Where/How Did You Meet Your Man - The Master List

Actually through LHCF technically.

I had just joined, and was checking out the relationship thread. Someone posted something about not knowing how to make a interesting profile on okcupid, so I wanted to know more about that site.

So I created a profile and many guys messaged me, but this one guy grabbed my attention (in a bad way weirdly enough) so I messaged him back and the rest is history.

Been together for a year now.
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well we had mutal friends trying to fix us up for a few weeks but we never crossed paths until our last day of school....graduation day.
I met my man at the unemployment office back in 2009. I was laid off from my job on Jan 12, 2009 and I went to the unemployment office on Jan 15. As I was leaving, this nice handsome looking man approaches me. He works at the unemployment office as a workforce development specialist. He asked me a few questions, got my phone number, and we went on from there. We've been together for 2 years. :)

Poohbear did he ever get you a job? (Not saying this in a shady way either)
I met him through my best friend who thought we'd be a good match. He was actually her deceased husband's dearest and closest friend.

I'd rather meet folks through other people who know me and the individual. You get a heads up on what you may be getting. I dont care for meeting guys off the street, in bars, clubs, etc. There aint nobody to tell you "girl you better run, he aint shyt!" he can lie his behind off and create any image he wants you to see. Of course there are no sure things either way...
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Met my DH thru a girlfriend that was dating his stepbrother. Needless to say, my friend and his stepbrother are no longer together and can't stand each other.
We met at work. We would walk pass each other and I would always be wearing a cute fitted skirt ensemble. This attire has always worked for me. :yep: We got married six months after we started dating.
Online. This was about fifteen years ago when such a thing was ridiculed and thought to be "desparate" in my circle of friends and family. We exchanged a few emails, talked on the phone, met at a restaurant and were married a few months shy of a year later.

Some of the people who looked down on this "method" are now on matchmaker.com and similar sites, which I find amusing. No one seems to remember what they said back in the olden days. :lol: It's all good, though. :yep:
I met DH though a coworker at a job that I had only been at for a couple of months. I stepped out on faith to leave my old job to take that job. She went to church with his mother.
A friend and I were out at dinner celebrating her new job. A pest came up to us and would not go away. My SO saw what was going on and came in and saved the day. :grin:
I knew PB from undergraduate school. We were both involved in the same organizations in the business college and had a few classes together. We didn't like each other back then because I thought he was immature and he thought I was stuck up. Well years later, we bumped into each other at another school. We had the same graduate classes, we became friends and was invited to a mutual friend's baby shower. He asked to go shopping with me to find a gift (cause he had no idea what to bring to the a baby shower). So while standing in checkout line, I realized that he was taller than me (way taller than I thought). From then on, sparks happened, we talked more, started dating and still together... 11 months going strong and loving him more and more everyday. He was a blessing because I was very content being single and had no intentions on being with anyone for a long while.
We met in college, freshman year, in an all-freshman dorm. He was ROTC, and my dad was in the military, so whenever my dad sent me letters or care packages filled with ARMY stuff i would share with him and give him some of the t-shirts, notebooks, etc with ARMY stuff on it. We talked on and off when we'd run into each other in the hallway or laundry room, just "dorm friends", whenever it was convenient.

One night, I was having a discussion with my friends about girls on campus, and we needed a "white male's opinion" *sigh*.:look:

So, I saw him coming through the door, fresh from a date at a dinnerparty (i'm a mess, aren't I?), and ran behind him to his room, banged on his door, and dragged his poor butt outside to talk with me and my friends. We all laughed the night away, and he thought he was slick, asking me for my number so we could study together. Mind you, he's an engineer, I'm liberal arts. we had LITTLE academic overlap.

The next night he asked me to dinner, I thought he meant the dining hall, he actually meant a seafood restaurant. He had me at "lobster". :grin:

<3 <3 <3, 2 years later, still going strong, keeping God in the front of it all.:angel:
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He is my dad's best friend's son! We met when I was a baby and he was a 2 y/o. We always had playdates where I played with his sister and stared at him :lachen:
When i was in highschool I told him I thought he was hot. He said he looked at me like family lol.
Then I got my new job and I knew he worked here but I never thought I would saw him and I still felt dissed from 10 years ago LOL. But he walked right up to me, asked me to eat lunch with him every day, and thats history :grin:
I met my girlfriend right in my living room. The apartment randomly matched roommates, I guess we were fated to meet. :)
This is fairly embarrassing because no matter how cool commercials try to make it sound, it's still kinda lame LOL but I met my boyfriend on OKCupid.com. I had met a bunch of people and they were all my type just had things about them that bugged me. I was about to delete my account- that same day he was about to delete his but he got an email with a new match and it was me so he messaged me first and we stayed on long enough to get contact info and go on our first date. :-)
At work. I had just recently gotten out of a relationship. He was the new guy...Asked for my number. I said "I'm not going anywhere...if you need me, I'll be here at work" He came back and asked again the next week. We went out and then hung out everyday till I moved (across the country). I then came back for a week and moved again (this time across the world) but we are still together and happy!
I met my SO at a lounge. The one random time I decided to go out alone and get out of my apartment because I was bored. I saw him before he saw me and thought he was very handsome. I decided to go over to make small talk and he took it from there. Don't be afraid to express a little interest if you see someone you may want to get to know. It doesn't always have to the guy who approaches you!