How many never wore a weave B4?

Fake hair or Weave?

  • I have worn no wig, weave or extensions?

    Votes: 136 44.6%
  • I have worn French braids w/extensions?

    Votes: 94 30.8%
  • I have worn Phony ponies?

    Votes: 101 33.1%
  • I have worn a half wig or full wig?

    Votes: 73 23.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
wow theres a lot of non weave wearers in the house.

i have worn a straight hair weave before but the lady did a terribble job on top of the fact that i picked the shiny-est hair in the shop. so yes i took it out the next day. i also have worn curly hair weaves with cornrows in the front and it actually made my hair grow. especially the front all i have to do is keep my scalp moisterized with some S-Curl.

i actually want to get a weave now. it will feel good to not worry about my hair (yet maintaining its moisture w/ s-curl, water+ oil). i find it hard to keep up with the demarcation line when i have a significant amount of new growtn. my hair just keeps in breaking. the weaves cut out the manipulation.

i wonder why there is such a rejection to weaves?

ill sew it until i can grow it :)
I've never worn a weave or anything, but I'm sure I would have if I didn't live in this country. When I was a child I didn't even know about relaxers or anything, never even seen a black woman. So weaves weren't even on my horizon. :lol: Once I was grown up I was so used to my natural hair and it was too late to re-train to new hair habits. :)
I had a ponytail weave before when i was in HS but I have never worn a wig or had a sew in or glue. I always wanted to but never did it though. Q
Ambitious1013 said:
I have never worn a weave or extentions. I may be going to Africa for three weeks this summer. I am thinking about getting braid extentions to protect my own hair while I am there. I will research the forum when that time comes because I have no idea where to start or what to do! :lol:

I went to Africa (Jan 2006) for a month. (west africa) I ended up having to wash my hair twice because of the sand and grit. NOT GOOD! The water there is something I didn't want any of my body touching. Only at high end hotels would I take a shower - but even then, I wouldn't brush my teeth with it. If I could have, I would have purchased more hair wraps and hats before I went. I got VERY dirty when we went through the desert.
I wore my lab goggles and a mask to protect against the sand and getting sick, but my hair suffered greatly. :perplexed I'll share my experiences and what I will do next time I go when you get ready to go. :)
I wear weaves whenever the mood strikes. If I go to a big party or event and I don't want to damage all my own hair by styling, I may do a sew-in. I think that sew-ins don't cause as much damage as weaves created with bonding glue. You can adjust the tightness of the tracks for your liking to minimize tension on your edges. I just think weaves give you a bunch of different styling options without the commitment. I would also like to say that my own hair is 100% natural, so when I want a super straight look I sew-in, and instead of flat ironing my whole head I only have to do a little section that I leave out in the front.
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Never worn a weave before, But I will slap a wig on in a minute. The only time anyone knows it is not my hair is when I am bold and where my auburn one. People thought my husband had a girlfriend. I never get synthetic hair though. I always get human. Looks more natural.
Bonded weaves, sewn-in weaves, wigs, phony ponys, weave ponys, braids, twists... I've done it all, and I don't see anything wrong with them as long as you are doing right by what's underneath.
I have never worn any weave. But, I have had braid extensions--just not weave. I want to get one done for my prom in May. I'm kind of afraid though because I have no idea to care for it, blend a fall, the difference between synthetic/human etc. And to be honest, I'm a bit scared. I've heard a few horror stories about the consequences of not caring for it. All in all, I'm not opposed to fake hair though.
I personally have never worn anything that didn't grow from my scalp. I don't have a problem with those that choose otherwise, its just a personal preference for me.

once... while i was in jamaica. i took it out as soon as i got back.

it totally ate up my hair and left me with 3 inches of chewed up mess.
ill never put that in my hair again
I have never worn weave because my mother never let me...the only thing I did was get braids. Not I could just never see myself with weave and judging from my mother's experiences my hair is too weak to hold the weave
I have never worn a weave. My sister is always trying to get me to add some to my hair, but I just can't do it. I like wearing the obvious ones such as extensions for braids, phony ponies, and wigs.
I wore a sewn in weave and kept it in too long and my hair began to dread and had to be cut. The stylist told me to never have a sewn in or glued in or braids because my hair would tangle and mat to easily. It was a big mess for sure!
chile, i have worn weaves, braids, half wigs, whole wigs and phony ponies...i try too keep at least a minimum of a pound of hair in my head at all times...

but i had never worn wigs b4 until i recently made 2 of my own...i really like them alot..
I've never worn a weave in my life. I've always been too scared. :look: My hair is quite fine, and I'm afraid I would damage my hair/tear my hair out if I wore a weave. I'm sure one would look okay on me though, because they usually look nice on other people.
I am currently wearing a wig as a fall and will be getting braids next week. I haven't tried a weave as a protective style yet...
I've never worn a weave as the idea of wearing human hair freaks me out a bit.
And I think synthetic hair looks too fake.
I've worn braid extensions with synthetic hair though (I think most braids are intended to look fake though... well, mine were anyway... :) )

When I took out the braids my hair was a mess so I don't think I'll be trying anything similar again.
firecracker said:
I was just wondering how many here has never worn a weave. I know alot of women feel as if a weave is just another hair style option. I am just trying to see if I am the minority here.

You can vote for more than one item/option in the poll also.

I never wore a weave before. I would not know the FIRST thing about how to buy one. It's not that I didn't need just wasn't an option for me.:)
I've never worn a wig, weave or extensions before. Some look really cute, but I am totally clueless when it comes to buying or wearing them.
I voted never, because the one time I wore a weave was during prom. My bangs were short and the stylist added a piece to make it longer. She also stuffed my french roll for thickness, but that was the only time I ever wore any kind of extensions.
I do braids and phony ponines, but no weaves or wigs. I'm not opposed to weaves I just never learned how.