How often Do you Wear Your Hair Down??

How often do you wear your hair down or loose?

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I wear it down about half the month then rollerset the other half. But now in nursing school so its up all the time.:sad:
As my hair grows longer and longer I keep it up more often. Wearing it down is too much work. I constantly have to make sure I don't get my hair caught on my bag which usually has textbooks in it ouch!:sad: Plus I have to make sure it doesn't get pulled on the subway or caught on chairs. Now when I'm home I usually have it down and keep looking at it in the mirror:grin:. I'm crazy I noe.

Girl, it's nothing wrong with that. I do it too:spinning: and your hair is pretty btw....
As often as I can. I won't live forever (and I am beginning to realize that my hair won't be naturally black forever :perplexed) so I am enjoying it now.
I used to be a hard core bunner for almost 3 years (almost never wearing my hair out) until I bced last month...I have been wearing my hair out ever since...
Never...only because I am in an awkward phase with my hair (BC'd almost 6 months ago...and I am not loving my hair right now) fact, no one except for me has seen my hair since about December, and it will stay that way until my one year Nappiversary.
I hardly ever wear my hair straight and down...I'm so indoctrinated to bunning, that it feels weird now to have all my hair out, as if I'll damage it!
So my style is weaing it in a banana clip like in my siggy.
I wear my hair down nearly everyday. I've been a member of the board a while and I'm soooo past the whole bunning thing. There was a time when that was the only way I wore my hair for a long time. I also can't stand to wear hair pins anymore, my scalp would be sooo sore.

This is me. I've been here so long that I never ps anymore. I wear buns every now & then for style but I primarily wear my hair down. The pins make my head hurt.

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I usually wear it down every day
Right now I'm doing a few months of bunning because I'm at an awkward length and I have a 5 month old baby who is always grabbing it. Once he and my hair grow past this, I can go back to wearing it down
I wear my hair for about a week after a fresh relaxer then after that its under a wig for about 1-2 months.
I wear my hair down about 3-4 times a year. I'm pretty much keeping my hair protected till I get to BSL, then I'll relax on the protective styles and wear my hair out more :yep:
:hiya:hi tiffers im gonna need an updated hair album i've been mia for a min and yeah from nl to bsl and im still seeing a 09 album:lachen::lachen::lachen:
I wear it a down a couple days a week and then back in ponytail or updo some days. Not into buns that much. I either look harsh or old fashioned with them.
My hair is always hidden for now.
But I am approaching BSL on my bottom layers and once I get there, I will enjoy my length for a bit, then go back into hardcore protective styling to get to my goal of MBL/WL.