Why do people lie about their hair texture?!

yes :yep: having gone to an all girls high school i know that some girls do lie about Everythign including hair and well its not that surprising seeiing how important hair is to a women. i can understand someone not knowing 4a 3c etc but how can you not know if you real hair (even if u relax) is straight or curly, coily etc? im not buying that :spinning:
:lachen::lachen::lachen:yes ma'am! I went to an all-girl high school too. . . one girl just TOLD us that hers was naturally straight, and that she didn't ghet relaxers, and it curls just when wet (I mean not like the normal waves & curls, pretty much told use her hair looked like flexirods when she didn't blow dry it). . . we were like ok sister, u got it, i'm sooooo jealous :perplexed. this idiot, how do u go to a hair salon that another student frequents and have even gotten your hair relaxed/done on the SAME day but tell us you don't get relaxers???? u have that SAME new growth as the rest of us, you have those SAME burnt off ends that most uninformed relaxer chicks have. . . plus we SAW you get a relaxer. . . like no one really cared about your hair, until u started talkin about it often and THEN started lyin daily.