How many broken hairs do you get from detangling/combing/styling during wash day

How many borken hairs during wash/styling/detangling day

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What she said^^^ :grin: No, seriously, I don't count them; I have enough to worry I do notice, however, if there is an unusually high number, though.
I think it would impossible for me to count. The only thing I may notice is when I feel I am shedding/breaking more than usual. Then I may try to take some corrective action, unless I know it's hormonal or seasonal. Then oh well......:perplexed
I haven't been able to stop my breaking. I wish I knew what to do. I stopped counting mine because its too much. I have some shedded hairs mixed in there too. I believe my hair is not getting enough moisture no matter what I do. I even clarified and started from scratch and still at every touch, the hair is snapping and breaking.
Anywho, I don't count...I just look in awe. lol:eek2:
I haven't been able to stop my breaking. I wish I knew what to do. I stopped counting mine because its too much. I have some shedded hairs mixed in there too. I believe my hair is not getting enough moisture no matter what I do. I even clarified and started from scratch and still at every touch, the hair is snapping and breaking.
Anywho, I don't count...I just look in awe. lol:eek2:

Aaaaw!---So it doesnt have any elastity, it cant stretch?

Did you try porosity treatments, acv rinses, lots of deepconditioning, steam treatments, and 2x daily moisturizing and maybe baggying?
I have more shed hair than broken hair, but I still get them. I don't count, but do pay attention when it looks like more. As someone else said, I have hair all over the house! In most cases, that is natural. Also, my elasticity has improved over time. I just tried testing a few strands last night. My hair is super thin, but when stretching the hair, it was very elastic, but STRONG. I had to really exert to break the hair. I was amazed! Even the diameter of the hair looked thicker. It must be from the Henna treatments. Now that I have added JBCO, my hair is doing well. I am back on the road to recovery from my setbacks.
I haven't a clue. I have never counted them, and I'm not about to start now.

LOL! ITA. When I first came to hair boards, I tried all the different detangling methods that everyone said worked for them:

1. detangle under shower - no hair in comb but found tons of hair in drain catcher when I purchase, Lord knows how much went down the drain!
2. detantle with condish - even with large comb and taking time section by section, lots of hair in comb
3. toweled dried with leave-ins - always a bunch of hair in comb)

What's a girl to do? I developed my own method, no more detangling wet hair. Period. I discovered best for me to not manipulate wet or damp hair, so I quit doing all that and don't let comb touch my hair. I fingercomb products thruout hair every step of my wash until its at least 70% dry, then I use a comb and its like butter, way easier and with very little hair loss. . .
LOL! ITA. When I first came to hair boards, I tried all the different detangling methods that everyone said worked for them:

1. detangle under shower - no hair in comb but found tons of hair in drain catcher when I purchase, Lord knows how much went down the drain!
2. detantle with condish - even with large comb and taking time section by section, lots of hair in comb
3. toweled dried with leave-ins - always a bunch of hair in comb)

What's a girl to do? I developed my own method, no more detangling wet hair. Period. I discovered best for me to not manipulate wet or damp hair, so I quit doing all that and don't let comb touch my hair. I fingercomb products thruout hair every step of my wash until its at least 70% dry, then I use a comb and its like butter, way easier and with very little hair loss. . .

That's the way to do it! I already have thin hair and I jumped on the bandwagon of detangling in the shower. LAWD my hair thinned out even more! That has proved to be a big NO NO for me. I now wait until my hair is damp to almost dry before I detangle and this is working for me. Good job!
I voted I don't count... although I do look at all the hairs...broken and shedding:yep:

I would get too depressed if I sat there and counted every lost hair.:nono:
Right now, none. I don't know if it's b/c of hormones from the pregnancy or because I've stepped my deep conditioning and moisturizing game up...but no hair is breaking, and i may have one or two hairs in the comb when I detangle on wash day.

Now BEFORE when I wasn't deep conditioning, moisturizing hair broke a LOT...and shed a the point where I'd find hairs EVERYWHERE and my hair sounded like Beirut when I'd comb it out.
I try not to count because it would probably make me more psycho about my hair than i already am. I know that I will probably always have a shedding problem because of the hair lost problems on my dad's side, but one thing I am happy about is finally learning how to break my cycle of bad breakage.
I voted too many to count. It's scary how much strands I see in the shower, and when I detangle my hair with conditioner in it. My hair still looks full though.
Too much to count :perplexed. I find hair every where around the house, in the car, on my clothes, in the dryer. Its both shedded and broken hair, though I must say that I have seen fewer shedded strands since I started protective styling and daily moisturizing/sealing 3 weeks ago. Still see a lot of breakage, so I'm going to try to cut back on DC with protein and step up the moisture.
Oh, way too many to count. I only detangle once every two weeks, and by the time I'm done.... *sigh* I have a ball of hair about the size of a jumbo marble, maybe a lil smaller. It's gotten smaller over time, but it's still much bigger than I would like it to be.
I have to thank you for this post because I was always wondering how much hair is normal to lose in these situations. When I comb I have both shed and breakage so I chose too much to count, because everytime I comb I have to vacuum the bathroom. I tried so many I don't know what to do exactly
if i jus wash n condition with out combin in between i lose alot... if i detangle b4 puttin in each product i lose about 10-20 dependin on how frequently i wash my hair in dat period.
I lose a ton of hair about the size of a giant cotton ball.
I think that most of it is shedding thou. Very litle breakage.
who knows. it's not that there's so much i can't count it, i just cannot be bothered to. if i eyeball it and think it's too much then i'll have cause for concern. i won't count every strand, think "there is X strands here, that's a problem" though. i'm talking about loose hair in general though. i may inspect 3-4 stands to see if they're broken or shed hair though (mainly out of curiosity) but i wont go through it all. like one poster said it's normal to shed 100 hairs per day. i don't comb daily so i tend to get a little build-up of shed hair when i comb once every 7-12 days or so...i can't go through it all to see which are shed and which are broken hairs.
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today since i washed my hair from straight i did not get as many. When i was my hair from no manipulation all week, i get a ton lol
I usually see no broken hairs and a lot of shed hair. I wash my hair once a week or once every two weeks, and wear braids or twists most of the time, so that is why I get a lot of shed hair.
I don't count them but I have a lot of broken hairs when I re-twist. My hair is growing well but I can't stop the breakage.

My goal is when I get rid of my heat damage I won't have anymore breakage. I hope....

Man, I tried counting those bad boys and it was impossible. My friends were straight laughing at me. Sitting there seperating broken hairs from the shedded hairs and THEN adding each section up. Is that for real? It was just impossible and silly to even think I could do it.
Wow! That is a tough question...hmmm, I'd say on wash day, I probably get any where from 6 to 10 little short hairs. They really do come and go though. I've been growing my hair out for about 4 years and in that time I've had times where I had way more and times when I had only one or two - go figure:ohwell:.
LOL! ITA. When I first came to hair boards, I tried all the different detangling methods that everyone said worked for them:

1. detangle under shower - no hair in comb but found tons of hair in drain catcher when I purchase, Lord knows how much went down the drain!
2. detantle with condish - even with large comb and taking time section by section, lots of hair in comb
3. toweled dried with leave-ins - always a bunch of hair in comb)

What's a girl to do? I developed my own method, no more detangling wet hair. Period. I discovered best for me to not manipulate wet or damp hair, so I quit doing all that and don't let comb touch my hair. I fingercomb products thruout hair every step of my wash until its at least 70% dry, then I use a comb and its like butter, way easier and with very little hair loss. . .

you know i'm noticing the same thing my hair does not like being combed wet!!!
I never noticed exactly how many...I just eyeball it. If I notice more hair than usual, I DC and put my hair in a protective style:rolleyes:
sadly, too much to count. If I'd have to guess, it would be 65-85 strands, but then again, I only comb 1x per week and that's right before I shampoo. Pre shampoo, I lose about 70-100 strands and that's for the whole week.