You can have 1a hair and look like a raggamuffin. I am tired and maybe I shouldn't say this but my DH is a prime example. He wakes up with Ned Flanders (from the Simpsons) devil horns in his hair. Not cute.
Your thread makes me think of Wayne Brady's daughter. Her hair looked like she thoroughly rubbed it on the carpet and than sat in the audience. Her hair didn't need to be in a ponytail for it to look cute. No matter what texture, neatness is important IMHO.
Right, but for some people, I've noticed that children like Brady's daughter get a pass just because of the
texture. I will agree that her hair did look uncared for as in not washed, conditioned, moisturized or groomed in general. But to me, there's a difference
I definitely find this true. Sometimes i put my daughter's hair in a wash n go. Now her hair is 3c maybe 3b I think and I find that people think if her hair isn't in a tight slicked back ponytail(s) or something it's just a mess and family members look at me sideways like why don't you
do that girls hair. I just give them the
face and KIM. Anyway she likes her hair "out" like Dora<--(that's what she says when it's out lol
I have no idea why)
Hmm, I wonder if this in fact true for children with looser textures as well?
I think unkept is different from an blown out Afro or Wash n go. Yes I think a child's hair should look clean and moisturized and taken care of but I dont think a blown out afro or wash n go necessary=unkept so I don't see anything wrong with either.
Now if it was a wash n go that look like they slept on it for 2 days on a burlap pillowcase and just rolled out of bed that's different
But for the people I'm speaking of, the bolded is one in the same
I hate hate hate so many people (on the board and irl) feel that a child's hair is not "done" if it's worn in an afro or wash n go. It annoys the hell out of me.
Whenever I pick up my goddaughter the first thing I do is take out every rubber band, barrette, and bobble, and wash her hair. And then she wears it in a curly fro the whole time she's with me. It's the only time her scalp gets to breathe and be free, poor thing.
This is exactly the sentiment I'm talking about, unless the child has visibly "good hair" i.e. Kimora's daughters, Yara Shahidi, etc. While they have beautiful hair, I don't think people respond as kindly to more tightly curled hair such has Zahara's or Henry's but dote over how adorable Johan's curls are (when their parents probably have a similar regimen for both)- even when their hair appears moisturized. And many of us know that type 4 & cnapp hair may not appear moisturized when it is. Or maybe it's just because the latter children have non-black mothers.
But even then, I've noticed that that with type 3c and even moreso with type 4, if the hair isn't coiffed into some intricate style or does not look like an entire bottle of S-curl was devoted to wash n go in order to define curls the size of pen-springs and smaller, there is a lot more uproar about how unkempt and tattered it looks
Many people have complimented my 5 day old wash n go when I
know for a fact had my hair had been and
looked neglected IMO
. I also know for a fact had it been a tad kinkier they wouldn't have- but I've just noticed that the bias is much more apparent when children are involved. It's like with certain hair types you can get away with alot more simply because of the fact that you have curls even if it looks much more ragged than a well-coiffed penspring coils or cnapp hair