How many broken hairs do you get from detangling/combing/styling during wash day

How many borken hairs during wash/styling/detangling day

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I don't typically get broken hairs. However, I do get shed hairs. Between 10-50 depending on how long I have gone without detangling and/or combing my hair.
If I use the wrong product or take out my twist with-out a moisturizer.Up to 20 hairs for that week! With a moisturizer-5-10......Shed hairs

When wash & condition.up to 12 hairs (again if I use the wrong product)
Right product 0-5 (maybe).......shed hairs

Happy Hair Growing!
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When I relaxed I lost SO MUCH hair btwn everyday breakage that was on my shirt, combing, washing and blow drying. I would have hair all over the place when I blew my hair dry. As a natural idk exactly how much I lose
i recently started counting...I still see about 15 of them a lot of the time its less....yea im anal and I count...I always want to be sure im loosing shed hair
I wash or co-wash 1-3 times per week, depending on how many workouts I can sneak in.
I get about 0-3 broken hairs per month. But had been shedding pretty heavily (about 100 or so) hairs per day until I used Roux PC shamp & cond, a gloss treatment (which I will not recommend) and silicon mix conditioner last Saturday. I don't know which of these is responsible, but my shedding has decreased to about 5-10 hairs PER DAY! It's kind of blowing my mind.
ITA I dont know how some ladies comb their hair and loose less that 5. I must need a supplement of some sort. Once I comb there will be hair.
I voted to much to count cause I dont count them. Im pregnant so Im getting a lot of shedding now. Im also 7 months post relaxer and my new growth is insane right now. I detangle in the shower with a lot of conditioner.
This is a really good thread!

I co-wash every day and probably break 0-3 hairs during a wash. 5 At the most.

I probably shed between 10 and 15. Though this number will increase a bit if I comb while co-washing.:ohwell:
I get A WHOLE lot of hair in my brush. I've gone through it and 80% of them are shed hairs. Lately I've been getting more broke hairs but I know the culprit is wash and go's which I've been doing and I'm in need of a protein dc or a henna treatment.
If anybody has suggestions on how to limit my broke/shed 3C/4A hair let me know! :)