How did you meet your soulmate?

How did you meet your Soulmate?

  • Through a friend or family member

    Votes: 8 16.0%
  • In a Religious gathering

    Votes: 4 8.0%
  • Online

    Votes: 11 22.0%
  • Club/party

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • School/College

    Votes: 8 16.0%
  • Randomly on the street, supermarket ect

    Votes: 7 14.0%
  • Work

    Votes: 10 20.0%
  • Networking Event

    Votes: 1 2.0%

  • Total voters
he's not my boyfriend but he's my soulmate...definitely

he walked past me in a kinda dark pool hall while i was chattin it up with another dude...and his presence enveloped me and I didn't know what happened....I felt an overwhelming amount of love for this person who when I turned around was just walking was my 22nd birthday and I had no clue what was going on or why I was feeling that way, ends up the guy i was talking to was best friends with him and he introduced us and I was like...whats his name my head

I love this man

long story short, i was living with somebody at the time, the other guy I had no real interest in, we went on a double date once to a bowling alley and the whole night I was so disturbed and confused the guy was with this other girl I didn't know what to do with myself....

for two years i was like...I KNOW IM SUPPOSED TO know him...and I didn't have any info on him except his first name and a knowing of the general area he lived in...I would drive around hoping to spot him......and one day..close to my 24th birthday..after I had a BV page online with hundreds of emails daily that I hardly ever read I was browsing subject titles and one caught my eye that said

remember we went bowling

and I knew it was him....I smiled and was like it's about friggin time you showed up

he said from the moment he got introduced by his friend in his head he was like....NOOOOOOO i was supposed to meet her...he said that he kept trying to see what was up with me and the other dude and the other dude kept puttin 10's on 2' shes the greatest, i think shes the one so he was I gotta leave it alone.....he said they aren't friends n e more and he was glad he found me

we have what we call a soulship relationship.....weve been lovers, friends, and everything in between.....

more than once I was told me and him travel lifetimes together and have been everything to each other

a couple months ago I was talkin to this lady who does readings and regressions at this store and I wasnt getting a regression and she asked me if i wanted to know n e thing...and I was like tell me about so and so or so and so...and to a tee she would say something about the person i mentioned...and I mentioned his name, she closed her eyes and popped them back open and was like....

did you have a very strong feeling of

i finished her sentence...knowing him and loving him....yes

she said the same things others have a strong bond and you travel lives together

I feel that
he's not my boyfriend but he's my soulmate...definitely

he walked past me in a kinda dark pool hall while i was chattin it up with another dude...and his presence enveloped me and I didn't know what happened....I felt an overwhelming amount of love for this person who when I turned around was just walking was my 22nd birthday and I had no clue what was going on or why I was feeling that way, ends up the guy i was talking to was best friends with him and he introduced us and I was like...whats his name my head

I love this man

long story short, i was living with somebody at the time, the other guy I had no real interest in, we went on a double date once to a bowling alley and the whole night I was so disturbed and confused the guy was with this other girl I didn't know what to do with myself....

for two years i was like...I KNOW IM SUPPOSED TO know him...and I didn't have any info on him except his first name and a knowing of the general area he lived in...I would drive around hoping to spot him......and one day..close to my 24th birthday..after I had a BV page online with hundreds of emails daily that I hardly ever read I was browsing subject titles and one caught my eye that said

remember we went bowling

and I knew it was him....I smiled and was like it's about friggin time you showed up

he said from the moment he got introduced by his friend in his head he was like....NOOOOOOO i was supposed to meet her...he said that he kept trying to see what was up with me and the other dude and the other dude kept puttin 10's on 2' shes the greatest, i think shes the one so he was I gotta leave it alone.....he said they aren't friends n e more and he was glad he found me

we have what we call a soulship relationship.....weve been lovers, friends, and everything in between.....

more than once I was told me and him travel lifetimes together and have been everything to each other

a couple months ago I was talkin to this lady who does readings and regressions at this store and I wasnt getting a regression and she asked me if i wanted to know n e thing...and I was like tell me about so and so or so and so...and to a tee she would say something about the person i mentioned...and I mentioned his name, she closed her eyes and popped them back open and was like....

did you have a very strong feeling of

i finished her sentence...knowing him and loving him....yes

she said the same things others have a strong bond and you travel lives together

I feel that

wow sounds like a fairy tale. Congrats. I remember 7 yrs ago seeing a guy at a techical school I was interning at. He was so gorgeous and I said to myself, I am going to marry that guy. LOL, I pursued him for a while but he was clueless to my advances so we remained friends for about 2 yrs. After that, we kind of lost touch after I got a job but he found me again after 2 yrs and tried to pursue something but I just didn't have the same attraction I had to him back then. sigh :perplexed
he's not my boyfriend but he's my soulmate...definitely

he walked past me in a kinda dark pool hall while i was chattin it up with another dude...and his presence enveloped me and I didn't know what happened....I felt an overwhelming amount of love for this person who when I turned around was just walking was my 22nd birthday and I had no clue what was going on or why I was feeling that way, ends up the guy i was talking to was best friends with him and he introduced us and I was like...whats his name my head

I love this man

long story short, i was living with somebody at the time, the other guy I had no real interest in, we went on a double date once to a bowling alley and the whole night I was so disturbed and confused the guy was with this other girl I didn't know what to do with myself....

for two years i was like...I KNOW IM SUPPOSED TO know him...and I didn't have any info on him except his first name and a knowing of the general area he lived in...I would drive around hoping to spot him......and one day..close to my 24th birthday..after I had a BV page online with hundreds of emails daily that I hardly ever read I was browsing subject titles and one caught my eye that said

remember we went bowling

and I knew it was him....I smiled and was like it's about friggin time you showed up

he said from the moment he got introduced by his friend in his head he was like....NOOOOOOO i was supposed to meet her...he said that he kept trying to see what was up with me and the other dude and the other dude kept puttin 10's on 2' shes the greatest, i think shes the one so he was I gotta leave it alone.....he said they aren't friends n e more and he was glad he found me

we have what we call a soulship relationship.....weve been lovers, friends, and everything in between.....

more than once I was told me and him travel lifetimes together and have been everything to each other

a couple months ago I was talkin to this lady who does readings and regressions at this store and I wasnt getting a regression and she asked me if i wanted to know n e thing...and I was like tell me about so and so or so and so...and to a tee she would say something about the person i mentioned...and I mentioned his name, she closed her eyes and popped them back open and was like....

did you have a very strong feeling of

i finished her sentence...knowing him and loving him....yes

she said the same things others have a strong bond and you travel lives together

I feel that

:cry2: Thats so beautiful
Tiara, i was walking thru a crowded parking lot once while in another city and this guy passed by me, stopped me in my tracks, I spun around and followed him with my eyes my whole body quivered and I said that is my husband, never seen him before and never seen him again. Never understood why I responded like that, I was young and not even thinking about husbands, children or marriage. I kept looking for him thru the crowd thinking he would come to me but he never did. Now that I am older I think maybe he was in a previous life.
Tiara, i was walking thru a crowded parking lot once while in another city and this guy passed by me, stopped me in my tracks, I spun around and followed him with my eyes my whole body quivered and I said that is my husband, never seen him before and never seen him again. Never understood why I responded like that, I was young and not even thinking about husbands, children or marriage. I kept looking for him thru the crowd thinking he would come to me but he never did. Now that I am older I think maybe he was in a previous life.

I feel you...there is this guy who I met last year who as soon as i walked into this breakfast spot that instantly grabbed me..the place was crowded and i just got sucked in by his friends walked one way and i walked the other...when they looked up they were like where did she go and I was at the table with this group of guys and was like to the guy sitting next to him, can i sit there so I can sit next to him...i instantly was rubbing his hair and leg and he was like wow what are you doing to me...I was like nothing, I just know friends were looking at me crazy like...what in the world...who is this guy....the whole weekend we were hanging out with crazy energy holding hands always smiling and eye gazing....during all star I was standing outside this one spot, it was crowded, an event going on... and i felt a surge of energy bolt thru me...i looked up and around and guess who was walking down the street about to enter the same place where I was....the same friends who were with me when I met him were with me again and I told them I got that weird energy feeling again and looked up and seen girl just looked at me and was like you're a

same thing, instantly all over each other to the point where people was tellin my ex who is overseas that we was all over each other other guys askin if we were dating and were they steppin on toes..Im like no...its just like a recognition that we bask in whenever we see each other...
I feel you...there is this guy who I met last year who as soon as i walked into this breakfast spot that instantly grabbed me..the place was crowded and i just got sucked in by his friends walked one way and i walked the other...when they looked up they were like where did she go and I was at the table with this group of guys and was like to the guy sitting next to him, can i sit there so I can sit next to him...i instantly was rubbing his hair and leg and he was like wow what are you doing to me...I was like nothing, I just know friends were looking at me crazy like...what in the world...who is this guy....the whole weekend we were hanging out with crazy energy holding hands always smiling and eye gazing....during all star I was standing outside this one spot, it was crowded, an event going on... and i felt a surge of energy bolt thru me...i looked up and around and guess who was walking down the street about to enter the same place where I was....the same friends who were with me when I met him were with me again and I told them I got that weird energy feeling again and looked up and seen girl just looked at me and was like you're a

same thing, instantly all over each other to the point where people was tellin my ex who is overseas that we was all over each other other guys askin if we were dating and were they steppin on toes..Im like no...its just like a recognition that we bask in whenever we see each other...

you have some very interesting relationships T lol.
I met my husband on a traveling assignment. I met him and I was not interested at first, I thought he was probably too young for me. Everyone at work said you should go out with him because he was really nice and a Christian. So someone gave him my number and after a month he called me. He told me he had lost my number and he had to find it. After the third date we knew we were meant for each other we knew we would marry one day. A year and a half later we were married and it has been four years now. We have never gotten into an argument and we know what each other is thinking we sometimes finish each other's sentences.:grin: He said he had been praying and waiting for his wife and he knew that the Lord sent me to him.
Im just going to say it, lol, Myspace, UGH!!! Lol, but it wasn't done on purpose in allll fairness!!! He was deleting his friends and he came on my page, I still dont know how we were friends on it, he saw that we went to the same school, so we start conversing here and there... it was summer and I needed help with Pre-Calculus and hes really smart so we've been dating since and I dont regret it at all, lol
he's not my boyfriend but he's my soulmate...definitely

he walked past me in a kinda dark pool hall while i was chattin it up with another dude...and his presence enveloped me and I didn't know what happened....I felt an overwhelming amount of love for this person who when I turned around was just walking was my 22nd birthday and I had no clue what was going on or why I was feeling that way, ends up the guy i was talking to was best friends with him and he introduced us and I was like...whats his name my head

I love this man

long story short, i was living with somebody at the time, the other guy I had no real interest in, we went on a double date once to a bowling alley and the whole night I was so disturbed and confused the guy was with this other girl I didn't know what to do with myself....

for two years i was like...I KNOW IM SUPPOSED TO know him...and I didn't have any info on him except his first name and a knowing of the general area he lived in...I would drive around hoping to spot him......and one day..close to my 24th birthday..after I had a BV page online with hundreds of emails daily that I hardly ever read I was browsing subject titles and one caught my eye that said

remember we went bowling

and I knew it was him....I smiled and was like it's about friggin time you showed up

he said from the moment he got introduced by his friend in his head he was like....NOOOOOOO i was supposed to meet her...he said that he kept trying to see what was up with me and the other dude and the other dude kept puttin 10's on 2' shes the greatest, i think shes the one so he was I gotta leave it alone.....he said they aren't friends n e more and he was glad he found me

we have what we call a soulship relationship.....weve been lovers, friends, and everything in between.....

more than once I was told me and him travel lifetimes together and have been everything to each other

a couple months ago I was talkin to this lady who does readings and regressions at this store and I wasnt getting a regression and she asked me if i wanted to know n e thing...and I was like tell me about so and so or so and so...and to a tee she would say something about the person i mentioned...and I mentioned his name, she closed her eyes and popped them back open and was like....

did you have a very strong feeling of

i finished her sentence...knowing him and loving him....yes

she said the same things others have a strong bond and you travel lives together

I feel that

Tiara- did you guys exchange numbers???????:grin:
Tiara- did you guys exchange numbers???????:grin:
lol...he's been in my life since that email...he was my tantric sex partner/teacher a couple years ago :)

beautiful time :)

we just call our relationship a soulship because people don't understand it

he will be out here for a couple weeks next month....he is also going to be at the next women's retreat i throw in sedona.....

very special man
lol...he's been in my life since that email...he was my tantric sex partner/teacher a couple years ago :)

beautiful time :)

we just call our relationship a soulship because people don't understand it

he will be out here for a couple weeks next month....he is also going to be at the next women's retreat i throw in sedona.....

very special man

Good for you.
I met my SO on the corner of 3rd Ave and 9th St :lachen:-doesnt that just sound so wrong. Well I was downtown on my way to the parking lot from work, very tired. So the light was red and this guy is standing next to me starring at me. As we crossed the road he asked me how I was doing. Since I was in my "I have to be open minded and not a book by its cover" I figured what the heck, let me be nice. So I started a conversation with him. He walked me to my parking lot and we talked for a while. He asked me for my number and called me the next evening and we had a great conversation. I actually didnt mind giving him my number-gosh I couldnt take my eyes off those lips-lol and he was so respectful, not pushy and sleezy. We have been together since-1.5 years.

Not the most original story...when I ask him what made him decide to talk to me he says "girl, that booty". :spinning:
Oh my gosh. I think I am the only person who met my husband at a club. Interesting. I met him at a club when I was away at college. He bought me a drink - something he said he never does. We did not go out for a few weeks even though he called within a few days or so. I was happily dating other people. It took a while for him to grow on me. He was responsible and a lot of fun. We ended up dating long distance. I moved to where he was after college and we have been married for seven years with three children.
He contacted me through a very good mutual friends myspace about working together months ago. We talked on the phone but I never knew what he looked like. We met for the first time about a month ago, and when we met I was surprised that he was actually attractive and as soon as he saw me he got that look in his eyes I recognize in a man when he sees a woman he wants, there was that eye contact but it was more so reading his thoughts than myself becoming flustered over it. He was personality plus our whole meeting, making everyone laugh and creating the atmosphere and he'd glance at me at moments that let me know he was interested and he'd make comments here and there throughout the night. Before I left we had a few moments alone and he was pretty direct that he was interested in me but I just smiled and didn't really give him any clue as to if I was interested, directing convo to work as much as possible while he'd direct it back to me and him. I knew I liked his personality and if I didn't know or want to think about anything else I knew we'd great friends and good working partners, I'd been single for a while and walking into the situation not even expecting a prospective mate to be there I was caught off guard, intrigued yet scared. When he was walking me out the door he asked for a hug and when he did it was like this current passed between us, his embrace was slow and started off tender and became tight, I never felt anything like that from a hug before. The next time we saw each other which was a couple of days later there was no denying and no holding back and we've been inseparable ever since.

A few days before I met up with him physically I kept having this yearning feeling to be held by the one in the bed, to just intertwine with him and cuddle, whomever he may be. For these few days I'd be comforted imagining that this was happening. I'd been single for a while and I'm used to being single for a while and never has a feeling like that come over me. One of the things he asked me when we first met was if I liked to cuddle. And he's a whole foot taller than me, good body build..I wanted to melt into his arms right then. But cuddling is what we do all the time now and I love it, we could wrap ourselves around each other for 24 hours. So that feeling I got, and the fact that he holds me everytime we're together, makes me feel as if my spirit was preparing me for him. He's tailor made for me. When we first met and were asking about each others birthday he told me the day he was born he was born to change my life..and so far I believe him.
I was walking my dog (German Shep) and I saw this man with a Dalmation and said " Can my dog play with your dog?" And he was like " sure" so then they dogs were playing and he said that his dog had to go to an open field to potty and I said ok, cause I had to go in that direction anyway, so when we got to the stop sign he stood there and talked to me for an hour, and I was like ok, do you want my phone number cause we been talking for an hour. Then I gave him my digits and we been together ever since!
I met my DH through a mutual friend. He came to town along with some others to hang out and she invited me along. She had already told him she wanted us to meet but I was clueless about the love connection in the making. :blush:
Needless to say, he was smart, fun, laid back, tall, great smile, just simply handsome and had the most beautiful skin and eyes I'd ever seen. He has an orange undertone, so his skin simply glows, man its sexy. When we have kids, I hope our daughter glows like he does. His eyes are golden brown. I was in a trance.

He went back home (which was 2hrs away). I emailed, he called and 2 weeks later he came back to visit. I pulled into my driveway that Friday after work, and there he was waiting with a yellow shirt on that made his orange glow even more intoxicating. I can still remember that moment. He opened my car door and smiled, man those eyes. OK ladies I have to be honest, I normally hold out a good 2 - 3 months on the goodies, but it was on like donkey kong that weekend. :lachen:
After that weekend we were a couple, the fat lady had song, it was murder she wrote, game over. There was no seperating us. We dated long distance for almost 2 years before he proposed. We talked to each other everyday (several times a day), saw each other several times a month. The distance was a beast but we both felt being with each other was so worth it.

He asks me, how did I know I wanted to marry him. I always reply "because you are the best man I'll ever know, great father, great companion, great lover, great provider, smart, fun , caring, the lists just goes on babe." He sits there smiling, glowing with that golden twinkle in his eyes.

I ask how did you know I was the one? He replies "You're everything I wanted in a wife, it can't get any better than you." He always tells me, that one evening he was just laying in bed thinking about me and thought "Man, I can't imagine not having her in my life". He says, right then at that exact moment he knew he was ready to marry me. He went and got the ring that week, and proposed the following weekend when I came to visit.

He's not perfect, but he's definitely perfect for me. I love this man:grin:
We met at church.....

Instantly best buds...Our friendship took on nuclear bomb blasts.... and still survived.

5 years later...... we were married. :drunk:

Happily ever after:lick:
Online. I had just broken up with this guy who was a LOSER. He sent me an add request, I looked at his picture (just like I had done other guys I added), and thought nothing of it. He messaged me to see if I had an IMer, I give it out (just like I usually do when people ask) and we just started talking. It was no pressure to talk about sex (which was a relief bc every guy wants to go there) and we just talked. 20 minutes turned into an hour one hour turned into 3 then 5 and it all felt like minutes. It still feels like minutes when I talk to him just about 2 years later. We just get each other and have this unexplainable energy where Im just drawn to him. We're not together have been through some mess but we are cool. Im not sure if we could ever be together though as much as I care about him.
I met dh at church. My graduating class (hs) has to attend mass that morning and the communion class i was teach was taking their first communion that morning also.

So i had to attend all 2 masses that morning. Anyways, i had 2 students in my class who were brother and sister, who were getting their communion so of course all ther family was there. I was standing in the front of the church getting all the kids ready, when i notced this fione boy standing at the back of the church. i couldn't look to long, but off and on during church i would look back to see if he was looking (he was LOL)

After the mass we had some food for the kids and their family. Who do you think popped up??? I was such a shy little thing, so i was too scared to talk to him, even when i was serving his food i couldn't even make eye contact! So i left without even getting his name.

Now, the island i live on is small, and you pretty much see everyone who lives here at least once and I never saw him, before or after this day. So i just let it drop.

A few sundays later, i was at church and the little girl who i had taught came up to me and said " Hi Miss McPhee, my brother likes you". I was a little confused about who she was talking about since her brothers i new were young LOL. So when she told me who she was meaning, you know i was too happy!

Come to find out he lived in the US and was moving back here soon. Come to find out he had noticed me in church that day also, but was also to shy to say anything, and by the time he had enough courage to talk to me, i had already left LOL

Long story short, he moved down here, we exchanged number, went out a few times. Fastfoward 7 years and we are now married!
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I met my DH through a mutual friend. He came to town along with some others to hang out and she invited me along. She had already told him she wanted us to meet but I was clueless about the love connection in the making. :blush:
Needless to say, he was smart, fun, laid back, tall, great smile, just simply handsome and had the most beautiful skin and eyes I'd ever seen. He has an orange undertone, so his skin simply glows, man its sexy. When we have kids, I hope our daughter glows like he does. His eyes are golden brown. I was in a trance.

He went back home (which was 2hrs away). I emailed, he called and 2 weeks later he came back to visit. I pulled into my driveway that Friday after work, and there he was waiting with a yellow shirt on that made his orange glow even more intoxicating. I can still remember that moment. He opened my car door and smiled, man those eyes. OK ladies I have to be honest, I normally hold out a good 2 - 3 months on the goodies, but it was on like donkey kong that weekend. :lachen:
After that weekend we were a couple, the fat lady had song, it was murder she wrote, game over. There was no seperating us. We dated long distance for almost 2 years before he proposed. We talked to each other everyday (several times a day), saw each other several times a month. The distance was a beast but we both felt being with each other was so worth it.

He asks me, how did I know I wanted to marry him. I always reply "because you are the best man I'll ever know, great father, great companion, great lover, great provider, smart, fun , caring, the lists just goes on babe." He sits there smiling, glowing with that golden twinkle in his eyes.

I ask how did you know I was the one? He replies "You're everything I wanted in a wife, it can't get any better than you." He always tells me, that one evening he was just laying in bed thinking about me and thought "Man, I can't imagine not having her in my life". He says, right then at that exact moment he knew he was ready to marry me. He went and got the ring that week, and proposed the following weekend when I came to visit.

He's not perfect, but he's definitely perfect for me. I love this man:grin:

OHMYGOD! I love sweet. I can feel the love.
I met DH at a busstop. He walked over to me, and said that I stood out to him because he almost never saw a gorgeous woman reading - they were usually too busy making sure everyone saw how pretty they were. :lachen:
We had a fabulous conversation for about 20-30 minutes, and I gave him my number when my bus came - I knew it was going 'against' the rules, but I refused to let this man walk out of my life without making sure he had a way to get back in touch with me, despite him not being my type and not having a car. :lachen:
:) It's been 8 years now, and we are still going strong - and I've never met someone who gets me as much as he does.