If you're not married; you're single????

I think single is correct because depending on what your are filling out...benefits come with the others...ie, financial.
Legally and for financially purposes "Single" would be - never married.

But, socially and in conotative sense I still believe that "Single" means no attachment whatsoever - no bf, no SO, no dh,....

I believe socially, saying that you are single, when you have a bf/so or someone that you are romatically entangled with is just plain wrong. That's my humble opinion. I could just be a sucker though.

But I will be now, asking 50-11 questions on the matter.
Yep. :yep:

I was at a bday party week before last and the DJ was like "All the single ladies make some noise!!!" So I made some noise :look:, my beau wasn't too pleased with that. I was like "Am I not unmarried???!! Exactly! I'm single!" :giggle:

Ain't no rangs on these fangas!
I do that when I am with my SO just to irk him, but it's true! :lol:
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I think "single" men with girlfriends will use this line, well the ones that are looking to cat around.

It also explains why some women and men with go after a person who clearly has a SO, using the well they're not "married" line.

It's like the truth but not the whole truth.:yep:

Too me, that's playing games and I'm not into that. I am nothing if not completely honest.