How about taking Chlorella?

What type of Chlorella are you taking

  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 72 24.7%
  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 60 20.6%
  • Sun chlorella Tablets

    Votes: 22 7.6%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 13 4.5%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Earthrise Tablets

    Votes: 23 7.9%
  • Now Chlorella Tablet

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Now Chlorella Powder

    Votes: 8 2.7%
  • Vitamin Shoppe Super Chlorella

    Votes: 34 11.7%
  • Other Chlorella brand

    Votes: 45 15.5%

  • Total voters
Carib and Hairhustla,
I would say to follow as Atlanta was saying about eating whole grains, staying away from sugar, alcohol and "white" foods, as they are usually stripped of their nutrients and metabolize in the body as sugar. Sugar does seem to be the number one enemy of women over 30. I do allow myself to have sugar, but not daily. If I dont have it, and go completely without it, I have these binges that do more harm that it would have to allow myself to have something, but also in moderation. I do workout extra hard on those days to burn those extra sugar calories, which of course, take longer to burn. So you definitely dont want to eat these things daily.

I think that Drs. Rozen and Oz's book "You On a Diet" is like the best book ever. It truly helped me eat right and learn what was good and what wasn't in a most simple way that didn't require me to think much about it, and didn't require me being unhappy with my diet. I am the type of person that I have to eat in a way that it can be my lifestyle for the rest of my life, rather than a fad diet. They dont work for me.

I workout 5 days a week, eat 3 meals and 3 snacks a day. I eat less than 1300 cals a day for my weight and size, and with that, have been losing 2lbs per week consistently. I drink lots of water, and I may have one sweet drink a day, usually it's a juice or gatorade, or a premade tea. I dont drink soft drinks and coffee at all. I have water spritzers where I will take water and spritz it with grape juice or cranberry or apple, even orange. It's good to me, and throw in some ice cubes.

According to the book, You on a Diet, you want to stay away from foods where the first five ingredients are 1. sugar, 2. salt, 3. partially hydrogenated oil, 4. meat, 5. enriched wheat flour.

Basically, foods that contain those ingredients are in the middle of the store. So if you shop on the perimeter of the store, you should be fine. That's usually produce, meats, dairy, but does not include processed foods, etc...

I was doing fine until I went out of town for work and had to eat out for two days. I was done after that, and the scale showed just that fast.

Also, I have a veggie steamer. They are great. I use it daily, along wtih my george foreman. I dont cook with anything other than olive oil. You will not find ANY other kind of oil in my house and NOTHING gets fried.

Chlorella has been helping me stay within my caloric requirements and not go over, and it has helped cravings, and helps me to stay full on very little food. I also did not take my chlorella the two days I was out of town as well. I guess my body was revolting from all that bad change.

I hope this helps you both and also anyone else that comes along and reads it. Like Atlanta said, weight training is good foryou. I do get teh same results she does. I get leaner and burn fat easier. My tummy is in a zone of it's own. Ihave no idea what to do with it other than lipo. I am praying that the Lord finds a reasonable answer to that issue for me. I have well toned and defined abs, but they lay underneath loads of belly fat.

Ok, back to the drawing board for me then. (sigh) I am right on track as far as eating goes, I cook with olive oil only as well, I only drink green tea with dinner and the rest is water and more water, I have problems eating several meals a day, some weeks I can do it and others I can't but having a food journal on does help with that. The only thing that I think may have thrown me off is the CHL or either the grow your hair waistlength shake that I have in the mornings. I did cut back on the CHL this week but I can't tell if that will help me or not because I went on a rampage. So starting on Sunday, I will revamp, and try to continue with the PROPER way to eat then increase my weight lifting exercises and see what happens then. I will also continue to decrease the CHL to see if it is a culprit. Thank you so much ladies for the advice. Pray for us! Oh, and I happen to have "You Staying Young even though I am in my 30's I want to stay looking like and feeling like my 30's! I will see about getting You on a Diet.:yep:
:giggle: What about staying young in your 50's? I'll be 47 in July :giggle: is the bomb! I need to start using that again!!

Definately check out your shake if you throwing the kitchen sink in there like I do watch it. Come back and post what you put in your hair shake :scratchch we will help you dissect it! :yep:
:giggle: What about staying young in your 50's? I'll be 47 in July :giggle: is the bomb! I need to start using that again!!

Definately check out your shake if you throwing the kitchen sink in there like I do watch it. Come back and post what you put in your hair shake :scratchch we will help you dissect it! :yep:

Atlanta, My God you look Fabulous! I had no idea judging from your pics that you were even 40 let alone 47! Keep doing what your doing girl! As for the shake, I try to be careful with that too but maybe I overlooked something, I think its the CHL but here it is:
1 cup of organic or whole milk preferably 2% or fat free
1 tsp of flax seed and/or wheat germ

¼ cup of egg beaters or one whole egg
1/4 scoop of whey protein (I use strawberry Designer Whey)
5 pieces of avocado, or any in season fruit. 1 teaspoon of coconut cream or cream of coconut made by Goya.
1 full teaspoon of Source Naturals Chlorella
1 full teaspoon of Earthrise Spirulina

Anything standing out?
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Atlanta, My God you look Fabulous! I had no idea judging from your pics that you were even 40 let alone 47! Keep doing what your doing girl! As for the shake, I try to be careful with that too but maybe I overlooked something, I think its the CHL but here it is:

1 cup of organic or whole milk preferably 2% or fat free
1 tsp of flax seed and/or wheat germ

¼ cup of egg beaters or one whole egg
1/4 scoop of whey protein (I use strawberry Designer Whey) (is this fat free?)
5 pieces of avocado, or any in season fruit. 1 teaspoon of coconut cream or cream of coconut made by Goya.

Anything standing out?

Well you have a LOT of fat for one serving of anything. Even though it is good fat, I would spread all that out over the day and that would be my total fat intake. Now if you are having any other fat grams during the day in addition to this shake, then thats a lot of calories...

ETA: 1 tablespoon of flax oil is 110 calories on average. I'm not sure about Wheat germ oil. If you are like me I eyeball it and I bet I get at least 2 tablespoons in there. That's 11 grams of fat

Then a medium avocado is appx 300 calories and about 27 grams of fat.

Run the number for the coconut cream that's got to be high also. I would only use skim milk in that shake. I use fat free / sugar free soy milk in mine. Milk is high in sugar!! An 8 ounce glass of SKIM MILK has 12 GRAMS of sugar!!!!

Rule of thumb - keep sugar grams between 3 - 5 grams per meal if you are trying to loose weight.

If you are trying to loose weight a good rule of thumb is to keep your fat at about 50 grams per day of your total caloric intake. Unless you are really active in which case you can increase. I tend to increase my protein calories when I am working out and trying to loose weight.
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An update. I was taking 5gram SN tablets. Then I bought the Now powder. I used the powder at home and the tablets at work. And I was green. I also incorporated spirulina. When I ran out of the SN tablets and the Now powder I ran to the health food store right before vacation and I bought some tablets. I don’t remember the brand (I’m at work). I took those for about a week but was not as green. I am not sure of the dosage right now. I was taking about 20 - 26 tablets. So yesterday I stop and bought the now powder and SN tablets because I felt that my body was not digesting the tablets as well as the powder. Now is the only brand powder I found locally. I just haven’t gotten around to ordering the SN online. I plan to. So I am not sure how much I took yesterday. I took about 1 ½ tsp of powder before bed and I took tablets before lunch. So I will guess 6gm. I took about 5 gm this morning. Oh yeah I bought the boathouse green juice and I put the powder in about a ¼ cup of juice. Last night I felt bad. Today I feel awful. Flu symtpoms no fever. Today I am green. I have had 2 bm. I am not sure if it is a cold or detox again. I don’t think I have drastically upped the dosage. I am going to continue to push the fluids and weather through. I am just not sure if I have a bug or detoxing.
:peek2: Hey, ladies...

Just poppin in to say, how much I'm enjoying/learning from your OT convo:grin:

I'm definitely springing for some Chlorella this weekend...:peace:

What's the best brand in the stores, in your opinion... (last go round I ordered from

Well you have a LOT of fat for one serving of anything. Even though it is good fat, I would spread all that out over the day and that would be my total fat intake. Now if you are having any other fat grams during the day in addition to this shake, then thats a lot of calories...

ETA: 1 tablespoon of flax oil is 110 calories on average. I'm not sure about Wheat germ oil. If you are like me I eyeball it and I bet I get at least 2 tablespoons in there. That's 11 grams of fat

Then a medium avocado is appx 300 calories and about 27 grams of fat.

Run the number for the coconut cream that's got to be high also. I would only use skim milk in that shake. I use fat free / sugar free soy milk in mine. Milk is high in sugar!!

If you are trying to loose weight a good rule of thumb is to keep your fat at about 50 grams per day of your total caloric intake. Unless you are really active in which case you can increase. I tend to increase my protein calories when I am working out and trying to loose weight.

Hmm, you have a point there, that could be the culprit so I will have to look into some alternative recipes and yes you are right, I mostly eyeball the wheat germ and flax seed. Its funny how it could make such a difference but I think it is so its back to the drawing board...thanks girl!
Hmm, you have a point there, that could be the culprit so I will have to look into some alternative recipes and yes you are right, I mostly eyeball the wheat germ and flax seed. Its funny how it could make such a difference but I think it is so its back to the drawing board...thanks girl!
Checkout my update that Milk is killin ya girl!! Milk is so high in sugar, plus you have the added fat. You need to drink that and then run 15 miles to burn it off!!

We need to get you a different base for your shake, I do unsweetened fat free soymilk. That's good for your hormones too! :yep:
Checkout my update that Milk is killin ya girl!! Milk is so high in sugar, plus you have the added fat. You need to drink that and then run 15 miles to burn it off!!

We need to get you a different base for your shake, I do unsweetened fat free soymilk. That's good for your hormones too! :yep:

Ok, I am breathing a sigh of relief! I just love's you HARPO!! :blush: I don't like soy milk but maybe it would be okay in the shake. I will let you know how it is going. That has got to be it, cause a sista has tried e'ferythang to get this weight off! Thanks again, and to all you other ladies out there with a weight loss crisis, let this be a lesson to ya! Learn from my mistakes. :spinning:
I wish I knew how to quote multiple ppl:

Belle & Atlanta- You two are the most motivating people. Belle I'm at 206 now, praying to see 165 by the end of the year. This is the heaviest I've ever been... I'm 5'9", so I had a lot of height to spread the weight gain over. But I gained it all over!!! My arms, neck, back... everywhere.

Atlanta- I've been working out with a personal trainer for the past 8 weeks...and working hard. But I have to attribute my weightloss to healthy eating. I've dropped 20lbs since January, and about 8 lbs came off within the last few weeks by just implementing a few things I've read on these forums. I started drinking green tea daily and have lost weight every single day since. Yerba Mate is a great appetite suppressant for those like me who have noticed that Chlorella increases your appetite.

Belle- I'm on the 2lb/wk bandwagon with you. In three weeks I will be leaving the 200's behind for good!!!

I posted a thread I recently read on It's a short thread but it speaks on several of the benefits of chlorella from a males point of view. Hope you ladies find it the very least entertaining.

I wish you all continued success and health...stay blessed.
Ok, I am breathing a sigh of relief! I just love's you HARPO!! :blush: I don't like soy milk but maybe it would be okay in the shake. I will let you know how it is going. That has got to be it, cause a sista has tried e'ferythang to get this weight off! Thanks again, and to all you other ladies out there with a weight loss crisis, let this be a lesson to ya! Learn from my mistakes. :spinning:
I think you should give the soy a try, it is a good choice for women because the soy isoflavones are good for your hormones (google soy isoflavones hormone benefits)

You want to make sure to get unsweetened soy milk. Or if you choose another base, just be sure to watch the sugar grams and the fat grams.
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I'm checking out this site called the daily plate. I need to use this for a couple of weeks and see what I get. I know I need to clean up the diet! :lol:
I found that there's been two times when I should've gotten a full blown cold because my throat was hurting, but then the next day I was fine! It's truly amazing.

I also love this feeling. It's really undescriable. I tried to explain it to my SO and he was like huh? Oh well, he notices the differences.

-Belle-I'll be keeping you in my prayers!
I tried to explain the feeling to SO too, I got the same type of response also!

I am staying hopeful for all of the ladies in the struggle.
I think you should give the soy a try, it is a good choice for women because the soy isoflavones are good for your hormones (google soy isoflavones hormone benefits)

You want to make sure to get unsweetened soy milk. Or if you choose another base, just be sure to watch the sugar grams and the fat grams.
Soy messes w/ me. You could also try almond milk. it doesn't have much sugar and it's made from pressed almonds. There really isn't any real milk in it. I love it:lick:
I jumped on the Chlorella bandwagon two weeks ago after reading the glowing reviews but I feel sluggish which I understand may be due to the detox process.

How long will the sluggishness last?

Each person's body is different so it may be quick or slower depending. Sorry I can't give a specified time. push through it, it should be over before you know it.
Could someone please explain the purpose of increase the grams. I'm a newbie to Chlorella and don't know why everyone is doing this.


Hey Mona Rae. Go to the first two posts and read the quick start guide I placed there about a week and a half ago. It'll explain the different amounts and why so that you can decide what you want to do.:yep:
Well first off, just wanted to check in. I've been taking my super chlorella religiously, and energy is still great. I exercise everyday for the first time in my life!

Now eegarding soy:
I was on the egg shake, and my base was vanilla soy milk. But like 3 other products in my shake contained soy. I thought soy was such a wonderful additive, especially when, for the first time in my life, my cycle was only 3 days and the hair under my arms literally stopped growing. Now if I weren't a member of LHCF, that would've had me jumping for joy. But since I was trying to grow the hair on my head also, I got kind of scared. Plus, I was gaining weight, even though I wasn't eating bad.

Then someone on that thread pointed out that soy isn't so good for you. Being the type of person that doesn't take anyone's word for it, I began researching, and some interesting things came up.
Here are the side-effects of too much soy?

Breast cancer (Soy isoflavones mimic estrogen)
•Calcium deficiencies (soy blocks calcium absorption)
•Cognitive decline (esp. in post menopausal women that have increased levels of estrogen in their blood)
•Endocrine disruption
Hair loss
•Hot flashes
Irregular periods
•Loss of muscle tone
•Painful periods
•Premature aging
•Thyroid cancer
•Thyroid disease
•Thyroid Stimulating Hormone increase
•Uterine cysts
•Vitamin D deficiencies
Weight gain despite workouts and dieting

When I notice that 3 of the listed side effects match what I'm experiencing (Lord knows what else), I immediately stop the shake. A few weeks later, my hair under my arms starts growing again, my next period is normal, and I lose weight without trying hard. I don't want to discourage anyone, but knowledge is power.

Here's a site that has good info about soy.

I think you should give the soy a try, it is a good choice for women because the soy isoflavones are good for your hormones (google soy isoflavones hormone benefits)

You want to make sure to get unsweetened soy milk. Or if you choose another base, just be sure to watch the sugar grams and the fat grams.
I wish I knew how to quote multiple ppl:

Belle & Atlanta- You two are the most motivating people. Belle I'm at 206 now, praying to see 165 by the end of the year. This is the heaviest I've ever been... I'm 5'9", so I had a lot of height to spread the weight gain over. But I gained it all over!!! My arms, neck, back... everywhere.

Atlanta- I've been working out with a personal trainer for the past 8 weeks...and working hard. But I have to attribute my weightloss to healthy eating. I've dropped 20lbs since January, and about 8 lbs came off within the last few weeks by just implementing a few things I've read on these forums. I started drinking green tea daily and have lost weight every single day since. Yerba Mate is a great appetite suppressant for those like me who have noticed that Chlorella increases your appetite.

Belle- I'm on the 2lb/wk bandwagon with you. In three weeks I will be leaving the 200's behind for good!!!

I posted a thread I recently read on It's a short thread but it speaks on several of the benefits of chlorella from a males point of view. Hope you ladies find it the very least entertaining.

I wish you all continued success and health...stay blessed.

Covergirl, thanks for your info on the green tea. I didn't know that helped... What does it do exactly? Cause I have a whollleeee box of it in the cupboard... I"m going to brew some now. I drink Yogi Tea's "Fasting" tea daily, along with a cup of nettle tea. So now I will add the green tea. How many cups do you drink daily? I may even make a cold version of it with a little honey as my cheat drink for the day since it will have a sweetener...

I'm glad that I am an inspiration to someone. You dont think that when you're struggling that you're inspiring someone else, but the Lord doesn't let our struggles go in vain, does He? I"m so glad of that. I'm glad that you have lost 20 lbs since January. Wish I could say the same. I've lost 13. BUt I've increased my weights and am doing more straight up cardio. Chlorella curbs my appetite enough, but I still like sweets, so that's something I'm going to have to work on, especially now that Atlanta has talked about sugar. You dont realize how much of it you are consuming in a day, especially when it's hidden in things like milk, for goodness sake! I pray you will meet your goal along with the rest of us. I haven't seen the 160's since college... It's defifnitely that time again though!
Well first off, just wanted to check in. I've been taking my super chlorella religiously, and energy is still great. I exercise everyday for the first time in my life!

Now eegarding soy:
I was on the egg shake, and my base was vanilla soy milk. But like 3 other products in my shake contained soy. I thought soy was such a wonderful additive, especially when, for the first time in my life, my cycle was only 3 days and the hair under my arms literally stopped growing. Now if I weren't a member of LHCF, that would've had me jumping for joy. But since I was trying to grow the hair on my head also, I got kind of scared. Plus, I was gaining weight, even though I wasn't eating bad.

Then someone on that thread pointed out that soy isn't so good for you. Being the type of person that doesn't take anyone's word for it, I began researching, and some interesting things came up.
Here are the side-effects of too much soy?

Breast cancer (Soy isoflavones mimic estrogen)
•Calcium deficiencies (soy blocks calcium absorption)
•Cognitive decline (esp. in post menopausal women that have increased levels of estrogen in their blood)
•Endocrine disruption
Hair loss
•Hot flashes
Irregular periods
•Loss of muscle tone
•Painful periods
•Premature aging
•Thyroid cancer
•Thyroid disease
•Thyroid Stimulating Hormone increase
•Uterine cysts
•Vitamin D deficiencies
Weight gain despite workouts and dieting

When I notice that 3 of the listed side effects match what I'm experiencing (Lord knows what else), I immediately stop the shake. A few weeks later, my hair under my arms starts growing again, my next period is normal, and I lose weight without trying hard. I don't want to discourage anyone, but knowledge is power.

Here's a site that has good info about soy.

Uh I had about 10 things on that list when I was consuming soy daily and that's why I stopped because of this info that I had found out during that time. I even began to have discharge from my breasts and that's when it freaked me out. Told my doc and she told me that I couldn't have soy because my body didn't respond well to it. I know others who drink it daily and dont have these issues, so I think it may be an individual response to it... Just pay attention to how your body responds and you'll know what to do.
AtlantaJJ's post about healthy eating really hit home with me. I've been going thru some heart hurts (that's what I call them) and I dealt with my emotions by eating. I ate Pillsbury cookies, the kind you cook in the oven. I ate all 12 of them. They were good, but not good for me. Now, this was Tuesday, so let's just say that I'm back on track today.

I know all about the healthy eating. I just "decided" to let emotions get the better of me. I loaded up on all of my healthy goodies at the market today. Today was a better day regarding my eating.

Thanks AtlantaJJ for your post. It checked me!!

On Topic: The cellulite I had is really, really, really disappearing. It's soo nice.

I had to take a second look at what you wrote and then read the articles because I was a bit stumped considering I've been drinking soy milk exclusively for the last 9 years; I can see how an excessive amount of soy or for that matter any other product would cause problems in the human body; we've seen evidence of that on this thread from some people's body responding adversely to an increase in Chl intake; I would advise moderation on anything we eat, drink, and for that matter do with our hair.

Thanks for the informaition, it was very informative.
So it's been 4 days now. The first day I felt something, but nothing since. I up'ed it 2 heaping teaspoons yesterday and all I am feeling is FULL. included with my regular water intake of about 5 to 6 bottles of water. I have also been drinking hot lemon water in the morning and I am trying to do the water with unsweetened crandberry juice( not very tasty at all). I am doing good to get 16 oz down. My kidney's are sure getting a workout but so far that is about
Thanks for the facial recipe, Sheba.... Also, what can I put on my face to tighten my pores and make them smaller? Thanks!

Hi Belle! Good to see you, Dear. The truth about pores is, you have to collapse them and keep them clear. When your pores widen that means they're filled... sort of like a turned inward blackhead. In order to make it appear smaller, you have to extract the blackhead/filling. I say "appearing" because there's not technically any way to make pores smaller. Yep, that means that all the products that claim to do this are :nono:.

Same as all skin you need gentle cleansing, regular exfoliation and moisture. The exfoliation and plenty of internal hydration will make extractions easier on your skin. That's it! Just do extractions regularly and you'll have smaller appearing pores. Extractions are not difficult but they do require a bit of technique. If you haven't had one, definitely drink plenty of water for a few weeks and then have a facial. They'll get you started on extractions and you'll get an idea for how to do them and keep them up.

Let me know if I can be of help. I'm :pray: for you!

Just letting everyone know that sense spring break I'm finally back up to at least 4 grams, 1 full tablespoon scoop. I've been mixing my naked juice or bolthouse farms green goodness drink with applejuice cuz it's so thick by itself along with the chlorella. I didn't have a full detox like before because I guess I was re catching up but I am finally green again, and going 2 times a day now. I've had a sore throat the past couple of days maybe it's still part of my detox. I'm never sure if I'm detoxing or having other symptoms

Hey there, IndianAngel! Just wanted to point out that 1 tablespoon equals 3 teaspoons equals, approximately, 9 grams of chlorella. Just wanted to point that out so you didn't inadvertently take more than you'd intended.
Soy messes w/ me. You could also try almond milk. it doesn't have much sugar and it's made from pressed almonds. There really isn't any real milk in it. I love it:lick:

I LOVE almond milk too. And other nut and seed milks as well but almond certainly is my fave. I make it myself too - a cup of almonds to 3 cups of filtered water, blend like there's no tomorrow and voila! I sometimes use it like this, sometimes I squeeze the milk out using muslin. Optional: can be sweetened with a couple of dates if desired too :lick::lick::lick:

Well first off, just wanted to check in. I've been taking my super chlorella religiously, and energy is still great. I exercise everyday for the first time in my life!

Now eegarding soy:
I was on the egg shake, and my base was vanilla soy milk. But like 3 other products in my shake contained soy. I thought soy was such a wonderful additive, especially when, for the first time in my life, my cycle was only 3 days and the hair under my arms literally stopped growing. Now if I weren't a member of LHCF, that would've had me jumping for joy. But since I was trying to grow the hair on my head also, I got kind of scared. Plus, I was gaining weight, even though I wasn't eating bad.

Then someone on that thread pointed out that soy isn't so good for you. Being the type of person that doesn't take anyone's word for it, I began researching, and some interesting things came up.
Here are the side-effects of too much soy?

Breast cancer (Soy isoflavones mimic estrogen)
•Calcium deficiencies (soy blocks calcium absorption)
•Cognitive decline (esp. in post menopausal women that have increased levels of estrogen in their blood)
•Endocrine disruption
Hair loss
•Hot flashes
Irregular periods
•Loss of muscle tone
•Painful periods
•Premature aging
•Thyroid cancer
•Thyroid disease
•Thyroid Stimulating Hormone increase
•Uterine cysts
•Vitamin D deficiencies
Weight gain despite workouts and dieting

When I notice that 3 of the listed side effects match what I'm experiencing (Lord knows what else), I immediately stop the shake. A few weeks later, my hair under my arms starts growing again, my next period is normal, and I lose weight without trying hard. I don't want to discourage anyone, but knowledge is power.

Here's a site that has good info about soy.

Yup, I too cannot take soya due to the oestrogen mimicking effects. I suffer from fibroids. Had a myomectomy already but still have a couple small ones that were too dangerous to remove. The thought of them growing keeps me away from anything with a hint of more oestrogen. Having said that, some people are okay consuming soya, and I know peeps who've taken it all their lives and are absolutely fine - but not me. I even used to get lumps in my boobs during my cycle, sigh, and apparently oestrogen mimicking stuff make these worse. I've not noticed them lately, so i thank God. Cow's milk, especially the non-organic one has loads of oestrogen it it. Many people are fine on this. I stopped taking cow's milk, though I eat small amounts of cheese and butter as I LOVE them. Only organic though, as the cows are not pumped full of hormones to keep producing milk. Organic chicken too is the best - regular chooks are full of growth hormones and I sure don't want those floating around my body. It sure is a shame what the want for money has done to the world - our food has been messed with for maximum profits.

I apologise, back to chlorella and hair now.......

Still green and loving it. AF visited last night - hope she doesn't stay long. 28 days on the dot, so that's okay. I'm having to brave day 1 pain as I really am reluctant to take painkillers, but will see how it goes. I think I'm on the perfect dose of chlor and spir as I feel fantastic- so balanced out and chilled out! Things that would make me fume all day, annoy me for a while then I remind mydelf to let go and I'm fine. Must be the detox - I just feel I don't want to add and hold on to any toxins in my body and mind. I love the feeling. Detox to the mind - how powerful! I feel I need to fast again too, just so I can get clarity with my work - I need to decide whether to ride it out for now or leave. I'm ranting and rambling - does anyone else feel like they are detoxed emotionally too? Any thought processes changing out there?

I MUST take and post photos of my nails - I'm amazed by them. I've always been able to grow them, but they've never felt this strong! I've mentioned that I do gardening. Plus when I'm at work, I wash my hands like loads of times. And my nails aren't doing their usual breaking/peeling like they do at the length they are at now. I attribute that to chlor. My eyes sure are whiter and brighter. And my hair's growing well - thanks to chlor and my other growth aides, lol. And I'm thankfull the weight is still coming off. 22lbs down in 8.5 weeks. I'm exercising alot, and eating well. Hubby has lost 10lbs. He loves being green too, but I have to remind him to take his chlor and spir :rolleyes:. I think it's helping his appetite. Still smokes though :nono::sad:. Better go now...... that was a mother of updates, lol - long again - sorry!
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I LOVE almond milk too. And other nut and seed milks as well but almond certainly is my fave. I make it myself too - a cup of almonds to 3 cups of filtered water, blend like there's no tomorrow and voila! I sometimes use it like this, sometimes I squeeze the milk out using muslin. Optional: can be sweetened with a couple of dates if desired too :lick::lick::lick:

Yup, I too cannot take soya due to the oestrogen mimicking effects. I suffer from fibroids. Had a myomectomy already but still have a couple small ones that were too dangerous to remove. The thought of them growing keeps me away from anything with a hint of more oestrogen.

OMG that's what's up with the whole soy thing. I knew my body does not do well with it. Not only do I feel bad but I spot EVERYTIME. And I started to dissect my diet and found only on the days I was eating soy did I start spotting like my period was starting but it wasn't time. I even mimicked it, I purposely went to one of my fav vegetarian restaurants and upped the soy and viola spotting again.:nono:

Hard headed, I was in denial, so I waited a few days and then ate soy AGAIN because I wanted to be certain. I mean I tested out this theory about five times before I had to just admit it was not for me.

So I couldn't explain it but I just new it was NOT for me.

Now it makes sense because I do have fibroids (heredetary).

Oh well I'm glad I listen to my body. I didn't have all the science behind it. I just knew something wrong happened evertime I consumed it despite people telling me how wonderful it was for me.
No I can tolerate fermented soy a little better, but I just try to avoid.

So anyways that's why I switched to almond milk.

More power to those who can use it. I certainly can not.
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You're right LD - for those who can take it, well and good. It is a wonderful food, full of good nutrition but just not right for some. For those that take soya, please go with the naturally grown, prefarably organic stuff as it's the largest GMO. Be careful! I use miso sometimes to flavour some dishes - I love it. Most of it is soya, but I've found some brown rice alternatives. I always choose organic anyway, so even those with soya aren't so bad (choose your poison type thing). I have no spotting like LD but I know when my boobs feel lumpy then I'm eating too much stuff with oestrogen mimicking properties. My main worry for now is the fibroids though. Once I pop a couple, maybe 3 sprogs, I'll probably be less cautious. And as an aside, may I mention plastic too - it leaches stuff that mimick oestrogen too, so please do not re-use bottles that aren't meant for re-using. It's a whole other discussion, so I'll stop - let's stick to chlorella and hair!!!!
So it's been 4 days now. The first day I felt something, but nothing since. I up'ed it 2 heaping teaspoons yesterday and all I am feeling is FULL. included with my regular water intake of about 5 to 6 bottles of water. I have also been drinking hot lemon water in the morning and I am trying to do the water with unsweetened crandberry juice( not very tasty at all). I am doing good to get 16 oz down. My kidney's are sure getting a workout but so far that is about
HealthyHair2007 I don't know if I welcomed you but welcome first! Second I hope you're not complaining that you're NOT having detox symptoms:rolleyes: Be happy!!!! I'm sure others wish they were in your shoes. Keep going. It's still working on your body. I'm looking forward to your reports about hair and skin that I know are soon to come!:yep:
Well first off, just wanted to check in. I've been taking my super chlorella religiously, and energy is still great. I exercise everyday for the first time in my life!

Now eegarding soy:
I was on the egg shake, and my base was vanilla soy milk. But like 3 other products in my shake contained soy. I thought soy was such a wonderful additive, especially when, for the first time in my life, my cycle was only 3 days and the hair under my arms literally stopped growing. Now if I weren't a member of LHCF, that would've had me jumping for joy. But since I was trying to grow the hair on my head also, I got kind of scared. Plus, I was gaining weight, even though I wasn't eating bad.

Then someone on that thread pointed out that soy isn't so good for you. Being the type of person that doesn't take anyone's word for it, I began researching, and some interesting things came up.
Here are the side-effects of too much soy?

Breast cancer (Soy isoflavones mimic estrogen)
•Calcium deficiencies (soy blocks calcium absorption)
•Cognitive decline (esp. in post menopausal women that have increased levels of estrogen in their blood)
•Endocrine disruption
Hair loss
•Hot flashes
Irregular periods
•Loss of muscle tone
•Painful periods
•Premature aging
•Thyroid cancer
•Thyroid disease
•Thyroid Stimulating Hormone increase
•Uterine cysts
•Vitamin D deficiencies
Weight gain despite workouts and dieting

When I notice that 3 of the listed side effects match what I'm experiencing (Lord knows what else), I immediately stop the shake. A few weeks later, my hair under my arms starts growing again, my next period is normal, and I lose weight without trying hard. I don't want to discourage anyone, but knowledge is power.

Here's a site that has good info about soy.

When I first went off cow's milk, I ran to soy, then I started researching, found info like this :perplexed, and ran with speed to wholegrain rice milk. There's lots of info on soy on too.