How did you meet your boyfriend/fiance/husband?

*Sigh* I just wasted the last four years playing games with my ex (first real love/father of my daughter/only real-real boyfriend...). Today (with it being Sunday), I officially decided that I am in control of my happiness and need to stop being lied to, held back, hurt, etc... I could get long-winded, but this isn't the right thread (and I'll end up getting emotional), lol! I just hope to be back soon enough to post a wonderful story like all the ones I've just read :yep:!

He saw my profile and sent me an IM on there but I never got it and so he added me on Yahoo msngr. He hit me up and from then on we chatted ont eh regular. It was weird because I'm very shy and I dont mind chatting as long as the convo is good but I dont like meeting up with people I met online. He convinced me and I was nervous all day but when he arrived and I was around him I didnt feel shy or anything. I immeadiately felt comfortable for some reason. It's been over a year and a half and we're engaged.