How can I stop wanting a boyfriend?

I've posted this on a different website ages ago, but I still have the same problem so I thought I'd just repost here and get some different opinions of you smart lovely ladies, most of whom have already been through the trials of being a teen :yep:

I know I'm only 18, and so this may sound quite petty, and I know that having a boyfriend isn't important, but it's bothering me a lot more than it should. I've only had one boyfriend, it was ages ago and we did go on dates and hug and stuff, I loved him but I was so stupidly shy around him sometimes, that could be part of the reason we broke up. Anyway, I've been single for ages now, over two years, and I get too sad about it sometimes. I get jealous at seeing couples together, at my school, out and about, in the magazines and TV and everything, so it's like I can't get away. Even a lot of my fave songs are about love, which is a little annoying as it's a little sad that I can't relate. Seriously, how can I be a happy single person, and stop worrying too much? I also worry that the longer I have to wait for a new relationship, the harder it's gonna be, but there just doesn't seem to be anyone around.
Go out and Have Fun! Take up some hobbies you enjoy! Make it your duty to make plenty of friends! Have Fun in everything you do! BE BUSY! ALWAYS BUSY! You won't even have time to think about not having a boyfriend.
You don't have to stop "wanting." But what are you doing to meet young men? Since you are shy, have you considered some "relationship/internet dating" sites. I can't tell you anything about them....but others can.
Seriously, how can I be a happy single person, and stop worrying too much? I also worry that the longer I have to wait for a new relationship, the harder it's gonna be, but there just doesn't seem to be anyone around.

Seriously, you can start by learning to love yourself.

No offense to you OP but it literally sickens me to hear women feel like they NEED a man. Nothin is wrong to want a friend or companionship, but you aren't any good to anyone until you can take care of yourself mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and financially.
Think about it like this, when you get a boyfriend, you want him to love you, all the things about you that make you wonderful... So do those things. Excercise, get into something your passionate about, master something, finish school, love your family, volunteer.... imagine what kind of dude is attracted to a woman like that....
You don't "stop wanting one". It's perfectly normal to desire companionship, just don't let that desire consume you.
You don't "stop wanting one". It's perfectly normal to desire companionship, just don't let that desire consume you.

ITA. The real question is how do you not let it consume you?

The ladies above gave some great examples that sum up to - focusing on things you need to get done, love to do, and improve you as a person. Be companions with yourself and your girlfriends, and when he comes along, add him to the mix.
Oh, and discard the TV shows and magazines that stress that women "can't live without a man." Filter what you let into your mind.

Man: "I can't do this anymore."
Lady: "No, Dilan. I can't LIVVVVE without you. I NEEDD you."