How many times have you transitioned?

How many times have you transitioned?

  • Once

    Votes: 71 44.1%
  • 2x

    Votes: 55 34.2%
  • 3x

    Votes: 27 16.8%
  • 4x

    Votes: 4 2.5%
  • 5x

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • 6x or more (please state how many)

    Votes: 3 1.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
This is my first..I will be a year post next month and hopefully this is my last. Transitioning ain't easy!
This will be my second (and last) transition. Transitioning isn't hard, but growing length takes time and I don't want to keep starting over.
I voted 2x, but when I think back if I include the first time I really tried it would be 3x. I transitioned for 20 weeks and couldn't take it anymore so I relaxed. I think that was in early 2000. In 2009 I did it for 3 months, then BC'd. Stayed natural for 10 months before I screwed that up and eventually ended up relaxed again! In 2011 I did it again for about 3 months then BC'd (BCing is the only way for me) and this time I got my hair shaved nearly bald.

I think it's working out much better this time. I've learned so much like how to blow dry my hair straight! And stretched styles. I've learned how to handle most of the issues I encountered before that made me go back to relaxing, so I can safely say as long as all of these non and lo-heat styles are in like twists, bantu knots, braids, puffs, pompaduor, etc..., I'm natural for life!
I count this as my first. Just found out from my stylist that next month will make 2 years since I last relaxed. I promise it's not as hard as everyone seems to make it.

As a little girl, I had a jheri curl (eek) then my grandmother kept my hair braided in cornrows until all the chemicals had grown out. From then until after I joined the military, was a "press and curl" natural. Back then it wasnt a big thing, you just didnt I don't really count that and I guess that's why I don't see transitioning as a big deal. I didnt stop relaxing for a movement, to see what my natural hair looks like (cause I already know), to stop wearing my hair straight, or to be curly 24/7. I stopped relaxing to play in color and to eliminate the dandruff that the relaxer was causing.
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I have transitioned 3 times. I may relax again in the future. I just can't seem to pick a side! For now I will stay natural and use a bkt/smoothing treatment when I get the itch.
This is my second time. The first time, I did it out of anger because my hair was breaking off due to being over processed at a salon. Absolutely, no thought went into it at all and I eventually ended up relaxed again.
This time, I thought it out and did it because I wanted to stop using chemicals in my hair and not because of damage. Cutting off the healthy hair was a much more difficult act. Hopefully, I have the patience and know how to take care of my natural hair better this time.
So far just the one time. My "transition" didn't last very long because I became very frustrated dealing with two textures. I'm happy being natural right now, so If I decide that my hair is becoming a hassle I will probably just heat train.
I think this the 3rd and know for sure it's the final. Before I wasn't consciously doing it and it was easy, this time it was so hard in the beginning. Not sure what change this time around, but its back under control now thank goodness thanks to QOD
This is my first time transitioning and I am almost 13 months post. I do not plan on transitioning again. Either I will love being natural and stick with it or I will return to texlaxing but I definitely won't transition again! It hasn't been super difficult but some wash days are worse than others!
This is my second time... Last time I made it to 7 months and caved in. This go around I'm 8.5 months post and plan to keep going. I really don't want to relax again, if anything I'd rather be a strict heat trained natural. I feel like my scalp and hair have a long ways to go... It really needs a break from relaxing. Been relaxing for 21 years :blush: :nono: :blush:. My hair has thinned out and I don't feel it's due to age or anything, it's from constant relaxing.
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1x and then relaxed after 7 months
I didn't transition at all this time, I big chopped at 3 months post. I am the type of chick that cannot do transitions.
I never really transitioned. I would always just get the itch to not relax and so I would shave it all off. I guess maybe once I waited like 2 months before I BC'ed so that i wouldn't be COMPLETELY shaven but oh well.

This time I hope it will be the last time I relax. I just know about other options. BKTs, heat only, weaves, etc. I would just hide my hair. Seems easiest so you don't get the BC-shock. I hope to get 3 inches and then chop, so maybe the end of the Summer or sooner. And then I plan to PS until I hit a nice 8-9 inches.
This will be my first time and I don't think I'm gonna relax/texlax again. I haven't had a texlax in 6 months and I've been learning how to take care of my natural hair and loving it. I believe I've found the products that will help me on my healthy hair journey and the only thing I need to figure out is how to prevent reversion when I flatiron.