HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 2011

Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

Overnight conditioning on dry hair using whole leaf aloe vera juice mixed with rice bran oil.

ETA: rinsed in shower next morning and washed with avj diluted in warm water. Co-washed with cheap moisturizing conditioner, detangled with shower comb and denman brush, acv rinse. Applied coconut oil and used denman to distribute oil through hair. I used a turbie twist to absorb excess water and made a soft full puff with damp hair.

Rice bran oil feels wonderful on the skin and hair :lick:
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Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

Ok so I got home and was tried so I just did the HOT with avocado and sunflower oils(HOT wash co-wash)

my hair hated it ... I think its the avocado oil, Im vaguely remembering that I had stopped using the avocado oil on my hair from when I was relaxed (use it in my whpped shea though ) this must be why as my actually felt dry after coming from under my heat cap.

so I just washed then added some Oyin homey hemp and sat with that in my hair under the steamcap for 30 mins then used some cocotree ghee to put in some chunky twists for bed.

hair feels OK today but I think I'll DC again on sat or sunday because my hair still doesnt feel normal.
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

I sat around with oils in my hair all day Wednesday and into Thursday. I had some JBCO and my ceramide mix. I had planned to do my hair Wed. night but didn't. I did it last night and I warmed up some JBCO and CoCasta, put it on for a while, and then did my normal routine. My head feels good.
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

Will do a final Oil Rinse with EVOO after my DC'er and before PC treatment.
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

I just braided my hair and rubbed some vatika frosting on.
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

Will do a final Oil Rinse with EVOO after my DC'er and before PC treatment.

Ended up not doing this:ohwell:

Ended up rubbing on a dab of Pure Argan Oil w/my L-I.

Moisturized & Sealed with JBCO and HV Cocasta Mix.:lick:
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

Doing a HOT right now with grapeseed oil. Still trying to decide if I will do an oil rinse or tea rinse instead. On Wednesday I steamed my HOT. I will continue to do this on Wednesdays. My hair was shiny and I feel like the oil really penetrated.
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

I used some Proclaim Argan Oil from Sallys to seal my hair last night. I like it, although the smell is a bit strong.
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

On Wednesday I steamed my HOT. I will continue to do this on Wednesdays. My hair was shiny and I feel like the oil really penetrated.

Gotta Try this!:lick: SOON.
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

I modified my HOT this week since I was henna-ing. I added a bit of HOT mix to henna. My hair came out less dry then when I use only powders. This will be a new part of my henna.

After applying my DC I "sealed" it in with my HOT mix. Hair came out soft and strong with a nice shine.

Now with my braids I moisturize then seal with HOT mix. Its not heavy at all for daily sealing despite having JBCO in it.
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

I decided to put my Castor Oil on the back burner and use some Sweet Almond Oil to seal my hair. This stuff is much lighter than the CO. It feels like my hair just drank it up--in a good way. I'm going to keep using it before I make a final verdict but so far so good.
Was in the supermarket and decided to get some grapeseed oil. Never used it before hope my hair likes it. I need a replacement for wheat germ oil. It takes forever for me to wash it out of my hair.
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

Was in the supermarket and decided to get some grapeseed oil. Never used it before hope my hair likes it. I need a replacement for wheat germ oil. It takes forever for me to wash it out of my hair.

I think you'll be really pleased with Grapeseed Oil:yep:

Please stop back in and give us a review.
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201


After applying my DC I "sealed" it in with my HOT mix. Hair came out soft and strong with a nice shine.

:yep: Vonnie, I do this more often than not. I love it. I've been using my ceramide oils, usually Safflower, and it works great.

I just unwrapped my hair and put some Emu oil on. :lick:
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

Figured out today that the way I did tea rinses on my transitioning hair I can't do on my natural hair. I will continue to do tea rinses. I just need to adjust my method. Doing the HOT and then the tea rinses which I add oils to is too much. It is always important to oil your hair prior to using ayurvedic powders so I was doing what I always did. My hair is really oily now. It doesn't look oily it looks great but when I put my hand in my hair I pull back alot of oil. My hair feels great too but just too much oil. So next time I will not pre oil my hair and I will put less oil in my tea rinse and see what happens.
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

Last night, after I rinsed out my DC'er, I applied xtra Virgin Olive Oil and rinsed with warm water and then locked everything down with PC.

I liked it.:grin:
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

I applied some evco to ky scalp, massaged, went under the dryer for 30 mins, co washed, dc, and now I'm air drying with some hh ltr with some oil to seal...putting my hair in a bun...I like evco on dry hair :yum:
I think you'll be really pleased with Grapeseed Oil:yep:

Please stop back in and give us a review.

Ok so grapeseed oil is!! I was really lazy yesterday and I ended up prepooing for like have the day and all night :look: don't judge me :lol:. When I woke up my hair felt kind of weird. But as I started wetting my hair in the shower so I could put the shampoo in my hair just felt really strong.

After I washed the shampoo out my hair just felt great. I usually do a light protein treatment every two weeks but my hair just didn't feel like it need one. So I decided to let my hair dry before a dcd just to make sure I wasn't tripping. My hair felt amazing and resilient. I never got these results with wheat germ oil. Plus it doesn't have a smell really nite does it leave my tub a yellow sticky mess after I rinse it out. This is definitely a keeper.
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

Ok so grapeseed oil is!! I was really lazy yesterday and I ended up prepooing for like have the day and all night :look: don't judge me :lol:. When I woke up my hair felt kind of weird. But as I started wetting my hair in the shower so I could put the shampoo in my hair just felt really strong.

After I washed the shampoo out my hair just felt great. I usually do a light protein treatment every two weeks but my hair just didn't feel like it need one. So I decided to let my hair dry before a dcd just to make sure I wasn't tripping. My hair felt amazing and resilient. I never got these results with wheat germ oil. Plus it doesn't have a smell really nite does it leave my tub a yellow sticky mess after I rinse it out. This is definitely a keeper.

IK You'd been Very, Very Pleased with Grapeseed Oil.:grin:

It's really nice & light. It packs a Punch.:yep:
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

Count me in :) I've been peeking in here :peek2: and I must say what y'all are doing sounds so good! I'm thinking of beefing up my oil pre-poos to HOTs; to really maximize the benefit. Also, after all the raves I really think I need to try me some grapeseed oil :yep: I'm am learning so much in here,this is a really great thread T :yep:
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

Count me in :) I've been peeking in here :peek2: and I must say what y'all are doing sounds so good! I'm thinking of beefing up my oil pre-poos to HOTs; to really maximize the benefit. Also, after all the raves I really think I need to try me some grapeseed oil :yep: I'm am learning so much in here,this is a really great thread T :yep:

Thanks & Welcome:kiss:

Come back and let us know what you'll be using and how you'll be using it!:yep:
I oiled my scalp and sealed with my ceremide oil mix ( hemp, wheat germ, grapeseed, and peppermint extract).

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Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

^^^ Thanks T :)

In my current oil stash I have

Hemp seed
Rice bran

At present I do pre-poos 2x a week and seal daily. I use any of thes oils seperately or I may mix them; depends on what my hair needs. I'm going to try a HOT this week with a heatcap, will report back :yep:
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

Tonight I did a hot with my MTG Sulu Max Gro. I warm the oil up and apply it to my scalp only.
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

sealed tonight with my growth hair is doing pretty great...
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

Tonight I did a hot with my MTG Sulu Max Gro. I warm the oil up and apply it to my scalp only.

That does sound good!

I've been using hemp and castor oil in my moisturizing spray (aloe juice and a bit of Giovanni Direct) and in my scalp mix (with sulfur). My hair is really starting to retain more moisture.

I think I will do a HOT tomorrow, either with Vatika or grapeseed oil.
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

I spent hours on both my DDs hair today. When I was done, all I had time/energy for myself was a quick cowash with cholesterol. Washed that out after lightly detangling. Then oil rinsed with sweet almond oil.
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

i just want to again thank you for strting this thread, IDareT!

just being in this reminds me to constantly do those oil rinses, when last year, i'd always forget even though i know how much good they do!

this accountability really helps!

all week, i've remarkably remembered to always do an evoo rinse when i'm in the shower and my hair is so much softer and less tangled for it!

hhj ladies!
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

btw, ladies, knowing how much we are loving working with our oils, i wanted to make sure we all took a look at this thread, too!

who's up for "washing their hair in oil" (right, no water!) and for cleansing their face with oil, too?
i'm game!