How did you meet your boyfriend/fiance/husband?

Here's how I met my bf...His brother (Frank) is married to my step-sister, so I've known him (my bf) since 2000. Also Frank is my mechanic and my bf helps his brother out on Saturdays. So 1 Sat. I went in for an oil change, we've always been friendly to each other, we just never sat down and had a real conversation. That night I was driving home from a friend's house and noticed a clicking sound when I made left turns. So I got his (bf's) cell number from my sister and called him. Mind you this is like 9:00 at night so I told him my car was making this noise and he said he'd take a look at it on Monday morning (Labor Day) and I was like how sweet cause I know that the shop was going to be closed on Labor Day. So we ended up talking till 3:00 in the AM that night. We met the next night for dinner and we've been together ever since. We have our ups and downs but truth is I love him and I can't believe that it'll be a year in Sept.
When I was 13, my husband's family moved to Tampa and attended our church. I saw him (one day) and said "I'm going to marry him." We started dating when I was 15 (he was my first and only boyfriend), and we have been together ever since. August 11th will make 6 years of marriage, and December 19th will make 10 years that we have been together. He is my very best friend, the love of my life, and the best man I have ever had the privilege of knowing.
There was a really bad snow storm and I didn't own a shovel so I couldn't, and didn't really want to shovel. But because it was so cold, the snow turned to ice and it made my walkway absolutely awful and impossible to walk up and down. I tried buying rock salt, but they were all sold out, so I bought kitty litter to put down. Kitty litter just made a muddy mess and didn't help with the slipperyness (<<is that a word?) So I had to bite the bullet and shovel. I went to my mom's to get a shovel and came back, bundled up and got to work. This ice was THICK! I thought I'd never get finished. My next door neighbor hadn't shoveled hers either, and had used the kitty litter just like me. Low and behold her son comes out of the house to start shoveling his mom's. It was dark and cold, and I didn't feel like shoveling. He made small talk with me and it kinda made the time go by faster. He was so respectful and nice and had me laughing & we had SO much in common, stuff you don't normally find in common with someone, little things, everything one said, the other was like "ME TOOO!"... so I was sure he was going to ask for my phone#!!! So we finished shoveling and he was like "I was finished shoveling awhile ago but I stayed out here longer just to keep talking to you"... but he didn't ask for my number. I could not stop thinking about him!!! (While we were out there shoveling, I swear I heard something say to me THIS IS YOUR HUSBAND) lol! Anyway, long story short, I thought about him for weeks, almost a month before I was brave enough to find him on myspace... I sent him a message and when he came home again we had another amazing conversation and continued to have amazing conversations each day after that... things never let up in intensity and we'll be getting married at the end of next month!!!
And he said that he didn't want to ask me for my number because he couldn't tell if I liked him or not and he didn't want to mess it up because if I said no, he'd have to keep running into me when he came to see his mother :lol:
I can tell this is going to be my favorite thread! I love talking about the love for my baby...this might be long but oh well you guys asked :p

I had just gotten done talking to a man that humped like a rabbit, literally! So I decided that I was giving up sex, but couldn't let my last sex-capade go out on a bad note, so I hit up an oldie but goodie and got an all weekend fix. So on a Sunday, I was on my laptop and searching through myspace. I only had like 60 something friends and needed to add more so I hit up random guys that had some sort of common interest with me. There was this man that had a boondocks icon up, I am a sucka for someone that watches my shows, so I hit him up. When I viewed his profile I knew that it would be a friendship type thing, if he responded back because 1)He was from Baltimore and men from that city tend to be no good, 2) He had a child and I didn't want no baby mama drama and since he was from B-more probably never left Bmore his baby mama was probably a ghetto chick from Bmore. So yeah strictly emailing back and forth. Well he responded...I remember I wrote "what you know about them Boondocks" and I forgot his response but it soon traveled over to our love for football, yeah I know that I met my baby on Sunday....well in the first day we had about 20 messages exchanged. That continued for 2 weeks until our first date. After one week we exchanged numbers. We started dating 2 days after our first date, got engaged another 2 weeks later and got married 17 months has been a wild rollercoaster but we are happy and love each other dearly....
He picked me up on the street :lol:

Alright, let me explain. I was standing on the side of the highway by my car getting ready to try and change the tire that was flat. I guess I was looking like I wasn't up to the task because he pulled up behind me in his truck and changed it for me. We were small talking while he was changing it and then he asked me if we could talk some more in the future and we exchanged numbers and the rest is history. :)
I feel like I told yall this story before... but I'll do it again. I :love: him.

April 2005. I pull up to a party and there's a guy using the bush as a restroom :barf:

About an hour later, me and my girls need to use the restroom. My SO tries to budge in front of us.

Me: There's a line in which the four of us are in... but I saw someone using the bush outside if that's how you roll.
SO: laughs and blushes (apparently I'm one of the two people in the world that makes him laugh b/c he pretends to be very serious despite being as goofy as I am)

An hour later I see him."How's that bush," I asked. He laughs. We converse. We exchange numbers. The rest is history.
I met my fiance' at the mosque where I taught Sunday school. His children were my favorite students and I didn't even know he "liked" me until he went to Hajj (pilgrimmage) and I moved out of state. Long story short we began long distance courting and will be married (God willing) next week. :D
These are so cute!

I'm not"with" anyone right now, but me and my ex met like...

It was my first day on the job, and I'm meeting with my boss, and in walks this really attractive man. He sees me and gets this bigs smile and introduces himself as one of the attorney's. I couldn't get a good look at his hands, but I remember saying to myself if he's not married he's in trouble. Well flash forward a month later and he asks if I want to go to lunch. I turned him down twice b/c of outside cricumstances, and then I finally said yes. Well we did, and after that i was like he wants to be my mentor. So I felt no threat. He bought me lunch after lunch, and it was extremely platonic, we never even hugged. Then he tells me he's quitting, and he gave me this hug and then apologized. And not to be overdramtic, but when he hugged me I didn't want him to let go, he smelled good it felt really right to have him hold me. (i'm reminiscing) Anyways he asked if I wanted to go to dinner, and we had lunch again that day (we'd had like 10 lunchesat this point). and he tounched my knee, and then I was like you're not going to apologize? and he was like I can't apologize for touchin you anymore, b/c I want that to be the point of all this. It wasn't that romantic, but just like that something clicked, and we were inseparable for the next 7 months.

And the guy I'm "talking" to now met...

Like two years ago when he came up with a group of his friends to my visit one of my good friends from college. Well I though the was cute, but I also thought he was cocky, and alittle rude. Well we'd always see each other when the group of us would get together, but I didn't really think he even liked me, so we only joked around. Then he and oour group of friends came up for my birthday, and I got crazy drunk and tried to take him home:lachen:(really random). He turned me down, but we exchanged numbers and have been talking and e-mailing ever since.
My bf and I met at a mutual friend's dinner party. We had the same alma mater (he was ahead by 2 years) and had never met. Little did I know our "mutual" friend had a singular crush on him :eek: And had for several years. I did not know this so when she introduced us and he asked me out to dinner, I thought nothing of it.

We went out and had a great time. Perfect gentleman. Attentive. Generous and respectful with a sense of humor. 3 months into dating (not exclusively), she stopped talking to both of us. :ohwell: 6 months into dating we became exclusive and the rest is history. :D

I edited this to add: He never had feelings for her and she knew that and I guess she got over it eventually. He was straight w/her.
I met my hubby at work. At first he was somebody that I wouldn't pay any attention to. (thought he was way too young for me) We would have these discusses about dating and he was always directing his questions to me. Another co-worker finally came and told me that he was interested in me, but was kinda scared because of how I felt about younger men. Well I gave it some thought and ran down in my mind all of the things he said and that he sounded like an ok guy to be so young so when he asked what was I going to be doing after work, I asked him out to breakfast. We talked for hours at breakfast. He really seemed like he had a good head on his shoulders. I went out with him that following Sunday before work and he was such a perfect gentleman. He had on some shorts and I thought he had the most sexiest legs on a man I had ever seen. ( and I have been with some pretty men in my day!) After that I dated him for awhile and things were perfect. He treated me so good and he made me feel so special. I would giggle when I would think about him. Well we are married now and we have a beautiful son together and we are expecting our little girl by Nov.
I have known my SO for about 8 or 9 years.
We met at church. His Grandfather was the pastor there. I was in 8th grade and he was in 10th, but we were both active in the youth ministry. Him, his cousin, who is my best friend, and I became the 3 amigos. Me being the only girl out of the 3 of us, they always turned to me for relationship help. Well, I guess me and my SO share a spark that me and the 3rd amigo dont because our friendship turned into love. We have been together for over 2 years now. Im 22 and he's 24. We became friends when I was around 12 or 13 and he was 14 or 15.
Well I'm young, but I LOVE oldies, and I came across this new oldies station on the DJ up on Myspace, and add him as a friend. Well, within 10minutes of him accepting my friend request, he messaged me back and we started chatting back and forth. Next thing you know, we exchanged numbers and he called me the next day...about a week later we went on our first date. It has been pretty great ever since. Oh, and he's 11 years older than me. :look:
I first met my B/F Sean..back in the 5th grade..of course we didn't date then playground we went to different middle and high ..then i got face and i get a message say hey stranger and it was i couldn't believe it i hadn't seen him in years. we both had never had b/f or g/f before. So we talked online for hours which lead to talking on the phone for hours it was like we picked up where were left off. We started dating after talking for about three months..our two year anniversary is this Saturday, so ty face book. for the reuniting we both are "waiting til marriage" im glad we met again!:-)
I met my hsband at Wendy's, We worked there together when we were teenagers. We both had a crush but never told each other. We met up again when I was 21 and started dating for 2 years, didn't work out, so we went out separate ways. We met up again 8 years later and started dating again, then got married.
I met my hubby at work. At first he was somebody that I wouldn't pay any attention to. (thought he was way too young for me) We would have these discusses about dating and he was always directing his questions to me. Another co-worker finally came and told me that he was interested in me, but was kinda scared because of how I felt about younger men. Well I gave it some thought and ran down in my mind all of the things he said and that he sounded like an ok guy to be so young so when he asked what was I going to be doing after work, I asked him out to breakfast. We talked for hours at breakfast. He really seemed like he had a good head on his shoulders. I went out with him that following Sunday before work and he was such a perfect gentleman. He had on some shorts and I thought he had the most sexiest legs on a man I had ever seen. ( and I have been with some pretty men in my day!) After that I dated him for awhile and things were perfect. He treated me so good and he made me feel so special. I would giggle when I would think about him. Well we are married now and we have a beautiful son together and we are expecting our little girl by Nov.

Sounds like a beautiful story and somewhat similiar to mines. I was just curious if you two still worked together and how did things go when you all told everyone you were getting married.

I know in the future it will be surprising to many because we've dated for quite sometime and with alot of office drama we chose to keep it quiet.

Anyhow, he is a wonderful man and we love each other dearly. In the beginning I didn't see it coming but, we had a crush on each other. A woman who used to work with us is a preacher and I remember her saying to me - you might not know it know but, that is your husband. I believe her now because, I know he is on the verge of a proposal.
I meet my current boyfriend at work. We used to work at a call center and sit right beside each other. At first I couldn't stand his black behind, but eventually he grew on me:grin::grin::grin:. I was also seeing someone at that time but that was going down hill.

Fast forward 3 years later to today where we have both moved on career wise from that satan's pit of a place, but we still remain strong.
The first time I met my husband I was probably 4 and he was 7. My mother and his mom were friends going to the same church. We both moved away from home when we became adults, ended up in the same city but we never really contacted each other. Then we both moved back home within a year of each other and that is when we started to date, three months later we got engaged and werre married five months after that.
*copied from another thread*

SO and I met in tenth grade math class. (He also lived a block away from me.) I fell instantly in :love: . We really didn't speak much, but I had a huge crush, and later found out that he had a crush on me, as well. I didn't think that I was his type, so I never persued a relationship with him. Ironically, he didn't approach me for the exact same reason. He was a little hard-head back then, so he figured I deserved someone better.

Well, twelve years later, he found my email address on our class reunion web site. We sent emails & texts to one another & spoke over the phone. We decided to make our first date on Valentine's Day and became engaged last Christmas.
Wow i love when people are in love:love2: ok here goes my story:

College love. One day on campus my friends kept telling me that this guy on the B-dall team likes me, i had no clue who he was. Well we had a mutual friend and he went to her room saw a picture and thought i was cute (it was a horrible pic by the way) well it was Valentines day and i got a call out of the blue, he asked me if he could come over ( i don't know why i said yes b/c didn't know anything about him). Well he showed up with a dozen roses and chocolate in hand ( that was my 1st time getting flowers and chocolate) and to my surprise he is a cutie and we talked for a few hours in my room. Found we had the same up bring and background. The only difference with us he's 6"3" and i'm 5"2" lol. We we've been glued togethr since, we have our up's and downs but that's my baby and i loooooveee him
in college. I first met him interviewing to be a "little sister" to his fraternity...I always thought he was too quiet. He was NOT my type. We became friends over time, and gradually started messing around but were friends first. Long story short, we dated for almost 3 years I think, have been married for 18 in September.
I met my boyfriend during my junior year of college at one of his bestfriends birthday party. My best friend was dating his bestfriend at the time and she invited me along. I was actually about to leave the party because my friend abandoned me and because there had to have been about five girls for every one guy there. As I was about to leave he grabbed my arm and we ended up talking for hours. I still remember I had natural hair and I was so upset because it had rained that night and my hair had turned into a huge afro, but I guess it didn't bother him any. Our four year anniversary is in a couple of months. :2inlove:
My DH "hollered" at me at the sandwich line of our local grocery store. He asked me directions to a location that he already knew (just to start conversation). It was during my lunch break and I worked in a heavy tourist area at the time. When he asked for my number I told him that I lived about 45 minutes way from the area and that it would be pointless for him to contact me before he went back to his home state. Turns out he was local and lived near the local university.
I ended a bad relationship 1 1/2 years earlier so I told him that we could only be friends. I visited him at his house on the weekends, we'd go out to eat and he total respected my person. He moved to Texas about a year later and we talked off and on via telephone from time to time. On Valentine's day he called me and told me in detail how he felt about me. His work allowed him to fly to Florida for training and I visited him there every weekend until he went back to Texas. We flew back and forth to visit each other from time to time but he decided that he wanted to move back permanently. When I picked him up at the airport, he was wearing a 3 piece suit. He proposed at the airport. We've been married 2 years.
At a club. The irony of it all is, I NEVER talk to men in clubs. I think it's just a place to mingle and have fun, not to meet a significant other. However, we ended up developing a fullfilling and meaninful relationship. It's funny how things work out :)
Well I have a NEW story as I just started dating someone special and things are going very well. It just feels right.:love:

So I was in NO for Essence. A guy friend of mine called me out of the blue and told me he had someone he wanted me to meet. I said NO not interested...not looking to meet anyone...he kept pressing and finally I agreed to meet the guy nothing more. So he asked coudl I meet them where they were right then...I told him I was in NO...he said that was great because the guy was headed to NO the next day...soo...he calls...We talked...nothing special. I just noticed he was a very nice guy. Somewhere along that weekend he caught my attention by convo only...up until this point I had not even laid eyes on him so I had no CLUE what he was looking like and I wasn't interested initially so I had not bothered to ask.
So when we got back home...we agreed to meet for dinner. He told me that he had not seen any pictures of him. Our friend had just been telling him about me and wanted us to meet. So he walked in and...OH MY GOSH! He was sooo handsome. So convo was good...he was respectful...and he was attractive. He later admitted that he had been crushing on me for a year...but he did not ASK to be hooked up with me...our friend just thought that we would make a nice match and he initially said no...but when our friend pointed me out he thought to himself his luck couldn't be better.:Blush2:
So continues as great as it has just feels so right!:yep:
Well I have a NEW story as I just started dating someone special and things are going very well. It just feels right.:love:

So I was in NO for Essence. A guy friend of mine called me out of the blue and told me he had someone he wanted me to meet. I said NO not interested...not looking to meet anyone...he kept pressing and finally I agreed to meet the guy nothing more. So he asked coudl I meet them where they were right then...I told him I was in NO...he said that was great because the guy was headed to NO the next day...soo...he calls...We talked...nothing special. I just noticed he was a very nice guy. Somewhere along that weekend he caught my attention by convo only...up until this point I had not even laid eyes on him so I had no CLUE what he was looking like and I wasn't interested initially so I had not bothered to ask.
So when we got back home...we agreed to meet for dinner. He told me that he had not seen any pictures of him. Our friend had just been telling him about me and wanted us to meet. So he walked in and...OH MY GOSH! He was sooo handsome. So convo was good...he was respectful...and he was attractive. He later admitted that he had been crushing on me for a year...but he did not ASK to be hooked up with me...our friend just thought that we would make a nice match and he initially said no...but when our friend pointed me out he thought to himself his luck couldn't be better.:Blush2:
So continues as great as it has just feels so right!:yep:

So how's everything going????????? :grin: