How do ppl react to your hair?


Well-Known Member
How do ppl react when they see your(real) hair.
Do they gawk,stare,try to touch it,compliment it?

Let's hear it ladies!!!!!!!:yep::yep:
My mom and my sisters never see my hair because I wear it in protective styles, mostly half wigs. Well, when they finally saw my hair during the holidays they were so surprised at the growth.

My one sister kept touching it. My other sister offered to press it and my mom kept touching it and telling me stories about how long my hair was as a child and what my hair looked like as a baby.

They all agreed that my hair was so soft. They were really positive and it was cute. My mom even had my dad check out my hair:rolleyes:. It was a bit of an event.
I'm not even long,just trying to get to my shoulders.
So i wore my hair out yesterday tog ot o church.My hubby was going off!
He was like "Damn! You almost back to your high school length!"
(I'm not)
Talking bout"See,as long as you do what i tell you to do to take care of your hair,and follow my instructions,it's gonna keep growing.":grin:
He loooves to give himself credit for things that he has NOTHING to do with,and knows even less about:rolleyes:
And he was just telling me a few hours earlier that i spend too much time on my hair:rolleyes:
Whatever dude!
I've been wearing my hair up all the when I wear it down I do get a lot of compliments. I don't like a lot of attention so it makes me feel a little awkward especially when it is a group of women. I feel like the center and I don't like that so I try to get the attention off me and on to somebody else...ex. "Well, I'm just trying to get on your level!" for instance.
well i usually get... what are u mixed with, is that ur real hair, is that a weave, ur hair is beautiful. i have had ppl even put their hand in my hair. i guess to check to see if it was a weave or not. that sorta creeped me out:nono:

Om Namah Shivaye
I usually get these repsonses:

1) Is that all your hair?
2) How long would it be if you straightened it?
3) I wish I could wear my hair like that.

I don't get any responses when I wear it straigtened because I always wear it pinned up.
I get people asking me if it's all my hair- I have no idea why because it's not long...
I get people telling me that my hair is SSSOOOO thick, it even stays thick after a relaxer
I've had people tell me that they haven't seen people's hair THAT black without dye- I don't understand that one because my hair's a perfect 1B, not jet black, but people think I'm jet black for some reason.
My family and friends tell me that I should stop getting relaxers- Whatever!:rolleyes: They don't have to wrestle that stuff down:grin:
I went to a friend's house after a long time of not seeing her and she walked over to me and dug her fingers in my hair (weave check) and said "girl, thats all you?" and i was like yes!!! inside i felt sooo proud, but at the same time pissed she just weave checked me without asking first!!!???:nono:
I get asked if all that's my hair.

Like just recently, I had an operation during the ending of last year (nothing major), but it required them to tamper with my hair. I had to get my stitches removed like a week or so afterwards. This woman who works for my doctor at his practice told me that the surgical team at the hospital was trying to figure out if it was my real hair or not. (I was under anesthesia, so don't know what went on). She said one of them said, "You know, I don't think that's a weave I think that's her real hair." I just laughed. Then she asked me if it's mine.

I have a lot of texture, so I don't think its that difficult to see that it's my hair.
Just these past two weeks, I have pressed my hair. The last time it was straight was at Easter 2006. And the time before that back was in 2002 when I wore extensions during my transition. Most people who know me now have never seen me with straight hair. So you can imagine the reactions that I got:

  1. Wow, I've never seen your hair like that before - (neither have I, this is the longest it has ever been :grin:)
  2. You should wear it like that more often
  3. It's gorgeous
  4. Is that real hair, where did you buy it?
  5. You need hair today? (This from the man at the hair store. I went in to buy a bead threader for my daughter's hair. DO I look like I need to buy hair?:lachen:)
  6. It looks so thick.
  7. You cut how much? (I cut about 3-4 inches off total. I did a 2 inch trim before I pressed and then another 2 inches when I saw the real mess that my ends were hiding)
  8. Can I touch it? (The 4-5 year olds in my AWANA cubbies group. They were the only ones who asked. Grownups just touched. Black grownups just touched. White folks asked, or just looked at it like they wanted to ask.
  9. Wow, it's soft.
Oh, and this was not a comment, but when I was in the BSS buying the bead threader, this lady was following me around. I thought she worked there, you know. But she was following me looking at all the products that I picked up and read. I like to browse alot and read a lot of labels, so I stay in the store for about 30-40 minutes. She picked up everything that I touched. I even looked at a couple of wigs that looked sort of like my hair. That has never happened to me before. I have in the past followed a man with gorgeous hair around the store to see what he bought, but never a lady.

Needless to say, the reactions were positive for the most part. I think that I will try a roller set/flat iron or silk wrap the next time I wash to see how my hair reacts. But I plan to be straight until the Spring.
It's always in a bun or French twist so on the rare occasions I wear it down or out I get

"That's all your hair?"

"It's so thick!"

"I'd wear my hair out every day if it was mine."

"Why do you always have it pinned up?"

"Why don't you style it?"

"It's a sin to have all that hair and not do anything with it!"

"Is that your real hair color?"

And the there are the few coworkers who don't say anything and just stare.

*shrug* I hate attention of any sort so I always wear it up to avoid comments because I get self conscious and don't want to seem conceited or full of myself. (Character flaw,I guess.)
Is that self sabotage of sorts? :ohwell:
My Mom & dad love my hair. My dad says I have my grandmom's hair so he's really happy that I went back natural:kisses:

My sister recently said "When did ur flipping hair get SO curly?!?!":hardslap:

My brother thought my heat damages hair was a GOOD thing, he said, "it looks pretty when its str8 like that"

My friends touch my afro hair like its a plaything. It gets annoying. especially when its compared to fluffy clouds:ohwell:

Oh and some random lady came up to me huffing & puffing and said, "Is that your hair??!?!?!".....I said yes!..she said "well why do u have to go around looking like that?!?!" and stormed off:nono:

My stylist prefers it str8 and always says "natural who?" when he's done with the straightener! funny i
The reaction that people have to my natural hair has been overwhelmingly positive. No matter how it's styled (except that 1 time I flat ironed) I receive numerous compliments and gawks as soon as I step out my front door. :grin: Strangers approach me for conversation at the bus stop, in the subway, on the street. Men give me appreciative looks and the real old school gentlemen tip their hats. Old ladies wanna hold my elbow to cross the street :lachen:

My guru always lightly brushes her hands over my hair when adjusting my postures.
My male boss always has something positive to say about my hair when he sees me. I've taken to smiling politely or making comments like "i appreciate the versatility" because I think my hair says more than enough by just BE-ing & i'm trying to practise "don't talk about it ('cept with y'all :lachen:) just be about it."
I been wearing either braid-out of buns...while I've been growing it out!!! But Sunday I got the itch to straighten it and wear it down...So at church at first everyone was shocked...

Then ...I heard the.... You got all that pretty hair and you don't do nothing to it...Then this whole conversations started with a group of women how the lazy women get all the pretty hair.....Let me repeat Lazy...

Being the Pastors daughter I held my tongue ....but If I had been anywhere else those women would have gotten a mouthful....I'am not lazy :nono:
When people see my hair they are like wow your hair is long :blush: and I'm like it is? I have hair anerexia :ohwell: I sent my sister the link to my fotki and she was like OMG, she has shown her friends and co-workers :spinning:. When her and my mom see my hair its usually in a bun... My co-workers be looking like :blush: b/c I don't wear it down that often and every now and then I wear a braidout but you can't see my true length..
How do ppl react when they see your(real) hair.
Do they gawk,stare,try to touch it,compliment it?

Let's hear it ladies!!!!!!!:yep::yep:

yes to all of the above... LOL. i had a table yesterday where a black lady couldn't concentrate on what i was saying because she was so busy staring at my hair. she kept saying, "i'm sorry... what?" and would look me in the eye, but then her eyes would start drifting back to my hair. it was kind of annoying because i had to keep repeating myself, but at the same time it was cool cuz i think she was trying to figure out if my giant puff was real... :lachen:
I been wearing either braid-out of buns...while I've been growing it out!!! But Sunday I got the itch to straighten it and wear it down...So at church at first everyone was shocked...

Then ...I heard the.... You got all that pretty hair and you don't do nothing to it...Then this whole conversations started with a group of women how the lazy women get all the pretty hair.....Let me repeat Lazy...

Being the Pastors daughter I held my tongue ....but If I had been anywhere else those women would have gotten a mouthful....I'am not lazy :nono:

ah yes, i remember hearing that crap growing up. my response to that is, "if you start trying to do a different style to my hair every 5 minutes i'll be left with the same amount of hair as you. it's not laziness, it's taking good care of my hair."

but like you said, you're the pastor's daughter so maybe that would come off as too harsh. i'll tell you what, i'll come to your church and say it for you! :lachen:

"How long is your hair" from a co-worker, next door cubicle. I never wear my hair out, it's always in twists and always up in a bun.

"Your hair looks healthy"

Just yesterday another male co-worder told me he likes my ponytail. I wore it hanging yesterday in a ponytail and today as well (I love the swinging twists).

I had a some jacked up twists (you know pree-poo twists) and this woman in the elevator said to me "I love your hair."

"when you finally blow dry it, I'm going to be jealous!"

" I like your twists"

"The amount of growth she's had since she started here is just phenomenal." I started my new job in August of last year.

People actually ask me for advice! At least 5 people consult me about hair stuff. It's really been a passion for me.

I had a GREAT conversation with a random natural on the street and she too was attracted to my twists.

Three compliments just last week. It's amazing...

Folks at my job are going to flip out when I straighten it. So much attention, I just might get fired!
  1. Stares. Like wow she is really rockin that nappy hair.
  2. What you trying to get an Angela Davis fro? Yep
  3. You should Loc. NO I shouldn't. How about YOU loc is YOU like that style so much. Grrr!
  4. When I wear twists. Wow your hair is really long. I would have never known. (My hair isn't really long, just major shrinkage)
  5. You are never going to straighten it? You should, it would be so HOT. Uh huh..yea ok.

Most folks just wish they could be doing what I'm doing. Kind of want to say something nice, bu have to play it off through some weird comment.
  1. Stares. Like wow she is really rockin that nappy hair.
  2. What you trying to get an Angela Davis fro? Yep
  3. You should Loc. NO I shouldn't. How about YOU loc is YOU like that style so much. Grrr!
  4. When I wear twists. Wow your hair is really long. I would have never known. (My hair isn't really long, just major shrinkage)
  5. You are never going to straighten it? You should, it would be so HOT. Uh huh..yea ok.
Most folks just wish they could be doing what I'm doing. Kind of want to say something nice, bu have to play it off through some weird comment.

:grin: I took pics of my friend,who is a natural(she has been wearing a really low cut for a long time,but started growing it out last year and now is past shoulder,close to apl) with her Angela Davis for' and her black power fist! Hotness i tell ya!
  1. You are never going to straighten it? You should, it would be so HOT. Uh huh..yea ok.

*psh* whatever!!! the few times i've straightened my hair, everyone was like, "wow it's long... but really we like your curly afro better." sure, some people truly believe straighter is better no matter what, but my experience has been preference towards the naps. my natural hair accentuates my natural beauty better. :grin:
*psh* whatever!!! the few times i've straightened my hair, everyone was like, "wow it's long... but really we like your curly afro better." sure, some people truly believe straighter is better no matter what, but my experience has been preference towards the naps. my natural hair accentuates my natural beauty better. :grin:

I love your curly fro!
And I'm with you on the straight hair thing, I prefer my hair kinky.
I'm not even long,just trying to get to my shoulders.
So i wore my hair out yesterday tog ot o church.My hubby was going off!
He was like "Damn! You almost back to your high school length!"
(I'm not)
Talking bout"See,as long as you do what i tell you to do to take care of your hair,and follow my instructions,it's gonna keep growing.":grin:
He loooves to give himself credit for things that he has NOTHING to do with,and knows even less about:rolleyes:
And he was just telling me a few hours earlier that i spend too much time on my hair:rolleyes:
Whatever dude!

LOL!!! :lachen::lachen:Ain't that about some mess. Gotta love him though!!
Oh the enthusiasm. :nuts:
Hmmmm...surprised...Most people didn't think I have the "guts" to go natural. Also most people are surprised by the too!!!:lachen:

Usually people try to touch it, I'm a teacher so they try to smell it..hahaha(I cowash a lot so it always smells like Conditioner), some people, oddly enough, ask me is it natural, but I wonder how it could look permed..hmmm, a lot of people ask how did you "get your hair to do that." Thoses are the most common. I'm done with my run on sentence now :grin:
nothing from people but my mom just checked my hair the other day because she thought it was a hair piece and she doesnt know why I spend my money on braids.
I get mixed reaction since I cut off my hair last August

1 - Why did you cut your long pretty hair off? (response: wanted to go natural)
2 - You look good with short hair!
3 - Short hair compliments you.
4 - Grow your hair back! (comment from my mom and aunt (response: I am...LOL!)
5 - You look good with both long and short.
6 - OMG, your hair grew back real fast (response: no this is a weave, but yes it is growing back nicely)
7 - Nice weave! It looks real natural.:lachen:
lol mine are a little different from yalls lol.

"Who taught YOU how to roll"
"It looks way better than it did when you were a freshman"
"Girl what happened?! You looked like you used to be on jerry springer before you went to class everyday!":nono:
"Your hair looks longer"
"You have white people hair"
" I told you if you just followed my advice (most of the time BAD advice) your hair would grow!"
"You look more professional"
"Soooo.....what products do you use?":grin:
"Can't call you tackhead no mo!!" (This happened to me in the one of my mom's friends):lachen:
I get the "oh, you have that good grade of hair" response.
Or from my coworkers: Your hair is so healthy! And it smells
good too. I can't do the funky hair, I'm around professionals
all day long :nono:
LOL!!! :lachen::lachen:Ain't that about some mess. Gotta love him though!!
Oh the enthusiasm. :nuts:

Girl right!!I love that crazy smiley!
I was like "whaaaattt?"
I said "you know i'm gonna put this on the hair board right?"LOL!
ETA:I never thanked you.I found LHCF through your fotki:yep:
Thank you!!!!!!