How long have you been single?

Reality... I have never had a serious relationship...... Never truly had an SO, never really date. So i have been single my entire life....
Quite awhile now. I think I left my last boyfrind about 1week after Sept. 11 2001. But Like the posted that said "Hers is on his Way". I feel exactly the same.:yep:
I didn't have the time or energy to date while caregiving during the final stages of my Mom's illness. Now, I'm healing from her death and feel like am rebuilding my whole life!

So I guess my answer is 4 years but I had not even noticed! The right man will come along, but I'm focusing on ME right now!
7 months.

Not really rushing into anything though, I'm still getting over the last one. I just pray that this 7 months doesn't turn into 7 years!
Since my first senior year. I was one of those 5th year ppl. And that was 2 years ago and I have enjoyed being single. When it's my time it will be my time.
I've been divorced now for 20 years, but my last serious relationship was over 5 years ago. I like being single and am in no hurry to be in a serious relationship, however, I'd LOVE to be married again to the right person. I've never 'dated', and I don't do rebounds. Whenever a serious relationship ended, I needed 'me' time to get my head back on straight, so to speak.

You seem to have a beautiful personality I gather from your posting. Please try hard get that thought out of your head you will be single for a long time your thoughts will become reality. When I was on dating scene did not mind going to concerts,museums and plays alone rather enjoyed myself. Mr.Man will come into your life when you least suspect it. Keep your pretty face out there.

When I had a car, I would go the movies by myself and think nothing of it. I actually enjoyed sitting in the back row behind all the chatty people up front. I haven't taken in a play, yet, but I'd do it in a heartbeat.
do any of you feel embarrased (not that you should) to tell guys how long you've been single?

yea at times i do feel shamed in tellin them how long its been...but i just follow it right up with that ive been dating(or hit some bumps in the road)...and then i throw in about how it is hard to have a relationship with moving like i was and not being settled in a city up until now, that ive been concentrating on school and getting a better job...

sometimes i feel shamed to even mention it to relatives or for them to not see me finally bringing any man around...i dont want them thinking whats wrong with her, shes 29 and have yet to actually have kids or be married(all my cousins even younger than myself are either married or divorced and have kids)...

but i try not to let it bother me...

i do alot of things on my own...i just went to a concert by myself...ive did the movies, and a play by myself..but i didnt feel too bad bcuz sitting right next to me was a man and he was by himself also...when i want to eat out at restrurants i usually do take out so that helps with not being able to go eat at certain places i love without someone....
I've been single for almost a year now....My last relationship ended right before x-mas last year. I still got all my gifts though!:giggle:

I better get my d@mn christmas gift(s). That was the first question out my mouth...sooo are we still exchanging gifts??? :look: He replied with the RIGHT answer...yes.

I've been single for a whole day now, this is day 2.:ohwell:
People are already trying to play matchmaker.:nono:
I have been single for about a year now. I have dated but nothing serious since then. I think I'm almost at the point where I am ready to try to be in another relationship but I don't know.
ya know it's really uplifting to hear that i'm not the only one who has been single for 3+ years. I really don't like to tell anyone exactly how long it's been since i've been in a relationship. I guess it's like denial for me.
But i haven't had a SO in 3 years. lotttta flings, but no relationship.:perplexed...yeaaa not something i like to broadcast!:blush:
2 hours. I just got rid of the dead weight that was clogging my life.:yep:

ha! I just did the same approximately 2 days ago....In the words of Beyonce;

"There ain't no feeling like being freeeeeee when ur mind is made up & your heart is in the right place"
August made 2 years but it had been over long before that. :ohwell:
I've had/am having little flings, dated a little tiny bit but that's it. I wasn't ready to even consider trusting my heart to anyone again. Now I feel that I'm ready for something serious but IDK because of my trust issues.
Omg...just realized that I haven't been single since I was 19 (25 now). I've been in many relationships since 19, but after a break up, the longest I've been single was like 2 -3 months. Not good....I guess I don't like being alone???

I'm in a lovinnnnnnnng :kissing4:relationship right now (2 1/2 years so far), and before this one, I was only single for about 1 week. I'm not a fast girl by annnnny means. I take time to get to know someone...but I fall in love fast.

Sorry to go off topic...:sad:

Well, my mom was single for about 7 years, and she got married last year to the love of her life. So...don't worry about how long you have been single. You are perfecting who you are, and when you meet that right person, it will be bliss.
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Omg...just realized that I haven't been single since I was 19 (25 now). I've been in many relationships since 19, but after a break up, the longest I've been single was like 2 -3 months. Not good....I guess I don't like being alone???

I'm in a lovinnnnnnnng :kissing4:relationship right now (2 1/2 years so far), and before this one, I was only single for about 1 week. I'm not a fast girl by annnnny means. I take time to get to know someone...but I fall in love fast.

Sorry to go off topic...:sad:

Well, my mom was single for about 7 years, and she got married last year to the love of her life. So...don't worry about how long you have been single. You are perfecting who you are, and when you meet that right person, it will be bliss.

Oh girl you hit the nail on the head with that last part. At times other people seem more concerned about my long time singlehood than I am. I feel like this is my time to get my ish' together so that when someone presents themselves to me, I will be ready able to loooovvvveee.. Without alot of mish mash getting in the
I would actually say mine was also my freshman year of college...and that was like 8 to 9 years ago...

ive dated but havent found anyone that i would consider to be boyfriend material...

i had one relationship last year for a couple of months but it wasnt really serious...

and i think because of me moving that and concentrating on school and work that i havent concentrated much on having a relationship..

I thought that I was the only one that hadn't been in a serious relationship in 9 years. I was out of college and had a 18-month-old at the time. I decided to concentrate on God, my child, myself, my family, my career, and friends since that time.
I have been single for 4 years now. I haven't been in one for so long because I truly believe its where I live. Guys out here don't feel they need to approach a female. If a girl wants to talk, the guy says "she'll holla". That's their mind state. This is ONE of the many reasons why I need to move, or else ill be single for the rest of my life! :lachen: SMH
I have been single for seven years...and yeah when I do date I am alittle ashamed to let a guy know it's been seven years. It seems as if that's one of the first questions guys ask...tell me why does that matter :perplexed?

Now, I have learned to love me and get to know me. I am a better person. Seven years ago my mom died from uterine cancer and my then fiance and I was going through so much; so I ended the relationship. I just needed a break...didn't know it would be seven years later and no relationship.

By choice I did not get back into a relationship I moved and finished school. Now I am ready for a relationship but so afraid I am going to mess up. My friends are so encouraging though, they are always there for me. (you know they all married or engaged) I have positive thoughts and believe that the right guy will present himself soon.:yep:
Prior to the one that I am in (engaged), about ten years. But I have to say looking at this one and looking back, none compared. I can't even say that they were even real relationships anymore. Seriously and honestly, this one is on a whole different plateau. Ladies, you may get discouraged but it so worth the wait to get the right one. Get your stuff together (education, career, finances, personal dilemmas, etc.) and just let it happen. Don't look for it. That is how it happened for me. I was just said forget it, did my thing, and amazingly things started falling in place. There is not a day go by that I am not amazed or truly thanking God. And it is not so much is to be thankful to just have a man but it is the quality of the man. I knew I had hoped for God's best for me but honestly what was before me were a bunch of toads. But then, it happened. All I can say is that it is amazing and humbling to be loved in such a manner. I am truly thankful and because of all that I have been through, I do not take any of it for granted.