and MARRIED. The story of my life. So that went no where really really fast.

It is always said the third time is the charm.:grin:
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a couple of years ago with a well known black celebrity. I work in television and i was assigned to work with this man as my stations rep. He's done many black movies and now moved into mainstream work. I didn't really follow him so i didn't know his family history.

Anyway, I get to the hotel to meet this guy and his publicist. I was standing outside waiting for them and when he walked out...i SWEAR! we just stood there and stared at eachother for a moment. It was insane..the electricity. I had gone with no expectations.

We just clicked. We talked non-stop all day about everything. We went shopping. was crazy. His other cast mates were with us part of the day and they could tell we something was happening. the publicist told me since we getting along so well she will take off and leave us alone.

Well I find out after reading up on him that my guy IS married. Coincidently, he was on Oprah not too long after with his wife! Yup. Unbelievable. I was not happy. He pleads his case with me come to L.A. things with the wife ain't so good...blah blah blah.

Needless to say i cut the man loose.

2nd time with my current ex whom i write about all the time in here. Tall, Dark and Handsome...first day i saw him I thought(met him at board meeting) just met my husband. We started dating a month later...lasted a year. I still love him...he just told me he still loves me so we will see.

We don't get these opportunities too often in life. Gotta cherish them.
I clicked with somebody...I met him at a summer camp...he was gorgeous:lick: and he was Indian...I dont know its the weirdest thing...the electricity between us was crazy...we would flirt 24/7 anybody could SEE that we liked each other alot...It went well for a good three weeks and then after that he started acting up....I think he was scared of the connection between us....he had a girl back home in India and he probably has to be with somebody from his culture so I never stressed it after it never worked out...we still talk though and I still have feelings for him unfortunately:wallbash:...I always say maybe one day he will finally admit we should be together but the chances of that are slim to none...
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