How long does it take you to "do" your hair?

How long to "do" your hair????

  • 0-1/2 hour

    Votes: 75 16.0%
  • 1/2-1 hour

    Votes: 28 6.0%
  • 1-2 hours

    Votes: 95 20.2%
  • 2-3 hours

    Votes: 108 23.0%
  • 3-4 hours

    Votes: 95 20.2%
  • 4-5 hours

    Votes: 32 6.8%
  • 5 hours or more

    Votes: 37 7.9%

  • Total voters
It can be as little as a couple of hours if I'm in a hurry or it can be as long as 2 days. It all depends on how long I pre-poo and DC and the drying method. I prefer to airdry and that can go on for up to 36 hours before it's completely dry. I don't remember my hair ever taking less than 2 hours to shampoo/style.
3 hours? Ok you don't have kids do you?

macherieamour said:
Not fix in the morning but actually DO your hair??

It takes me 3 hours and 7 mins to "do" my hair. This includes prepooing, shampoo/deep cond, rollersetting, drying and wrapping. How about you guys??
Guys, it is so good to know that 3 hours is normal. I was starting to get discouraged about it taking me so long. I think this is mostly because I have not set a consistent pattern of when I do my hair and the added stress makes it take longer.

If I vow to make Saturday mornings my wash day and keep a 3-4 hour spread open...knowing that it'll take:

-30min to deep condition
-1hr to rollerset (and not whine about it)
-1.5hr under the dryer (I'll just keep myself busy on the computer)
-30min-1hr for a Chi sweep and reroll(optional)

I think that's the thing. If I stop being in denial about how long it really does take, I can better prepare for it and stop complaining :lol:
It's about 3 hours for me as well, when I do my weekly thing.

At night I put my creme hairdress and oil in it, do my knots all over and sleep on it. Then get up in the morning and uncoil them and that's how I wear my hair to work. I am still amazed I can get curly hair without a curling iron!
I said 3-4 hours because I get distracted while deep conditioning. I start studying, cooking, and cleaning and stuff. But since I am just going to bun and not rollerset for awhile, I think it will take an hour and a half.
I picked 3-4 hours, but that's counting the days I actually DO my hair. On these days, I pre-poo for and 2 hours, wash and condition for about 30 minutes (I'm very slow), deep condition for 45-60 minutes, and then 20-30 minutes for styling.
Normally, It takes me an hour collectively 30 min wash condition and pony it to dry my hair then the next day it takes about 30 to flat iron the next day :)

This will change if I finally get my rollerset down to work tomorrow :lol: ...
I noted 1-2 hours but this is really just me styling my hair, if I include washing and any treatments it can take up to 5 hours. Straightening my hair alone can take 1-2 hours with the flat iron. I don’t blow dry my hair anymore since I have always been bad at it. There are so many different length of time it could take

Roller-set 40 mins under dryer
Dry in braid out 7 hours with hair wrapped.
Flat iron- 1.5 hours on damp hair (I never knew this was wrong?)
Flexi-rod- 8 hours to dry without dryer and with sleeping on it (I will master this)

In general once my hair is either flat ironed straight or in my braid out style it takes me about 5-10 minutes to brush/wrap or braid it again at night and about 3 minutes taking it out or brushing it again in the morning. So it only takes hours that once every 1-2 weeks that I wash it and I braid out after a wash take me about 10 minutes.
hmmm it depends. When I do small 2-strand twists it takes around 6-8 hours to wash and twists. When I do bigger ones it takes half that time. But I don't do my hair again for about a month other than washing and airdrying, I love that about twists. When I rock my fro it only takes a few minutes in the morning.
I don't really do anything to dry my hair so I don't include that time in "doing" my hair. I wash and condition and detangle in less than 30 minutes. I'm exhausted afterwards. I dread it :D
The drying can take until the day after!
I voted 2-3 hours. I didn't count the overnight pre poo. But I do a lot of updos, that can be kind of elaborate sometimes. So it's not always 2-3 hours. When I am bunning, less than one hour.
I voted 3-4 hours.

1 hr. to shampoo /deep cond.
1/2 hr. to set
1 1/2 hr. to dry
1/2-45 min. to straighten roots.

It takes me a long time cause the hair is thick, tangled and I need to be as gentle as possible.:)
I voted 1-2 hours. On my "do" days i just poo, protein, and deep condition. I shampoo (5-10), sit with the protein for 10-20 minutes, rinse, then deep condition for another 30-40 minutes, and rinse. No styling done. This all takes a little more than an hour.

If I straighten my hair, which is rare, I spend almost 2 hours "doing" my hair.
Daily 2-10 mins... if I include cw and pulling it back into a pony tail, puff or two frenchbraids

Twists 1-2 hrs

Rollerset... start to finish 3hrs - all day if I airdry, but I've only done one or two since being natural and I didnt get them dry all the way so they frizzed.
geez macherie, i probably told you this b4 but your hair is soooo pretty :love:

Anywayz I need to stop voting before I read the first post because i selected 0-1/2 hr thinking u meant on the actually takes me 1 to 1-1/2 hrs when washing and styling, i usually airdry so not counting that.
I said 1-2 hours...With shampooing, deep conditioning, and bunning...that seems about right, maybe less if Im stressed for time.
It only takes 1 to 2 hours now, but next year when I devote myself to roller setting I know it'll take longer....

Now for some actual constructive posting:

I've gotten my time down to only and hour and a half versus four hours formerly. I used to do my own sew-in weave in twenty to forty minutes, and three hours of conditioning and preparing my hair for the weave. But since I don't have the weave anymore, it's about ten for washing, thirty for conditioning, five for blow-drying, and forty-five for flat ironing, and polishing.
Depends on if I airdry, rollerset, do heavy protein, have dry hair... On average it's about two hours no matter which route I go, b/c I somehow always wind up busy while conditioning. That's why I'm thinking of getting another soft bonnet dryer (broke cap, too much to replace, so I sold it) so I can condition on-line/in the bed.
I put about 3 hours. But usually less than that ( maybe an hour) because I air dry in a ponytail and only really " do" my hair for special occasions. But for those special occasions it would take about 3 hours.
Miss*Tress said:
Doing my hair is an all day affair, between the overnight pre-poo, washing and DT, so I chose >5 hours. If I don't pre-poo, it takes about 3 hours start to finish.
I've been doing twist outs and less pre-poo so I've got it down to about 2 hours.
2 hours tops. that includes shampoo, deep conditioning, blowdry and flatiron. i'm sure the time will be more the longer my hair gets.