How often Do you Wear Your Hair Down??

How often do you wear your hair down or loose?

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I wear my hair down almost every day now. When I am at home, I wear it up/protected. When i first started here, I wore protective styles daily. now that I am close to my goal, I have started wearing it down and learning how to maintain healthy hair that way.
If I'm not doing anything or have any specific plans I wear my bun seven days a week. If my SO and I are going somewhere I'll do a braidout or wear it down otherwise its in a bun.. My hair grows and retain length so much better in a bun so that's the way I wear it most of the time.
i rarely wear my hair down at this time. I bun 7 days a week so i can get to my short-term hair goal. But if i am going some where special, i will wear my hair down.
i started to wear mine down last week. I use to wear buns every single day with a baggie underneath. it helped to retain for the first part of my journey but I find my hair is breaking suddenly where the comb is attached. :perplexed I lost thickness in order to nip this in the bud no more phony ponies for me.

My hair will be out but i will minimize the amount of heat used.
Well I do cornrows a lot and I typically will leave it cornrowed for a week and then wear it down in a braidout for a week if it lasts that long.
Pretty much everyday unless Im 6-8 weeks post or Its time to wash, then I wear pony's and braidouts until I get a fresh relaxer then its down again pretty much every day :lol:
When I first joined I wore protective styles 90% of the time. When I had a set back I went back to protective styling. It worked, got me over the hump. The past 2 or 3 months I have been wearing my hair out about 4-5 days out of the week. I have reached my short term goal of bsl and decided it was ok to celebrate that. Besides I'm sick of buns right now. :yawn:
I never wear my real hair at all, so basically every 6 months when I get a relaxer. I dont wear my hair down cause it doesnt like humidity and will frizz up.

LOVES IT! (AND YOUR HAIR, TOO! - GORGEOUS!:lick:) That's an inspiration for me...for you to have such long, stong, beautiful hair and you wear it down everyday! With proper care and maintenance...I think I can, I think I can, I think I can:spinning:
Thanks, ladies for responding. The results are leaning towards what I suspected just reading threads and discussions:

Most ladies here wear their hair in some sort of protective style most of the time, regardless of whether they are relaxed or natural.:yep:

I like to wear my hair down and my long term goal is to find a regi that is balanced and healthy enough to do so regardless of length (as I'm hoping to eventually be MBL one day!!) :grin:

Thanks again for your input-keep it coming!
Urm. I can't remember the last time I wore my hair ALL together out, and wasn't in the process of washing/treating it. Heck, I've learned that even then, I REALLY need to keep it 'up' somehow, to make detangling easier. I should have voted never, but never say never and all that.
For the first 3 days after a fresh relaxer. :lachen: When I wash it at home, I don't have a sit under dryer, so I pull it back and do the scarf method. If I had a dryer, I'd probably wear it down more. When I visited the salon on a regular basis, it was down always.
As my hair grows longer and longer I keep it up more often. Wearing it down is too much work. I constantly have to make sure I don't get my hair caught on my bag which usually has textbooks in it ouch!:sad: Plus I have to make sure it doesn't get pulled on the subway or caught on chairs. Now when I'm home I usually have it down and keep looking at it in the mirror:grin:. I'm crazy I noe.
Only 3-4 days once a month when I get it flat ironed. Then I can't wait to put it back up again.
As my hair grows longer and longer I keep it up more often. Wearing it down is too much work. I constantly have to make sure I don't get my hair caught on my bag which usually has textbooks in it ouch!:sad: Plus I have to make sure it doesn't get pulled on the subway or caught on chairs. Now when I'm home I usually have it down and keep looking at it in the mirror:grin:. I'm crazy I noe.

I would stare at my hair, too if it grew out like yours!!! :grin: Just beautiful!
1-2 days. This is a new thing I have started doing these past few months. I was a religious bunner for almost 2 years and that got boring. I still pin it up at home, which is most of the day, since I am a SAHM, but when I go back to work, and when it is much longer, I may wear it out everyday.
When I'm being fast:grin: Seriously, when I'm going to a special event. I mean like who can go to a social event with a pin up:rolleyes: I might meet my future husband and he can't be seeing my BIG 4 head so soon:spinning: I gotta trap em first:grin: then ease the BIG 4 head in.:yep: I mainly bun yall, 24/7....

Disclaimer: I'm just tripping about wearing a pin up to a social event, so calm down...:yep: