How about taking Chlorella?

What type of Chlorella are you taking

  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 72 24.7%
  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 60 20.6%
  • Sun chlorella Tablets

    Votes: 22 7.6%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 13 4.5%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Earthrise Tablets

    Votes: 23 7.9%
  • Now Chlorella Tablet

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Now Chlorella Powder

    Votes: 8 2.7%
  • Vitamin Shoppe Super Chlorella

    Votes: 34 11.7%
  • Other Chlorella brand

    Votes: 45 15.5%

  • Total voters
I want in too. I am a newbie, sorta. I got my Source Naturals Yaeyama Tablets and Earthrise Tablets. I just took 3 of one and 5 of another, then ate my Special K. I am looking forward to the benefits from it. Ieven turned my mom onto all the knowlegde and information learned on this forum. I LOVE IT! Should I continue to take my other vitamins that I was taking? It was MSM, a B vitamin, wheat germ oil in, and horsetail all were tabs.
I guess everyone's body is different because I don't have any problems with Soy. I guess we all have to know our bodies and what they like and don't like. I have read conflicting reports on the benefits and / or harming effects of soy. I know the Japanese women consume large amounts of soy and they are healthier as a culture in general. I switch up to rice milk and sometimes almond milk, so it's all good if you ask me. Just depends on how your body reacts to things.
Soy messes w/ me. You could also try almond milk. it doesn't have much sugar and it's made from pressed almonds. There really isn't any real milk in it. I love it:lick:
I love Almond milk too... I think soy is actually good for older broads like myself who are getting close to the 'change' :lol:
Well first off, just wanted to check in. I've been taking my super chlorella religiously, and energy is still great. I exercise everyday for the first time in my life!

Now eegarding soy:
I was on the egg shake, and my base was vanilla soy milk. But like 3 other products in my shake contained soy. I thought soy was such a wonderful additive, especially when, for the first time in my life, my cycle was only 3 days and the hair under my arms literally stopped growing. Now if I weren't a member of LHCF, that would've had me jumping for joy. But since I was trying to grow the hair on my head also, I got kind of scared. Plus, I was gaining weight, even though I wasn't eating bad.

Then someone on that thread pointed out that soy isn't so good for you. Being the type of person that doesn't take anyone's word for it, I began researching, and some interesting things came up.
Here are the side-effects of too much soy?

Breast cancer (Soy isoflavones mimic estrogen)
•Calcium deficiencies (soy blocks calcium absorption)
•Cognitive decline (esp. in post menopausal women that have increased levels of estrogen in their blood)
•Endocrine disruption
Hair loss
•Hot flashes
Irregular periods
•Loss of muscle tone
•Painful periods
•Premature aging
•Thyroid cancer
•Thyroid disease
•Thyroid Stimulating Hormone increase
•Uterine cysts
•Vitamin D deficiencies
Weight gain despite workouts and dieting

When I notice that 3 of the listed side effects match what I'm experiencing (Lord knows what else), I immediately stop the shake. A few weeks later, my hair under my arms starts growing again, my next period is normal, and I lose weight without trying hard. I don't want to discourage anyone, but knowledge is power.

Here's a site that has good info about soy.

I could post threads that conflict with this information, but I won't. Just be informed ladies and do whats best for your bodies.
Covergirl, thanks for your info on the green tea. I didn't know that helped... What does it do exactly? Cause I have a whollleeee box of it in the cupboard... I"m going to brew some now. I drink Yogi Tea's "Fasting" tea daily, along with a cup of nettle tea. So now I will add the green tea. How many cups do you drink daily? I may even make a cold version of it with a little honey as my cheat drink for the day since it will have a sweetener...

I'm glad that I am an inspiration to someone. You dont think that when you're struggling that you're inspiring someone else, but the Lord doesn't let our struggles go in vain, does He? I"m so glad of that. I'm glad that you have lost 20 lbs since January. Wish I could say the same. I've lost 13. BUt I've increased my weights and am doing more straight up cardio. Chlorella curbs my appetite enough, but I still like sweets, so that's something I'm going to have to work on, especially now that Atlanta has talked about sugar. You dont realize how much of it you are consuming in a day, especially when it's hidden in things like milk, for goodness sake! I pray you will meet your goal along with the rest of us. I haven't seen the 160's since college... It's defifnitely that time again though!

My doctor mentioned it (Yerba Mate) to me years ago. But I'm sure if google it tons of information will come up. I just started back drinking it since reading a few articles on this forum and others about it's many benefits.

Just a few links that I have run across. I've been known to put worse things in and on my body... don't think green tea can hurt too much. lol

... just a side note- i read a few posts on where some of the guys taking spirulina experienced a decrease in appetite, especially cravings for sweets. I'm seriously considering adding it to my chlorella regimine.

Happy losing...

I had to take a second look at what you wrote and then read the articles because I was a bit stumped considering I've been drinking soy milk exclusively for the last 9 years; I can see how an excessive amount of soy or for that matter any other product would cause problems in the human body; we've seen evidence of that on this thread from some people's body responding adversely to an increase in Chl intake; I would advise moderation on anything we eat, drink, and for that matter do with our hair.

Thanks for the informaition, it was very informative.

I rotate soy, rice and almond milks. I am a little older now so Soy seems to really agree with me. But that's just me. Some women produce more Estrogen than others, I bet they get more symptoms than women (like me who don't) You make an excellent point we have to be informed and do all thing in moderation :yep:
HΞy I've slowly increased back up to 2.5 grams and everythings good. Im taking this along with my shake and wheat grass. So far I've noticed longer eyelashes. Longer stronger nails, and clear skin. Not sure about hair growth yet because i haven't done a real length check
HealthyHair2007 I don't know if I welcomed you but welcome first! Second I hope you're not complaining that you're NOT having detox symptoms:rolleyes: Be happy!!!! I'm sure others wish they were in your shoes. Keep going. It's still working on your body. I'm looking forward to your reports about hair and skin that I know are soon to come!:yep:

Hey Luckiestdestiny,
LOL. Thanks for the encouragement. No complaints here. I know it's working. Atlanta's pollen count was so high today and it didn't even bother me. You talking about happy....:grin:
I am keeping up. I guess now I need to trim the sugar on my protein shakes so they can be even more effective.
It's funny, I rather have the whole detoxification effect more than the growth. I have had all kinds of health issues, so I am ready to start feeling tip top. The growth will come.
Let's keep it going ladies......:yep:
I want in too. I am a newbie, sorta. I got my Source Naturals Yaeyama Tablets and Earthrise Tablets. I just took 3 of one and 5 of another, then ate my Special K. I am looking forward to the benefits from it. Ieven turned my mom onto all the knowlegde and information learned on this forum. I LOVE IT! Should I continue to take my other vitamins that I was taking? It was MSM, a B vitamin, wheat germ oil in, and horsetail all were tabs.

Welcome Cutenss!:grin:

Happy to have you here. As for your vits, some are still taking theres while others are phasing them out as chlorella has so many vits, nutrients, and minerals. Check post #1 and #2 for that info. As for MSM,I thin it's up to you to decide. The B vit shouldn't be necessary unless you need even more. You can take them till your done. By then you'll have upped your intake of chlorella and should get more than enough. Of course if you still want them the more the merrier! Wheat germ oil is just good for you and horsetail instills growth so it's up to you if you want to continue. I sprinkle wheat germ on various items just because it's good for your health. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful it's just that this chlorella journey is a personal one for everyone as it helps the body individually. As it is a whole food it can enhance what you're already doing or be your essential food with all it's vitamins and nutrients. I am using it as my essential nutrient. At my gram dose, it is giving me more than enough of everything I need. Then I also eat right to get in even more nutrients with plenty of organic fish and produce.

Hopefully you can decide what's best for you after reading the first two posts in the whole thread as it will give you even more insight.:yep:
I guess everyone's body is different because I don't have any problems with Soy. I guess we all have to know our bodies and what they like and don't like. I have read conflicting reports on the benefits and / or harming effects of soy. I know the Japanese women consume large amounts of soy and they are healthier as a culture in general. I switch up to rice milk and sometimes almond milk, so it's all good if you ask me. Just depends on how your body reacts to things.

You're right. That report that was posted earlier mention soy affecting thyroid stuff and I already have Grave's disease, so maybe that's what made it's effects more pronounced in me along w/ the fibriods which isn't that prevalent in asian culture, but is in the black american community. In addition asians eat more fermented soy items, and not in it's purer forms. I can tolerate the feremented stuff better. But again like you said it's all good and it depends on the person.

The reason I suggested almond milk for those w/ issues w/ milk and soy is that it's lower in sugar than rice milk (and I know the original post was about stuff that helps with weight loss).
I love Almond milk too... I think soy is actually good for older broads like myself who are getting close to the 'change' :lol:

I heard it's good for helping hormone balance stuff.:yep: I dislike that name the "change" like you're morphing into something else?:spinning::spinning::lachen:

I get on my mom's nerves messing with her with names like that and she just tells me to shut up and laughs. Heck I have a decade and change and I'll be looking for solutions too.

You know she told me that chlorella brought her hot flashes down to next to none. I forgot to add that...or maybe I added that earlier in the thread. Hopefully chlorella can help balance all of us as it works on the body individually.
HΞy I've slowly increased back up to 2.5 grams and everythings good. Im taking this along with my shake and wheat grass. So far I've noticed longer eyelashes. Longer stronger nails, and clear skin. Not sure about hair growth yet because i haven't done a real length check

Congrats on slowly increasing cupcakes,

I know instant gratification is the thing, but sometimes it's best to slow up and get there. At least we still get to where we nee to go!
Hey Luckiestdestiny,
LOL. Thanks for the encouragement. No complaints here. I know it's working. Atlanta's pollen count was so high today and it didn't even bother me. You talking about happy....:grin:
I am keeping up. I guess now I need to trim the sugar on my protein shakes so they can be even more effective.
It's funny, I rather have the whole detoxification effect more than the growth. I have had all kinds of health issues, so I am ready to start feeling tip top. The growth will come.
Let's keep it going ladies......:yep:

I know. I like that everyone here is really interested in helping their bodies and their hair. It's healthy inside and out that counts more to me. I think when we're at our optimal health everything else like hair and skin just falls into place (of course we should take care of these things to make sure it happens but it's a lot easier when the body is healthier)
I guess everyone's body is different because I don't have any problems with Soy. I guess we all have to know our bodies and what they like and don't like. I have read conflicting reports on the benefits and / or harming effects of soy. I know the Japanese women consume large amounts of soy and they are healthier as a culture in general. I switch up to rice milk and sometimes almond milk, so it's all good if you ask me. Just depends on how your body reacts to things.

Very true. it's all about being informed and making decisions based upon knowledge. Hence I still choose to use certain soy products - they won't kill me..... they are good and tasty. I just cannot take loads of the stuff - just a little miso here and a little tofu there :lick:.

Still green and happy!!! Woke up for the loo and some water at 0330hrs, couldn't go back to sleep. Got up at 0400 and been here since. Had 5 and a half hours sleep. Insomnia or raring to go? Can't wait for daylight so I can go out for a jog. Might need a nap this afternoon :ohwell:.
I know AtlantaJJ looks fabulous and no where near 50!:yep:

She sure does...:yep: (Go on, girl !!)

I'm officially on the C. train... (bought Jarrow Chlorella this evening) Yay, ME !!!:grin:

taking my first scoop in da morning...!! (probably a half scoop, as I like to start slow with anything new..)
Very true. it's all about being informed and making decisions based upon knowledge. Hence I still choose to use certain soy products - they won't kill me..... they are good and tasty. I just cannot take loads of the stuff - just a little miso here and a little tofu there :lick:.

Still green and happy!!! Woke up for the loo and some water at 0330hrs, couldn't go back to sleep. Got up at 0400 and been here since. Had 5 and a half hours sleep. Insomnia or raring to go? Can't wait for daylight so I can go out for a jog. Might need a nap this afternoon :ohwell:.

Wow. Jogging at daylight. You're on it. Glad chlorella's giving you that type of get up and go. I have to exercise much later in the day but I have noticed that chlorella gives me tons of energy! And I've noticed a jump in hair growth. Like a huge spurt. But alas I'm in braids again! Either way it's like hair growth, hair growth (all good of course), then LEAP in hair growth. Pretty cool. I'm interested in seeing where I'll be end of summer and I'll assess whether I want to keep it there and cut, or cut off some of the layers and catch them up before proceeding. Either way. I'm sure my hair will be in much better shape. I am DEFINITELY noticing an increase in thickness and my hair is already thick so I'm happy and sad at the same time. Happy because I like thick hair. Sad because I like minimal work on wash day. Oh well, the price we pay for beauty. And in the grand scheme of things it's not something to complain about that's for sure!
She sure does...:yep: (Go on, girl !!)

I'm officially on the C. train... (bought Jarrow Chlorella this evening) Yay, ME !!!:grin:

taking my first scoop in da morning...!! (probably a half scoop, as I like to start slow with anything new..)

Welcome to the Chlorella Party JFemme although I like the C. train too!
I want to cry! I was on my way to Vitamin Shoppe to stock up on more Chlorella and BOOM! I had a blow out on my pickup truck. :cry: All the used tire places are closed until Monday (I won't be here because I have to leave town this evening to deliver a load in Mississippi). I called a Tire Kingdom and they want to charge $250 for a new tire. :wallbash: I ended up calling roadside assistance and had to get towed back to my house.

I think the tow truck driver felt sorry for me so he took me to Vitamin Shoppe so I could get what I need since it was only about 3/4 mile from where I had the blow out.
i AM on my chlorella kick too!!!!! just started 3 days ago.....

can you guys help me with something? I have a plastic spoon (the normal sized ones, not the ones with a fat head) and I load the front half, put it in my bottle, then load the the front half again and put it in my bottle. Can you guys tell me how much you think that is?? please im desperate to know lol (I dont level it off, its a heap)

I dont know how to measure out 3 grams yet. How do you all do it?
I want to cry! I was on my way to Vitamin Shoppe to stock up on more Chlorella and BOOM! I had a blow out on my pickup truck. :cry: All the used tire places are closed until Monday (I won't be here because I have to leave town this evening to deliver a load in Mississippi). I called a Tire Kingdom and they want to charge $250 for a new tire. :wallbash: I ended up calling roadside assistance and had to get towed back to my house.

I think the tow truck driver felt sorry for me so he took me to Vitamin Shoppe so I could get what I need since it was only about 3/4 mile from where I had the blow out.

Now that's what I call quality roadside assistance.:yep: Sorry about the tire though.:ohwell:
i AM on my chlorella kick too!!!!! just started 3 days ago.....

can you guys help me with something? I have a plastic spoon (the normal sized ones, not the ones with a fat head) and I load the front half, put it in my bottle, then load the the front half again and put it in my bottle. Can you guys tell me how much you think that is?? please im desperate to know lol (I dont level it off, its a heap)

I dont know how to measure out 3 grams yet. How do you all do it?

I don't know what kind you have. Source naturals one teaspoon is three grams. And also if you put a heap you got a lot more than that as source naturals requires a regular teaspoon not a heap.
I know. I like that everyone here is really interested in helping their bodies and their hair. It's healthy inside and out that counts more to me. I think when we're at our optimal health everything else like hair and skin just falls into place (of course we should take care of these things to make sure it happens but it's a lot easier when the body is healthier)

You got it. I am working from the inside out. I have issues very similar to yours and these doctor's are going to drive me broke pretending like they are trying to figure it out.
Hey girls, mini update and Q... I got up to 12g and then some of my detox symptoms disappeared but others (constipation, sluggishness) hit me. I also fell off the eating well bandwagon a little, OK a lot. There seemed to be cake n choccy in my office e'ryday and, well, you know the rest. Anyway I decided to scale my dose back and creep up again as necessary. I still have noticeably clearer skin, even having eaten some foolishness this past week, yay!

For those ladies also taking spirulina, can you recommend a brand? I plan to incorporate this soon.
Wow. Jogging at daylight. You're on it. Glad chlorella's giving you that type of get up and go. I have to exercise much later in the day but I have noticed that chlorella gives me tons of energy! And I've noticed a jump in hair growth. Like a huge spurt. But alas I'm in braids again! Either way it's like hair growth, hair growth (all good of course), then LEAP in hair growth. Pretty cool. I'm interested in seeing where I'll be end of summer and I'll assess whether I want to keep it there and cut, or cut off some of the layers and catch them up before proceeding. Either way. I'm sure my hair will be in much better shape. I am DEFINITELY noticing an increase in thickness and my hair is already thick so I'm happy and sad at the same time. Happy because I like thick hair. Sad because I like minimal work on wash day. Oh well, the price we pay for beauty. And in the grand scheme of things it's not something to complain about that's for sure!
Congrats luckiestdestiny on the energy & on the hair growth/thickness! How long have you been taking it & how much do you take? Keep up the good work, I pray we all can join in your chlorella success!
Congrats luckiestdestiny on the energy & on the hair growth/thickness! How long have you been taking it & how much do you take? Keep up the good work, I pray we all can join in your chlorella success!
Hey Girl Talk!

I do have more energy. tons, but not tons in the way you may think as I was already HUGELY lacking in that area despite eating right because of health stuff. So the chlorella gave me way more energy than usual so I'm happy about that. However I'm still a little depleted but that's health stuff that takes time. As for the growth and thickness WOWZA! And I'm talking thick. It's like parting (I can't think of a metaphor but think of something HUGE)---when I have to divide it for cornrows. And I'm all natural so it's not "new growth" versus relaxer. It's just a heck of a lot thicker (and it was already thick so it's a crazy thickness party on my head)! I've been taking chlorella for a little over two months now. I started it the last week of Jan. I am at 12 grams but I alternate between 9 and 12. I don't know why don't ask me. Sometimes I take 3 scoops and sometimes four. It just depends on my mood. I'm pretty high up so I don't think that it matters if I cut down sometimes. HTH I also eat well at 80 percent veggies 20 percent meat roughly most being fish and some chicken. When I say veggies I'm also including fruits and wholegrains but you get the idea. HTH