How long does it take you to "do" your hair?

How long to "do" your hair????

  • 0-1/2 hour

    Votes: 75 16.0%
  • 1/2-1 hour

    Votes: 28 6.0%
  • 1-2 hours

    Votes: 95 20.2%
  • 2-3 hours

    Votes: 108 23.0%
  • 3-4 hours

    Votes: 95 20.2%
  • 4-5 hours

    Votes: 32 6.8%
  • 5 hours or more

    Votes: 37 7.9%

  • Total voters


New Member
Not fix in the morning but actually DO your hair??

It takes me 3 hours and 7 mins to "do" my hair. This includes prepooing, shampoo/deep cond, rollersetting, drying and wrapping. How about you guys??
:lachen: You did not add "and 7 minutes"!!! :lachen:

That depends on if I'm doing my henna treatment if so, we're looking at about 5 hours. If not, it's closer to 3. I rarely ever heat style my hair so I don't have a lot of styling to do.
Oh wait...I voted like do my hair in the morning - thats what I get for voting before I know the question...

about 2 hours - usually like 2 hours 15 minutes. In the shower by 9...out the door by 11:15ish.
1 hour to wash and set
1 1/2 to 2 hours under hooded dryer
30 minutes to straighten roots with ceramic iron

3 to 3.5 hours total
LOL @ 7 minutes!!!! :lachen:

It takes me 2-3 hours when I need a relaxer and about an hour and a half after a fresh relaxer. Feels great when I dont have to fight with long and nappy new growth.:lol:
Anywhere from between 2 hrs to 5 hrs. Sometimes I leave the conditioner on and go cook. Sometimes I have to add a color rinse. Sometimes I air-dry 90%. etc. Sometimes it takes all damn day.
i said about 1 hour b/c i have braids :D so it doesnt take long at all to co wash or regular poo..then i just spray on my MTG and pony tail it.. and im out the dowe!
It feels like it takes all day. Let's see: 1 hour for pre shampoo,
3-4 minutes to shampoo all sections, 1 hour for deep conditioning, and God knows how long to twist. Seriously, I'll say it takes about 3-5 hours to twist my hair in small to medium sized twists. So all in all it takes anywhere from 5-7 hours to do my hair. It takes longer to do my daughter's hair because she doesn't cooperate sometimes.
It depends. My current regimen on an average Saturday (my shampoo day) I only spend about 6 minutes shampooing and detangling my hair. My protein treatment I let marinate for about 30 minutes under a hooded dryer. I rinse for 5 minutes. I follow up with a deep moisture conditioner for another 30 minutes and rinse for 3 minutes. I add a couple of leave-ins (takes me 2 minutes, tops), smooth my hair, and let my hair air dry under a satin bonnet (most of the time overnight, so I don't count that time. I consider my hair "done" after the "smooth down” really.). I don't bother with any styling, setting, or anything at this time since I've been "phony pony-ing" until my touch-up next month. So, I'll round up and say about 1.5 to 1.75 hours. Not too bad! :lol: Some of my routines, depending on the season, takes a lot more time, but I try to keep it basic in the summer.
Well lets see, 15 mins to pre treat Macherie's way, 15 mins to shampoo, 20 mins to deep con, 40 mins to rollerset, 1.5 hours to dry for a grand total of 3 hours. Now if I am air drying in a bun or ponytail it takes about an hour from start to finish.
I usually wash on Saturdays so I am able to stretch out the process. I'll deep condition for about an hour while cleaning or doing homework. If I blow dry that takes about 45 minutes, and Flat ironing takes another 45 minutes.
If I air dry that takes 3-4 hours to get completely dry, after I air dry I use satin covered foam rollers and those take about 30 minutes to put in and I like to let them set for at least 2 hours before taking them out, preferrably overnight.
So yeah I guess it can take me days....
1 hr-7 hrs to pre-poo (usually during those hours I am going about my day as normal, so I don't count those)

5-6 minutes to wash

20-30 minutes to DC

another 20-30 minutes if I chose to do another DC

10 minutes to add leave-ins and slick hair under satin scarf.
I voted 2-3 hours from start and ending in a rollerset. It does not including the hours of airdrying time, which is overnight.:)
Doing my hair is an all day affair, between the overnight pre-poo, washing and DT, so I chose >5 hours. If I don't pre-poo, it takes about 3 hours start to finish.
About 5 mins to shampoo, 1 hour to deep condition and about 5-6 mins to apply leave-ins and moisturizers and about 5 mins to gather all my hair in a ponytail put a baggie on it and silk scarf on top. If I'm going to straighten my hair, it takes ALOT longer.
10-15 minutes pre-shampoo treatment; 5 minutes shampoo; 1 hour deep condition; 20 minutes roller-set; 1 hour under the hooded dryer and 20-30 minutes with the flat-iron (hence the reason I'm NOT trying to be too fly this summer :D - too dang hot anyway to sit under that dryer)
1-2 hours for me. In order for me to be consistent, I have to keep it simple. I wash, DC for 45 min, rinse and detangle, add leave-ins and smooth back to dry with a scarf over night.

I stopped going to the salon because I couldn't stand hanging around for hours to get my hair done (and I couldn't afford it!!). I refuse to spend that much time on my hair at my house. So far, so good because my hair is growin'... :grin:
Shaniquah said:
10-15 minutes pre-shampoo treatment; 5 minutes shampoo; 1 hour deep condition; 20 minutes roller-set; 1 hour under the hooded dryer and 20-30 minutes with the flat-iron (hence the reason I'm NOT trying to be too fly this summer :D - too dang hot anyway to sit under that dryer)

20 mins to set all that hair!!!!!!!!! It still takes me over 1 hour!! But thats due to the uncoroparative frizzy texture. I'd say 6 hours in total...I hate wash day, well I love the results but I hate the process!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lonei, I'm with you girl, I can't STAND wash day, that's why my summer will be filled with wash and go days!! I had to learn how to rollerset because these salons by me just can not do my hair.
Unless I'm deep conditioning or sitting under the dryer to dry my hair, it takes maybe about 15 to 20 mins regularly wash to style.
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3 hours maybe? Could be more if I'm doing housework too.

SOmetimes I start working and forget I got stuff on my head:lol: But I think if I did it straight through maybe 2 hours tops.

Now if you're talking relaxer then its a whole other ballgame, that can take me 4 hours.

but daily is only 10-15 minutes (since I don't really do anything with it except put it in a ghetto bun...)

Wow! I guess I'm lucky. It takes 15 minutes to Cw and 15-20 minutes to style. I wash n go.:lol: I've thought about relaxing, but then it would take too long to do!:D
Around 3 hours if I rollerset on the mesh rollers.
I count 30 mn for washing, conditionning and detangling
Depending on the help I get (friend husband or none), the rollerset will take 25 to 45 mn
90 mn under the hood (does increase with air length)
10 mn to let it cool
15 mn to unroll and brush cautiously

With the Phat Boys, will take around 6 hours
Same for 1st
Cannot manage the 2nd step without the help of my best friend
Airdrying will last 4 to 5 hours (with a huge head looking as going to the moon !)
Same final step
i dont count the airdrying time because i still go about my day as it dries. so id say about 30mins to an hour