How many times have you clicked with someone?

Belle Du Jour

Well-Known Member
I'm watching Before Sunset (again :drunk:) which is the sequel to Before Sunrise. The movie brings up some really interesting points like you only instantly click with people a few times in your life. Has that happened to you? Have you just instantly clicked with someone? Did it last or was it "too hot to handle?" Has that happened to you in romantic relationships or platonic relationships or both? Did the friendship or relationship last? Before Sunset is such an interesting movie and everytime I watch it, I get something new out of it.
Awww...this is gonna make me sad!! :sad: Here goes my story (kinda long)...

Two years ago I was a camp counselor during this weeklong summer camp. A few months before the start of the camp, all the counselors got together to meet and discuss the upcoming season, and I remember meeting of the other camp counselors. I instantly thought he was super cute, we exchanged a couple smiles, but I wasn't really paying him any attention cause he was so young, ha ha. Well, fast forward a couple months later to the start of camp...and Rob and I just clicked. I am not one of those lovely dovey, romantic type of women AT ALL b/c I think it's corny, hah a...but there was SOMETHING about Rob that just did it for me. He is the only guy in my life that I have ever just instantly clicked with. The first day of camp we were super fliratious and always around each other, always messing with each other, being silly. I remember he was part of a panel discussion and was sitting up on stage looking at me the whole time, making cute little faces...and I know this is gonna sound super corny and immature but it was like they say in the love was like we were the only 2 people in the room. :drunk: It was to the point where other counselors noticed and pointed it out, I was embarassed on the one hand but didn't really care. I got butterflies thinking about him, looking at him, when he was near, when he wasn't. It was intense from the start and it happened so quick! I remember one night we were just being silly like kids jumping on the bed in my room...and then we laid down on the bed in total silence just looking at each other. Not saying anything...just staring but it was so powerful and intense and I knew right then that we had clicked in a way I had NEVER experienced before.

Well I am the one who is always unlucky in love, so of course it didn't last. My ex was also a camp counselor in the program :look: and saw the connection that we had and turned into a total hater. Then it was like one day Rob was a different person, he started to act really funny toward me, distant. Rob later told me that my ex came to him ( pansy) and told him about our history and that he was still stuck on me and was having a hard time seeing us interacting the way that we were. Rob told him that he would keep his distance from me. Wish he did. :sad: I was really hurt about it and we didn't talk for months. I confronted my ex about it, he admitted it and that was another ordeal. We finally did talk once school started, had a fling but Rob had a lot going on and things didn't work out. They got very awkward and we fell off. It was the worst feeling ever, worse than when my first boyfriend and I broke up. I used to have dreams about it consistently for MONTHS...and I couldn't understand why it was bothering me so...until I realized it was b/c of that instant connection that we had. We just clicked in a way I couldn't even begin to explain. I saw him a few months later and it was still awkward (he thought I was mad at him, I was hurt that we had fell off) and the convo was tense. At that point I let it go and moved on. I've seen him around a few times but we barely even speak now...:ohwell:

So many thoughts have run through my mind in the past 2 years about this situation. Although it was VERY brief it was so intense to me that I just can't let it go. I am honestly STILL stuck on this guy, when I talk about him or think about him my whole demeanor changes (visiblly according to my friends, lol. Damn that corny glow, lol lol). I used to question myself and say maybe it was just me...all one sided...but I know deep down that it wasn't. I sometimes use to think that maybe things weren't over for us, and that one day we might get a real chance at a relationship. Who knows? I never did tell him in words how I felt about him...maybe that would have made a difference? But I also think at that time it would have never worked, with all the things that we both had going on in our lives. I knew if we had been together it would have been something that I probably could not have handled then...

Anyway, I kinda think my situation with him was to teach me, the love-cynic, a lesson. I think it was a blessing and a curse b/c on the one hand I now know THIS is how I want to feel about THE ONE. I want to feel that intensity, that connection, that instant attraction. On the other hand, I have not felt that with anyone else...and as a result I can't really get close to anyone b/c they don't measure up. :wallbash: I have compared my feelings for Rob to each guy that I've met in the last 2 years. I will say it was kinda a scary feeling to instantly click with someone like that, but it's also a great feeling...and I know the next guy I feel that way about is gonna have me forever cause I'm not letting it go again.
it happened to me when i was 16. We kinda just stood there and stared at each other for what felt like infinity (really about 20-30 seconds). We've talked over the years but we never dated. 7 years later we might actually start dating.
Funny how that "Clicking" thing works.

I've clicked and "went for it", I've also cliked and "ran from it". When I went for it and later it did not work out it took me forever:cry: to get over it. When I ran from it, it took me forever :wallbash:to stop wondering if I "did" the right thing!

Recently I've clicked and am currently holding on. Neither of us can explain why/how we clicked but we are :dinner:both holdng on and enjoying the relationship immensley!

Wish me luck!

I love the smiley selection!
Awww...this is gonna make me sad!! :sad: Here goes my story (kinda long)...

Two years ago I was a camp counselor during this weeklong summer camp. A few months before the start of the camp, all the counselors got together to meet and discuss the upcoming season, and I remember meeting of the other camp counselors. I instantly thought he was super cute, we exchanged a couple smiles, but I wasn't really paying him any attention cause he was so young, ha ha. Well, fast forward a couple months later to the start of camp...and Rob and I just clicked. I am not one of those lovely dovey, romantic type of women AT ALL b/c I think it's corny, hah a...but there was SOMETHING about Rob that just did it for me. He is the only guy in my life that I have ever just instantly clicked with. The first day of camp we were super fliratious and always around each other, always messing with each other, being silly. I remember he was part of a panel discussion and was sitting up on stage looking at me the whole time, making cute little faces...and I know this is gonna sound super corny and immature but it was like they say in the love was like we were the only 2 people in the room. :drunk: It was to the point where other counselors noticed and pointed it out, I was embarassed on the one hand but didn't really care. I got butterflies thinking about him, looking at him, when he was near, when he wasn't. It was intense from the start and it happened so quick! I remember one night we were just being silly like kids jumping on the bed in my room...and then we laid down on the bed in total silence just looking at each other. Not saying anything...just staring but it was so powerful and intense and I knew right then that we had clicked in a way I had NEVER experienced before.

Well I am the one who is always unlucky in love, so of course it didn't last. My ex was also a camp counselor in the program :look: and saw the connection that we had and turned into a total hater. Then it was like one day Rob was a different person, he started to act really funny toward me, distant. Rob later told me that my ex came to him ( pansy) and told him about our history and that he was still stuck on me and was having a hard time seeing us interacting the way that we were. Rob told him that he would keep his distance from me. Wish he did. :sad: I was really hurt about it and we didn't talk for months. I confronted my ex about it, he admitted it and that was another ordeal. We finally did talk once school started, had a fling but Rob had a lot going on and things didn't work out. They got very awkward and we fell off. It was the worst feeling ever, worse than when my first boyfriend and I broke up. I used to have dreams about it consistently for MONTHS...and I couldn't understand why it was bothering me so...until I realized it was b/c of that instant connection that we had. We just clicked in a way I couldn't even begin to explain. I saw him a few months later and it was still awkward (he thought I was mad at him, I was hurt that we had fell off) and the convo was tense. At that point I let it go and moved on. I've seen him around a few times but we barely even speak now...:ohwell:

So many thoughts have run through my mind in the past 2 years about this situation. Although it was VERY brief it was so intense to me that I just can't let it go. I am honestly STILL stuck on this guy, when I talk about him or think about him my whole demeanor changes (visiblly according to my friends, lol. Damn that corny glow, lol lol). I used to question myself and say maybe it was just me...all one sided...but I know deep down that it wasn't. I sometimes use to think that maybe things weren't over for us, and that one day we might get a real chance at a relationship. Who knows? I never did tell him in words how I felt about him...maybe that would have made a difference? But I also think at that time it would have never worked, with all the things that we both had going on in our lives. I knew if we had been together it would have been something that I probably could not have handled then...

Anyway, I kinda think my situation with him was to teach me, the love-cynic, a lesson. I think it was a blessing and a curse b/c on the one hand I now know THIS is how I want to feel about THE ONE. I want to feel that intensity, that connection, that instant attraction. On the other hand, I have not felt that with anyone else...and as a result I can't really get close to anyone b/c they don't measure up. :wallbash: I have compared my feelings for Rob to each guy that I've met in the last 2 years. I will say it was kinda a scary feeling to instantly click with someone like that, but it's also a great feeling...and I know the next guy I feel that way about is gonna have me forever cause I'm not letting it go again.

Wow. Thank you for sharing. You sound JUST like the female character in the movie. She says her ability to believe in romantic love was destroyed when things didn't work out. It's unfortunate that your ex interfered with your relationship with Rob. But you never know what the future will bring.
it happened to me when i was 16. We kinda just stood there and stared at each other for what felt like infinity (really about 20-30 seconds). We've talked over the years but we never dated. 7 years later we might actually start dating.

LOL, did you hear music? :grin: I think it's so cute that stuff like that really does happen. Um, I haven't experienced this yet. Well, I have felt attraction at first sight, but it was one-sided. :look: But he turned out to be a bastard anyway. :rolleyes: :spinning:
Funny how that "Clicking" thing works.

I've clicked and "went for it", I've also cliked and "ran from it". When I went for it and later it did not work out it took me forever:cry: to get over it. When I ran from it, it took me forever :wallbash:to stop wondering if I "did" the right thing!

Recently I've clicked and am currently holding on. Neither of us can explain why/how we clicked but we are :dinner:both holdng on and enjoying the relationship immensley!

Wish me luck!

I love the smiley selection!

I'm glad you had the courage to try it and see. I think the feeling must be overwhelming to feel all these feelings for someone you just met or saw. Good luck. :yep:
Wow. Thank you for sharing. You sound JUST like the female character in the movie. She says her ability to believe in romantic love was destroyed when things didn't work out. It's unfortunate that your ex interfered with your relationship with Rob. But you never know what the future will bring.
I may have to check that movie out! I've never heard of it.

And yes, who knows what the future holds? But if nothing else, if/when I feel that feeling again I will recognize it, believe in and trust it, and then go for it! :grin: I'm grateful for the experience b/c the cynic in me would NEVER have believed in it had I not experienced it first hand. Gives me something to look forward to. :yep:
Funny how that "Clicking" thing works.

I've clicked and "went for it", I've also cliked and "ran from it". When I went for it and later it did not work out it took me forever:cry: to get over it. When I ran from it, it took me forever :wallbash:to stop wondering if I "did" the right thing!

Recently I've clicked and am currently holding on. Neither of us can explain why/how we clicked but we are :dinner:both holdng on and enjoying the relationship immensley!

Wish me luck!

I love the smiley selection!
I can so relate to the bolded.

But good for your for not letting it pass you by this time...and giving it your all. Good luck to you!
I may have to check that movie out! I've never heard of it.

And yes, who knows what the future holds? But if nothing else, if/when I feel that feeling again I will recognize it, believe in and trust it, and then go for it! :grin: I'm grateful for the experience b/c the cynic in me would NEVER have believed in it had I not experienced it first hand. Gives me something to look forward to. :yep:

You should, it's a very popular movie with a cult following as they say. I actually saw the sequel and then saw the first one. I had to buy the sequel.

That's great that you experienced that and are looking at it in a positive way.
Yeah, me and my SO instantly clicked, instantly did a lot of things, and we fall deeper in love everyday. I've had the best friendships and relationships of my life with people I instantly clicked with. This goes for females as well, I've gotten really close to some people I initially didn't like and vice versa before but nothing is like those instant clicks. When it happens in love it's an intense feeling and relationship. When it happens in friendship it could be one of those 'friends forever' things.
I fell hard for my ex, but I actually wouldn't say we clicked. He always made me very nervous, and at first it was awkward. But I was very attracted to him when I first saw him, but to me that's not necessarily clicking.
I've been an aquaintence of this guy that I'm no longer seeing for over two years, but we never really spoke to one another, b/c he was going through alot of drama w/ a close friend of mine. Then over the 4th of July we actuallt talked to each other for longer then a hello, and it was like he said something to me, and it was like seeing him for the first time. I had heard so many "bad" things abotu him that I'd never really noticed himas a person, and when I did it was like wow! We have a ton in common, and we're so similar, but I would never have known that, but all of a sudden I felt it like just looking at him. It was weird b.c evne my good friends saw it, and were like you two make alot of sense, and you act like you've been together forever. We had a brief fling that was so passionate, and honest, that I think it kinda freaked both of us out. I think we could both see this going somewhere really serious, but we're looking for different things, and our schedules are out of whack, but he's definitely the one that got away right now.
LOL, did you hear music? :grin: I think it's so cute that stuff like that really does happen. Um, I haven't experienced this yet. Well, I have felt attraction at first sight, but it was one-sided. :look: But he turned out to be a bastard anyway. :rolleyes: :spinning:

LOL, not music, but everything seemed in slow motion (i even remember it like that!). it always sucks when an attraction is one-sided. Good thing too, since he turned out to be a$$.
When I was 14 I 'clicked' with someone. He was a platonic friend and has been for years. But I had to cut him off and love from afar because he tries to sabatoge my relationships.

I 'clicked' with my current SO. It's been a great ride so far :):):)

So that makes 2 people in my lifetime.
Just wanted to say that those are two of my favorite films of ALL TIME. They are side by side in my dvd collection.:drunk:
Aren't they the best? :yep:

Yes, they are! I love when they have their first kiss on the ferris wheel and when he tells her about his dream where she's pregnant and he touches her on the ankle. *sigh*

Everytime I see those films I wonder if I would have the guts to have an adventure with a stranger like that.
Yes, they are! I love when they have their first kiss on the ferris wheel and when he tells her about his dream where she's pregnant and he touches her on the ankle. *sigh*

Everytime I see those films I wonder if I would have the guts to have an adventure with a stranger like that.

I guess it depends on the moment and if my "crazy radar" was going off. I might have the guts to go with the moment. I met a guy in Paris who wanted to walk along the Seine like 20 minutes after we met and it was night and very dark down there. I was like, no thanks. LOL, maybe that was the one that got away. :rolleyes: :spinning: j/k
When I was 14 I 'clicked' with someone. He was a platonic friend and has been for years. But I had to cut him off and love from afar because he tries to sabatoge my relationships.

I 'clicked' with my current SO. It's been a great ride so far :):):)

So that makes 2 people in my lifetime.

There's one part in the movie where they said that they both tried to brush the fact that things didn't work off because when you're young, you think you'll click like that with so many people. And as you get older, you realize it's rare that that happens. So to me 2 is a good number of times for this to happen. :yep:
I'm gonna have to pick these two movies up.

I agree that it's definately a rare thing and when it happens it isn't something you should take lightly, of course that's something that people usually don't learn until experience and maturity kicks in.
I clicked with someone earlier this year, and I'm still not the same. We had an instant and immediate attraction to each other physically and mentally. We have everything in common and will sit and talk on the phone for hours with each other. We actually had an 8 hour conversation one day...It went from daylight to nighttime and we didn't notice or care. I posted in another thread that we'd be together now, but he's going through some emotional drama with his ex (who cheated and kicked him out of his house months prior to meeting me). So for the most part we leave each other alone until he gains some sort of normalcy in the situation. We met at church, so we tell each other if its GD's will it will be. I'm truly in love with him...
It has happened only once with a man. Which of whom I am still trying to get over. :( When I first saw him I couldn't stop myself from staring. I seen him from across the room and just stood there for a least 10 mins just looking at him and watching him. (it was kinda stalkerish, i guess, but i couldnt help it :) ) When I first seen him we were stationed together in Korea, I found out everything I could about him and just admired him from afar. Little did I know he was doing the same to me. :) I ended up leaving Korea and moving to Japan and 2 mths later he was there. I didnt know he was coming so it was a wonderful surprise seeing him, this time we caught each other's eye and just stared. It look a few weeks for us to make that move but when we did it was like I fell in love on the first date. He asked that night to be his girlfriend. He is the only man that when we kissed that I couldnt breath afterwards, :)

There was so much intensity between us that it just became too much. We eventually parted ways but we still have those feelings for each other. I seen him out over the weekend and we couldnt stop hugging and smiling at each other. He is leaving here next month to move back to Ca and the thought of not seeing him again makes me physically ill and extremely sad.

I dont know if I will ever click with someone like that again, but hopefully.
I gotta say, I clicked with someone INTENSELY at the beginning of this year...and I still can't stop thinking about him. WE met accidently. He thought I was chatting with one of his friends, but it was actually a guy wearing the same thing as his friend. So he comes in and jumps in the conversation. Me and the guy are like "who is this dude?" Long story short, the guy ends up leaving and me and my dude start talking. I have NEVER felt this way about someone so fast. I seriously fell in love with him after two weeks. He's in the army so he had to leave in two weeks and now he is in Iraq. He calls me about once a week so I guess that is a good sign.

I miss him.
Why did you guys breakup? :sad:

It has happened only once with a man. Which of whom I am still trying to get over. :( When I first saw him I couldn't stop myself from staring. I seen him from across the room and just stood there for a least 10 mins just looking at him and watching him. (it was kinda stalkerish, i guess, but i couldnt help it :) ) When I first seen him we were stationed together in Korea, I found out everything I could about him and just admired him from afar. Little did I know he was doing the same to me. :) I ended up leaving Korea and moving to Japan and 2 mths later he was there. I didnt know he was coming so it was a wonderful surprise seeing him, this time we caught each other's eye and just stared. It look a few weeks for us to make that move but when we did it was like I fell in love on the first date. He asked that night to be his girlfriend. He is the only man that when we kissed that I couldnt breath afterwards, :)

There was so much intensity between us that it just became too much. We eventually parted ways but we still have those feelings for each other. I seen him out over the weekend and we couldnt stop hugging and smiling at each other. He is leaving here next month to move back to Ca and the thought of not seeing him again makes me physically ill and extremely sad.

I dont know if I will ever click with someone like that again, but hopefully.
Yes, I had that instant “click” or chemistry with 2 guys in my life. The first never felt like that before. It was a feeling like no other. In the end, I got scared and ran. Now I wonder what could have been. But I will NEVER forget that it was beautiful. A true gift from God cause I can say you don’t feel like that for too many people and the fact that the feelings were mutual makes it even MORE special.:yep:

The 2nd guy, well it was more of a chemistry we had. It’s still there but he is no good :nono: and even though I know that he knows there is a chemistry between us, regardless, he’s still out there playing around so I left him alone.:ohwell: Oh well, his loss.

So now, that's what I'm looking for ....that love, chemistry thing. It's beautiful..especially with the right person.
I met this guy that I "click" with and it really scares me. Some days I feel like I should be running from him and others I feel like I should be running to him. He is someone I feel that I can totally be real with and would understand everything about me without judgement.
It's happened to me once. Immediately there was just something between us. Initially, I wasn't that attracted to him physically, but his personality. I remember having a convo with him on the phone shortly after we'd met. After I hung up, my best friend was like, "Who was that?" :eek: because of how natural and free-flowing the convo was. She was like, ya'll talk like ya'll have known each other forever.

We went out on the world's longest first date shortly thereafter. It was Memorial Day weekend and we were together for 24+ hours. :eek: We spent the greater part of that school year (this was in college) attached at the hip. We had lunch/dinner several times per week, went to the movies, went out for drinks, talked on the phone constantly which slowly progressed to us spending every night together.

The undoing of our relationship came when his commitment issues surfaced. He decided he wasn't ready for a relationship (even though everything we were doing was as if we were in a relationship :rolleyes:). He said that he spent more time with me than any of his previous girlfriends, but he couldn't decide if I was just a friend or something more. :rolleyes: At this point, we stopped having sex, but still did all of the rest of the "relationship-type" stuff together (strictly nonsexual though).

I got fed up and started talking to other people. He got pissed, but claimed we were "just friends" and it was cool. We were never the same after that. :nono: And now he's married. We don't talk much anymore though some of those old feelings are still there -- and I believe this is exactly why he doesn't talk to me much anymore. And he still holds the title for best sex I've had in my life. So it's probably for the best. Unless his marriage doesn't work out. :look:
Are you kidding me?! I just want to :hardslap: him!!! Ughhhh!
It's happened to me once. Immediately there was just something between us. Initially, I wasn't that attracted to him physically, but his personality. I remember having a convo with him on the phone shortly after we'd met. After I hung up, my best friend was like, "Who was that?" :eek: because of how natural and free-flowing the convo was. She was like, ya'll talk like ya'll have known each other forever.

We went out on the world's longest first date shortly thereafter. It was Memorial Day weekend and we were together for 24+ hours. :eek: We spent the greater part of that school year (this was in college) attached at the hip. We had lunch/dinner several times per week, went to the movies, went out for drinks, talked on the phone constantly which slowly progressed to us spending every night together.

The undoing of our relationship came when his commitment issues surfaced. He decided he wasn't ready for a relationship (even though everything we were doing was as if we were in a relationship :rolleyes:). He said that he spent more time with me than any of his previous girlfriends, but he couldn't decide if I was just a friend or something more. :rolleyes: At this point, we stopped having sex, but still did all of the rest of the "relationship-type" stuff together (strictly nonsexual though).

I got fed up and started talking to other people. He got pissed, but claimed we were "just friends" and it was cool. We were never the same after that. :nono: And now he's married. We don't talk much anymore though some of those old feelings are still there -- and I believe this is exactly why he doesn't talk to me much anymore. And he still holds the title for best sex I've had in my life. So it's probably for the best. Unless his marriage doesn't work out. :look: