I had been washing 2-3 times a week, but now I'm challenging myself to wash only once a week. I washed last night and I lost sooo much hair compared to when I washed frequently. Now I'm having second thoughts about this 1x a week thing erplexed
Um....There is no way I can worry about lost hairs.
what is the difference between shedding and breakage.....and you guys count how many hairs break off...??
i always have hair in my comb.....how do i know if its breakage or shedding?
That's the way to do it! I already have thin hair and I jumped on the bandwagon of detangling in the shower. LAWD my hair thinned out even more! That has proved to be a big NO NO for me. I now wait until my hair is damp to almost dry before I detangle and this is working for me. Good job!
Right now, none. I don't know if it's b/c of hormones from the pregnancy or because I've stepped my deep conditioning and moisturizing game up...but no hair is breaking, and i may have one or two hairs in the comb when I detangle on wash day.
Now BEFORE when I wasn't deep conditioning, moisturizing consistently...my hair broke a LOT...and shed a lot..to the point where I'd find hairs EVERYWHERE and my hair sounded like Beirut when I'd comb it out.