Did you feel any pressure to get married?

Did you feel the pressure?

  • Yes

    Votes: 42 50.6%
  • No

    Votes: 41 49.4%

  • Total voters
Nope, not at all. I want to marry my SO, there is NO doubt in my heart and he feels the same way, but things have to come in the right order; graduate,job, marry, children.
We're in our late 20's and we are both ready, he is actually the one who talk about it the most, and I think it's very comforting to know that he want's it just as much as I do.
I voted yes, because we were both military, loved each other madly, and were about to be stationed an ocean apart. We definitely didn't want that, so we decided to marry to ensure we stayed together. Looking back, I realize that was not a smart thing to do. Hey, live and learn, right?
(Sorry this will be long. I need prayer on this.)

Yes yes and yes. It makes the whole thing sour for me.
I'm in my late twenties and my bf is a couple of year younger.We both still live with our parents. We've been together for 5 years an since last year, my mom has been asking questions, luring me into discussions (read here monologues) where she would talk about time flying, me not having much time left, my bf not having respect for himself, me or my family for not marrying me..., me not liking her because I dare to maybe choose not to marry, that I should do it even if i don't believe ...atrocious things can be said when one is angered.
this summer, she ambushed (yes yes i used the word) me into a painful discussion (again, monologue) about how important yhe whole thing is.
My dad then talked to me about the same thing... I just can't take this anymore. But I don't want to get married for them. No way.

I'd like to get married but I don't agree on the priority of marriage. I am so fed up I think about pranking them.
them casually: so is it planned?
me casually: what?... oh? I did not tell you? we got married two months ago at our last romantic getaway...we're moving out in 2 months....why the weird faces? you should be happy, you nagged about it for so long!

I'm still full of love so I will not do it.
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No, I'll get married when I'm ready and find the right person. I could care less when society thinks a woman should be married. What's the rush? Did the divorce rate go down?
Didn't get pressured to be married from my parents. They believed in getting your 'education,' a great career, a husband and a baby. In that order lol...

But now, I feel like I'm ready. :yep: Finally!!! Wondering if this time next year I'll be married?! :blush::grin:
I feel pressure because i'm 25 this summer and I want to be a mother (with my first child) before the age of 30. I want to have energy when i'm chasing after my kids :D