How about taking Chlorella?

What type of Chlorella are you taking

  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 72 24.7%
  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 60 20.6%
  • Sun chlorella Tablets

    Votes: 22 7.6%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 13 4.5%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Earthrise Tablets

    Votes: 23 7.9%
  • Now Chlorella Tablet

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Now Chlorella Powder

    Votes: 8 2.7%
  • Vitamin Shoppe Super Chlorella

    Votes: 34 11.7%
  • Other Chlorella brand

    Votes: 45 15.5%

  • Total voters
Jax - The flaxseeds I use are made by Barleans Forti Flax and I love it in my shake, I have no problems with it, I love the nuttiness of the seeds. I also put it in my Greek yogurt.


Thanks girl. I have flax seeds too, I just don't know how else to eat them. We use them on breads and crackers and when making veggie balls and burgers as a binder but I feel I need to eat more. I'll add them to our shakes too. Rarely eat yoghurt now as I'm staying off dairy (except the occassional cheese and very occassional butter), but once I get how to make nut yoghurts I'll try it in those too. I guess there are countless ways of incorporating more into the diet... just experiment..... Thanks again chick!
Thanks for adding the additional uses to the quickstart, LD. Here's my contribution to the skin portion. You're welcome to condense it any way you wish.

Originally Posted by Lebiya View Post
I’d like to start making a chorella mask/paste as well.

What are some good natural things I can mix with CHL …good for Acne?

You could try something gentle like cetaphil. I'm a former aesthetician and one of the things I would always stress for my customers is to stay away from anything too strong or astringent for their skin trying to force it to behave.

It may shock you to know that all the products on the market targeted towards oily skin, normal skin, etc etc etc are all rediculous as all skin needs the same things.

1. a gentle cleanser. cetaphil is my favorite
2. regular exfoliation. when I was giving regular facials I had to sell women all kinds of hoopla, but the best natural exfoliator, IMO is a mixture of baking soda, apple cider vinegar and water. Enough to make a paste. Gentle circles as applying, no pressure. This can be done every other day, but it's gentle enough that daily won't hurt.
3. Moisture. Yep, I said moisture! Even if you think you have oily skin. A couple drops of your cetaphil cleanser will do. (yep, your cetaphil cleanser can double as a moisturizer. it's that gentle!) If you suffer from acne you can add the tiniest dollop of 10% solution benzoyl peroxide to your cetaphil as you smooth it on your face for moisture.

When I first went to skin care school, many of the girls there (including me!) had acne prone skin. Our skin was gorgeous by the end and all we really did were the above three steps. Sure we did the most expensive glycolic treatments on each other for the exfoliation part, but that's because it was accessible to us for training purposes. Really just good ole baking soda, vinegar and water will do the trick nicely.

I'm sorry this is a bit off topic. I wanted to share since skin seems to be a reoccuring concern within the thread. I hope this helps someone.

How much baking soda, apple cider vinegar and water should be added to the mixture?

You'll use about a tablespoon of baking soda, a capful of vinegar and a capful of water. When I say capful, I mean the tiny one that comes on the 16 oz White House vinegar bottles.

Another thing I forgot to mention. You don't want to use wash cloths or towels on your face. Reason being, we only wash our cloths once a week or so and bacteria can build up. I wash with cetaphil (or sometimes the knock offs) and then use a paper towel to remove. No water is really necessary, but some would rather rinse before using the paper towel. I'm sure whatever your preference will be fine. Always rinse after exfoliating with the baking soda/vinegar mixture, though. Then dry with the paper towel. In my bathroom I keep the "pick a size" paper towels so I don't use too many. I wash my face morning and night but only exfoliate when I feel the need. When I was getting my skin together, I exfoliated every other day.
In regards to PCOS

Started with 5 instead of 10 tablets today...I have PCOS and deal with all of the usual symptoms. Does it help with balancing hormones and everything else that PCOS brings along. I have been taking Spirulina since last FRI. It has done wonders with my painful Ovarian Cysts.

Hey Ebaby, what cured my PCOS is by going low carb and losing ~30lbs! I am no longer considered PCOS, no acne, facial hairs minimum and have normal periods!
Hey LD,

The facial mask that I have been using is just Chl and aloe vera gel. Just make it pasty enough to stick to your face, lol. I read somewhere that aloe vera was also good for acne. I just keep it on overnight.
Hello all after joining this forum I decided to take Chlorella. I can say it has been about 10 days and my eyelashes are noticably longer:grin: which is great because I have always had very thin eyelashes. Also I think my skin is glowing more a bit. I am definately feeling the detox tiredness but it has been bearable. I have found that I have an increase in appetite since taking it....dunno if that is a side effect. I feel great taking it though and will have to wait a bit longer to see what effects it has on my hair. My sister who has lupus is taking it and said that since taking it she has not been having numbness in her feet that she used to have. My youngest sister is taking it but cut back on how much she was taking because the effects of the detoxing was too much for her. Hoping this will help my hair to grow out faster as I transition.

The three abide faith, hope and love

I'm in my third week of taking chlorella and I too have noticed long eyelashes - something I've never had. I'm actually amazed because out of nowhere I just happened to be doing my makeup and thought to myself, "Man, my eyelashes look really long today!" :yay:

I also experienced a lot of fatigue my first week taking chlorella. I just took short naps and was fine. I've also noticed that I wake up more easily and I'm more alert during the day. I have been having night sweats as well, but I didn't know if I should attribute that constant changes in temperature or the chlorella. :confused:

I haven't had a major decrease in appetite through, but I think that is because I'm only taking 2g each day. Once I increase, I'm sure that will happen.

I've also started drinking Green Machine Naked Juice and the green Bolthouse juice. I don't drink it too often because it does have quite a few calories for one serving, but I do like that fact that it's extremely nutritious.
Thanks for adding the additional uses to the quickstart, LD. Here's my contribution to the skin portion. You're welcome to condense it any way you wish.

Originally Posted by Lebiya View Post
I’d like to start making a chorella mask/paste as well.

What are some good natural things I can mix with CHL …good for Acne?

How much baking soda, apple cider vinegar and water should be added to the mixture?

Thanks so much sheba1!:grin:
I'm in my third week of taking chlorella and I too have noticed long eyelashes - something I've never had. I'm actually amazed because out of nowhere I just happened to be doing my makeup and thought to myself, "Man, my eyelashes look really long today!" :yay:

I also experienced a lot of fatigue my first week taking chlorella. I just took short naps and was fine. I've also noticed that I wake up more easily and I'm more alert during the day. I have been having night sweats as well, but I didn't know if I should attribute that constant changes in temperature or the chlorella. :confused:

I haven't had a major decrease in appetite through, but I think that is because I'm only taking 2g each day. Once I increase, I'm sure that will happen.

I've also started drinking Green Machine Naked Juice and the green Bolthouse juice. I don't drink it too often because it does have quite a few calories for one serving, but I do like that fact that it's extremely nutritious.

Thanks for checking in Mw138!

Next thing you know there's going to be a bunch of fabulous, healthy, long haired beauties with gorgeous skin, long eyelashes unleashed upon the world!:grin:

Love chlorella:love2:
My skin is still clear, not a pimple in site. My spots are fading fast also, I'm using a moisturizer at night with 15% glycolic acid in it and a fade cream in the morning. This is the fastest my skin has turned around after a major breakout.

I attribute that to the CHL long with the herbal remedies.. I'm so thankful to have a handle on this problem.
My skin is still clear, not a pimple in site. My spots are fading fast also, I'm using a moisturizer at night with 15% glycolic acid in it and a fade cream in the morning. This is the fastest my skin has turned around after a major breakout.

I attribute that to the CHL long with the herbal remedies.. I'm so thankful to have a handle on this problem.

im looking for a good glycolic lotion for my face. which brand r u using?
I have been using Chlorella and witch hazel mask. It's the bomb! I exfoliate first, then I leave the mask on for 3 hours and my skin glows after!!! I am in love with this mask! :love:
I have been lax with this, hoping i'd still get the regularity after weening off....but luck ;(
Hi Ladies,

I am approaching my fourth week on CHL and 3rd on SPRL. Okay, I have to tell you something, I was sitting here frustrated cause I saw all the "longer eyelash" posts and I had not noticed mine before so I begrudgingly got up and went in the bathroom to look and lo and behold those little buggers have GROWN. How in the world did I miss that? I have spend untold dollars trying to grow my eyelashes with protein treatments etc. So that is Praise number one!

Here is a summary of what I have noticed after 4 wks.

Appetite has definitely lessened.
Cellulite on back of legs has really really lessened to the point that I don't see any!

Nails are still weak but it appears they are going through metamorphisis because they keep breaking off and coming back stronger.
Clearer Skin, was having softer hair but I think something is amiss, my hair is rebelling lately.

Wake up with ease in the morning, still not a morning person but I am able to get up BEFORE the alarm clock without killing a bunch of people with my mean looks and unkind wishes! I am now just grumpy, not murderous!
Belly still looks flatter and legs more curvaceous.

I have not put on any type of deoderant in 4 wks now! odor!

My facial hair has lessened quite considerably and that area of my face has really, really smoothed out. It was like I had ingrown hair bumps and they have flattened and dissappeared. Still a little hair growth but I am watching closely to see what CHL/SPRL has planned for that area!

Finally here is my BIGGIE, I had to have a tooth pulled this week and I am not in ANY PAIN, you all ain't heard me, I took a pain pill the first day and that was IT! I kid you not!!!

Now, here is the wish list that I hope CHL/SPRL will address soon:

Weight fluctuation, my weight loss has pretty much stopped. I got down to 201 from 207 at the start but now all I do is bounce up and down between 203 and 201 for the last 2 wks. I have cut back on CHL this week to try to balance myself out.

Fatigue Issues-I hope that I will be able to get that straight soon, most of the time I am quite energetic but there are days I still need to rest...badly.

Here's my recipe for ultra soft and beautiful, glowing skin

1/2 tsp of chlorella
1 tablespoon of bentonite clay (ain't nothin else like it, not even rhassoul)
1 tsp of aloe vera
1/2 tsp olive oil

mix together and keep on for atleast 10 to 15 mins. Face will become extremely green and tight. It will take a little effort to rinse off but once your face is dry...Angels sing!

For natural exfoliation, I will sometimes use finely crushed almonds but I really don't need that too much, the CHL and Bentonite groove together!

Sorry so long but I have cut down on the amount of posts and wanted to get everything in. Love to you all! :yep:
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I have been using Chlorella and witch hazel mask. It's the bomb! I exfoliate first, then I leave the mask on for 3 hours and my skin glows after!!! I am in love with this mask! :love:

I used this combination last night. I didn't notice anything right away... I'm hoping (no praying) that with continued use I will the results that everyone else is raving about.

It's only been a week for me, and between the increased appetite and crater face I don't know how much longer I can continue "being green"... please send some encouragement my way, ladies.

Thanks and God Bless-
So I received my powder yesterday just as my pills were running out.:grin: I mistakenly thought the powder was 2 gm per serving and took two tsp on top of the 8 pills I took earlier which equaled nearly 8 grams when I had been taking 4 gms previously. About 30 mins later my knees started aching SO bad. I had to actually take pain medicine. :nono: I've had knee issues but it's been along time since my knees ached like that. Coincidence or chlorella? I'm leaning towards chlorella and will see how my body does with 6 gms today.
I used this combination last night. I didn't notice anything right away... I'm hoping (no praying) that with continued use I will the results that everyone else is raving about.

It's only been a week for me, and between the increased appetite and crater face I don't know how much longer I can continue "being green"... please send some encouragement my way, ladies.

Thanks and God Bless-

Stay encouraged! :grin: I know that I have been taking CHL for about a month now and I don't have every result others have raved about either. I do know that we are all different and some things take longer to experience for some than others. When I first started taking it, I had the "itchies" that I didn't see others write about. I learned here that it was part of detox. I also had to deal with alot of gas :fart:! My skin had broken out and it is just now starting to clear up. My nails are slowly but surely getting stronger, and my grays are just starting to pop around my hairline (which means some growth). When I first started, my appetite was decent during the day, but at night, I craved everything plus the kitchen sink! :chocbunny: That is just now starting to come under control. If you stay consistent, I believe CHL will prove itself and you will get the effects that you desire. HTH!

I jumped on the Chlorella bandwagon two weeks ago after reading the glowing reviews but I feel sluggish which I understand may be due to the detox process.

How long will the sluggishness last?
I'm so thrilled to have access to this information! Thank you!
I started taking the Source Naturals tablets the day before yesterday, and I went green today! Umm, I have a feeling I'm alone on this one... but I actually like the taste. :look: I've been taking 2g, chewing up the tablets, and washing it down with water.

It's funny, when I chew and swallow the pills, this wonderful sense of calm washes over me. Its like meditation in a pill or something lol. My energy level is always pretty high, but it seems that the chlorella still boosted it higher than it usually is. I can't wait to see what happens as things progress! No detox reactions to speak of.. and I'm getting the feeling that I can comfortably up my intake to 4g. Yay! I think this is a keeper :clapping:

ETA: Duh, forgot to mention the thing that got me most excited lol. Over the past two days I've been peeing nonstop, and now my body is much leaner looking and my clothes fit better!
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I'm so thrilled to have access to this information! Thank you!
I started taking the Source Naturals tablets the day before yesterday, and I went green today! Umm, I have a feeling I'm alone on this one... but I actually like the taste. :look: I've been taking 2g, chewing up the tablets, and washing it down with water.

It's funny, when I chew and swallow the pills, this wonderful sense of calm washes over me. Its like meditation in a pill or something lol. My energy level is always pretty high, but it seems that the chlorella still boosted it higher than it usually is. I can't wait to see what happens as things progress! No detox reactions to speak of.. and I'm getting the feeling that I can comfortably up my intake to 4g. Yay! I think this is a keeper :clapping:

ETA: Duh, forgot to mention the thing that got me most excited lol. Over the past two days I've been peeing nonstop, and now my body is much leaner looking and my clothes fit better!

YOU are not alone! Jaxhair and I have mentioned enjoying the taste, as well. :yep: I'm not sure if it's the product or the way it makes me feel as I drink it but I really enjoy it. I just sip it all morning at work until it's time to head to lunch. :)

Yep, and you can be seriously excited that there are a bunch of toxins coming out with all that liquid. Remember to drink plenty of water to replenish!

Welcome to the green side! :look: Sorry.... I couldn't resist lol
I've been on CHL for 3 days now. This evening I decided to mix up some henna for tomorrow and I found myself wondering....

has anyone tried CHL directly on hair??
either as a treatment or added to henna?
Could someone please explain the purpose of increase the grams. I'm a newbie to Chlorella and don't know why everyone is doing this.

Thanks for adding the additional uses to the quickstart, LD. Here's my contribution to the skin portion. You're welcome to condense it any way you wish.

Originally Posted by Lebiya View Post
I’d like to start making a chorella mask/paste as well.

What are some good natural things I can mix with CHL …good for Acne?

How much baking soda, apple cider vinegar and water should be added to the mixture?

Thanks for the facial recipe, Sheba.... Also, what can I put on my face to tighten my pores and make them smaller? Thanks!
Okay ladies, this is my weekly check in, although I've been MIA for like two...

so let me tell yall what happened... After all of the support about my weightloss emotional crash I had from you all, I had to end up going out of town short notice for work. During those two days I had to eat out and got terribly sick from it. My body can't handle stress along with fast food and dining out, even if it's fine dining. on top of that, I started using birth control again because I was scared I was going to have a bad period if I didn't. The result of all of this was a 3lb weight gain. I had gotten down to 197 from 206/207, and the weekend before last when I went away, I went back up to 200.... Compounded with my job situation and finances, and having to move again short notice, I was threw. I cried for two whole days. It was like I was managing everything well, but those 3 pounds pushed me right over the edge.

I have been so depressed about it and just irately upset that I didn't even want to come up here and post it, and I didn't... I know, dont fuss at me. I was just so disappointed and infuriated.

So I did come up here and read what's been going on and I saw a post that LD made talking about a man who had gained weight from his dosage and had decreased it. I've been maintaining 9grams for weeks now and never had an issue with weight gain, I've been losing 2lbs per week consistently. So maybe it was a new detox issue, and probably the birth control. So I picked myself up by the bootstraps, well, the Lord actually handed them to me, (LOL), and began to workout again this week (continuing my regular regimen), and I decreased my dosage back down to 3 grams, after going at 9grams for 2 months, and I got rid of my birth control.... I went to the gym today, since last Wednesday weighing in at 200, and today I weighed 194...

Like WTFreak? was going on!!! Seriously?! The relief that came over me and the joy was so great.... I dont understand, but I do thank God in his infinite mercy because I was really really down. I am still concerned with my belly as it is very resistant to exercise, and I've been wanting lipo for a year now. Every other part of my body responds well to exercise and dieting, but my belly..

So althogh I'm not actually green at 3grams, I may push it up to 6, but monitor my body closely. Please also pray for me, for those of you who believe in prayer, specifically to Jesus (lol, just had to say that), that my periods will normalized with the Chlorella. I have severe cramping, nausea, vomitting, and they dont come on schedule, and usually every 19 days... With all that, it is my prayer and hope that this would be the Lord's providence for my obvious hormonal issues, and that whatever else could exist internally, that this would take care of those issues that doctors have not been able to give me a justified answer for other than it's just my body...

I know this is all a lot, but thank you all for listening, and again, I humbly ask that you pray for me for my weight loss and my belly issue, as well as my periods... Nothing is certainly too big for God... Thanks for your prayers in advance. I would so appreciate it!

By the way, my weight loss goal is to get down to 175-180... that would be 30 lbs...

Oh, and in the spirit of giving back, my chlorella lotion has been working wonders on my skin. I have eczema and lots of scarring on teh body, especially in teh creases, and so the lotion has been workign wonders, and lightening very well. Also, I've been taking flax oil everyday. It's amazing how soft my skin is and supple, and it just glows. Another thing, I just bought some licorice extract and have been using it everyday on teh really bad scars, they are fading beautifully. If you google it, you can see the benefits of licorice extract. It's the glabridin in it that causes a skin lightening effect b/c it combats melanin overproduction or melasma in the skin. My face and body are starting to look great and bright, and very clear! Let me know if you have any questions, I will be happy to answer.

One more thing, for those concerned about hair growth (and no, I dont have pics, sorry) but I cut my hair Jan 6 to a little above my shoulder, from at least 1.5 inches below shoulder length, and it has all grown back and some more. So I'm really glad about that. I should have arm pit length hair, but I've had some oopsies and things to learn about my hair since October that have caused me to have about 3 set backs, but momma is on the roll now. I should be good this coming fall to reach my first goal, full apl...
Thanks in advance, Trinia
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Oh, and in the spirit of giving back, my chlorella lotion has been working wonders on my skin. I have eczema and lots of scarring on teh body, especially in teh creases, and so the lotion has been workign wonders, and lightening very well. Also, I've been taking flax oil everyday. It's amazing how soft my skin is and supple, and it just glows. Another thing, I just bought some licorice extract and have been using it everyday on teh really bad scars, they are fading beautifully. If you google it, you can see the benefits of licorice extract. It's the glabridin in it that causes a skin lightening effect b/c it combats melanin overproduction or melasma in the skin. My face and body are starting to look great and bright, and very clear! Let me know if you have any questions, I will be happy to answer.
Did you get the powder?
Hi Belle Reveuse28,

You were on my mind today. I noticed you were absent from the thread. Guess that was the Lord telling me to pray for you. I'm glad you made it through that mini wilderness and you're back.

I decided to drop my dose too. I went from 10 g to 12 g and now I'm just down to 6 g. Maybe my cycle will reappear. Who knows. Maybe I'll have better weight loss results.

Sending you hugsssss. Glad to see you checking back in. As you can see we all missed you.
Welcome back Belle Reveuse28! You had a lot going on. Glad your weight situation is working in your favor!

Prayerfully your cycle will become regular and pain free real soon. I know mine got lighter and pain free two months in a row. Chlorella is different for everybody, I know you know that, but hang in there, your GREEN changes are coming! :yep:
I'm so thrilled to have access to this information! Thank you!
I started taking the Source Naturals tablets the day before yesterday, and I went green today! Umm, I have a feeling I'm alone on this one... but I actually like the taste. :look: I've been taking 2g, chewing up the tablets, and washing it down with water.

It's funny, when I chew and swallow the pills, this wonderful sense of calm washes over me. Its like meditation in a pill or something lol. My energy level is always pretty high, but it seems that the chlorella still boosted it higher than it usually is. I can't wait to see what happens as things progress! No detox reactions to speak of.. and I'm getting the feeling that I can comfortably up my intake to 4g. Yay! I think this is a keeper :clapping:

ETA: Duh, forgot to mention the thing that got me most excited lol. Over the past two days I've been peeing nonstop, and now my body is much leaner looking and my clothes fit better!

welcome! i like the taste too :yep: