How Birth Order Determines Your Romantic Compatibility


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How Birth Order Determines Your Romantic Compatibility


* by Erin Meanley, Single-ish, Glamour Magazine, on Fri May 14, 2010 1:39pm PDT

Ever notice how, if you’re the baby of the family, you frequently date firstborns, and vice versa? Even my mom is a lastborn and my dad is a firstborn.

See, one thing that determines your personality is the order in which you were born, in relation to your siblings (or lack thereof), and the role you played in your family.

This article on breaks down the roles pretty well:
The oldest child: the leader, a good citizen, responsible, responsive to parents’ expectations, well-organized, precise, and prone to perfectionism.

The youngest child: takes on the baby role, easygoing, spontaneous, used to being noticed and fussed over, charming, and manipulative.
The middle child: has less of a clear-cut role in the family; instead, she often makes a place for herself outside the family, creating a network of close friends, venturing away from the family physically, and breaking the mold intellectually as well.

The only child: often has characteristics both of first children (capable, perfectionistic) and of youngest children (attention-seeking, self-centered).

So who should we date? I called William Cane, author of The Birth Order Book of Love: How the #1 Personality Predictor Can Help You Find The One, to find out if it was true about firstborns dating lastborns, and if there was more to it.

He stressed that any two people can be compatible. “But birth order can tell you what a person’s personality will be like,” he said, “so you know what you’re getting into before you get into that relationship. Birth order is not a perfect predictor of personality, but it’s the best predictor that we have—better than gender, race, socioeconomic background, etc.”

So essentially, we want to replicate what our roles were, growing up at home? “Yes,” Cane said, “Dr. Walter Toman’s Duplication Theorem states that you will be happiest in your marriage with the same type of person you grew up with.”

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Cane explained our best matches like this:

Female oldest child: The firstborn girl will usually have a leadership streak, so she’ll be happy with a lastborn. (That’s based on the pop-psychology view that opposites attract, he notes, although the research behind that isn’t conclusive.) A firstborn girl with younger brothers will be happiest with a lastborn guy with older sisters.

Female middle child: She is more adaptable than first or last. The middle child grew up with both older and younger, and can relate to all. She has the most potential for making a good match with anyone. And yes, middleborns are often neglected—statistically, they receive 12 percent less attention from their parents than their siblings. But the gender of her siblings is important. Britney Spears has an older brother and a younger sister. The important thing for her is her opposite sex sibling. She would be best with an older brother who has a younger sister or two younger sisters.

Female youngest child: The lastborn can be happiest with the firstborn, especially if she has an older brother, and she’ll be happier with a firstborn with a younger sister.

Female only child: If she’s going out with a firstborn, she’ll be used to an older authority figure because she grew up with her parents. She will understand the firstborn male, especially if he has younger sisters.

A twin: Your parents MAY call you a firstborn, but it’s a negligible effect. The best match for a twin is another twin or someone with a sibling very close in age.

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Other factors to consider:

The number of siblings

Cane says that the more siblings you have, the more you become that personality; you are, for example, a super firstborn. Steven Spielberg has 3 younger sisters, so he’s used to giving orders—naturally, he’s a film director! And what went wrong with the marriage of Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey? They were both firstborns. “Two firstborns often argue about who will be in charge. He had 8 younger siblings, so he would be a dictator.”

The age gap between siblings

The closer in age, the more influence they have on each other. If there’s a huge gap like 25 years, the influence is diminished—you would be a functional only child. I told Cane my sister was just 14 months older. “You’re lucky that your sister was close in age,” said Cane. “That really gives you the lastborn characteristics, which are very positive—affable, creative, you’re good with people, and you have multiple interests.” (Whoo-hoo!)

The gender of your siblings

Cane says that gender is relevant but to a lesser degree. That’s good, because I have no brothers. “A girl like you would be happiest with a firstborn boy, especially someone with younger sisters—they’re used to girls and can often be romantic. A firstborn with younger brothers is used to leading, which is good for you, but think of Mick Jagger, Hugh Hefner, and Bill Clinton. These types of guys have leadership ability but don’t understand women as much. They might treat a girl like a little brother, and they look for beauty as a primary characteristic—look at Hugh Hefner. His women have to be beautiful. But birth order position is most important. You should be happy with a firstborn. You’ll be even happier if he has a younger sister.”
These peronality traits were on point. I'm the baby and only girl in my family and I tend to date the first born. I never want to date a guy who is taking on a baby role. That just ain't for me.
I don't know. DH and I dont fall into any of these categories. But then again . . . we're both kinda odd.

My DH is a twin. He also has an older and younger sibling so he is more or less a middle child. He doesn't really have the trait of a middle child. I am the only girl, youngest, significantly younger. I have no traits of the younger siblings. In fact I am more of an older child.

Oh well. I think in my case and my family: The kids are so far apart that the usual sibling personalities did not develop.
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Yes, it's true.
I'm the youngest out of 4 and my best friends and boyfriends have all been older siblings.
I am the oldest and my ex-husband was the youngest...we each had the characteristics mentioned above to the extreme, and it was a mess.
This has played out for me as well. Though I can also see how it can be negative. As the oldest of three, with a younger brother and sister, I have felt that with a youngest I too easily fell into that taking care of, managing, being older/wiser mentality that only masked his indecisiveness and immaturity. We had a nice dynamic, though.
doesn't match me at all. I'm the youngest but I'm not easy going or spontaneous and I can't stand being fussed over. I'm also dating a middle child..... not a first born
Ok, what if Papa was a Rolling Stone and you were oldest in your house but second(maybe third) youngest overrall:look::ohwell:
Ok, what if Papa was a Rolling Stone and you were oldest in your house but second(maybe third) youngest overrall:look::ohwell:

LOL! Sounds like my father a little bit. :)

I think the role you played in your home is the role you are "mentally". So if you were the oldest in the house where you grew up, your personality is like an oldest child. :yep:
This definitely doesn't go with me. Even though I'm the youngest, I tend to have the oldest child personality. My older sister got all the attention, and I was the one with the leadership qualities. (I'm #3 out of 4 of my Dad's kids though...)

I tend to get along with men that are the middle child, instead of guys that are the oldest or youngest.
I'm my father's only child but my mother and step-father's oldest, meaning they have my younger brother. What does that mean? :spinning: The past 4 guys I've dated have been: only child, 2nd of 6 so middle I guess, (2nd of 3 in his house, then his father remarried and had more), youngest of 2, and oldest of 2. :scratchch
The author is definitely on to something. I'm an honorable first born, and my FH is a last born.
We mesh well together, but he definitely isn't a pushover.
I'm a middle child and have been dating a youngest of 2 child for a while. we both only have one older sibling. I personally don't think I could date a first born *major generalisation here* they tend to be controlling, bossy and never back down from arguments/accept they are wrong lol this is both me and my partner's experience of both of our older siblings

Disclaimer: i'm sure not all older siblings are as I described
The middle child: has less of a clear-cut role in the family; instead, she often makes a place for herself outside the family, creating a network of close friends, venturing away from the family physically, and breaking the mold intellectually as well.

This describes me quite well. I left for college, came back for a year, then left again for grad school. I plan to live quite a distance from my family because I want to make a life for myself. The person closest to me is a friend I met in college. I was closer to a very small group of friends in undergrad than I was with my own family.

I was a third born with an older sister and brother, with a younger brother under me. But raised amongst my older and younger brothers, my sister left the house early on and began to have children.

I can't speak on past relationships, b/c I didn't have any. But the personality matched me so well.
This is interesting. I'm the firstborn child. My ex-boyfriend and my current boyfriend are both lastborn children of their parents.
I disagree. I think two of the same characteristics can get along quite well, even better than the opposite.

For example, a first-born, responsible type may grow annoyed with the last-born spontaneous type. In my relationship, we are both first-born in the household and we enjoy our very determined, leading nature. It would be a bit annoying to have it another way.
Female oldest child: The firstborn girl will usually have a leadership streak, so she’ll be happy with a lastborn. (That’s based on the pop-psychology view that opposites attract, he notes, although the research behind that isn’t conclusive.) A firstborn girl with younger brothers will be happiest with a lastborn guy with older sisters.

I am a textbook case for this study:ohwell:. I am the 2nd of 8 with 1 boy before me. I am a natural leader w/ high functioning diplomatic tendancies. My husband is the youngest of two, his sister, 2 years older. He is very skilled at asserting himself as both his mom and sister tend to be overbearing.:rolleyes:
I am the baby girl of the family. I have a younger brother but we were pretty much treated the same, close in age. We were always grouped together growing up. K & K this, K & K that. You would have thought we were twins. In fact, some people did think we were twins LOL.

My DH is the oldest.

And yea, we fit the birth order descriptions to the T. DH LOVE to take care of and spoil me. It comes very natural to him.
Yemaya:Female oldest child: The firstborn girl will usually have a leadership streak, so she’ll be happy with a lastborn. (That’s based on the pop-psychology view that opposites attract, he notes, although the research behind that isn’t conclusive.) A firstborn girl with younger brothers will be happiest with a lastborn guy with older sisters.

My "first love" was a last born. I actually loved that and the fact he had older sisters. I thought it was so sweet. Whenever I pictured us married, as you do lol, I always seemed to be the leader though, the decision maker, the money maker, more of a Mother figure when I think about it. Not in a bad way but I suppose subconsciously I always felt he needed "looking after".

My DH is the second born of 4. He acts like the eldest though. I think that was the way his mum bought him up. They were very close and she treated him like the eldest. He is a very responsible person. Its our personalities that have determined how well we have got on.
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Female oldest child: The firstborn girl will usually have a leadership streak, so she’ll be happy with a lastborn. (That’s based on the pop-psychology view that opposites attract, he notes, although the research behind that isn’t conclusive.) A firstborn girl with younger brothers will be happiest with a lastborn guy with older sisters.

This is exactly the case with my hubby and I. I have 2 younger brothers and he is the baby of the family with 4 older sisters. :yep:
So funny and true for me! I am a middle child and am dating another middle child. We both moved away from our families and do our own thing, lol. Guess that's why we get along!
Hmmm this is a good probability. I am a first born and all 3 of my best friends are last borns, who I get along great with.