On wash day~ How long does it take you to wash your hair until final styling?

It take me

  • Less than 30 mins

    Votes: 10 5.5%
  • 30 mins

    Votes: 8 4.4%
  • 45mins

    Votes: 7 3.8%
  • 1 hour

    Votes: 13 7.1%
  • 1 hour & 15 mins

    Votes: 8 4.4%
  • 1 hour & 30 mins

    Votes: 16 8.8%
  • 2 hours

    Votes: 23 12.6%
  • 2 hours and 15 mins

    Votes: 4 2.2%
  • 2 hours and 30 mins

    Votes: 17 9.3%
  • 3 hours or 3+ hours

    Votes: 90 49.5%

  • Total voters
Wash, DC, Rollerset, blowout/flatiron roots = 3.5 hours

Wash then bun = 30min- 1 hour (depending on wether I DC or not)
:( It takes me about 4 or 5 hours!!!! But I enjoy it!!! :)

Detangling prior to washing............................................................15 minutes
Washing - includes protein treatments and extras such as tea rinses.....30 minutes
Deep Conditioning with heat...........................................................30 minutes
Final rinse, detangle and rollerset....................................................45 minutes
Drying under bonnet dryer.............................................................90 minutes
Flat ironing roots (optional, depends on the amount of NG)..................30 minutes
Final application of leave-ins, oils and scarfing hair-line.......................30 minutes
Average amount of time it takes me to do my hair on wash days...........4.5 hours

Wow, it doesn't take me NO where near as long to wash my hair now!!

Detangling prior to washing........................................... .................5-10 minutes
Washing - (protein treatments, dc and extras such as tea rinses) .........15 minutes
Deep Conditioning with heat.............................................. .............30 minutes (Optional step: if I do let it sit I rarely use heat)
Final rinse, leave-ins, detangle and scarf to airdry...............................20 minutes
Average amount of time it takes me to do my hair NOW on wash days... less than 1 hour (more if I let the deep conditioner stay on longer)
Most days I WnG, so it takes no time since I am in the shower anyways I just co-wash and detangle and part in the shower so maybe 10 minutes. Then I drip dry. that takes like 45 minutes and my hair will be wet at the roots most of the day.
If I straighten nowadays its generally after a WnG with my wet to dry (which has a bad rep but I love) iron which takes about an hour.
I have never successfully done a braid out or twist hot or a roller set.
But my hot rollers take about a 10 minutes to set up and 20 minutes to cool down and another 10 to take out and style so about 40 minutes total.
I DC at night before bed 2x's a week, once with steam for about 30 minutes and once just with heat for only about 20. Then I co-wash out in the morning.
On avarage it takes me 1 hour :shampoo+dc 30 min. Detangling 10 min Drying time(if I don't airdry) 25 mins,I leave it damp and apply hair butter .
If I flat iron it takes me 2 hours total ,my hair is quite stubboRrn .
It takes 4 to 5 hours. Hopefully when it gets longer styling will take less time. I haven't figured out a wash and go yet.

Pretreat/Detangling/TakeDown: 30 minutes (take out twist, spray with water, coconout oil, conditioner)
Wash: 15 minutes
Deep Condition/Detangle: 35 minutes
Prep for Styling: 15 minutes
Styling: 2 to 3.5 hours depending on size of twists
I washed my hair yesterday and created a time line of my adventure.

1:20 Detangled and put hair into six sections. It's easier to wash it in sections.

1:34 I'm lathering up with HE Drama clean shampoo.

2:13 Using the perm method to apply the protein treatment to my hair

3:08 Finally finished applying the protein treatment.

3:16 Reading my copy of Lucky while sitting under the dryer for 1/2 an hour.

3:49 I'm head back to the shower to rinse out treatment and do a tea rinse.

4:23 I kept the tea rinse in my hair for 20 minutes.

4:46 I'm applying Generic Nexxus Humectress Moisturizing conditioner on top of the
rinse instead of washing it out.

5:09 Created bootleg homemade version of a steamer using two heated turbie hair
towels and 2 shower caps.

5:11 Finally sitting under the dryer with homemade steamer on head.

5:48 Head back to the shower to rinse conditioner out of hair.

6:10 I am happy that I'm officially finished with the shower for today.

6:12 Detangle the six sections of my hair, M&S with HE long term relationship and
EVOO. Braiding hair in 8 sections

7:16 Finished

It's even longer on days that I blow dry and flat iron my hair. It usually takes an additional 2 hours
WOW, Just WOW.

Co-wash and detangle in the shower every other day (including bathing it will take me 30 minutes tops).
Take 5 to 10 minutes to apply leave in and moisturizer and then I'm ready to deal with what I must. If/when I use a DC I'll put it in before bed and then do the co-wash in the morning.
I pre-con (to detangle)- that takes about 30 minutes
I wash (in twists)- that takes about 20 minutes
If I deep condition, putting on the conditioner and actually sitting under the steamer (for 20 minutes), and rinsing: that takes about 50 minutes (total)
Style (depending on if it's a rollerset, flat twists, cornrows, or banding): 30 minutes to 1 hour
*If it's a rollerset- the drying time is 2 hours on the low setting;

For a total time of: Anywhere between 4 plus - 5 plus hours...
I've not timed myself but it takes hours. I don't have a problem with it though as I am usually doing something while I pre-poo, dc sit under the hair dryer etc. They way I look at it is I used to spend hours in the hair salon getting my hair and nothing much else done. Now I do my own hair and deep clean my home, write, play video games and paint my nails all at the same time.
Detangling prior to washing.............................................................30 minutes
Washing......................................................................................10 minutes
Deep conditioning..........................................................................45 minutes
rinse/co-wash...............................................................................10 minutes
Detangle......................................................................................30 minutes
2 strand twist (done myself)............................................................180 minutes
cornrow/twists (at salon)................................................................60 minutes

so at least 3 hours
Without deep conditioning, 10-15 mins. With deep conditioning, about 30 minutes.

If I were wearing my hair out, it'd take much longer but I don't do it often enough to even have an estimate of how long it takes. I think I have used this method only once in the last five or six years.
It takes me like a few mins to wash, then it takes like 15-30mins to leave the conditioner, by that time 20-35 mins past, then it takes 15mins to blow dry, thats anohter 35-50mins lost and an hour to straighten or less since my hair is now relaxed, so anywhere from 1 1/12-2hrs, would be like 3hrs if it werent for my relaxer!
For a wash n go: 10/15 minutes to wash/condition + 5 minutes to style
For a chunky twistout: 15 minutes to wash/condition +15/20 minutes to twist

So around a half hour at most, 20 minutes or less depending on how lazy I'm being...
1 hour to detangle and deep condition on dry hair
a few mins to shampoo/cowash
a few mins to apply my leave ins and bun
Who necro'd the thread? Lol. thank you!! I had no clue ladies put in work for their hair, 3+ is insane to me. It takes me an hour and a half.
Ayurveda oil conditioning -------------------------------3hrs (not sure this is even enough)
Ayurveda paste -------------------------------------- 1hr (I think I might be leaving this one for much longer than needed)
Wash, cond, and detangle ----------------------------- 20mins
Deep condition, rinse it out, detangle ------------------ 30mins (My hair tangles easily)
Roller set --------------------------------------------- 40mins to 1:15mins (still learning to do this)
Dry -------------------------------------------------- 1hr
Style ------------------------------------------------ 15mins (hand comb curls)
I guess there are ranges in time depending on what I'm doing to my hair. It could take about 2 hours if I DC on dry hair start to finish and if I don't, then it could very well take me at least 3 - 5 hours all the way through drying time, especially now that I'm natural and I airdry most of the time.
I can only imagine how long it would take with heat; it takes me 3 hours with no heat.

Thank God I only use heat at Christmas---:perplexed
Wow! I don't feel so bad now!! co can take as little as 20-30 mins if I put in a bun or pony tail; but if I want a straight look, I am looking at @4hrs including DC, rollerset & drying...this is why I rarely straighten it :ohwell:.
Depends on my hairstyle

For a simple curly ponytail I'll co-wash, detangle, apply a leave-in and style. That takes about 30 minutes.

For straight hair (which is my normal 1x a week routine) I'll wash, DC for an hour, rollerset, dry under my Pibs, and flatiron. That process can take 4.5 hours. It may seem long but will cut my styling time to just minutes a day in the morning when I'm getting ready for work.
Depends on if I DC or not...around 45 min w/o a DC (with me shampooing and everything in the shower), but around 2 hrs if I DC for an hour or so (prepping DC mix and all that).
45 minutes total, 1 hour max (If I DC)

shampoo/condition - 10 minutes
blow dry - 5 minutes
curling iron - 30 minutes
yup 3.5 hours sounds about right, dc'ing, rollersetting, then braiding ..

the drying takes the longest it takes up at least 2 hours :look: