How long does it take you to "do" your hair?

How long to "do" your hair????

  • 0-1/2 hour

    Votes: 75 16.0%
  • 1/2-1 hour

    Votes: 28 6.0%
  • 1-2 hours

    Votes: 95 20.2%
  • 2-3 hours

    Votes: 108 23.0%
  • 3-4 hours

    Votes: 95 20.2%
  • 4-5 hours

    Votes: 32 6.8%
  • 5 hours or more

    Votes: 37 7.9%

  • Total voters
If its just a reg wash & condition.May be 1 1/2.45min heat cap,wash out then twist
(air dry)

Henna 6-7 hours (air dry)

Protein (30min treatment) wash-out (deep condition 45min heat cap) wash-out
may-be blow dry MAYBE 4 hours.with out blow dry 3 hours

Happy Hair Growing!
I voted half an hour. I usually just bun, but its applying moisturizer and sealing...I love the feel of my hair, so I like to take my time to do it. I
So for me, I spend more of this time adding product to my hair- it has less to do with technique.
Well today it took me about an 1 hr to wash, 30 minutes to roller set my hair + 45 minutes under the dryer (I dry fast...:yep:) , then it took me 2 hrs to braid my hair (im a slow braider)..just the sides mind you, 10 minutes to flexi rod my hair & that totals to...almost 5 hrs.
It takes me about 3 hours to wash, detangle, and retwist my hair (large twists). If I deep condition its closer to 3.5 hours.
DCW/CW/Poo & DC start to finish about 25 mins depending on the amount of NG that must be detangled and which conditioner I choose to DC with. Regular styling is usually 5 mins max because I don't comb unless its wash day. I usually wear it bunned, pinned up, or braided...I keep it tied up unless going out, so all I need is a little gel on the edges and some finger-combing.

Them days of spending 2-3 hours start to finish to wash, dc, rollerset, wrap my hair are over unless its a super special occasion. I could just care less!
It really depends if it's a wash an go approximately 30 mins
But if I'm styling about 3+ hours because I only style once a week so I want to do it so that it last for the whole week.
Henna well that's a different story try like 12+ hrs
1 to 2hrs... takes atleast 1/2 hr in the washing area... after that depending on what i'm doing to it.. twist,cornrows..or whatever...It hasn't gotten that bad...YET
I voted 1-2 hours because that's what I do when I can and ideally I would do it this way more. But with a 8 month old DS, I often need to do a co-wash, dc and wet bun in under 30 min! :drunk:
Since I do a lot of protective styles. It can take me about 1hr 30min from shampoo, detangling, styling, bunning to wrapping up for the night.
It takes me about 2-3 hours if i'm going shampoo and deep condition and then blowdry by sections to straighten my roots and then flat iron 1 inch sections.

Otherwise it only takes me 30 min to an hour if i just wash and DC and airdry in plaits.
It depends on

1) which style I am wearing,
2) whether or not I shampoo (involves deep condition), and
3) whether or not I henna

Usually I do a braidout or twistout. This takes about 2 hours to poo, detangle, and deep condition. Then it's an additional 30-45 minutes to style my hair.
TOTAL: ~3 hours
(If I do braids or twists to keep in, they're smaller and usually take an additional 2 hours.)

It takes about 30 minutes for me to cowash, and 30-45 minutes to style.
TOTAL: ~1.5 hours

Henna takes FOREVER...I don't even want to think about it! :lachen: That's why I only do it once a month MAX.

ETA: I only "do" my hair once or twice a week (once every two-three weeks if I'm in box braids)
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1 hour for pre-poo. I don't count this time bc I'm usually getting the kids ready for bed during this time.

30 minutes for DC

Another 30 minutes to rollerset

45-60 minutes under the dryer

Plus time to shampoo, rinsing out, and detanglng. Usually 3-4 hours. But I've Bern I. The salon much longer, so I feel like I'm saving time.
I voted 1/2 hr or less.

These days the way I wear my hair is in a braidout done on almost dry hair. So I co-wash in the shower, once out of he shower I apply my oils/moisturizer and a little gel and then slick back into a bun. The next day, I take down the bun which is still slightly damp and then section and braid. I apply a dab of shea butter/evoo blend to each section before braiding into about 8 braids, I sleep on that, and I've got a nice loose braidout that I wear for 4-5 days. Those 2 days of prep each only takes about 15 min.
It's an all day affair. I usually pre poo overnight with coconut oil, then shampoo, then air dry then put an AO conditioner and cling film and leave for hours and hours then steam for 40 minutes then rinse, then roux porosity control then rinse then moisturise, seal, plait and leave to dry...If i just steamed and didn't walk around with cling film on my head then maybe 2 hours.
I voted 5 hrs, but in reality it takes me all day. I DC for hours plus, I always roller set and let my hair dry w/o the hooded dryer, so my hair doesn't dry and isn't done until the next day.