HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 2011

Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

Just applied JBCO mix to my entire scalp & straight JBCO on my edges/tie hair up with silk scarf..Thats It!

Happy Hair Growing!
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

I wore a bantu knot out today. Just moisturized my hair with spritz of rose water, infusium 23, Olde Jamaica black castor oil; finger combed into 6 sections; pineappled using scrunchies; sealed ends with hemp seed oil and twisted them. I looked in the mirror just now and I look like that Wayans brother on Don't Be A Menace to South Central ... :look:

oh well, slap on a bonnet and I am done in less than 15 minutes :yep:
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

I wore a bantu knot out today. Just moisturized my hair with spritz of rose water, infusium 23, Olde Jamaica black castor oil; finger combed into 6 sections; pineappled using scrunchies; sealed ends with hemp seed oil and twisted them. I looked in the mirror just now and I look like that Wayans brother on Don't Be A Menace to South Central ... :look:

oh well, slap on a bonnet and I am done in less than 15 minutes :yep:

Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

oiled my scalp with AP growth oil..
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

Stella B

Have you tried liquid lecithin from health food store? It is inexpensive and contains the lecithin (soybean source) that is found in egg yolk. HTH

I do use lecithin in my egg cocktail weekly, but I never thought to use it in mix that I can apply to my y'all got me thinking and wanting to test it out! I'll let you know if I do, thanks for the suggestion!:drunk:
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

I was ready to do my first oil rinse tonight. I realized I had sesame seed oil instead of safflower oil or whatever I thought I had. I don't know why I have sesame seed oil. So I blended it with olive oil, grape seed oil and jojoba oil. I shampooed with CD Sea Moss shampoo, deep conditioned with some blend of conditioners I was trying to get rid of, then applied the oil and rinsed it out with some pantene conditioner we had left over.

I didn't have any amazing results but that isn't surprising since I am using a lot of products that I just want to get rid of. My choice of oils could definitely be better but I'm going to use this up because I have no other purpose for it. I will do a twist out tomorrow and see how things turn out.

I have some EVOO. I will try that for the next shampoo to give myself a good comparison.
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

Thanks Ladies.....:grin:

Yeah, she said she was/is using 1 Raw Egg Yolk Mixed in Warm Oil, allow to sit and then shampoo/condition out. I may give it a try too in the future (since I wanna use up some of these oils:ohwell:)

T, this is good recipe, and you can use the egg whites for the face as mask. I'll add this to the recipe file.

Seal with castor oil last night.
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

Rubbed on some Hydratherma Naturals Hair Oil. Really nice.:lick:

Just a nice scalp massage w/oil.:yep:
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

I did aloe/wgo HOT today before my shampoo. Use ceramides oils to seal.
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

bout to use my olive miracle growth oil in my dc (oiled my scalp last night)...
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

I'm in! I'll be using Vatika frosting (coconut oil), Organic extra virgin olive oil and Vatika Oil
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

scalp massage with warm mustard oil and co-wash
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

I used some OHHB as an oil rinse today after my DC.
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

Oiled scalp with hemp oil/sulfur mix. Still sealing with hemp oil after moisturizing. :yep:
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

I did a HOT with a mix of amla, avocado, and grapeseed oil. I am about to wash and DC.
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

sealed after DCing with my growth oil...
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

I used up some Sunflower Oil in my DC tonight.
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

I just sealed with my Safflower oil today. I'll do a nice prepoo with my Ceramide oil mix on Wednesday.
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

You're Not Late! Welcome Girl. :yep:

It's Open Ended. You can Join anytime.:look:

Glad you're here. Nice Post!

Thanks for Posting your oils.:lick:

Hmp.:rolleyes: I might hafta' try the Hot Oil Steam Treatment......:look:

Yeah, girl, that steam treatment on dry, unwashed hair is my all-time favorite type of prepoo. Then I go on and do my regualr wash/DC routine. It helps with my tight coils and tangles. Now, all I need is a steamer because it'll help me remain consistent. Its tiresome doing the towel steam routine, which causes me to fall off and only do them in dire need.
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

Question that I hope isn't stupid. Are hot oil treatments only effective on clean hair? If not then if def join this challenge but I know I would be doing them on week old hair.

Someone probably already answered but here goes.

Even though I mainly use oils on unwashed hair, I also use a steam HOT a week after doing a reconstructor treatment. For that particular week, I shampoo and then do the HOT, and then style. Sometimes, I'll follow it with a DC, but it depends on what the hair feels like. For the most part though, I use oil on dry, unwashed hair.
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

Under my Mastex Hemp Cap with Soybean Oil. Thought I'd finish this one up today, but may have 1 more HOT or Oil Rinse left in the bottle.
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

Pre poo my scalp of bang w mystic raw pepper/rum oil Dc/sealed with kbb hair oil..

Oiled the rest of my scalp/JBCO mix...

Happy Hair Growing!
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Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

KBB hair oil (ingredients)-
~~~~~~~~Jojoba,Avocado,Rose hip,Black seed,Carrot seed,Vit e & Essential oils..

Happy Hair Growing!
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

As if I'm not in enough challenges already...okay...sign me up for this one too. :lachen:

I'm down for Sealing, Scalp Oiling, mixing some wit DC's and HOTs.

My Oils:
Castor Oil (16 oz)
Coconut Oil (16 oz)
Sweet Almond Oil (16 oz)
Rosemary EO (which I add to pretty much everything)
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

Under my steamer with coconut oil and Shea Moisture Organic African Black Soap Balancing Conditioner...and a copy of Black Enterprise.
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

Oil scalp with hibiscus infused coconut/almond oil mixed with few drops of mustard oil. Moisturize and seal bantu knots with kimmaytube leave-in.
Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

:cold: :cold: :cold:

Hey Ladies....I'm looking for some of you Lovely Ladies to Sign Up for the HOTs (Hot Oil Treatment), Oil Rinsing and Scalp Oiling Challenge Feb/April.

I have alot of Oils I am attempting to use up and basically started to incorporate Hot Oil Treatments into my Weekly Regimen.

I've also talked to several ladies that would also like to use up some of their Miscellaneous Oils through either Hot Oil Treatments, Oil Rinses or just Oiling their Scalp to Combat Cold & Dry Weather.

All you have to do is Respond to this Post that you're interested. Post what Oil(s) you'll be using and also what Method OR Variety of Methods you will incorporate. Also, how many times a week.

If you find any beneficial Articles about Hot Oil Treatments, Oil Rinses or Scalp Oiling, You can post it here too. As well as any Recipes for great HOT Sessions.

Okay....Who's going to Join Me? I have a couple Articles on HOTs I will come back and Post in this Thread.

I'll be doing HOTs = Hot Oil Treatments under my Mastex Heat Cap Weekly

Olive *when I get some*
Kukui Nut
Wheat Germ
Burdock Root w/Ceramides

Oiling & Sealing
Rosemary *when I get some*
Speciality Ceramide Mixture

Let's Use Up Some of those Oils just sitting around and Oil our way to Shinier, Healthy Hair.

Just Respond to this Post and tell us What You'll Be Doing & How Often and then Check in from time to time to Stay Motivated

I want to join this challenge! I am starting to use oils this year for my scalp as well.

Daily - Coconut Oil to seal ends

Weekly - Jojoba Oil for hot oil treament

Re: HOTs, Oil Rinses, Scalp Oiling, End Sealing Challenge Feb 1, 2011 - April 30, 201

Oil scalp with hibiscus infused coconut/almond oil mixed with few drops of mustard oil. Moisturize and seal bantu knots with kimmaytube leave-in.

How is the mustard oil working for you?

Happy Hair Growing!