Anyone else annoyed when White women put their hands in your hair?

Um, but unlike my hands (which I wash multiple times a day), and my clothes/person, I don't wash my hair every day so I feel differently about my hair. I'm actually a pretty *huggy* person otherwise. :)
don't really like when any human being trys to touch my hair and i don't know them or they just walk up to me and touch it. i touch my friends hair they touch mine but we are familiar with each other so it's a non issue
it hasn't happened to me since i've gotten older though
I don't mind anyone touching my hair - as long as they ask first. I like people touching my hair, actually, because then it gives me an excuse to touch theirs. :lachen:

I did have one coworker who loved to 'boing' my twists, but we were really cool, so she got a pass. :lol:

If anyone ever walks up to me and pats my pregnant belly, I'm grabbing their boobs. :look: My mama MIGHT get a pass. :look:
Actually, the longer my hair gets, fewer people try to touch it. The few times I wear it down, I notice more stares than anything. I guess they think I'm wearing a weave.

But to answer the question, yes I hate it when any stranger touches my hair at least without asking first. Friends and family are fine.
White or not i dont like anyone touching it...unless your styling it your hands need to be else where....

but my supervisor has asked me twice in 2 separate occasions if i have extensions:yawn: i took it as a compliment
LOL!!! I'm the same way. I love the white people and all, but I can't stand when they like to stand close, like face to face to talk to me. I feel like I'm about to be kissed or something. LOL!!

It has never happened to me. If it did..I would probably give them the "screw face":perplexed. I don't like folks touching me.:look:
Does not bother me if people I am familiar with touch my hair. But I am a touchy feely person in a playful way myself. Pregnancy , yeah I dont know about my belly. :perplexed

Since I am hair obsessed I like playing in other peoples hair myself. Been that way since I was a lil girl:grin:.

I didnt realize it was a big issue. Maybe people of other races dont know either. If I am at work a coworker that I know relatively well is fair game. I have never had anyone get upset tho.

It truly is a compliment from me:yawn: I love hair...plain and simple. Nothing more. Nothing less.

And I work in health care so I wash my hands a gazillion times a day!
I would not like it if a stranger or someone I barely knew touched my hair. That being said I have not had that happen since high school. I have to admit though, if it were to start happening I would think I must be doing something good with my hair for a strange person to go after it. LOL.
This is a huge pet peeve of mine and I learned in a Black career development class this week that it happens to 99% of the Black women at my company....and one man who had braids. Relaxed heads and naturals alike are experiencing this.

What is that about? They don't go around touching each other's hair?

When it happens, what do you do? How do you react? If it's at work do you react differently than if it happens at a social event unrelated to work?

I haven't had this happen as an adult. I had it happen a lot when I was in Germany as a child and up to my teens before I moved back to the U.S. I didn't think it was a big deal there because there weren't that many black people. As my hair was natural and in braids, I think their curiosity got the better of them. They'd say things like "Beautiful, Beautiful!" as they touched my hair so of course any kid would be happy with that:yep:.

I think I'd feel weird here if that happened because there's enough of us that there shouldn't be any curiosity. In addition, people impose on kids (not saying it's right), but they'll come up and pinch a kids cheek or something and say how cute they are. But they know to mind their space as adults. So if someone did it now, I'd glare so angrily that they'd remove them really quickly. You can ASK if you have a question. ASK if you want to touch and then I'll say YES or NO, but don't you DARE touch me without my permission. I think the same respect should be given to children too, but that's another story.
it especially annoys me when white people do it... i was a gymnast and they did it for my whole life like I'm some kind of alien, and then congratulated me when I pressed my hair like I learned a new trick or something... very annoying... for like 15 years straight... i could've bit someone....
oh btw, i'm natural
Oddly, it doesn't bother me at all when people touch my hair. The people who touch it are family or people I know. I think I'd have to be in that situation to see what my reaction would be if a complete stranger touched it.

The only time I don't like folks touching my hair is when it's dry and crunchy.