How about taking Chlorella?

What type of Chlorella are you taking

  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 72 24.7%
  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 60 20.6%
  • Sun chlorella Tablets

    Votes: 22 7.6%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 13 4.5%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Earthrise Tablets

    Votes: 23 7.9%
  • Now Chlorella Tablet

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Now Chlorella Powder

    Votes: 8 2.7%
  • Vitamin Shoppe Super Chlorella

    Votes: 34 11.7%
  • Other Chlorella brand

    Votes: 45 15.5%

  • Total voters
Where's Muse at? I haven't seen her around here lately? Muse! How's it going?

I know she was swamped with work. I miss her.:yep:

It's like a part of the chlorella family has gone mia.

I know she's coming back, though.:yep:
Hey Girl Talk!

I do have more energy. tons, but not tons in the way you may think as I was already HUGELY lacking in that area despite eating right because of health stuff. So the chlorella gave me way more energy than usual so I'm happy about that. However I'm still a little depleted but that's health stuff that takes time. As for the growth and thickness WOWZA! And I'm talking thick. It's like parting (I can't think of a metaphor but think of something HUGE)---when I have to divide it for cornrows. And I'm all natural so it's not "new growth" versus relaxer. It's just a heck of a lot thicker (and it was already thick so it's a crazy thickness party on my head)! I've been taking chlorella for a little over two months now. I started it the last week of Jan. I am at 12 grams but I alternate between 9 and 12. I don't know why don't ask me. Sometimes I take 3 scoops and sometimes four. It just depends on my mood. I'm pretty high up so I don't think that it matters if I cut down sometimes. HTH I also eat well at 80 percent veggies 20 percent meat roughly most being fish and some chicken. When I say veggies I'm also including fruits and wholegrains but you get the idea. HTH

The hair thickness sounds great! Are you just noticing the thickness/growth this week, or sometime before? I too have a high intake of fruit because I have one of those Jack Lelaine juicers, but I only eat fish 2x's/week. It's been 9 days for me so I've got a ways to go. Keep us posted on your results!
The hair thickness sounds great! Are you just noticing the thickness/growth this week, or sometime before? I too have a high intake of fruit because I have one of those Jack Lelaine juicers, but I only eat fish 2x's/week. It's been 9 days for me so I've got a ways to go. Keep us posted on your results!

Well I've been noticing that it's thicker since chlorella. But it's been two months of growth, so it's even more noticeable now and I just washed and conditioned on friday before braiding it back up and boy it was like a work out, just getting a straight part for my cornrows.:lachen: It's not rough, though, it's very soft and silky, but it's a LOT of it. I am natural, but it seems that the hair growing out now is really thick (since chlorella). As for fruit I eat it, but I try to limit it as my metabolism is really sluggish from thyroid stuff. But I do eat required amounts and I really up my veggies and fish! I also like whole grains too. Fish 2x a week is better than most. At least you eat it Girl Talk! My friends keep commenting about my hair (when it's down) and they know I'm on a fish kick. Yet they still can't bring themselves to eat more. Or even once a week. I do eat all kind of seafood to mix it up so my fish decodes for seafood. When they go out with me they know what I'm ordering...even if I'm at a mexican stand it's going to be shrimp or fish tacos, or if I'm at a greek restaurant you guessed If I eat italian even if it's alfredo it's going to be shrimp. sandwich? Fish! You guessed it. Same is true when I go to japanese restaurants and order sushi. I used to be afraid to eat it until my friend explained that the vinegar cooks it so it's not raw. Once I got over my fear, and tasted it, it was sooo good. :yep:I also eat tuna salad and stuff a lot (and I'm not a fan of Tuna but I am a fan of what it does to my skin and hair. I love other types of fish but NOT tuna and I still eat it because gosh darn it, it's so good for me!). Occasionally I'll eat fried fish (love it but trying to stay away from the fried goodies). Every type of seafood and fish but tuna I'm a fan of, so if it's good I'm eating it for sure.

Your diet seems like you're off to a great start. The more fish anyone can incorporate the better. I'm not even worried about mercury cause chlorella takes out metals and toxins. Doesn't mean I don't try to eat organic and good choices of seafood, though.

But I will say this,
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But I will say this,
The more fish anyone can incorporate the better. I don't know what it is that just jump starts hair growth (about it). I know people say omegas but I've taken omega vits and stuff and nothing does it like fish to help slow hair growth combined with chlorella and nettle, the new growth is off the charts.
Congratulations ladies on the great results! I am joining in on the chlorella and I am so excited! After reading the success you all have had and doing some research of my own, I ordered a bottle of Source Naturals Tablets from Swanson Vitamins. I took my first dose yesterday, I started with 2G and plan to increase to 3G my 4th day.
Congratulations ladies on the great results! I am joining in on the chlorella and I am so excited! After reading the success you all have had and doing some research of my own, I ordered a bottle of Source Naturals Tablets from Swanson Vitamins. I took my first dose yesterday, I started with 2G and plan to increase to 3G my 4th day.

Welcome! Can't wait to hear your results. Keep us posted.
I want to cry! I was on my way to Vitamin Shoppe to stock up on more Chlorella and BOOM! I had a blow out on my pickup truck. :cry: All the used tire places are closed until Monday (I won't be here because I have to leave town this evening to deliver a load in Mississippi). I called a Tire Kingdom and they want to charge $250 for a new tire. :wallbash: I ended up calling roadside assistance and had to get towed back to my house.

I think the tow truck driver felt sorry for me so he took me to Vitamin Shoppe so I could get what I need since it was only about 3/4 mile from where I had the blow out.

I have been there! Tow truck guys are wonderful!
Hey girls, mini update and Q... I got up to 12g and then some of my detox symptoms disappeared but others (constipation, sluggishness) hit me. I also fell off the eating well bandwagon a little, OK a lot. There seemed to be cake n choccy in my office e'ryday and, well, you know the rest. Anyway I decided to scale my dose back and creep up again as necessary. I still have noticeably clearer skin, even having eaten some foolishness this past week, yay!

For those ladies also taking spirulina, can you recommend a brand? I plan to incorporate this soon.

Earthrise is the brand I use, mainly because they manufacture their own. I am well pleased.
Just checking in ladies; currently at 9 grams...will increase to 10 grams this weekend.

Do I need to decrease now? I forgot..I know a lot of ladies have decreased once they hit a certain dosage, but Im not sure why you all do it.

Also, I have to get a surgery for my Crohn's...and my doc says I can't take certain medications for about 2 weeks...and I DON'T want to stop taking chorella for anybody!! It IS considered a food, right? And, nope my gastro doc does not know I'm taking chlorella because he wouldn't even want me taking it...

Should i be okay if I continue taking it, before the surgery and after...i'm hoping after because I need to HEAL.
I upped my Chlorellagm today to 4. I will continue with 3g of Spirulina. I don't have any aliments so I think I will max out a 5 unless there are other benefits to higher dosages.
Just checking in ladies; currently at 9 grams...will increase to 10 grams this weekend.

Do I need to decrease now? I forgot..I know a lot of ladies have decreased once they hit a certain dosage, but Im not sure why you all do it.

Also, I have to get a surgery for my Crohn's...and my doc says I can't take certain medications for about 2 weeks...and I DON'T want to stop taking chorella for anybody!! It IS considered a food, right? And, nope my gastro doc does not know I'm taking chlorella because he wouldn't even want me taking it...

Should i be okay if I continue taking it, before the surgery and after...i'm hoping after because I need to HEAL.

Chlorella is a food. It's full of all the vits and minerals the body needs. Would he recommend you stop eating salad before a surgery? You could tell him you've been eating veggies and also added a food algae chlorella to your that okay? I know you don't want to but if you really want to double check. I haven't seen warnings about surgeries from taking chlorella.

BTW if you have chron's why would you lower unless you want to? I am at 12 grams and I have Grave's and won't be lowering for months and months. I'll only lower to the maintanence dose when it goes to work on my illness, and hopefully helps it or cures it and the other stuff I have going on. The bigger doses are for illness, and also for vegetarians or those who don't have adequate protein sources so you can stay high forever if you really wanted to. People lower to save money, if they aren't ill, if they have enough protein from elsewhere, etc after they get the benefits they want.
I upped my Chlorellagm today to 4. I will continue with 3g of Spirulina. I don't have any aliments so I think I will max out a 5 unless there are other benefits to higher dosages.

I think 6 is the recommended maintanence dose from the article I posted, but babydollhair has taken 3 grams successfully so why not five? It's up to you. Good to hear from you.
BTW everyone thanks for your skin recipes w/ chlorella and all the other stuff. I'll post it in the quick start guide in the next couple of days. Because of you, others will be able to benefit and for that I owe much thanks! Who knew a little chlorella thread would grow so big and help so many? I thank God that I posted this info and others are able to be blessed from it and spread those blessings with their knowledge and information (including everyone's experiences with the chlorella).:yep:
If anyone is getting rashes or breaking out (I got a couple pm's). Please know that it will go away. You are not alone. I had a tiny rash on my FACE by my eye for half a week and it went away. Chlorella is flushing those toxins out of your body. Drink lots of water, try to eat well (or at least most of the time) and ride it out. The end results will be well worth it.
Ok, I read about about 150 pages...there is NO way I will ever catch up on this thread.

Last Monday I tried the Bolthouse Greendrink, taste good but could NOT look at it...LOL! I've only drank 8oz per day. Obviously not enough...I will continue that and mid month I will add Chlorella tablets. I don't think I will like the powder.

I sure wish there was a summary of all this information. Thank you to everybody who has taken part in getting this information together and all the feedback!
As for the growth and thickness WOWZA! And I'm talking thick. It's like parting (I can't think of a metaphor but think of something HUGE)---when I have to divide it for cornrows. And I'm all natural so it's not "new growth" versus relaxer. It's just a heck of a lot thicker (and it was already thick so it's a crazy thickness party on my head)!

me too girl, it really is crazy!!:drunk:
I've been wearing cornrows only since i've been on the "C-Train" lol.
I still keep up my regime but when i take the cornrows out, the thickness of my natural hair is unbelieveable!! I'M LOVING THIS:yay:
But I will say this,
The more fish anyone can incorporate the better. I don't know what it is that just jump starts hair growth (about it). I know people say omegas but I've taken omega vits and stuff and nothing does it like fish to help slow hair growth combined with chlorella and nettle, the new growth is off the charts.

add eggs to that list :yep:

i've upped my protein dramatically and lowered my carbs, mostly i'm eating fish, veg, eggs,meat, salads and gallons of water.
my hair, skin and body is thanking me for it :yep:
Just checking in ladies; currently at 9 grams...will increase to 10 grams this weekend.

Do I need to decrease now? I forgot..I know a lot of ladies have decreased once they hit a certain dosage, but Im not sure why you all do it.

Also, I have to get a surgery for my Crohn's...and my doc says I can't take certain medications for about 2 weeks...and I DON'T want to stop taking chorella for anybody!! It IS considered a food, right? And, nope my gastro doc does not know I'm taking chlorella because he wouldn't even want me taking it...

Should i be okay if I continue taking it, before the surgery and after...i'm hoping after because I need to HEAL.

my surgery incisions have gotten so soft. they healed and went hard but since i started chlorella the incisions are softening and beginning to look like my normal skin which i'm very happy with, the incisions were only very small but are fading/blending with my skin :)
wow 93 pages long already!!! :spinning:

ok,me and two of my sisters have noticed spirulina makes your menstrual cycle longer

mine stopped after 4 days then restarted

sister no1 went on for 7 days, sister no2 cycle lasted 6!!!

our periods usually last for 2-4 days...

luckily chlorella has made mines pain free, but i miss my short cycles!!
its the second month of this now
add eggs to that list :yep:

i've upped my protein dramatically and lowered my carbs, mostly i'm eating fish, veg, eggs,meat, salads and gallons of water.
my hair, skin and body is thanking me for it :yep:

Sounds like you're also a fat burning machine!
Plus you've really increased your health, skin, and hair growth potential with that diet!
I do eat eggs every morning for breakfast. They're the fastest thing when you're on the go...hmmm
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Ok, I read about about 150 pages...there is NO way I will ever catch up on this thread.

Last Monday I tried the Bolthouse Greendrink, taste good but could NOT look at it...LOL! I've only drank 8oz per day. Obviously not enough...I will continue that and mid month I will add Chlorella tablets. I don't think I will like the powder.

I sure wish there was a summary of all this information. Thank you to everybody who has taken part in getting this information together and all the feedback!
Welcome Pixel Lady:grin:
Don't fret, you just need post 1 and 2 to get started: it contains a quick start guide. When you're starting I'm sure any of the ladies who've been in it for the long haul will be glad to chime in and help if I'm not around. In addition some of the newbies may be experiencing something similar (as chlorella works on each body different) and might be able to chime in:yep:
People finished all the juice in the house!! So I have to take my chlorella with water today :S .... I'm getting used to the taste though ... it's not so bad. But the spirullina!! Man!! And it sticks to my teeth too!
I am on the chlorella bandwagon! And spirulina. I read that one should take twice as much spirulina as chlorella. So if I do 6g of chlorella I'll do 12g of spirulina.
I am on the chlorella bandwagon! And spirulina. I read that one should take twice as much spirulina as chlorella. So if I do 6g of chlorella I'll do 12g of spirulina.

You have the ratio correct, but you don't have to start out that way, work your way up to it so you can see the response of your body. Do enjoy, it is a great GREEN combo!
People finished all the juice in the house!! So I have to take my chlorella with water today :S .... I'm getting used to the taste though ... it's not so bad. But the spirullina!! Man!! And it sticks to my teeth too!

I know what you mean, the juice does not last in my house either. :blush:
wow 93 pages long already!!! :spinning:

ok,me and two of my sisters have noticed spirulina makes your menstrual cycle longer

mine stopped after 4 days then restarted

sister no1 went on for 7 days, sister no2 cycle lasted 6!!!

our periods usually last for 2-4 days...

luckily chlorella has made mines pain free, but i miss my short cycles!!
its the second month of this now

The body is re-adjusting, your cycles will return to normal. It's a great GREEN combo!
Sounds like you're also a fat burning machine!
Plus you've really increased your health, skin, and hair growth potential with that diet!
I do eat eggs every morning for breakfast. They're the fastest thing when you're on the go...hmmm

yes, i need to get rid of my "babies weight!" lol

when i had this diet in 2004 it was the healthiest i felt and the best i've looked in my life :yep:

eggs are yummy, fast and very convienient. :lick: