How about taking Chlorella?

What type of Chlorella are you taking

  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 72 24.7%
  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 60 20.6%
  • Sun chlorella Tablets

    Votes: 22 7.6%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 13 4.5%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Earthrise Tablets

    Votes: 23 7.9%
  • Now Chlorella Tablet

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Now Chlorella Powder

    Votes: 8 2.7%
  • Vitamin Shoppe Super Chlorella

    Votes: 34 11.7%
  • Other Chlorella brand

    Votes: 45 15.5%

  • Total voters
I'm so thrilled to have access to this information! Thank you!
I started taking the Source Naturals tablets the day before yesterday, and I went green today! Umm, I have a feeling I'm alone on this one... but I actually like the taste. :look: I've been taking 2g, chewing up the tablets, and washing it down with water.

It's funny, when I chew and swallow the pills, this wonderful sense of calm washes over me. Its like meditation in a pill or something lol. My energy level is always pretty high, but it seems that the chlorella still boosted it higher than it usually is. I can't wait to see what happens as things progress! No detox reactions to speak of.. and I'm getting the feeling that I can comfortably up my intake to 4g. Yay! I think this is a keeper :clapping:

ETA: Duh, forgot to mention the thing that got me most excited lol. Over the past two days I've been peeing nonstop, and now my body is much leaner looking and my clothes fit better!

Ditto here girl! I like a particular brand more though - lifestream. Carry the tabs in my bags everywhere and pop a pill when my mouth feels restless, lol.
Hey Belle, stay strong babe, hugs to you girl! We all have down periods and yours seems like it was compounded by work as well as having to move - that's too much for one to take all at once! Sending up a prayer to you chick, you sure are doing well and congrats on the weightloss!!!!!

I must say, today's working conditions are super stressful. Contemplating quitting work in the near future - I love the nature of my job, just hating the politics that come with it! Politics in healthcare - what is the world coming to?

Anyway, still green and loving it. I feel so light and energetic and I want more, lol! Stay green peeps!
I'm luving feeling cleansed from the inside out! Keep up the good work Chlorella. Can't wait to see what you do for me after a few months!
Good to have you back Belle, congrats on your weight loss, and I join with the other girls in praying for your burdens to be lifted in all areas, and CHL to continue working for your good in the body!
Okay so my cold is almost completely gone.:drunk: Remember when I was saying I was feeling ill a few days ago? Gone. Which is highly unusual because when I get sick I usually get really sick once a year for a couple weeks. This was a three day cold. First day really sore throat and fever, and phlegm and cough, second day phlegm. Today I barely have a sniffle and my throat doesn't hurt anymore. It was the quickest cold in the history of colds and I attribute this to chlorella because I'm not doing anything different. I didn't even take airborne and other cold aids this time around! I knew I was going to get one because it was hot one day in NY and the next day cold, and the next a mix and I wasn't dressed appropriately because I couldn't predict it. I was caught outside without a scarf and gloves and it was hot, then later after I left class it was cold and mushy rain/slash snow mush thing was happening and I was FREEZING. Later that night I was like oh boy hear we go, because my throat was already sore.

I think it's because chlorella alkanizes the body and colds and illness cannot stay in that environment. Hey, hopefully it's helping my other health issues. I hope so!

Either way I am on chlorella for life. Green for life! Go Chlorella!:yep:

I found that there's been two times when I should've gotten a full blown cold because my throat was hurting, but then the next day I was fine! It's truly amazing.

I'm luving feeling cleansed from the inside out! Keep up the good work Chlorella. Can't wait to see what you do for me after a few months!

I also love this feeling. It's really undescriable. I tried to explain it to my SO and he was like huh? Oh well, he notices the differences.

-Belle-I'll be keeping you in my prayers!
Ladies, thank you alll sooo much for your kind and genuine words, and for your prayers! I'm so glad I came out of hiding and let you all know what's been up.... I appreciate it so much! You have no idea!
Okay ladies, this is my weekly check in, although I've been MIA for like two...

so let me tell yall what happened... After all of the support about my weightloss emotional crash I had from you all, I had to end up going out of town short notice for work. During those two days I had to eat out and got terribly sick from it. My body can't handle stress along with fast food and dining out, even if it's fine dining. on top of that, I started using birth control again because I was scared I was going to have a bad period if I didn't. The result of all of this was a 3lb weight gain. I had gotten down to 197 from 206/207, and the weekend before last when I went away, I went back up to 200.... Compounded with my job situation and finances, and having to move again short notice, I was threw. I cried for two whole days. It was like I was managing everything well, but those 3 pounds pushed me right over the edge.

I have been so depressed about it and just irately upset that I didn't even want to come up here and post it, and I didn't... I know, dont fuss at me. I was just so disappointed and infuriated.

So I did come up here and read what's been going on and I saw a post that LD made talking about a man who had gained weight from his dosage and had decreased it. I've been maintaining 9grams for weeks now and never had an issue with weight gain, I've been losing 2lbs per week consistently. So maybe it was a new detox issue, and probably the birth control. So I picked myself up by the bootstraps, well, the Lord actually handed them to me, (LOL), and began to workout again this week (continuing my regular regimen), and I decreased my dosage back down to 3 grams, after going at 9grams for 2 months, and I got rid of my birth control.... I went to the gym today, since last Wednesday weighing in at 200, and today I weighed 194...

Like WTFreak? was going on!!! Seriously?! The relief that came over me and the joy was so great.... I dont understand, but I do thank God in his infinite mercy because I was really really down. I am still concerned with my belly as it is very resistant to exercise, and I've been wanting lipo for a year now. Every other part of my body responds well to exercise and dieting, but my belly..

So althogh I'm not actually green at 3grams, I may push it up to 6, but monitor my body closely. Please also pray for me, for those of you who believe in prayer, specifically to Jesus (lol, just had to say that), that my periods will normalized with the Chlorella. I have severe cramping, nausea, vomitting, and they dont come on schedule, and usually every 19 days... With all that, it is my prayer and hope that this would be the Lord's providence for my obvious hormonal issues, and that whatever else could exist internally, that this would take care of those issues that doctors have not been able to give me a justified answer for other than it's just my body...

I know this is all a lot, but thank you all for listening, and again, I humbly ask that you pray for me for my weight loss and my belly issue, as well as my periods... Nothing is certainly too big for God... Thanks for your prayers in advance. I would so appreciate it!

By the way, my weight loss goal is to get down to 175-180... that would be 30 lbs...

Oh, and in the spirit of giving back, my chlorella lotion has been working wonders on my skin. I have eczema and lots of scarring on teh body, especially in teh creases, and so the lotion has been workign wonders, and lightening very well. Also, I've been taking flax oil everyday. It's amazing how soft my skin is and supple, and it just glows. Another thing, I just bought some licorice extract and have been using it everyday on teh really bad scars, they are fading beautifully. If you google it, you can see the benefits of licorice extract. It's the glabridin in it that causes a skin lightening effect b/c it combats melanin overproduction or melasma in the skin. My face and body are starting to look great and bright, and very clear! Let me know if you have any questions, I will be happy to answer.

One more thing, for those concerned about hair growth (and no, I dont have pics, sorry) but I cut my hair Jan 6 to a little above my shoulder, from at least 1.5 inches below shoulder length, and it has all grown back and some more. So I'm really glad about that. I should have arm pit length hair, but I've had some oopsies and things to learn about my hair since October that have caused me to have about 3 set backs, but momma is on the roll now. I should be good this coming fall to reach my first goal, full apl...
Thanks in advance, Trinia


Keep your head up girl, you and I are seemingly on the same weight loss circle. I too am stuck at around 201...203 but earlier this year I had made it all the way down to 197. I too get very depressed to see the 200 mark but I just keep pressing on, I can not give up and neither will you..girl we are gonna make it and it is interesting because I too am trying to make it to about 185 but would love to see 175 by July when my husband comes home. Hang in there girl and keep me posted if you have a breakthrough and I will do the same!:yep:

Keep your head up girl, you and I are seemingly on the same weight loss circle. I too am stuck at around 201...203 but earlier this year I had made it all the way down to 197. I too get very depressed to see the 200 mark but I just keep pressing on, I can not give up and neither will you..girl we are gonna make it and it is interesting because I too am trying to make it to about 185 but would love to see 175 by July when my husband comes home. Hang in there girl and keep me posted if you have a breakthrough and I will do the same!:yep:

I sure will! THank you for your kind words, they really help... Yes, teh 200 mark is so upsetting. I just lost it when I saw that... I'm so glad the Lord helped me push through that and workout, and go right back to eating well. I get discouraged easily when I see that people have been working out for like 2 or 3 months, and they have like this serious loss, like over 30 lbs or something, and I'm like fighting for 2 lbs a week. BUt like LD said to me before, that's a healthy rate and those pounds add up. My goal was to be back into a size 8-10 by summer. I've gone from a 16 to a 12, but a snug 12, nevertheless.. I gotta push real hard the next few weeks to get into that 10 but I'm gonna try my best. I'm 5'8".5, and to many that's tall, but it's not tall enough that excess weight doesn't make you look big because I've been very large. A size 10 is perfect for me because I look very slim and trim. I will pray for you as well to meet your goal of 175. That's a lot for most people, but on my frame, it's quite slim. I have lots of muscle mass from dance and so I know i'm not going to weigh like 140-150, but maybe I'll let my final goal be 160, once I reach my first goal of 180. We'll see!
Last edited:
I sure will! THank you for your kind words, they really help... Yes, teh 200 mark is so upsetting. I just lost it when I saw that... I'm so glad the Lord helped me push through that and workout, and go right back to eating well. I get discouraged easily when I see that people have been working out for like 2 or 3 months, and they have like this serious loss, like over 30 lbs or something, and I'm like fighting for 2 lbs a week. BUt like LD said to me before, that's a healthy rate and those pounds add up. My goal was to be back into a size 8-10 by summer. I've gone from a 16 to a 12, but a snug 12, nevertheless.. I gotta push real hard the next few weeks to get into that 10 but I'm gonna try my best. I'm 5'8".5, and to many that's tall, but it's not tall enough that excess weight doesn't make you look big because I've been very large. A size 10 is perfect for me because I look very slim and trim. I will pray for you as well to meet your goal of 175. That's a lot for most people, but on my frame, it's quite slim. I have lots of muscle mass from dance and so I know i'm not going to weigh like 140-150, but maybe I'll let my final goal be 160, once I reach my first goal of 180. We'll see!
I am totally with you all on this one. I can get to 200 lbs in a blink of an eyelash. I'm 5' 11.5 I have a muscular build also and I weight about 182 right now. That's down from about 195 in January. I wear nice fitting size 12 now. I want to be in a size 10 also which means I need to get down to about 170. The ONLY way I can do that (and to have the weight to come off my hips and not my upper body - to have a nice shape and great legs) is to start weight training.

I have to put on more muscle to get smaller. It does two things for me, it speeds up my metabolism which helps me to burn fat, and it makes me more compact because toned muscles are smaller, takes up less space than fluffy fat. I have to weight train to get leaner. That has been my experience over the years. To get that last 10 - 15 lbs off I have to do all three: weights, cardio and eat right.
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Okay, I have to check in. I am going to get my hair relaxed today. I was going to try and stretch it a little longer but, my family told me that I am not allowed to go another day with hair this THICK!!! :grin:It has been 6week and 4 days and I can no longer attempt to put a comb in it. I usually have very thin hair, but I have about an inch of new growth and lots of thickness. I actually measured. I got in trouble for looking a hot mess b/c I can't do anything with my hair when it looks like this. I am assuming that this is all due to the chlorella. This is more than the normall .25 inches a month. I am happy about the growth and sad about the comments my family has made. They even joked about the fact that I am always on here and I still look like a hot mess. :lachen:Okay thats enough. Strange update I know.
Okay, I have to check in. I am going to get my hair relaxed today. I was going to try and stretch it a little longer but, my family told me that I am not allowed to go another day with hair this THICK!!! :grin:It has been 6week and 4 days and I can no longer attempt to put a comb in it. I usually have very thin hair, but I have about an inch of new growth and lots of thickness. I actually measured. I got in trouble for looking a hot mess b/c I can't do anything with my hair when it looks like this. I am assuming that this is all due to the chlorella. This is more than the normall .25 inches a month. I am happy about the growth and sad about the comments my family has made. They even joked about the fact that I am always on here and I still look like a hot mess. :lachen:Okay thats enough. Strange update I know.

:lachen: at the bolded.
Okay, I have to check in. I am going to get my hair relaxed today. I was going to try and stretch it a little longer but, my family told me that I am not allowed to go another day with hair this THICK!!! :grin:It has been 6week and 4 days and I can no longer attempt to put a comb in it. I usually have very thin hair, but I have about an inch of new growth and lots of thickness. I actually measured. I got in trouble for looking a hot mess b/c I can't do anything with my hair when it looks like this. I am assuming that this is all due to the chlorella. This is more than the normall .25 inches a month. I am happy about the growth and sad about the comments my family has made. They even joked about the fact that I am always on here and I still look like a hot mess. :lachen:Okay thats enough. Strange update I know.

congrats on the growth:grin:
Okay ladies, this is my weekly check in, although I've been MIA for like two...

so let me tell yall what happened... After all of the support about my weightloss emotional crash I had from you all, I had to end up going out of town short notice for work. During those two days I had to eat out and got terribly sick from it. My body can't handle stress along with fast food and dining out, even if it's fine dining. on top of that, I started using birth control again because I was scared I was going to have a bad period if I didn't. The result of all of this was a 3lb weight gain. I had gotten down to 197 from 206/207, and the weekend before last when I went away, I went back up to 200.... Compounded with my job situation and finances, and having to move again short notice, I was threw. I cried for two whole days. It was like I was managing everything well, but those 3 pounds pushed me right over the edge.

I have been so depressed about it and just irately upset that I didn't even want to come up here and post it, and I didn't... I know, dont fuss at me. I was just so disappointed and infuriated.

So I did come up here and read what's been going on and I saw a post that LD made talking about a man who had gained weight from his dosage and had decreased it. I've been maintaining 9grams for weeks now and never had an issue with weight gain, I've been losing 2lbs per week consistently. So maybe it was a new detox issue, and probably the birth control. So I picked myself up by the bootstraps, well, the Lord actually handed them to me, (LOL), and began to workout again this week (continuing my regular regimen), and I decreased my dosage back down to 3 grams, after going at 9grams for 2 months, and I got rid of my birth control.... I went to the gym today, since last Wednesday weighing in at 200, and today I weighed 194...

Like WTFreak? was going on!!! Seriously?! The relief that came over me and the joy was so great.... I dont understand, but I do thank God in his infinite mercy because I was really really down. I am still concerned with my belly as it is very resistant to exercise, and I've been wanting lipo for a year now. Every other part of my body responds well to exercise and dieting, but my belly..

So althogh I'm not actually green at 3grams, I may push it up to 6, but monitor my body closely. Please also pray for me, for those of you who believe in prayer, specifically to Jesus (lol, just had to say that), that my periods will normalized with the Chlorella. I have severe cramping, nausea, vomitting, and they dont come on schedule, and usually every 19 days... With all that, it is my prayer and hope that this would be the Lord's providence for my obvious hormonal issues, and that whatever else could exist internally, that this would take care of those issues that doctors have not been able to give me a justified answer for other than it's just my body...

I know this is all a lot, but thank you all for listening, and again, I humbly ask that you pray for me for my weight loss and my belly issue, as well as my periods... Nothing is certainly too big for God... Thanks for your prayers in advance. I would so appreciate it!

By the way, my weight loss goal is to get down to 175-180... that would be 30 lbs...

Oh, and in the spirit of giving back, my chlorella lotion has been working wonders on my skin. I have eczema and lots of scarring on teh body, especially in teh creases, and so the lotion has been workign wonders, and lightening very well. Also, I've been taking flax oil everyday. It's amazing how soft my skin is and supple, and it just glows. Another thing, I just bought some licorice extract and have been using it everyday on teh really bad scars, they are fading beautifully. If you google it, you can see the benefits of licorice extract. It's the glabridin in it that causes a skin lightening effect b/c it combats melanin overproduction or melasma in the skin. My face and body are starting to look great and bright, and very clear! Let me know if you have any questions, I will be happy to answer.

One more thing, for those concerned about hair growth (and no, I dont have pics, sorry) but I cut my hair Jan 6 to a little above my shoulder, from at least 1.5 inches below shoulder length, and it has all grown back and some more. So I'm really glad about that. I should have arm pit length hair, but I've had some oopsies and things to learn about my hair since October that have caused me to have about 3 set backs, but momma is on the roll now. I should be good this coming fall to reach my first goal, full apl...
Thanks in advance, Trinia

:knight: I'm praying for ya girl. I have a question about the flax oil licorice extract you have been using. I have very oily skin and last year during some terribly stressful times my skin went crazy. I finally have an affordable regimen that has my skin under control but know I have terrible dark spots from all the acne. Do you think this will work for me?
Okay ladies, this is my weekly check in, although I've been MIA for like two...

so let me tell yall what happened... After all of the support about my weightloss emotional crash I had from you all, I had to end up going out of town short notice for work. During those two days I had to eat out and got terribly sick from it. My body can't handle stress along with fast food and dining out, even if it's fine dining. on top of that, I started using birth control again because I was scared I was going to have a bad period if I didn't. The result of all of this was a 3lb weight gain. I had gotten down to 197 from 206/207, and the weekend before last when I went away, I went back up to 200.... Compounded with my job situation and finances, and having to move again short notice, I was threw. I cried for two whole days. It was like I was managing everything well, but those 3 pounds pushed me right over the edge.

I have been so depressed about it and just irately upset that I didn't even want to come up here and post it, and I didn't... I know, dont fuss at me. I was just so disappointed and infuriated.

So I did come up here and read what's been going on and I saw a post that LD made talking about a man who had gained weight from his dosage and had decreased it. I've been maintaining 9grams for weeks now and never had an issue with weight gain, I've been losing 2lbs per week consistently. So maybe it was a new detox issue, and probably the birth control. So I picked myself up by the bootstraps, well, the Lord actually handed them to me, (LOL), and began to workout again this week (continuing my regular regimen), and I decreased my dosage back down to 3 grams, after going at 9grams for 2 months, and I got rid of my birth control.... I went to the gym today, since last Wednesday weighing in at 200, and today I weighed 194...

Like WTFreak? was going on!!! Seriously?! The relief that came over me and the joy was so great.... I dont understand, but I do thank God in his infinite mercy because I was really really down. I am still concerned with my belly as it is very resistant to exercise, and I've been wanting lipo for a year now. Every other part of my body responds well to exercise and dieting, but my belly..

So althogh I'm not actually green at 3grams, I may push it up to 6, but monitor my body closely. Please also pray for me, for those of you who believe in prayer, specifically to Jesus (lol, just had to say that), that my periods will normalized with the Chlorella. I have severe cramping, nausea, vomitting, and they dont come on schedule, and usually every 19 days... With all that, it is my prayer and hope that this would be the Lord's providence for my obvious hormonal issues, and that whatever else could exist internally, that this would take care of those issues that doctors have not been able to give me a justified answer for other than it's just my body...

I know this is all a lot, but thank you all for listening, and again, I humbly ask that you pray for me for my weight loss and my belly issue, as well as my periods... Nothing is certainly too big for God... Thanks for your prayers in advance. I would so appreciate it!

By the way, my weight loss goal is to get down to 175-180... that would be 30 lbs...

Oh, and in the spirit of giving back, my chlorella lotion has been working wonders on my skin. I have eczema and lots of scarring on teh body, especially in teh creases, and so the lotion has been workign wonders, and lightening very well. Also, I've been taking flax oil everyday. It's amazing how soft my skin is and supple, and it just glows. Another thing, I just bought some licorice extract and have been using it everyday on teh really bad scars, they are fading beautifully. If you google it, you can see the benefits of licorice extract. It's the glabridin in it that causes a skin lightening effect b/c it combats melanin overproduction or melasma in the skin. My face and body are starting to look great and bright, and very clear! Let me know if you have any questions, I will be happy to answer.

One more thing, for those concerned about hair growth (and no, I dont have pics, sorry) but I cut my hair Jan 6 to a little above my shoulder, from at least 1.5 inches below shoulder length, and it has all grown back and some more. So I'm really glad about that. I should have arm pit length hair, but I've had some oopsies and things to learn about my hair since October that have caused me to have about 3 set backs, but momma is on the roll now. I should be good this coming fall to reach my first goal, full apl...
Thanks in advance, Trinia

Stay in prayer - I will be in prayer with you as well. You will surely get your answers!

Thank you for the tip regarding the eczema lotion. I found an herb that really cleared it up for me from an internal perspective its called Sarsaparilla Root. I started taking it for my eczema (works great) and it completely cleared up my acne as a side effect! :lol: It acts as a blood purifier. PM me if you want the details of how I use it.
I am totally with you all on this one. I can get to 200 lbs in a blink of an eyelash. I'm 5' 11.5 I have a muscular build also and I weight about 182 right now. That's down from about 195 in January. I wear nice fitting size 12 now. I want to be in a size 10 also which means I need to get down to about 170. The ONLY way I can do that (an to have the weight to come off my hips and not my upper body) is to start weight training.

I have to put on more muscle to get smaller. It does two things for me, it speeds up my metabolism which helps me to burn fat, and it makes me more compact because toned muscles are smaller, takes up less space than fluffy fat. I have to weight train to get leaner. That has been my experience over the years. To get that last 10 - 15 lbs off I have to do all three: weights, cardio and eat right.

Boy, you ladies are tall compared to me, I am only 5"5! So the only reason I don't look like I am weebling and wobbling and falling down is because I had liposuction done last year and my body has a NEW slim build but weight gain shows up much more than it did before. Atlanta, how do you incorporate weight training in with your exercise? Do you use hand weights, dumb bells...that kind of thing? I know that wearing ankle weights has helped (along with the CHL) to smooth out my leg areas where the lipo was still healing. Belle and Atlanta please PM me some of your diet or lifestyle regimen please, I don't want us to hijack the thread but I need some help ladies. I am really at a stand still in motivation and regimen. Ok, talk to you then. :look:
Boy, you ladies are tall compared to me, I am only 5"5! So the only reason I don't look like I am weebling and wobbling and falling down is because I had liposuction done last year and my body has a NEW slim build but weight gain shows up much more than it did before. Atlanta, how do you incorporate weight training in with your exercise? Do you use hand weights, dumb bells...that kind of thing? I know that wearing ankle weights has helped (along with the CHL) to smooth out my leg areas where the lipo was still healing. Belle and Atlanta please PM me some of your diet or lifestyle regimen please, I don't want us to hijack the thread but I need some help ladies. I am really at a stand still in motivation and regimen. Ok, talk to you then. :look:
One thing I'll post here for the everyone on the thread. If you are trying to loose weight and you are a woman over 30 years old. Watch your sugar grams. Read the packaging on the foods you eat...better yet don't eat food that comes in packages!! :lol: seriously

The best thing you can do is eat whole mindful of your fruits, and fruit juices, eat them in the morning. Stay away from white foods, white flower, white potatoes, white rice, white sugar, and white bread. Eat very small amounts of green peas, corn, and tomatoes (sauces included). Speaking of sauces and gravies, avoid them. Make your own vinaigrette salad dressings. Eat whole grains, baked sweet potatoes, whole grain oatmeal, and beans. Remove the words pasta, white rice and bread out of your vocabulary. Eat seeds and nuts, your colon will thank you. You will thank me one day.
Boy, you ladies are tall compared to me, I am only 5"5! So the only reason I don't look like I am weebling and wobbling and falling down is because I had liposuction done last year and my body has a NEW slim build but weight gain shows up much more than it did before. Atlanta, how do you incorporate weight training in with your exercise? Do you use hand weights, dumb bells...that kind of thing? I know that wearing ankle weights has helped (along with the CHL) to smooth out my leg areas where the lipo was still healing. Belle and Atlanta please PM me some of your diet or lifestyle regimen please, I don't want us to hijack the thread but I need some help ladies. I am really at a stand still in motivation and regimen. Ok, talk to you then. :look:
I wanna know too. I'm 6ft tall and 190 pounds. I've been jogging everyday for 3 days (on and off for weeks before that) now cause I wanna get down to 150. I wear a size 14 now and I wanna get down to an 8. Please tell me how to incorporate weight training into my routine.

P.S. I'm now up to 12g of chlorella Earthwise tablets. I will start the Source naturals powder when the tablets run out.
One thing I'll post here for the everyone on the thread. If you are trying to loose weight and you are a woman over 30 years old. Watch your sugar grams. Read the packaging on the foods you eat...better yet don't eat food that comes in packages!! :lol: seriously

The best thing you can do is eat whole mindful of your fruits, and fruit juices, eat them in the morning. Stay away from white foods, white flower, white potatoes, white rice, white sugar, and white bread. Eat very small amounts of green peas, corn, and tomatoes (sauces included). Speaking of sauces and gravies, avoid them. Make your own vinaigrette salad dressings. Eat whole grains, baked sweet potatoes, whole grain oatmeal, and beans. Remove the words pasta, white rice and bread out of your vocabulary. Eat seeds and nuts, your colon will thank you. You will thank me one day.

That is basically my eating pattern but it got shot to pieces this week because I had been working out so much and trying to eat very carefully and when the scale said 203 I just got frustrated and quit this week. I let it all hang out and ate some cake and ice cream and anything else I wanted. I haven't gained any despite all this but I am just lost. I am one that I have to really work out along with eating the right way. Did you say what type of weights you use? What type of exercise do you find the most effective? Inquiring minds want to know :grin:
:knight: I'm praying for ya girl. I have a question about the flax oil licorice extract you have been using. I have very oily skin and last year during some terribly stressful times my skin went crazy. I finally have an affordable regimen that has my skin under control but know I have terrible dark spots from all the acne. Do you think this will work for me?

Yeah, I think it would. There is this product called Godiva Skincare that they sell in the Philippines. Well, I used to order it and it did work over a period of time. The main active ingredeitnt in their products was glabridin, which is from licorice extract. I figured instead of paying all that money and then waiting for shipping would be a waste fo time. When I saw taht you can get licorice from the health food store, I just started using the extract. I put it all over my face and neck, and then I put another layer just on spots. Some days I just do spot treatment, but overall, my skin is looking really good and much better. The flax oil is great because it moisturizes the skin internally. By the end of the day, I ususally can wipe my face and there will be oil on it, whereas before, that wasn't hte case. It would just be dry. My whole body is a lot softer and supple feeling. I also take the flax oil because of the omega's. They are great for brainfog, but are said to also help with belly fat, which I have a problem with.
I will keep you in my prayers especially regarding "Aunt Flo", after reading your comments especially this "I have severe cramping, nausea, vomitting, and they don't come on schedule.." I can absolutly relate; I ran out this past Sunday and bought powedered Chl because some women on this thread said it had a positive impact on their cycle; (by the way I'm greeeeeeen already) I'm praying to God that Chl can help because I'm down to eating only crackers and water and poping ext strength midol ever 3hrs the first 2 days of "Aunt Flow".

If my hair grows due to Chl that will be a good side effect but I'm taking it to help with the menstral pains.

God Bless all of you and I'll certainly keep you in my prayers; thanks for the wealth of information.
That is basically my eating pattern but it got shot to pieces this week because I had been working out so much and trying to eat very carefully and when the scale said 203 I just got frustrated and quit this week. I let it all hang out and ate some cake and ice cream and anything else I wanted. I haven't gained any despite all this but I am just lost. I am one that I have to really work out along with eating the right way. Did you say what type of weights you use? What type of exercise do you find the most effective? Inquiring minds want to know :grin:

First off body builders will tell you to get the physique that you want takes 80% diet, 20% exercise. That still blows my mind, and I find it to be very true as I get older. I find I have to be really honest with myself about what I am putting in my mouth at any given time of the day. Keeping a food journal will help anyone who is trying to loose weight but can’t figure out why the weight is not coming off.

For slimming and toning I prefer free weights which include dumbbells, barbells, Smith Machine etc. I am a pear shape just like our First Lady. I have to train my body in halves. I train my upper body to build muscle on my shoulders, back and chest. I train my lower body to slim to tighten/tone the muscle.

For upper body I love doing the assisted wide-grip pull-ups and chin-ups. You work your back and biceps really well doing those exercises. For my chest and triceps I like to do push ups at home, or bench presses in the gym. I also do triceps dips on a bench. For shoulders, (most important) I do several different exercises. This gives me a balanced out figure.

For my lower body it’s all about light weights and repetition. Walking lunges no weights, stationary lunges light barbell on my shoulders, step ups on a bench no weights, straight legged dead lifts light weights, leg presses light weights are all I really need to do right now. I do these exercises at high repetitions, little to no rest between sets. This keeps my heart rate almost as high as when I’m doing cardio, which is burning fat. My goal is to lean my lower body out.

Then it’s cardio, cardio, cardio and some more cardio to burn that fat.
Carib and Hairhustla,
I would say to follow as Atlanta was saying about eating whole grains, staying away from sugar, alcohol and "white" foods, as they are usually stripped of their nutrients and metabolize in the body as sugar. Sugar does seem to be the number one enemy of women over 30. I do allow myself to have sugar, but not daily. If I dont have it, and go completely without it, I have these binges that do more harm that it would have to allow myself to have something, but also in moderation. I do workout extra hard on those days to burn those extra sugar calories, which of course, take longer to burn. So you definitely dont want to eat these things daily.

I think that Drs. Rozen and Oz's book "You On a Diet" is like the best book ever. It truly helped me eat right and learn what was good and what wasn't in a most simple way that didn't require me to think much about it, and didn't require me being unhappy with my diet. I am the type of person that I have to eat in a way that it can be my lifestyle for the rest of my life, rather than a fad diet. They dont work for me.

I workout 5 days a week, eat 3 meals and 3 snacks a day. I eat less than 1300 cals a day for my weight and size, and with that, have been losing 2lbs per week consistently. I drink lots of water, and I may have one sweet drink a day, usually it's a juice or gatorade, or a premade tea. I dont drink soft drinks and coffee at all. I have water spritzers where I will take water and spritz it with grape juice or cranberry or apple, even orange. It's good to me, and throw in some ice cubes.

According to the book, You on a Diet, you want to stay away from foods where the first five ingredients are 1. sugar, 2. salt, 3. partially hydrogenated oil, 4. meat, 5. enriched wheat flour.

Basically, foods that contain those ingredients are in the middle of the store. So if you shop on the perimeter of the store, you should be fine. That's usually produce, meats, dairy, but does not include processed foods, etc...

I was doing fine until I went out of town for work and had to eat out for two days. I was done after that, and the scale showed just that fast.

Also, I have a veggie steamer. They are great. I use it daily, along wtih my george foreman. I dont cook with anything other than olive oil. You will not find ANY other kind of oil in my house and NOTHING gets fried.

Chlorella has been helping me stay within my caloric requirements and not go over, and it has helped cravings, and helps me to stay full on very little food. I also did not take my chlorella the two days I was out of town as well. I guess my body was revolting from all that bad change.

I hope this helps you both and also anyone else that comes along and reads it. Like Atlanta said, weight training is good foryou. I do get teh same results she does. I get leaner and burn fat easier. My tummy is in a zone of it's own. Ihave no idea what to do with it other than lipo. I am praying that the Lord finds a reasonable answer to that issue for me. I have well toned and defined abs, but they lay underneath loads of belly fat.
On a side note, this nettle tea has got my head itchin like crazy! Sometimes it's like these slightly strong sensations in my scalp, they like itch but burn at the same time. Dont know how to explain it. but it happens right after I drink the tea. I have to squeeze my head to get them to stop, it's like super stimulation in my scalp.... But today I'm itching like crazy... Anybody else experiencing this?
Just letting everyone know that sense spring break I'm finally back up to at least 4 grams, 1 full tablespoon scoop. I've been mixing my naked juice or bolthouse farms green goodness drink with applejuice cuz it's so thick by itself along with the chlorella. I didn't have a full detox like before because I guess I was re catching up but I am finally green again, and going 2 times a day now. I've had a sore throat the past couple of days maybe it's still part of my detox. I'm never sure if I'm detoxing or having other symptoms
:arrowup: I got the itches when I first started drinking nettle tea also!! It's not so bad now.

A friend just told me about this free download, I haven't read it yet but she seams to be impressed with it and she is no bigger than 1 minute so I figure its worth a read:

ETA: Warning: Do not view page 27 !!

And ignore some of the food suggestions he make in this document. The heart of the message is good, just please don't look at page 27. :nono:
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