How can I get my boyfriend to gain weight?


New Member
He 5'11 112lbs. Extremely skinny. He has a super high metabolism and he doesn't eat that much. No where near as much as me. He wants to gain weight but he's not really trying anything he just says it. He says he wants to be 135lbs. Any way I can help him?
Lift weights. He'll want to eat more naturally because of it. It'll also help him to develop more naturally as opposed to just gaining weight by just getting fat.

ETA: He should also get his thyroid tested. He is underweight and that can be problematic too.
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He needs to go to the doctor and get checked out...5'11, 112 sounds extremely unhealthy. :sad:
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I had a really thin male co worker and he said eating cheese and plenty of nuts helped him pick up a little weight, like those little sargento cheese sticks
Maybe you can have him drink protein shakes, especially if he isn't a big eater.
Lifting weights, lots of peanut butter sandwiches and bananas, nuts, cheese and a protein shake to drink with meals.
Lifting weights isn't gonna do much if he isn't eating enough. Tell him to use myfitnesspal. It's a popular calorie counting website and is available as an app too. It's popular for people losing weight but you can set it to help you gain weight. For example if he eats 500 more calories a day than he should be eating to maintain his weight each day he should gain a pound a week.
On the website there is also a forum dedicated to help people gain weight.
He needs to go to the doctor and get checked out...5'11, 112 sounds extremely unhealthy. :sad:

Definitely. Especially for a man. :nono: Men will typically have more muscle, which will add on a little more weight. Please have him go to the doctor to get a physical. 112lbs on a 5'11 male frame is NOT normal. :nono: Even 135 lbs is underweight for that frame. Please keep us posted.
After a trip to the dr. if you like cooking .....cook. 3 meals a day is a must. Divas can cook have awesome pancake recipes. The kids love the birthday cake ones, hubby loves the cinnamon roll ones. All can be reheated for a quick weekday breakfast. Try different kinds of cheeses on everything from broccoli to potatoes and two types on sandwiches. Milk or juice with every meal. Dessert everyday. Milkshakes, blizzards, cheesecake with ice cream, rich chocolate cake and everything must be sprinkled with nuts.
1st of all how old is he? If he is under 24/25 he isn't finished growing. I know a few guys who were "po" in high school, but are delicious now, without the "State workout plan". A few did have that workout plan and look delicious as well, but I don't do convicts.
Wow I can't imagine a woman at that weight at 5'11 let alone a man. Beware of all the cheese advice and cholesterol...... Maybe he can see a nutritionist?
He needs to get a blood test to detect any deficency or health problem. I wouldn't dismiss it as natural skinny .
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I was thinking the same thing about the naturally skinny label.

Not just in terms of a possible health problem. If you say he is extremely underweight, but also doesn't eat much on a regular basis then he's not naturally that thin. Maybe he's had an unhealthy relationship with food since he was a kid.

I class people to be natural in their current size when they eat the recommended amount, or over that amount and still stay very thin.

Anyway, he needs to eat at this point. Nothing fancy. I believe if he just at his reccommeded amount for a while he would pick up some weight just from that. When that stops he should seek a more strict regimen/diet/lifting to make further gains. I asked my SO and he said the same thing. When someone is that under they need to eat as the first attack lol.
I know a guy who is naturally thin but not THAT thin. I used to wonder how he was so thin but when he told me what kinds of foods he liked and didn't like that told me exactly why. He was a VERY picky eater. Then all the foods that he did like were low carb. E.g., meats, veggies, no sweets.

So imagine eating a low-carb diet all your life? To gain weight I'd suggest lots of potatoes and breads to start. Anything a low-carb dieter would avoid. I honestly can't even imagine a man at 5'11 being 112 pounds so as the others said, please have him see a nutritionist. Even a man at 5'11 that is 150 pounds would be extremely thin so that worries me.
at 5'11, 112 would be downright frightening but even at 5'9 which is not short, 112 lbs sounds dreadfully meager. Has he had his thyroid checked? Even for a woman that would be like supermodel weight...

Do you know for a fact he's been this thing his whole life or is that what he said? I would really recommend a check up. Even when men are skinny they normally have muscle that makes them heavier...that weight does not seem normal to me.
He could gain weight by eating McDonald's extra-large combos 3 times a day for several months. :giggle:
at 5'11, 112 would be downright frightening but even at 5'9 which is not short, 112 lbs sounds dreadfully meager. Has he had his thyroid checked? Even for a woman that would be like supermodel weight...

Do you know for a fact he's been this thing his whole life or is that what he said? I would really recommend a check up. Even when men are skinny they normally have muscle that makes them heavier...that weight does not seem normal to me.

Well I know he's always been skinny. His brother is just as skinny.
If he really wants to, there are tons of fitness sites with guys who would love to give their advice. He could just Google them...does he really want to gain weight, though, or is he content as is?
Can you post a picture? And just blank out his face? Never seen a man that thin, just curious to see what it looks like. I mean he sounds cachectic.
Cook for him. Take him out to ice cream. Bake cookies.... At the movies eating the nachos & candy & a big ole jumbo soda....

Drink ensure.