Being Nosy: Why did you break up with your last SO?

We were together since we were 15 best friends from 13 and after a while we kind if grew a part. He was and still is a great guy but just not for me. We are still friends and I will always love him (in a friendship kind of love).
I dunno if that is good or bad...:sad:

There's a whole spill on my ordeal on here. I was truly devastated for almost a year. BUT I'm over it now.:yep::yep::yep: The thing is, I keep thinking negative thought about every new dude I meet.(And analyzing everything they say...) And I'm always picking out the gay/DL dudes like "Um no. That dude is SO frontin" does one get over that???:wallbash:

I meant that as in if there was ever a way to break up with a man and not go back that would be it. I'm sorry that happened to you but I'm glad you found out sooner rather than later
Our goals weren't the same. He saw nothing wrong with shacking (without a ring mind you) and wanted me to move in with him. He was extremely insecure.
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He was a gambler. I didn't know it until he asked for a "loan" for the rent and I was like WWWHHHAAATTT! Not that I didn't want or couldn't help (my son and I were living there), but I had a feeling that it would always be like this (feast and famine), so I left.

We remained good freinds for years, until I got serious about my current financee (then bf). He was jealous b/c he thought we would get back together eventually. I have good memories of him and wish him the best, but when he requested me as a facebook friend, I ignored him. I prefer a lOOONNNNGGG distance realitonship with him (once or twice a year,
"How are you?"
"I'm fine and you?"
"I'm fine. Well, nice talking to ya." KIM
He lived three hours away, we would see each other once or twice a month and we were always on the phone or sending "sky pages" (yeah this was years ago). We ended up breaking up and then he recruited my friend to help him get back in my good graces, we got back together for a short period of time and then boom, I left school to go home for the weekend and come back to some letter from him sticking out of my mailbox telling me we were over and thru and he is sorry and then a day or two later, I had some Jamaican chick calling me cursing me out for messing with her man and how I need to leave him alone and move on because they had been dating for a month and how they came down to my apartment over the weekend so she could fight me.

Of course he stayed emailing me and calling me afterwards, apologizing and everything else, but I told him I had moved on with my life.
We were on and off for a couple of years . . . I knew it was over when his son's mother moved in with him but he lied about a lot of stuff. Ultimately, he tried to get me to believe that his son's mother was living with him because she was dying from malaria and had been for the last 2 years . . . KNEEGROW, PLEASE!!!
And yes, I said MALARIA!!![/QUOTE]

Why did you break up with your last boyfriend?
Age difference got to me. He wasn't as established as he should have been at his age. Lost attraction to him. I found myself interested in other people.

Was it messy?
Not really, at least on my end. I don't even remember the breakup that much.

Are you happy you did?
Yes, but I know I really hurt him. He still has feelings for me to this day (2 years later), and his love life seems to have gone downhill since we broke up. He's a great guy, just not for me.

Did you eventually guys get back together/ hook up?
We're REALLY good friends now and I love him to death. Never hooked up and never will. I just hope he finds the right person for him.