How do ppl react to your hair?

I get a lot of comments but no touching, I don't encourage that.

"Your hair looks really long"
""Your hair is so thick"
"I didn't know your hair was so long"
"Is your hair natural?"
"Why don't you wear it out more often?"
"Is that all your hair?"
"Are you wearing a hair piece?" (when it's in a messy bun)
"Your hair looks like the Spanish wavy weave" (uhmmm ok)
"When are you getting a retouch?":lachen:
How do ppl react when they see your(real) hair.
Do they gawk,stare,try to touch it,compliment it?

Let's hear it ladies!!!!!!!:yep::yep:

They sometimes act foolishlessly...complete strangers running their fingers through your hair, looking for tracks. Ppl are ruthless. I do get compliments, but women do give me strange looks :blush:
I'm almost A.P.L (which is not even that long) and people are already touching my hair and telling me how long it is. Yes and I cannot escape the question "is that your real hair?".
I think any black women that is at least APL or longer gets the famous question " Is that all yours?"
One lady told me at the county fair my weave is the bomb...I just said Thank you and kept it pushin' but my husband had to tell her no thats not a weave...
Thats all my wifes hair!!!
u got long hurr
or they stare
or they want to know if your mixed
or they stare :lachen:
or they are examining for tracks
I didn't know your hair was that long.
What kinda shampoo you use? I don't understand why I get asked this one :lol:
Why do you wear it up all the time?
This makes me want to do my reveal sooner....:locks: but it's April or bust baby...actually I been thinking I might just stretch this bad boy out until June right before I leave school for the summer. No one has seen my real hair since novemberish...and prior to that all I was getting was oh my gosh your spiral curls are so cute...people actually coming up to me to pull on them and watch them snap back...:spinning: but once i started to stretch my relaxer longer all I got was negative comments....when are you going to shouldn't wash your hair so much...:nono: etc. I'm over it....I wear a wig allll day baby - but come june I can't wait to see people's rxns! :freakout:
Most people on the street just stare, especially females. I get a lot of eye rolls from some women, while others will complement me at some point and I say thanks. My cousin has this horrible habit of wanting to run her fingers through my hair that hasn't been detangled since the last wash. I have her trained not to though. People who haven't seen me since I was natural tend to want to verify that all of this is my hair now. I could tell the second visit to my now stylist that she was pleasantly surprised at the condition of my hair. She treats me like I know what I am doing, and it feels good. Outside of things I notice in passing I really don't pay attention to r people I don't know.
When I wear it out- i get asked if its mine or a wig, depending on my mood- Ill say one or the other. Usually I smile and say its mine
the main things people comment about my hair is the hair color,lol. And they say its really thick and healthy looking. Which i'm glad because i love thick hair.
Usually people try to touch it, I'm a teacher so they try to smell it..hahaha(I cowash a lot so it always smells like Conditioner)

LOL i forgot about that one!!! some of my co-workers like to sniff my hair... "did you use the candy-smelling conditioner again today? oooh yummy!" (V05 Strawberries and Cream or the Herbal Rasberry conditioner :lachen: )
I don't wear my hair out often, so when I do it's a big deal. I get the following:

"Your hair is so long"
"Why don't you wear your hair out more often?"
"You better not cut your hair!"
"You look Indian"

I also get a lot of people wanting to touch my hair. I don't mind as long as they aren't rough with it.
Today I wore my first was and go afro at work and everyone has been complimenting me. When I get it pressed, I get a lot of compliments because most people don't know it is that long and healthy because it is so rare. But overall people ask how did I do it and if they can touch it. Q
Well most people react positively to it, but so many people got their panties in a bunch when I cut it off (or most of it) 2.5 years ago. My mom prefers it in its natural state & so do I, but on a few occasions I felt like I was about to ambushed.

For instance, I had just got my maxiglide and was going towards the campus dining center to pick up something to eat before I went back to my room. I had my hair pinned-up and the cafeteria ladies bombarded me with questions like" You have all that pretty hair & just keep it bunned up", "When are you going to straighten?' "I bet it's long as hell, isn't it"

The whole scenario felt weird as hell, compounded by the fact that most of them wear the most atrocious weaves and have receding hairlines :nono:-I started to slip them a LHCF card and go about my business.
I get all kinds of comments. When my hair is flat ironed, I get these lil' gems:
  • Is that all your hair?
  • Where did you get your weave from?
  • How did you get your hair so straight?
  • Are you half Indian (yes, someone actually asked me this once)?
When I wear my hair out and curly, I get these:
  • How do you get your hair to wave up like that?
  • Wow your hair is so soft! I didn't know you girls' (read: black women) curls could be so soft! (this comment came from a white guy)
  • Can I pull one of your curls down and watch it boing? (mind you, I'm not even fully natural yet, so I still have stringy relaxed ends)
When my hair is in a bun every day (my favorite protective style), I get these:
  • When you gonna let your hair down?
  • Why don't you ever do anything with your hair?
  • Are you ever going to straighten your hair again?
  • Why you be rockin' the librarian look every day?
I also have one co-worker who loves to smell my hair, since it always smells like conditioner (I co-wash every other day). It's amazing how many comments my hair garners from others ... both co-workers and strangers alike.
I get all kinds of comments. When my hair is flat ironed, I get these lil' gems:
  • Is that all your hair?
  • Where did you get your weave from?
  • How did you get your hair so straight?
  • Are you half Indian (yes, someone actually asked me this once)?
When I wear my hair out and curly, I get these:
  • How do you get your hair to wave up like that?
  • Wow your hair is so soft! I didn't know you girls' (read: black women) curls could be so soft! (this comment came from a white guy)
  • Can I pull one of your curls down and watch it boing? (mind you, I'm not even fully natural yet, so I still have stringy relaxed ends)
When my hair is in a bun every day (my favorite protective style), I get these:
  • When you gonna let your hair down?
  • Why don't you ever do anything with your hair?
  • Are you ever going to straighten your hair again?
  • Why you be rockin' the librarian look every day?
I also have one co-worker who loves to smell my hair, since it always smells like conditioner (I co-wash every other day). It's amazing how many comments my hair garners from others ... both co-workers and strangers alike.

hahahaahahahaha....sorry sis...these were funny to me

I just get "is that all you" as far as it being weave and people wanting to touch it..
I'm not even long,just trying to get to my shoulders.
So i wore my hair out yesterday tog ot o church.My hubby was going off!
He was like "Damn! You almost back to your high school length!"
(I'm not)
Talking bout"See,as long as you do what i tell you to do to take care of your hair,and follow my instructions,it's gonna keep growing.":grin:
He loooves to give himself credit for things that he has NOTHING to do with,and knows even less about:rolleyes:
And he was just telling me a few hours earlier that i spend too much time on my hair:rolleyes:
Whatever dude!
:lachen::lachen::lachen:OMG how cute and silly!!!!!!!!
well i usually get... what are u mixed with, is that ur real hair, is that a weave, ur hair is beautiful. i have had ppl even put their hand in my hair. i guess to check to see if it was a weave or not. that sorta creeped me out:nono:

Om Namah Shivaye
Lakshmi I hope you don't mind me asking but are you black or Indian?
I usually just get comments on my updos - people swear it takes me just HOURS to do it - I'm about ready to redo a section in the bathroom just so that they will leave me alone. :lachen:

When (the rare, rare, rare) occasions I wear a WNG, folx are alays asking me - Did you cut your hair??? I just stretch a clump of hair to it's full length, and watch them fall over at the miracle of shrinkage. :lol:

I haven't flat ironned/pressed my hair in - years, I suspect the reactions will be :thud: :drool :dizzy: if I ever do - I don't think my HUSBAND has ever even seen me with straight hair. :lol:
People have always complimented my hair. I never wear it out it was always in a bun or a clip. Only lately did I start wearing it out and curly. When I was younger my hair was much thicker and people would look at my mother like boy I feel sorry for you. I wish my hair was thicker like when I was younger.
yes to all of the above... LOL. i had a table yesterday where a black lady couldn't concentrate on what i was saying because she was so busy staring at my hair. she kept saying, "i'm sorry... what?" and would look me in the eye, but then her eyes would start drifting back to my hair. it was kind of annoying because i had to keep repeating myself, but at the same time it was cool cuz i think she was trying to figure out if my giant puff was real... :lachen:

You sure that wasn't me.......LOL..... I be staring at your pictures like that. Here's another compliment.....LOVE YA HAIR!
They always wanna touch it. "It's so soft, it's so thick." and my new fave "Look at all that hair." :grin: This white guy told me at GNC "You got alot of hair. A real good amount and real healthy." --- refering to my freshly blow dried, unstraighened hair. And the one my mama in law gives me, "Girl if I had all that hair I'd be a *****! You couldn't tell me nothing. Just don't make sense to have all that hair." --- she says it with nothing but love. I'm enjoying the compliments. :rolleyes:
I always have it in a ponytail and its not that long(APL) but when i wear it down, they comment on the length(co-workers) and my friends comment on how it sprung up in a short while. The most reaction is from when people touch it and cant believe how soft it is.
i get asked all the time, like daily, "IS THAT YOUR HAIR?"

it really bothers me when causcasians at my job touch my hair and run their hands into my scalp and ask "is this all yours?" i get very offended, as you all know. LOL i don't like it when African Americans do it either, but that happens to me way less often.

normally i try to have restraint and am nice about it, but yesterday when it happened i just replied in a REAL NASTY tone, "YEAH! WHY????!"

i also get people comparing their hair to mine and telling me how their hair used to be as long as mine before such and such happened....not sure what that's about.

i try to relish the compliments etc. because i worked like a slave for every inch of this hair. my hair used to be chewed up and tore up, so i am thankful for "her" health and length now.