How long does it take you to "do" your hair?

How long to "do" your hair????

  • 0-1/2 hour

    Votes: 75 16.0%
  • 1/2-1 hour

    Votes: 28 6.0%
  • 1-2 hours

    Votes: 95 20.2%
  • 2-3 hours

    Votes: 108 23.0%
  • 3-4 hours

    Votes: 95 20.2%
  • 4-5 hours

    Votes: 32 6.8%
  • 5 hours or more

    Votes: 37 7.9%

  • Total voters
I ususally do my hair in stages. I'm kind of ADHD so I can never just sit and do my hair from washing all the way through styling. Washing, conditioning, and detangling usually takes about 2 hours. Styling it can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 8+ hours depending on what I'm doing with it. Doing my hair is usually an event I have psyche myself up for.

Me too. One day I will my my hair tea while making dinner. That night I will oil it with Brahmi oil. Might rinse it the next day or I might just wait a few days:blush:. Rinse pour tea on hair in shower, cover it with a cap, and rinse at the end. Add DC. Either sit under the dryer (best results:grin:) or wear it as a wash and go like that. Then, when I rinse I add my leave-in and water mix coat the ends with my Chi and rollerset. Dry it then I might flat iron or just leave it for a day or so then flat iron it:blush:. Typing this up I see I am really kinda lazy about my hair, lol.
It takes me 4-5 hours when I rollerset. I pre poo for 2 (or more) hours, shampoo, dc for an hour, rollerset (takes about an hour) dry under the dryer (takes about an hour) then I finger comb and I'm done

When I flatiron, it takes about 3-4 hours. I pre poo, wash, dc, blowdry and flatiron
I'm glad I saw this post..I thought it was just me being a newbie and hadn't learned the 'science' of it all.

It DOES take about 5 hours if you decide to rollerset.

Let's see:
oil/con pre poo = 30 min.
rinse/co wash = 10-15 min.
ACV rinse = 5 min.
DC = 1 hr.
rinse = 3 min
porosity = 1 min.
rinse = 2 min.
leave in = 1.5 min.
Twists = 30 min. (air dry)
Rollerset = 1.5 hr (air dry)
Rollerset = 1.5 hr + 1 hr dyer
= 3.06 Wash
+ .30 w/Twist or
= 3.06 Wash
+ 1.5 or 2.5 Rollerset

If I'm actually going to do something to my hair (i.e. a real style :grin:) it takes at least 2-3 hours with all the deep conditioning and drying time and what not...I guess this explains why my hair is in a bun so much :rolleyes:
Ha! All d@#n night! :lachen:

Seriously, if I pre-poo, wash, DC, rollerset and wrap, we're talking about 5 hours; add another if I henna. But I am very leisurely and do stuff around the house in between "treatments"!

I didn't get home today until around 6:30pm, so I was like, nope, too late to start my hair! :)
After reading how long it takes some of y'all I don't feel too bad. There are a lot who take at least as long as I do. The very fastest is like 1 1/2 hrs, but usually 2 to 2 1/2 hrs. That's for detangling, washing, conditioning, and moisturizing (if I do it). I'm not counting the drying time for my twists, obviously. I do it at night and my hair can dry overnight and I'll undo the twists and fluff the next morning. Oh, if I put in a bunch of tiny twists, that's like 4 hrs altogether.
Today I actually DID my hair... meaning I flat ironed it and styled it at with extensions and it took my about 3-3.5hrs... I'm a perfectionist so I'll take it out and do it again until its perfect
4 hours. What's worse is that when I am done with blow drying and flat ironing it, my arms feel like I have spent hours lifting 10lb weights. I think I actually gain muscles during that time. lol
15 minutes! :blush:

Do I win? :grin:

No...really. :look:

To DC I just put a bit of nutral protein filler on my hair, then use DC as my leave-in instead of gel or a co-wash condish and go about my usual Cap n Go method.

I poo, detangle, and cowash daily. Plus styling it takes 15 minutes per day. Every day.

That's it. :drunk:
i never deep condition on a day i have to go somewhere important. so if i have to do my hair for an event, i may wash, condition and style. takes about 1.5 hours max for whatever style i do on the day. if i don't need to wash, it will take about 1 - 1 1/4 hrs.

on proper wash days, i do an avc rinse, shampoo, condition, deep condition, detangle in sections and air-dry. probably takes 1.5-2hrs, not including drying time. i rarely style after.
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It takes five or more hours for me, only because I leave my deep conditioner and moisturizing conditioner on for hours at a time while I do other things. I also airdry only when I do my hair myself so it can take hours or a whole day. When I go to the salon it takes an hour and a half to two hours depending on how many customers my stylist has on that particular day.
Hours...feels like its all day sometimes. Its close to 5, sometimes more because I like to take breaks between washing and styling. 2 hours to wash, detangle, and condition. About an hour to twist if im doing a twistout. If im flat ironing it takes about an hour and a half to blow dry, then an hour and a half to flat iron.
It depends. 5 hours or more (way more) on days that I do henna since I do highlights first for an hour and a half, then apply the henna and leave on for four or five hours, then washing it out takes at least an hour.
normal wash days take about 3-4 hours since i do my prepoo overnight
cowash days are the "quickest". 1-3 hours including styling (pulling it up in a ponytail or put it in twists or coils)
and none of these including air drying time
Oops, I voted before I read the first post. I put the first choice, but by "do" you meant how long does it take to get your hair done or how long it takes to shampoo and style your hair. In that case, it's 1 hour and 30 mins to 2 hours.
now that i'm natural it is so quick!!! i co-wash in the shower then just put some leave-in and gel...wa-la. all done. about 10 min (after coming out of the shower). LOVE it.
I did mine for the first time, and I washed, conditioned, and air dried it in front of my fan Thursday night. I would say it probably took 2-1/2 hours for this process, because there was a lot of "build up" in my hair (from the roots to the ends) that I couldn't get a wide tooth comb through it without hair breaking off.:wallbash: It was a struggle putting it in a bun.

As each day passed, it got worse. :blush: Then the "build up" formed on the comb. I thought this was quite strange, because none of my products were old; plus I just had it done less than two weeks ago, and I didn't want to fork over more money. I used almost a whole bottle of Suave Biobasics shampoo, but it did the job.

Then on Sunday morning, I pressed it out (which took four hours). Waist length, type 4 a/b hair is what I was working with.:ohwell:

I noticed during my last visit to the salon, my stylist didn't use my oil or pomade. He used some of his stuff. Maybe something happened during the process, or it could be my deep conditioner; but he always uses it, plus its "doctored up." It was close to the bottom of the plastic jar. I don't know what happened, because he's been using it for a long time, and he thinks it's just Motions Moisture Plus,:lachen:and we never had any problems.

I would say it took 6-1/2 hours, but I really didn't keep track of the time I spent on Thursday night. Nevertheless, I was told I did a better job than my stylist. Now if I have the time, I will gradually do it myself.
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anywhere from 30minutes to 7 hours. It all depends on which method I choose to use on wash day. It's quick if I just wash, run the conditioner through quickly and just put it in a bun or poytails to go.
When I "do" my hair it takes about 4 hours.

That includes washing, deep conditioning, detangling, then separating and drying sections on a medium heat, then flat ironing.
I voted 1 - 2 hours

Without Cassia/Henna Treatment - 1 hour 50 minutes
- Rinse Hair: 5 minutes
- Deep Condition: 1 hour
- Co-wash: 8 minutes
- Detangle: 5 minutes
- Rinse: 2 minutes
- Out the shower and Style: 30 minutes

With Cassia/Henna Treatment - 6 hours 35 minutes
- Mix up Cassia/Henna Mix: 5 minutes
- Rinse Hair: 10 minutes
- Apply Cassia/Henna Mix: 15 minutes
- Sit around before going to sleep with Cassia/Henna Mix: 4 hours (I won't count the hours I'm sleeping even though it's still on my hair)
- Rinse and Co-wash Hair next day: 30 minutes
- Deep Condition: 1 hour (or overnight which I won't count because I'm sleeping)
- Rinse out DC: 5 minutes
- Out the shower and Style: 30 minutes

Regular Workday on Good Hair Day - 1 minute 3 seconds
- Take off bonnet: 1 second
- Unwrap scarf that is used as a ponytail holder: 2 seconds
- Fluff hair: 1 minute

Regular Workday on Bad Hair Day - 20 minutes 3 seconds
- Take off bonnet: 1 second
- Unwrap scarf that is used as a ponytail holder: 2 seconds
- Spray hair with water: 5 minutes
- Put hair in low messy bunny: 15 minutes (still learning)
I voted 4-5 hours but DH would totally disagree. We are always at each other over weekend plans and my hair. :drunk::spinning::drunk::spinning:
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Let's see...I do a hot oil treatment, then shampoo, light protein, deep condition. That takes about an hour. Then, I blow dry and flat iron. That takes about an hour and a half. So all in all it takes me about 2 hours and thirty minutes, may be three hours. It depends on how slow it takes me...Whew, I never realized it took me this long. Lol.